Community > Posts By > shu66a

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Wed 08/23/06 12:34 AM
I feel the interest that the other woman has to my husband. I excuse
myself going towards the restroom. I pass the woman, leaving a note
infront of her drink: "Join us".

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Wed 08/23/06 12:01 AM
You must be very lonely...

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Tue 08/22/06 11:59 PM
Too old... What's that? I think it's how you feel, not how old you are.

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Tue 08/22/06 01:01 AM
I think you right. She probably was still searching or she wanted more
than the relation with you. And lets not forget that women love
attention. If it could be from every man in the planet, it would be the

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Tue 08/22/06 12:03 AM
Movies?... Let me see... Well almost everything with no horror. Right
now I am downloading lots of scientifical movies similar to these from
Discovery channel. The last one I got was very interesting - about
Everest - the highest mountain in the world. So if somebody is
interesting of downloading free movies, just let me know, I will teach

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Mon 08/21/06 11:58 PM
Ey Andrew, are you the person that is asking for? Or you are asked for?

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Mon 08/21/06 11:51 PM
Well, Andrew, I really tryed very hard with this picture thing and dont
matter what kind of picture I apply it always cut my head :-) Unless if
I dont put a picture only of my head, that nothing would not be cut :-)
Or I shoudl put a picture of my cat?

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Mon 08/21/06 01:38 AM
Wow, its amazing. Did you really got such a smart ... compliments? :-)

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Sun 08/20/06 11:13 PM
Come on, you cant use graphology online. We type with a keyboard not
handwriting. And from another side, depending of the state of mind you
are, your handwritting is different.

But it would be interesting for me to know what excites the men. Tell me
guys how you like the women to be dressed? What is the most sexual body
part that turns you on?

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Sun 08/20/06 10:57 PM
We learn in all our life. Unfortunatelly most of the time we learn by
hard way. Pain is what leaves marks in our heart and makes us remmeber
the mistakes we make.

I learned a lot. If the relation goes bad, the first question I ask
myself is: "What I did wrong?" I try to dont make the same mistake. I
try to be a good person even that sometimes the Devil goues out of me...

I learned to be patient.
I learned to dont change the person with who I am. Dont even try.
I learned to dont make compromises with myself.
I learned to dont change myself because after awhile I will hate myself
because of that.
I learned that people change. Dont expect the person who you love to be
the same for 10-20 years. I wasnt the same before 5 years. And I am not
sure I wanna be the same. But I am sure I want to find the peace in soul
that I lost...

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Sun 08/20/06 10:38 PM
Oooo, this remind me to something very funny. Before 6-7 years I had
very very long hair - under my but. So one day a guy asked me the
damnest question I have ever hurt, trying to impress me:
"Excuse me, but how do you go to the restroom with this long hair?"
Oo, very easy. I just use my hair instead of toilet paper", I said...

no photo
Sun 08/20/06 04:40 PM
Well, Andrew, we are just humans. Of course we smell. I have a similar
problem. Cant be with a man which smell I can't accept.

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Sun 08/20/06 02:57 PM
I saw this in a magazine time ago. And some of the stories impressed me
very much: a mother is saying she loves one of her kids more than the
others. A woman stated her child is not from her husbond...

Well, if I tell you my secret I am sure 99% of the people here would not
accept it. But I can tell you another, a small one :-) - sometimes I am
attracted to women. But thats very seldom and I am very very picky with
the women compare to how I am with the men.

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Sun 08/20/06 02:05 PM
Man, can't have a normal conversation without to say words like shit,
fuck and etc. Thats one of the reasons why people dont wanna talk to
you, Danny.

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Sun 08/20/06 01:57 PM
Well, I am raised with the mentality that the man supposed to pay. It's
a shame for the man in my country, if the woman has to pay for him. And
its another story when you live with this person, than it woyldnt matter
who actually is paying. But I learned in this country to pay my bills.
You wanna be independant woman, pay your bills. Dont wait alwais the man
to do it.

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Sun 08/20/06 01:27 PM
You can't continue being a friend with somebody who you loved. Pain...

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Sun 08/20/06 01:22 PM
Keep smiling Andrew and you may get some msgs' :-) Dont understand me
wrong. This was just a joke. I love your sense of humor.

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Sun 08/20/06 12:34 PM
Well, I have so much hobbies that I dont think one life would be enough
to experience everything I want. Arts are my passion. Right now I spend
the most of my free time making jewelries.

I love animals and specially my adorable cat that I had to bring from my
country :-)

And I love movies also. Horrors don't attract me. Can't sleep after that

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Sun 08/20/06 12:18 PM
Can't tell you danny. Sometimes I also think most of the women are weird
- too material...

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Sun 08/20/06 12:13 PM
You are funny guys. I like that web site :-0