Topic: ok this is weird....
Silntstrnger's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:21 AM

Well honestly, if this happened with my gf I would be mad. All she would have had to do is to stop talking to him. All people are different, but it would upset me
he isnt her boyfriend because they never met and she owes him nothing.

tynille's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:23 AM
ok... so... this has been totally the opposite of helpful... its like... i had wanted to try this because people seemed geniune and actually kind and helpful and yet wow... loving the judgement! so thanks... but no thanks..

its strange.. its crazy... and yet... its my life...

ThatKurtGuy's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:24 AM

Well honestly, if this happened with my gf I would be mad. All she would have had to do is to stop talking to him. All people are different, but it would upset me
he isnt her boyfriend because they never met and she owes him nothing.

Everyone has their own views of relationships. If she considers them bf and gf, then that's what they are. Maybe you don't define it the same way, but it's the same.

southern_bee's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:25 AM
so let me make sure i got this right your going to uproot your life to move in with a guy you have never met?noway

ThatKurtGuy's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:25 AM

ok... so... this has been totally the opposite of helpful... its like... i had wanted to try this because people seemed geniune and actually kind and helpful and yet wow... loving the judgement! so thanks... but no thanks..

its strange.. its crazy... and yet... its my life...

Don't worry about it. Just because everyone might not see things the way you do, doesn't make you wrong. If you see eachother as bf and gf, then yes, I would feel guilty if I were you. Might not be what you wanted to hear, but I'm sure that if the shoes was on the other foot, you would be upset also

tynille's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:25 AM
no...i am in no way moving for him... i am finishing school and moving away from that

no photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:26 AM
i saw her today at the reception.....

a glass of wine in her hand.....

smilingeyes_976's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:27 AM

i have been on this website for awhile now. i have made some really cool friends. i actually found a guy that i really like on here and we started dating (though never meeting.) i have a couple of questions though....

yesterday i was just talking to someone who i know used to think he liked me. i told him about the other guy and he wasnt happy, but whenever we randomly communicated, it was friendly enough. than yesterday i answered a question that i probably shouldnt have answered (aka i had just gotten out of the shower...) but i didnt think that much of it. and well he went off on what he would do to me and well, got off to me. he kept telling me to tell him stuff and i kept saying i couldnt. obviously the best choice would have been to stop talking than, but i am sometimes way too nice for my own good. i tried to tell him after that i couldnt say anything because i loved this other guy, hoping he got that.

now for the other guy... he is in the military and far away and we both have like tons going on but i feel like... a second thought sometimes... i dont know...

my questions are.... did i do anything wrong and do i tell the boyfriend about the situation? and what should i do about the boyfriend.... how can you tell if you are a priority to someone?

hmm. it is strange. But well, as for telling this other person about getting out of the shower...and him taking the conversation somewhere you didnt want it to go ... He would have gotten the hint I think if ya had hung up the phone. And if ya tried telling him ya didnt want to talk to him that way and ya had feelings for someone else, then he continued the subject..doesnt say much for him imo

southern_bee's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:33 AM

ok... so... this has been totally the opposite of helpful... its like... i had wanted to try this because people seemed geniune and actually kind and helpful and yet wow... loving the judgement! so thanks... but no thanks..

its strange.. its crazy... and yet... its my life...

you came here for advice an you got it sister wheather its something you wanted to hear or notflowerforyou

tynille's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:34 AM
aww but you see... advice... is helpful

judging.... is not...

Silntstrnger's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:36 AM
maybe i am not seeing the picture u have to physically date in order to call it question to everyone is this..she keeps talking about love..can u love someone without physically touching them or spending time with them?

southern_bee's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:37 AM

aww but you see... advice... is helpful

judging.... is not...

i agree on that its not but maybe they mean well,well some of them do, some of us just want to not see you get hurt or chopped up (my ex was a bipolar army guy)

southern_bee's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:39 AM

maybe i am not seeing the picture u have to physically date in order to call it question to everyone is this..she keeps talking about love..can u love someone without physically touching them or spending time with them?

