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Topic: What happened to good men 35-55?
sbell's photo
Sun 05/03/09 08:19 AM
they are all married

Mooeyman's photo
Sun 05/03/09 10:23 AM
I thought they say "Men are like a bottle of good wine...we mature with age"...problem is i cant remember who THEY are laugh laugh

Treasa's photo
Wed 05/06/09 09:30 PM
I too am looking for a good man to share my life with. Like most of you said, they're just not around me.frown Would like to talk to people who might be interested in meeting and getting to know a GODly woman. I'll keep looking unless you find me firstflowerforyou

misticoool's photo
Wed 05/06/09 10:47 PM
hay u know what, good men are not hard to find. just that most women are too picky and in most cases ends up picking the wrong guy.then they'll turns around and say, there is no good man left. i think most women are bread the wrong ways. they watched too much fairy tale movies, u know still looking for prince charming.

u know the movie Treck had a good story line to it. the cute hansom fellas r never usually the best pics, no offense here charmings, but its the truth. c take me 4 instant, i'm just an average guy who's running a joint rite. i don't go around telling folks what i do, c am on a low profile, but guest what, the guy who works 4 me he's getting all the attentions from the ladies, yeah he plays them up alright. yep he's got the looks, the height and the blings blings. and they often mistake him 4 the boss. yep some time they jus walk by me on go strait to him, jus take it with a smile. especially after he refer them back to me r when they discover who's it later.

c i dont have a problem with me, once may be but not any more, c i'v com to realized that the the most creative, loyal and caring persons are those which aren't in the lime lite (the movie star character) and if u check the history, they r the ones working from behind the scenes.

as they say, some will get it in the face, others in the waist and some even in the brains, and 4 those of us like me 4 instant, becuase we'v born on the loosing side and we can't afford to be loosing any more, we make up for our short falls in attitudes and more

c ladies am not talking with envy here, all am saying r u sure of what is it u want, do u know what u really want. c i use to go around wanting to look like that other guy looks -the movie star character- but then i realized some thing, a mean we all do it, girls did it and boys did it as well. many of the cute folks have a few things in command, lacking in their morale duties. and if its not so then why r there so many divorces and single parents. r why r u crying out for jerks - well i tell u one thing good men do exist, but we r like diamond in the ruff, r gold in its pure form, c u never know its gold until u polished it, but u have 2 know what it is u r looking 4 and how to find it. it could be staring u in the face.

RhonLynn's photo
Fri 05/08/09 10:02 PM
Hello everyone :smile: Im new to the site :banana: Doin the newbie dance.....lol Trying to figure everything out still.

Treasa's photo
Sat 05/09/09 05:32 PM

Good men????? That is the question? Or is the question ladies? That no one really knows what they want or are willing to settle for a little less in one aspect or another. We all think we know what we want but when it presents it's self we shy away. I know I'm quilty. No body wants to settle for less than we feel we deserve. Hey we all have those rights. But don't let the good ones sail bye.

As far as my age group, which is old, I do not feel old (above 40). But it is what it is. Most or all of us have been divorce. Woman I hate to break it to you. The really good guys, are gun shy because they have been through the ringer in a divorce. An most good men get the shaft in that department. Now the bad men who do not see their kids and pay their support. An no offense are just losers. Well ladies you picked those men. An us good men picked the wrong woman.

In this day and age it is extremely hard to stay together. Hell everything is against you. The chances of a couple staying married is not good. I hope I find someone. I want to be with someone. But like I said I will not settle for less than I feel I deserve. I did that once it did not work. I did get a beautiful daughter out of it. She adores me and I adore her. But she will be grown and gone. I really do not wish to be alone when that time comes. I wish everyone on here the best wishes in finding that someone special. flowerforyou

How do you feel about widows?

ThomasJB's photo
Sun 05/10/09 08:33 AM
I agree with misticoool. Women are just not looking in the right direction. Men and women are similar in that they both look for eye candy the difference is that men don't fool themselves into believing that eye candy alone will make for a good relationship.

Sir_Galahad's photo
Mon 05/11/09 01:54 PM

Whatever happened to good women?

