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Topic: AT & T Outsourcing Jobs
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Sat 04/05/08 08:34 PM

Because of no diploma? Sounds like a bunch of BS just to answer a phone!I've called At&T customer service as well, and it is almost always a foreigner handling the call. Not only that, I get sales calls from my credit card companies wanting to sell me something else, and those folks barely speak English, but it sounds like they are reading from a script. You need a high school diploma for THAT? Puh-leeze...........

I've worked as a telemarketer aswell and ofcourse theres a script . There are certain things that legally you must make the customer aware of .

So puh-leeze yes you need a high school diploma theres more to this stuff than you people think .

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 04/05/08 08:47 PM

Because of no diploma? Sounds like a bunch of BS just to answer a phone!I've called At&T customer service as well, and it is almost always a foreigner handling the call. Not only that, I get sales calls from my credit card companies wanting to sell me something else, and those folks barely speak English, but it sounds like they are reading from a script. You need a high school diploma for THAT? Puh-leeze...........

I've worked as a telemarketer aswell and ofcourse theres a script . There are certain things that legally you must make the customer aware of .

So puh-leeze yes you need a high school diploma theres more to this stuff than you people think .

I totally agree with you brandy

Drew07_2's photo
Sat 04/05/08 08:54 PM
Well we seem to be selective in our indignation as it applies to outsourcing. Every one of us is using a computer to communicate here and most of those computers are assembled overseas. But as we concede, in the same breath, that AT&Ts outsourcing is somehow more deserving of our vitriolic outrage.

But that isn't even the point. Americans (myself very much included) are rather predictable in our thinking when it comes to what we buy. What if tomorrow morning every product at your local Wal*Mart was priced to the American made standard? Prices would be much higher as the companies that sold goods to Wal*Mart would have to sell their product at a higher prices. American made goods in mass would be made by Union shops and so Wal*Mart would in turn pass the prices off to the end user.

How many of us would move from Wal*Mart on to the next store especially if that store used overseas manufacturing resulting in a significant cost savings? Most of us. I do virtually no shopping at Wal*Mart but that has more to do with not being able to stand the crowds (and the moronic things that Wal Mart crowds tend to do) than it does a geo-political ethic.

I guess in the end I'm just wondering where the line really should be drawn?


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Mon 04/07/08 04:51 AM
ok, the point is there are not enough people in this country to fill those jobs? plenty of high school grads to go around for these companies. Local job fair? it just boils down to paying someone 60% less. I would love to have an american CSR, answer my call. Just wondering if any hispanics have the same problem understanding these folks.

I go to walmart, buy my prescription, dog food. The days of the unions are over. They are all but dead in manufacturing in this country. My neighbor, works for a lighting company here in NJ, union, 18 years, $12.36 an hour. That stinks. She has a diplomma.

I'm not fighting or bashing. Drew brings up a valid point, where should the line be drawn? Have we as Americans outpriced ourselves? German workers pays are far higher, benefits greater, less time worked and they are still make profits. I'm just using one country as example.

Maybe, I'm just a bumpkin. Anything you like to add to enlighten me would be awesome without the use of personally taking me apart.

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