Community > Posts By > imhim

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 01:50 PM
there's always those few guys that'll ruin it for the good ones i know how you feel and i don't blame you at all

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 01:45 PM
just to let people know i'm as straight as a nail. it's cool with the friends stuff, but i prefer woman thank you

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 01:35 PM
Persona of someone everyone dreams of,
Ever so charming, sweet and cute,
Someone unique unlike anyone else you'll ever meet,
Special in so many ways,
Wish our time together would never have end,
Guess you can never know what's around the next bend,
They make you feel safe so very secure,
When they hold you it's hard to breathe,
Love so divine hope it never dies,
Eyes for nobody but you,
The love dedication one hundred percent true,
Holding you up high through every low,
There for you whenever you need,
Someone like that must be a dream

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 01:28 PM
Darkest depths of my soul

Slowly being destroyed by your chemical.

I'm tired of being alone

Last love has turned my heart cold as stone.

Trust, love, and faith all thrown back in my face

I'm such a ****ing disgrace.

You dont deserve the comfort of my love

And I didnt deserved to be punched,

pushed, or shoved.

Did I even mean anything to you?

Or was I just a toy for you to subdue?

I dont know anymore the real me

When I look in the mirror I cant understand

what and who I see.

You've sent me back to the way I use to be

Cold hearted, bitter, and inside angry.

The blood from my wrists tell my story

I wanna die and be dead and buried.

My image of myself is incomplete, broken, and dead

Why is my blood all thats being shead?

I know I'm not perfect

Nothing but a burden for some lost soul to collect.

But you made me think different

But it was all a lie and every word you never meant.

But I will find someone better than you

And with that happiness there's nothing you can do.

Give me what I could never ask for

Give me back my heart untore.

So I can give it to another who deserves what I have to give

A dead soul that desperatly wants to live.

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 01:26 PM
Thank you

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 01:23 PM
I adore someone
who doesn't feel the same,
losing myself in hurt
as my love life is put to shame.

She makes me smile,
among-st the tears I cry,
Her brilliant stories
fight away the dark lies.

Hidden deep within her eyes
I try to untangle the feelings inside...

I feel something real,
something true...

Yet her feelings for me,
are hidden beyond blue

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:42 AM
so what would you rank my profile?

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:31 AM
well that other time i quit right away with the stupid responses that i got this is me actually going through with it. and damm I'm in here 10 minutes and someone already has something to say and i didn't even start anything. hey i'm just trying to meet people, real people cause I'm tired of the fakes that are out there.

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:24 AM
good things come for those who wait let them keep wondering what you look like.

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:20 AM
so am I

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:16 AM
thanks I hope so too.

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:13 AM
LOL why would you've been obsessed

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:11 AM
i'm so glad to hear that i tried to do this once before and these guys just kept hitting on me. BLEH! no matter what they don't seem to understand the word no. damn now i know what ya ladies go through lmao.

imhim's photo
Tue 02/24/09 09:05 AM
Hey everyone this is my first time doing this online dating
I thought i would give it a try. oh by the way im straight. lol.