yeah but if shes happy then let her be stranger things has happend shes not asking for approval just wanted to her what everyone else thought and didnt want to be judged.i say good luckflowerforyou

smilingeyes_976's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:45 AM

maybe i am not seeing the picture u have to physically date in order to call it question to everyone is this..she keeps talking about love..can u love someone without physically touching them or spending time with them?

yeah but if shes happy then let her be stranger things has happend shes not asking for approval just wanted to her what everyone else thought and didnt want to be judged.i say good luckflowerforyou

nicely said

faviej's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:47 AM
I don't think the shower comment is a big deal if it was just that a comment in passing and you didn't mean for it to be more. I have done the same thing. If a friend ask me what I am up to I am going to tell the truth I don't even think about, if I just got out of the shower I am going to say that. I have had a few male friends take it as more than it is and since you are friends you don't want to just stop talking to them so you say no I’m not going into any details and try to change the subject but this doesn't work. I would not say anything to your boyfriend it's not like you said please beat off on the thought that I just got out of the shower. I don't know if I could talk to that guy any more though, after that I personally would feel disrespected.
As for the boyfriend, it is okay that you have never met; all that matters is that you guys are okay with the arrangement. I would just suggest communicating with him about your concern. I would say “I know you have a lot going on with your military responsibilities and many other priorities in your life right now (insert whatever else may be on his mind or stressors) but I was wondering where I fall in that list of priorities.” I would make a game out of it at this point to lighten the mood and say “You are in my top 5”, then I would list my top five and invite him to play along.”

This is just me though you need to do whatever you feel comfortable with. Good luck!:smile:

southern_bee's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:48 AM
well thanks flowerforyou

SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:52 AM

i have been on this website for awhile now. i have made some really cool friends. i actually found a guy that i really like on here and we started dating (though never meeting.) i have a couple of questions though....

yesterday i was just talking to someone who i know used to think he liked me. i told him about the other guy and he wasnt happy, but whenever we randomly communicated, it was friendly enough. than yesterday i answered a question that i probably shouldnt have answered (aka i had just gotten out of the shower...) but i didnt think that much of it. and well he went off on what he would do to me and well, got off to me. he kept telling me to tell him stuff and i kept saying i couldnt. obviously the best choice would have been to stop talking than, but i am sometimes way too nice for my own good. i tried to tell him after that i couldnt say anything because i loved this other guy, hoping he got that.

now for the other guy... he is in the military and far away and we both have like tons going on but i feel like... a second thought sometimes... i dont know...

my questions are.... did i do anything wrong and do i tell the boyfriend about the situation? and what should i do about the boyfriend.... how can you tell if you are a priority to someone?
first off dont date and commit online without meeting first. People will damn near want to marry you on here and thats just stupid
second, if someone tries to cybersex you and you dont want to tell them right away, NO i dont want to, you are not comfortable with that, if they persist, hang up, you dont have to be NICE if they don't respect your wishes.

I may can make an exception to you wanting to have just one guy if he is in the military, he can't meet you anytime he wants and well as a vet, i'm partial. but its not a good idea as a general rule, meet as many people as you can before you limit yourself.

best wishes to you thoughflowerforyou
Now remember, if you dont want to hear him gettin off and dont want to recipricate, Say NO, NO, i dont want to
if he persist HANG UP
Your still nice, they weren'tflowerforyou

SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:52 AM

Well honestly, if this happened with my gf I would be mad. All she would have had to do is to stop talking to him. All people are different, but it would upset me
he isnt her boyfriend because they never met and she owes him nothing.
smart and pretty, cheers silentdrinker flowerforyou

suzyQ41's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:54 AM

You are young and have plenty of time for a decision like this. Follow heart whatever u do. It has always worked for me.flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Lily0923's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:55 AM

Well honestly, if this happened with my gf I would be mad. All she would have had to do is to stop talking to him. All people are different, but it would upset me

I agree, stop talking.... If a converasation goes in a way that I don't like, I have the skills to pull it back to where I want it.... It's not being "nice" to go along with someone when you are uncomfortable....It's weak.....