Hi to all you that suffer with chronic pain. I too have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. A pain management group calls it myo fascia because the pain is located mostly in my neck, head, shoulders. It has been a few years and now it has increased to my lower back & hip region. To add to the misery I started getting sick with other symptons a year ago. I have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue and immune system disorder, caused by the Epstein-Barr virus. My white cell count is irregular, up & down, I have enlarged lymph nodes, lost 25 pds (from 125 to 100 in 6 months), had an infection that no antibiotic would touch,(took them 11 mo. to figure out what it was and treat it, now it is cleared up), I also was able to gain back 8 pds and holding. (The whole time I was losing, I was eating like crazy! Figure that one out.)I lived in fear of cancer for several months while I underwent numerous tests, & biopsis. (I have had recurring melonama so they were concerned). But fortunately no cancer! I have been tested for every possible disease they could think of. So like fibromyalgia, they blame my other health issues on the virus. I have been clinically depressed for a lifetime, but diagnosed only 16 years ago. I have migraines, but they are under control, although I still get one sometimes when my neck gets real bad. I currently am on 2 antidepressants. My doctor is very caring and continues to try to help me. I have had physical therapy, nerve blocks,tried many medicines. I have learned to live with it the best I can. I can be a 5 on a 1 - 10 scale and function fairly good. The pain is always there, but I know my limits. I walk 1 to 2 miles each day.(almost)I hope to find someone that understands, and I can help too. PJ