Topic: Cheating
duckman2921's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:27 PM
ever not cheat is what i meant, never have never will....

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:29 PM
Cheating is an excuse, an easy way out of conflict...Obviously if you
are cheating, then you are lacking something in your current
relationship, and if you're going to go out searching for that which you
are missing, then you need to end the relationship first...not taking
the initiative to either fix the relationship or end it is being a
coward...I have no respect for people that cheat, and I never have nor
ever will cheat on a significant other...

iceprincess's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:42 PM
andale honey some things you are really good about others only life will
teach you. Not all people cheat because of a lack in the realtionship
some do it for the thrill others because the can and thats all that
matters you rsmart darling but books don't teach you everything some
things you just live.

unsure's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:44 PM
Why not just walk away from the relationship? Theres really no excuse to
cheat...just because you can? HMMM I say that it takes a bigger person
to look at the relationship they have and tell thier mate that they are
not happy.
I myself would rather have my mate say that he has met someone he is
interested in then have half the town come up to me and say--Oh BTW I
seen your other half with blah blah blah...thats a big blow to you!

andalearriba's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:44 PM
Cheated on twice...both times were complicated beyond searching for
something else, you are right, iceprincess...I was just generalizing...

iceprincess's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:47 PM
i asked my ex the same thing and why should he walk away he loved his
life it was perfect for him the wife the kids the house the dog and the
tail on the side. why give that up if you don't have to. can you blame
him why give up the farm for just one cow. lot of guys and women look at
it that way they like their life and their relationship they are quite
content the just want to change it up everyso often.

unsure's photo
Fri 12/15/06 06:53 PM
Thats very true ice...but its sad when someone falls in love with your
hubby and calls you and says hey guess what I just did. Thats what
happened to me. Oh my husband loved his life also, but why should anyone
be expected to live that way? I looked like the idiot because I thought
my life was pretty close to perfect---whoopsie!!! He just forgot to tell
me that he was having fun on the side :)

stan4eVeR's photo
Fri 12/15/06 07:26 PM
i must say yes i have not proud of it i was young and stupid,we had been
married for about 4 years and she was constantly accusing me of
screwing around on her but i wasn't never had a desire to, but she kept
on accusing me and i told her that if i ever wanted to screw some one
else i would do it in front of her not behind her back! so one day she
caught me in a bad mood we were at a gas station and i pumped the gas
was headed in to pay for it and a lady asked me for directions, i told
her how to get to where she wanted to go and thats it but when i got
back in the car all i heard the rest of the way home was is that your
girl friend , are u f@$^ing her,blah blah blah, i was fed up so i
called a girl who had been flirting with me at work and told her if
she meant what she always said to come over to my house and i told her
what i was going to do so she did and i screwed her on the couch right
in front of my wife and told her thats what i would do if i ever wanted
another woman. my wife shot me in the leg twice lol and i felt like shit
because of it but i proved my point to her.. like i said i was young and
stupid. but i've never cheated on anyone since nor will i hated myself
for a long time for that. and u all probably think i'm a low life
basterd but i'm just being honest!

unsure's photo
Fri 12/15/06 07:28 PM
wow you are lucky she didn't shoot you somewhere else! I am really
shocked that the other lady would actually come over to your house and
sleep with you in front of your wife---it just goes to show that there
are sluts out there...sorry

stan4eVeR's photo
Fri 12/15/06 07:38 PM
nothing for u to be sorry for and in the leg was high up on the inner
thigh i think she was aiming for something else and yes the girl was a
real slut very attractive but a real slut! she hit on several married
guys where i worked never the single guys always the married ones she
was a real head case

unsure's photo
Fri 12/15/06 07:43 PM
Maybe she was one of those women that didn't date single guys because
she didn't want commitments? I know some women like that, they like
dating only married men--those are the women that really need thier
butts kicked. I think we call them, homewreckers!!
Well, like you said that was in your younger years, when we are younger,
we do a lot of things that we regret. I am sure that if you find someone
now...things would be totally different. Hell, now that lady would
probably kill be careful :)

Sluggo's photo
Fri 12/15/06 07:49 PM
I scanned the first Post, will read more later:

But NO! I have NEVER cheated!

stan4eVeR's photo
Fri 12/15/06 08:17 PM
yes unsure i was very young and i never had b4 or would again didnt
believe in it then it was just out of hurt at her always accussing me
and anger. and the fact that i always mean what i say when i 'm being
serious i'm still that way as far as what i say i'll do i'll do part of
my hang up with personal integrity! i'm just more careful about what i
say i'll do now lol!

iceprincess's photo
Fri 12/15/06 08:20 PM
i thought i was bad cause i went to lunch with my ex's fling and we
compared notes and we're sitting in the living room when he got home
from work with the baby playing on the floor. he was to sat the least
shocked. but screwing in front of them damn thats harsh, funny as hell
though in a sadisitic sort of way

BillRoot's photo
Fri 12/15/06 08:27 PM
no,never! instinct or natural to be attracted to some others.not acting
on is being a mature said she did it cause she could.never
will be good for a committed relationship,aslong as she keeps that line
of thinking.will always be opportunities.

Gryphyn's photo
Fri 12/15/06 08:37 PM
yes, several times and for those who try to judge before they know from
experience are just guessing. I could make all the excuses in the world
for doing it and they would all be lies. I can tell you I felt like shit
afterwards and I never got caught. I can tell you alcohol and drugs were
a major factor in the bad decisions. I can tell you I was faithful for
the last 13 years of my marriage and had no desire to cheat after the
drugs and alcohol disappeared from my life.

Was I missing something? I have no idea, I can tell you it wasn't for
the sex. Did I ever tell her? No, why would I hurt anyone with something
like that. That would be just plain mean and nasty to try and relieve
yourself of the guilt at the expense of anothers feelings. Accept the
responsibilty for your actions and live with them. I did and still do.
The woman in my life might ask me this question and this would be my

Would I cheat again? Nope, there is more in my life today than ever
before its not worth it. To be honest with you having sex with a
stranger is over-rated. I have had far better with the ones I have
feelings for, being able to share your soul in love is far more
exhilarating and satisfying.

unsure's photo
Fri 12/15/06 08:37 PM
Wow Ice..I bet he just about crapped his pants...would have loved to see
that one! I think that would have been hard to do for me...I could have
not been in the same room with the other woman--but actually she is not
the one who broke up our marriage, he was!
I think being single is good in a lot of ways. I guess I haven't met the
one that I really want to settle down with yet. I can't see myself being
with anyone for the next 50 years..but theres a lot going on in my life
right now, so I need to get over those hurdles also. Thats why I just
don't even date right now...but even if I did date...cheating is never
an option!!

Bammer464's photo
Sat 12/16/06 05:23 PM
sage..I personally know 1st hand what it feels like to be cheated on.
Its pretty F--ked up. I would never make anyone feel what iut feels like
to have it happen to them. I dont have anytime for anyone that would
treat the one person who they are supposed to care about like that.

Sluggo's photo
Sun 12/17/06 12:55 AM
I always love the "Married" woman that's still in her relationship (that
she knows is over and doomed) so she justifies it in her mind as She's
dating to find the next Husband. Or the newly Seperated Woman that
explains that her and her Husband are Temp. Seperated just to get some
space before deciding what they're going to do (so essentially she wants
to F**k and get to know you to see if it's worth cutting the marriage
the rest of the way)

bloodycesar's photo
Sun 12/17/06 01:01 AM
Better cheat then to be cheated!
So why take chances?
Its like life assurance buy it before you die!
Get it?