They don't exist.

Kuuleinani's photo
Mon 05/11/09 05:00 PM
They are hooked up with women that use and abuse them....or they are gay...LOLrofl rofl rofl

no photo
Mon 05/11/09 05:04 PM

They are hooked up with women that use and abuse them....or they are gay...LOLrofl rofl rofl

not gay/hooked upbigsmile

no photo
Mon 05/11/09 07:38 PM
How about this?
We are around, just not out in full force...
Just like you, some of us have been jaded or tainted and realize that to put ourselves out there, might come across as an act of desperation or worse yet, leave ourselves open to what we are afraid of.
I'm not saying we have the opinion that women are bad or evil, it's just that we have sort of sheltered ourselves a bit, made our shell a little tougher. While you women may understand how it is for a woman to be used by a man, it may be a little different for a man. We start out having to fight our way in society to prove ourselves, we fight our way up in a company, we fight to get the woman we want and then, we become softened by that woman and a lot of what we were used to subsides. We lose the will to fight to a small degree. Ladies, this is no secret, you are our kryptonite. So we relax and let our guard down a bit, maybe a lot, then, WHAM. Now realize, these are the men that are single, ok? We have to adjust back to a semi fight to regain the edge we had but, we are older and not quite hormone charged bulls we used to be at this age, ok? What we toughen up is the exterior that unfortunately, protects us from you...
You have the ability to pierce the shell, if you really want that. It only takes sincerety. I don't know of any man that says he didn't grow stronger with the love of a good woman. Building us up is NOT necessary as we will most likely see it as insincerety and only a ploy. What we desire is acceptance as who and what we are here and now. If you appreciate us for that, we gain self assurance and become more of what we once were...
We do not shy from a pleasant smile... give it a try...

misticoool's photo
Tue 05/12/09 01:11 AM
motersday tragedy

a friend once told me that in order for us to earned a place in haven, we must "n" hasty 2 judge others but always greet them with a friendly smile and kind words and just may be u could be saving a live, well in my case i missed both opportunity and lost a friend.

c i'v lost a good friend on what was supposed to be a special day - mothers day -, who committed suicide. and whats even more worse. she died with her phone in one hand. crying out 4 help. but no body listened until it was 2 late. my only regrets though are that i wasn't there 2 help her from falling through the cracks. at least her kids would still have a mom and i probably a friend in deed. words cannot expressed my deepest pain - a missed opportunity 2 saved a friend and some one very special.

screwed by a jerk

c my day started about 9 am at work, no sooner i had open shop a fellow walked in asking me to take, upload and download some pictures 4 him. well after i uploaded his pics and downloaded his going to be girl/wife pics, man i couldn't help myself from overlooking and commenting on her sculpture......"man i know Jesus was a fine carpenter but gee, never knew he had a Phd in sculpting".. the guy laughed while his face glow in expressions of triumphs and anxiety ......mmmmmmm...i thought 2 myself.....pure....beauty, but would she b a fine family maker, does she cook as well, would she be a fine home maker, would she only have eyes 4 me.......not necessarily a maid, but a life long partner. sharing in everything family wised. c these r the things we should be looking 4 most out of a relationship and not be blinded just by outer beauty.

well the phone wrong and a sobbing voice at the other end (my ex)... why didn't answer u'r messages, i left countless miss calls yesterday, trying to let u know that Jane (not her real name) had hang herself,.......what u saying?........yep she did.....every....one is crying.......hoooow cooooom? well she had been screwed over by this creep and she took it to heart and hang herself.....where were the kids? rite there bawling and screaming b 4 the their real father came and got them. man 4 the rest of the day i could't get any work done.

c my ex and i have been separate now 4 several years but we still remained good friends, whenever she wants to run herons r go to the doctors, she'd ask me to give her a lift, and this particular day she'd ask me to take her to the doctor and if she could bring along a friend. i agreed and so we met. i had known her friend be 4 but never knew she was under so much stress. infact on this day she was, but we never, r-r-r-r i never notice, and knowing my ex and me we always foss ( well my ex always try 2 pulls my strings)and we fought and fight Jokingly all the way to and back across town.

