And again this will be my 5 or 6th time that specifies that fact that I have created an error on my title. & have corrected myself:
Dude you ar to only that is trying to milk it out for more then the cow can.
Dodo-David this will be my 3rd time that I have explain myself I ment to say "platonic & physical relationship" agony I will repeat myself
Davidben1: thank you again for being mature about it. Look ALL THESE RESPONDERS, have made an accurate point, beside yourself no one has answered my question. I have want a relationship where sex is the main object without the emotions, but I don't want to sound like an ******* when I say that. Just want to know what a girl would want to know when a guys says that. Just to show a girl the respect that she deserves
Dodo-David: what is your hostility and desire to be right, I have admitted my error on my post yet you consistently try to correct me even though I have explicitly tried to correct myself.
Happy New Years Yall!
Lol the incentive is money, so their is strings attached. But I get the manipulative point of view. Paying for a service isn't strings attached. You are just trying to get sex for free. ![]() ![]() ![]() Love it! |
As I explained all ready, I failed to proof read. My title wanted the word physical before relationship.
But to answer your question a women that loves and wants sex, but don't want to fall in love, or "get serious," while maintaining a healthy friendship.
I think it's a common term when someone's says "we have a physical relationship," they mean sexual intercourse or some form of sexual activity. Yes if you want to get down to the details what I posted says the way you described. I just don't underestimate people and think the understand the corn term physical relationship. The reason I added platonic cause is time permits i would like to be able to say "hey I'm free this weekend let me buy you dinner," I just dislike the term friends with benefits.
As far as my title goes I forget to add physical before relationship. Just don't know how to edit the title. Should have proof read
Thanking you for replying without a vindictive attitude. I'm not trying to be a "playa" I don't believe in polygamy but I do think people can have a healthy relationship without involving the desire to seek lifelong or long term commitment.
She would always say if you don't want your sisters treated that way don't do it to other, I'm a huge believer in karma. I'm not looking for a way to manipulate women. I just want to know how to explain to a girl what I want with out making her feel belittled or portraying myself as douch bag. I want a friendship but a friendship that engages in the physical act of sex. I don't want to fall in love cause I'm quite certain I would give up my dreams for the girl. Becoming a DR is important too me, more then falling in love right now.
& no believe it or not but I was raised by women, I've always respect women, especially if they want to wait till marriage I even dated a women for 4 years without having any form of sex. I was raised by a strong independent women. Who taught me to respect women not manipulate them
I know no one said pig, it's just people who prefer no strings attached get a bad rep, and I'm not talking about manipulate I would want a partner that shares the same perspective. If my partner wants emotions I'm not gonna try to convince her otherwise.
Look I get the point you are trying to make, but I'm not getting into the topic of religion.
Lol no not sex for free, having sex for money is an incentive or "string attached," my question is how to say you want to stay friends but enjoy the physical benefits. Not everyone is seeking a happily ever after, but even those people that are not don't want to feel disrespected. I get how just wanting a physical relationship can be viewed as something "pigs" do but I don't see it that way. We as humans have urges per say, it's inevitable it's programmed into our brains. But why should have to boil down to love or emotions to acquire or satisfy those urges?
Lol the incentive is money, so their is strings attached. But I get the manipulative point of view.
At least now.