TwilightsLullaby's photo
Thu 01/29/15 12:11 AM

333 is a girl that I see sometimes. I think she is the better half of me. If that's crazy, I dont know. But she stopped me.



TwilightsLullaby's photo
Wed 01/28/15 11:45 PM
This is a poem I read out loud at my brothers funeral. He was depressed and over dosed on 12.23.12. I miss him everyday.

If I had five minutes, the day you passed away.
I would have had time to tell you, all the things I needed to say.
That last moment I talked to you.
I wish I would of known.
I would of said, "I love you."
And kept you on the phone.
You were the best brother ever.
And I didn't think I could live without you.
But in my head I see your smile, and I know I love you.
If I had five minutes,
The day you passed away.
I'd kiss your cheek, and tell you,
It was okay to go.
Now it's time to claim your wings.
Go to heaven and enjoy all it's amazing things.
So wait for me at it's gate.
And please, don't be late.
I can't wait to see your smiling face.
Even though in my heart it holds it's place.

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Wed 01/28/15 11:36 PM

Wow! To be lonely really sucks. I have thought s just like you but every timeI tthink something awesome will happen it falters.I still strive for someone but waiting for it to happen gets. To mr at times.I have a lot of great friends who don't know how I feel but their there. Hanging in there is the key! :-) -let's put it this way something great will happen but it Will take you by surprise! Big hug for you! -Tommy g.:smile:

Thank you.

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Wed 01/28/15 11:36 PM

I really liked reading this, Thanks.

I liked the end of the first part, where you are damning yourself for
losing your life. I know ppl who think of suicide sometimes make
attempts to stop what they have started - but too late.

Sadness can make us all wonder - who gives a damn.

I guess it comes to caring about yourself. You should keep writing,
it was descriptive and enveloping.


Thank you. That's what I was going for. I wrote this when I was suicidal. And 333 is a girl that I see sometimes. I think she is the better half of me. If that's crazy, I dont know. But she stopped me.

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Wed 01/28/15 11:35 PM

I'm glad it was a dream :-)...You are a writer, the world needs good writers...smokin

"the wind caresses my face and I sigh at how wonderful it feels...How long it has been since someone has touched my skin so softly."...smitten


Well thank you. I will do my best to keep writing. I love doing it weirdly.

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Wed 01/28/15 11:32 PM

Oh god guys. I'm super bored and not sure what to do on this site. Anyone wanna chat? Hang if you are in town?

What are you? 12?.......laugh

Lol...12? Nice.

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Tue 01/27/15 01:41 AM
Never really get on this site, so I guess I didn't know if anyone ever really got on this chat topics.

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Tue 01/27/15 01:21 AM
Oh god guys. I'm super bored and not sure what to do on this site. Anyone wanna chat? Hang if you are in town?

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Wed 01/21/15 12:04 PM
Well. I don't really write anymore, if I do they aren't stories. Maybe I'll try to get back into it. I'm more of an artist though. I draw tattoo designs for people.

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Wed 01/21/15 10:31 AM
Thank you for the nice compliment. It's old, but I'm still proud of it. Thank you.

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Wed 01/21/15 01:56 AM
Hey guys, I used to write a lot in high school. Thought I would post something on here to be an ice breaker. This is a dream I had once. Thought I'd write it down. Enjoy.

