Topic: AT & T Outsourcing Jobs
yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/03/08 11:53 AM
I would assume that there is more to a job at AT & T then just answering phones.

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:02 PM

I would assume that there is more to a job at AT & T then just answering phones.

This is for the customer service position

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:04 PM
Being a CSR is not hard, you have to be polite and be able to read a computer screen. Handle unruly customers that have been on hold for 30 minutes. Not hard

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:05 PM

I would assume that there is more to a job at AT & T then just answering phones.

This is for the customer service position

i know from working in customer service before that there is mor eto it than just that. employers have the right to not hire someone without a GED or diploma. if someone wants a better job, then they need to get one. just as if i wanted a better job...i could go back to college and get a degree. there are requirements (whether the requirements are low or high) to get a diploma or GED. Unless you cheated of course, then you are only cheating yourself. why is it wrong fo a company to want to hire someone with at least those requirements?

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:11 PM
Yellowrose you miss the point all to together. We have plenty of qualified workers in this country, why should we go to India for our consumer needs

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:13 PM

Yellowrose you miss the point all to together. We have plenty of qualified workers in this country, why should we go to India for our consumer needs

This was due to the lack of unqualified people in the US without high school diplomas

that is what you it not?? maybe the company feels that there aren't qualified people based on that. do you have a link to the article?

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:13 PM
Maybe being an Insurance agent didn't seem hard to me. I thought it was a piece of cake

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:14 PM

Yellowrose you miss the point all to together. We have plenty of qualified workers in this country, why should we go to India for our consumer needs

This was due to the lack of unqualified people in the US without high school diplomas

that is what you it not?? maybe the company feels that there aren't qualified people based on that. do you have a link to the article?

I shall looked it up on CNN

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:20 PM
bunny...i do respect what you say but i do understand the other side

i asked about a link because that helps to support the post so people can check it out themselves and to back the poster flowerforyou

but i do ty for putting your topic in your own me it's easier to read

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:21 PM
Edited by bunnykins on Thu 04/03/08 12:21 PM

sorry yellowrose

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:23 PM
this what I found online, but I orginally heard AT & T while watching Lou Dobbs live, thought it be good for spirited debate

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:24 PM
oh i is a good topic. just wanted to give you a heads up to support it with a link to a source so someone can't say you made it up or changed it etc

plus people can view it for themselves. flowerforyou

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:28 PM

oh i is a good topic. just wanted to give you a heads up to support it with a link to a source so someone can't say you made it up or changed it etc

plus people can view it for themselves. flowerforyou

Ahhh, yellowrose is wise and good, thank youflowerforyou

yellowrose10's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:31 PM

oh i is a good topic. just wanted to give you a heads up to support it with a link to a source so someone can't say you made it up or changed it etc

plus people can view it for themselves. flowerforyou

Ahhh, yellowrose is wise and good, thank youflowerforyou

can i quote you on that if i use the link??? laugh

JUST be prepared for with any topic :wink:

azrae1l's photo
Thu 04/03/08 12:45 PM

wanting to protect american jobs is fine, i'm all for keeping jobs in america. i'm all for bettering of americans, but i also don't have a problem bettering myself to stay above the average curve either. wanting to keep jobs in america doesn't mean giving jobs to people who are not qualified to do them simple cuz their american. now you wanna take this one step further i would also be all for limiting immigration, deportation and using more government funds to educate people here so their more capable of doing better jobs and won't have to flip burgers. half the problem here is also americans being lazy and not bettering themselves.

so tell me why i would want to hire somebody who has no desire to get the education to do the job over somebody that moved here, got the education and is already doing the job?

Good afternoon, thank you for calling AT&T, this is Jane Doe, operator 1234, How may help you today?

This takes a high school education? I truly think its about the money & benefits . Everything seems to boil down to benefits.

i'm not talking about answering phone, i was speaking in general. and i already agreed they shouldn't be outsourcing jobs over seas. but in my line of work and the businesses i own it does require a little more then a high school education. i have been known to hire bums off the street rather then go looking if i thought they could do the jobs. i would never hire and illegal no matter how qualified they are simply cuz they have no rights to work here if they come over illegally. but other then that i will hire whoever is the most qualified and who ever is going to show up everyday no matter what country they come from or if their native born or not. if americans want to keep american jobs i think the least they could do is at least go to school for the jobs that require it, i don't think thats too much to ask....

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 01:06 PM
I know where everyones coming from. There are a lot of young high school grads that would be perfect with proper training from the company to acheive this. However, our current administration, plus congress, has made quite the mess of things. So, here's my proposal, it stops now.Companies who have sent jobs overseas that americans could have fulfilled should be levied a tax. Not a small one, but the one that really hurts. No grandfathering either, no boohooing, the company can't make it, come bails us out BS. Of course, this would be so nice in my own little world.

no photo
Thu 04/03/08 01:13 PM
Edited by bunnykins on Thu 04/03/08 01:15 PM

oh i is a good topic. just wanted to give you a heads up to support it with a link to a source so someone can't say you made it up or changed it etc

plus people can view it for themselves. flowerforyou

Ahhh, yellowrose is wise and good, thank youflowerforyou

can i quote you on that if i use the link??? laugh

JUST be prepared for with any topic :wink:

I can handle it, I sold and handled personal lines in New Jersey during the MTF, JUA era

Just to be clear, Lou Dobbs said, I believe it was 3 days ago that AT&T chairman said they won't hire americans because lack of high school diplomas. Now, I'm trying to find this quote on line. I'm prepared for the abuse, bring it on!

texasrose9's photo
Sat 04/05/08 08:20 PM
Because of no diploma? Sounds like a bunch of BS just to answer a phone!I've called At&T customer service as well, and it is almost always a foreigner handling the call. Not only that, I get sales calls from my credit card companies wanting to sell me something else, and those folks barely speak English, but it sounds like they are reading from a script. You need a high school diploma for THAT? Puh-leeze...........

no photo
Sat 04/05/08 08:30 PM
I did not read through all of the responses but I wanted to say that I worked for a company that handled at&t's customer service and help desk calls . Just before I left all home networking and home user support was sent to a call/chat center in India . Only business tech support was handled in the USA . It is not really AT&T that sends the jobs to India or other countries it is the company they have outsourced to do the job for them .
There are also call centers in South America , Canada & Mexico that take these calls .

You must have a high school diploma to work in the call centers in the USA or atleast say that you do . They don't run background checks or require drug testing .

Another thing during the transition both USA and overseas call centers took calls and chats . Overseas customer service scores (from customer surveys as well as monitors) were on average 20% higher than the US call centers .

no photo
Sat 04/05/08 08:32 PM
Oh and yes there is ALOT more to working in these call centers than just answering phones .

The turn over in these places is outrageous . The pay is good but the STRESS is really high .