that's been about 3 months now and i never knew that this woman was in so much distress. my ex knew, but she's just now telling me. and 2 make matters worse, she's just now telling me that her friend Jane told her how much she enjoyed the trip and begged her 2 take her along next time, but it never happened.

and now u c why its killing me.....i was this close from saving her...her life. c it's not the first time i' had to counsel people from out of stress, c i was also the one who counsel my ex-girl friend out of not shooting me r herself when we broke up. now we have more appreciation 4 each a lot more than when we were together. c my ex carries a license fire arms when she's ready and ave been quite fortunate not to be on the opposite site when she's armed. lucky me.

hi thanks guys for listening, and reading this mess. but if i'd been a keen listener my friend and mother of two would have still been here. hope i didn't bore u too much. i had to get it off some how. it's wee hours in the morning and i cant sleep. imagine i missed saving her this "" close. hey thanks guys

to all the folks out there, the best people are not the blingers and are often time over looked.

c a good sales man is not always a good sales pitcher, limited to the scope and depth of his product he will sell u only whats inside the product. where as a trained sales man has enough time to practice and will sell u what u perceived of the product.

no photo
Tue 05/12/09 01:28 AM

They are hooked up with women that use and abuse them....or they are gay...LOLrofl rofl rofl

nope def not gay, i can't find them! :tongue:

misticoool's photo
Tue 05/12/09 02:01 AM
by the way what standard r we talking about?
i dont think we should be lowering it, if there is one.but at the same time are we setting our bars too high that we over looked the real thing.
and more over, do u want to go around frying every man in the same fat of that of the jerk,

by the way who let the jerks in. u girls give thim all the brakes
and some times to we have to take some of the blames 4 what we had, what we loose and why we loose it.

c if some one picks up a jerk- male r female and ends up getting burned they shouldn't be blaming the jerks , 0r good folks. they should be taking some of the blame too 4 picking up the junk in the first place, and go out and mingle with goood people.

i believed that every man and woman should be judged on his r her accord.... c gold and diamonds r never attractive at first glance but are after a good polished.

c u first start out by interviewing people, then being a friend
listen to each others views and . soon u'll discover alot of things over time, then u can decide if u want to go any further
as YouAndImake1 said . while we still love and enjoy sex. we are not driven by it. what motivates us is a 50/50 partnership and knowing that some one will b there 4 u when u come home from the economic stress and war of work. and just being there in good and bad times

c every soldier needs somewhere to retreat to and a the smat ones know its somewhere safe.

no photo
Fri 05/15/09 08:30 PM

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 05/15/09 09:44 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Fri 05/15/09 09:45 PM
What happened to good men 35-55?

We're all holding back to teach a lesson to the women, we don't only exist for financial purposes.

It's a boycott.

19jack69's photo
Sat 05/16/09 10:33 PM
I used to be one of the good ones. That's why I am hiding behind a picture now. To me a good one is to be monogomous. That I was and I got sick of trying so much with one and breaking up. I don't want the rest of my life to be spent on years I can't get back anymore. So, I'm dating now and having a great time!
Heck I met a girl not too long ago and she and I were to have a night out and we hit it off great. Then the next day she stops talking. She got involved with someone and wants to see if it works out. She said she was a one man woman. Hey , I say if the right one comes along and your involved why complain later when your single again and their gone?

coltsfan61's photo
Wed 05/20/09 06:50 PM
Well this is my personal experiance too many women are looking at the $$$$ without getting to know the guy, i'm a really nice guy ugly but nice, all to often i'm judged on income before anything else "Oh this guy doesn't make 50K ok i'm outta here" people say that it shouldn't matter, well in an ideal world it shouldn't but i live in the real world. one reason i never hold my breath on these sites.frustrated

Sqwelch's photo
Thu 05/21/09 07:43 AM
Yeah to the roaming orator, you hit the nail on the head, women that have loved and lost seem to be able to move on better than a guy that has truly loved and been s--t on

TBRich's photo
Thu 05/21/09 11:07 AM
The "good" women 18-24 wore them all out.

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