Walking through this lonley path, I'm scared to loose my way. Scared to turn the other cheek, scared of death itself. But I realize now, that maybe I was scared of being alone. Being alone, worse than death. I fear the future and the present. I resent the past and wish I could change it, but it's where I am now that matters. And now, I walk through the dusk, I look down at my hands. Thinking I could end it so quickly, and would anyone care? Would anyone care to remember me? Or wonder if I was in pain? Or if I was happy? Does anyone think of me at all? Sometimes I feel like even I tend to forget myself. I wish I could remember the old me. Happier, smiling, more beautiful me. But I am here. Alive and dead all in one body. A soul no longer here. I wander from day to day, wishing it would end. Not by my hand, maybe a car passing by, or someone who wanted to hurt me. Someone who planned out my death and someone who thought carefully about how to do it. Maybe I should lean over the side of the little could be an accident. So here I am...walking along the bridge, thinking to myself. Life or death? Hell or purgatory? Anything could be better than this. I close my eyes, and the wind caresses my face, and I sigh at how wonderful it feels. How long it has been since someone has touched my skin so's been a thousand lifetimes since I've felt such a wonderful touch. I gaze out at the river, my hand slowly trailing the railing of the bridge. Cars going by quickly as people live their lives. How easily it is to be them I'm sure. Everyone has their problems yeah...But...I feel they have something...someone to live for. The sun is starting to rise above the river now. I have to make a choice. The wind slowly touches my back, easing the burning I feel between my shoulders. How easy it would be to feel feel hatred, to feel love. To feel like I mattered. But alas, I do not. Who would care to love me? I ask for so much from this life I suppose...and I panic when I am left alone. This isn't a life that someone wants to be in. I don't blame them for leaving me...Even now, time has left me and death shall not aid me. So I shall go to it. I shall ask death for its help. I clenched the railing...and lifted myself up. The wind picked up as if to comfort me. Oh my dear friend. I cannot stay. You have some other poor soul to comfort...Someone who can be saved, someone worth saving. The cars behind me growled with anticipation. Never stopping their daily routes. I closed my eyes, and let my feet fall from under me, falling head first, I smile to myself. At least this way, I have a sporting chance to be remembered. That's all I ever wanted...I opened my eyes, the cold surrounding me, making me feel...numb. I couldn't move, but I seemed to be standing up straight, looking forward as I tried to breath. I inhaled and exhaled slowly, my breath fogging my view. "H-hello?.." I whimpered, my throat burning as I spoke. My echo only replied. I sighed to myself. Maybe my suicide attempt worked. Maybe I am dead. Maybe this is hell. Purgatory? Either way...I'm alone. Again. I closed my eyes, trying to listen for any noise at all. Time seemed to linger, hours...days could of gone by, and I wouldn't of known it. Sleep wouldn't come and the cold was still so harsh. This was hell. Hell was me being alone. What I feared the most. Then what did I expect? I asked for this. I risked a life for this. Damn myself. I deserved it. I felt my tears well up inside me, and finally push over. I felt fear and pain in my chest as I realized what I had done. It's all gone. Everything.


I hear a small ringing, of a bell of some sort. My eyes jolt open and a voice calls out to me. "Rest your eyes weary one. Do not search for me," she called, voice as sweet as the bell. I did as I was told, praying the voice didn't leave me. But I was too afraid to call it back. A few moments went by and I heard the bell again, closer this time. I kept my eyes closed and felt a soft breeze against my face, almost warm. I sighed in relief, wanting more of it. The presence of someone shook me though. I felt as if someone was near...Staring at me. But I kept my eyes shut, as instructed. I would rather have her here than be alone again. "I've been searching for you, Sorrow," she called to me," I searched for a long time, to find you here, frozen in your agony." Something warm touched my cheek and I gasped, as if she hit me. She had a gentle touch, but, scared me all the same. No one has ever touched me..."Speak please Sorrow. I am here to release you, but you must speak," she whispered again, light and soft. "I..."I croaked, it was hard to speak. Like someone was choking me. Who was I to speak to her? I deserved no pity. I was damned to hell. Wasn't I? I forced myself to speak. "I deserve happiness Angel. Please, do not touch me," my voice broke at the end, I knew I was on the edge of crying. "Oh my dear Sorrow, I am no Angel. Look at my face, and know, that I am like you. I've known your pain, and I'm here to help," she said, her hand now in my hair, stroking it. Her touch invited me to open my eyes, squinting to see her face. She looked like a child, small, leaning up to touch me. She had dirt in her golden hair and no shoes. Only a white dress that was stained with some blood and dust, showing that it was so old. But beautiful she was, even if she was young. It brought tears to my eyes. So beautiful. "Wh...where are we Angel?" I whispered softly, not sure what to ask her. She smiled at me softly, the air around her seemed to glow. "As I said Sorrow, I am no Angel. I'm Three-hundred and thirty three. Three Three Three. I have been searching for you. And I'm so glad I found you," she squeaked quietly. I stared at her in confusion. "Three three three? Surely, that is no name," I replied quietly.Her eyes glazed slowly, and she turned away from me, almost as if I had slapped her. My hand instinctively reached for her, and I stopped, realizing I had finally moved. She turned back, and smiled at me sadly. "So you have regained control? That is wonderful. Now we can move freely."I frowned at her, knowing I had said something wrong. "Three three three, what happened to you? I know I said something wrong, but. I wasn't sure what," I whispered. She reached out and took my hand. "As I said Sorrow, I am no Angel. I am like you. I know your pain. I was forgotten, buried without a name. I know of no past, no present, and no future. I was looking for you, because I am you." I squeezed her hand softly, looking down at her, only to have her smile back at me, so gently, so lovingly. I had to smile back. "I am you. You are me. So where are we going?" She smiled and looked forward, tugging me along with her as she skipped. "We are moving on." I laughed and stumbled over my feet as she pulled me along. Moving on to find others that are just like us. So they never have to be alone. "Just keep moving on.." I whispered.

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Mon 01/19/15 12:25 AM
Hey. lol. I think you're the only person that posted from Kennewick. Where do ya live at?

TwilightsLullaby's photo
Wed 12/10/14 10:35 PM
Hey I've been trying to find people around my area. I seriously can't find anyone. Haha. Anyone from the Tri-cities?