Community > Posts By > iamtheone43

iamtheone43's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:35 PM
So glad to see some old faces...all of you. I am a retired CS from last

iamtheone43's photo
Sun 04/15/07 09:32 PM
Hello nice for the "old gang" to hang out in the same place

iamtheone43's photo
Sun 02/18/07 08:02 AM
Joe1973: Men are raising kids by themselves because of the women gaining
more power in the workplace,which in turn has given men more rights at
the "homeplace". For me,my kids are all I have...I don't have a "live
in" or a "sugar momma" taking care of me,so in turn,I will fight to have
equal access to my kids. Is equal access the best for my kids? Hell yes!
Fathers instill security and self-esteem in their daughter's lives and
also a role model for their sons to live by. After growing up with a
alcolholic Father who later committed suicide,I decided it was important
to make a change in the family legacy and be a committed Dad who
is/always will be there for my two kids. Women come and go,but your kids
will always be with you in even if just in spirit till they die. I just
can't seem to do it any differently until I meet a woman who shows me a
since of :committment,which is truly a rarity in today's world.

iamtheone43's photo
Mon 02/12/07 08:48 PM
I do and will respect

iamtheone43's photo
Sun 02/11/07 09:00 PM
Let's just say,I have a good sense of humor and some don't know how to
take it. There was a girl on the site that had these "glamour shots"
photos and a member was emailing her and she seemed to act strange,like
she wasn't who she said she was. I caught her in her lie by posting a
thread about "D....... Is Either an Underaged Girl Or An Old Man" and
the site booted me permanently...some of the members actually agreed
with me,but she was very popular on the site. Hey,I am courteous and
gentle as a lion with a bad hair day!

iamtheone43's photo
Sun 02/11/07 08:23 PM
hello,iamtheone here...I look forward to trying this site out for a
change of pace.