Community > Posts By > Cryptorskull

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Fri 07/03/09 02:14 PM
My soul it screams for you
can you not here it
my arms reach out for you
why cant you take them
my heart burns only for you
can you extinguish it i love only to be loved by you
why cant you love me too
i long only to be held and care for
why cant it be
am i to die alone and bitter
what the hell is wrong with me
my face is blackened and my eyes are sewn shut
with fear and sorrow
i no longer wish to love anything
just cut the heart right out of me

sometimes i choke on all the false love
that infects me
sometimes everything is not enough to cure
the sickness inside of me

i did it all cried black tears for you
why cant you see see
like a vampire biting my heart
suck the love right out of me
dont even care as my blood stains the floor
cannot be cleaned
you cut me out and tore me through
six feet unders the place for me

i feel it all as it sickens me
it feels like im dying inside
because of the love i gave that cant be returned
my longing for instability is a personality flaw

i trust you with respect
and you tear me down

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Sat 06/06/09 11:55 AM
I don't need something - that hurts more than nothing.
I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?
I'd do anything for a smile, holding you 'til our time is done.
my heart is torn beating from my chest
You aren't worth the waste of the salt or the water.
So how long did I expect love to outweigh ignorance?
By that look on your face I might of forced the scale to tip and well beyond.
Shame pulses through my heart
From the things I`ve done to you
It`s hard to face, but the fact remains that
This is nothing new...
I left you bound and tied with suicidal memories
Selfish beneath the skin
But deep inside I'm not insane.
My vision burns, I feel my memories fade with time.
I hand you my mortal life, but will it be forever?
I'd do anything for a smile, holding you 'til our time is done
Seize the day or die regretting the time you lost.
I stand here alone,
Falling away from you.
Pacify me, bleeding hearts shed no tears and have no time for fear.

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Fri 03/27/09 03:35 PM
Forgive me; forgive me for being born in the first place.
This is my cry to you.
You can’t blame me
It’s all your fault
Too bad there was no one around to tell you to keep your legs closed
I didn’t ask to see this world full of hate, problems and drama
It’s her fault I know
But couldn’t you find the signs to know how to take care of yourself?.
I’m out of your range, out of your lead
This is why we run away
Want to kill ourselves
You made it this far but I know you don’t want me here
So just take your pain, suffering and teras out on me
Kill me with the knife
Let her take me out
Look at me I’m so pretty
And you look like hell
You didn’t only affect yourself, you affected me as well
I won’t get to see you
Show you that your pain, tears and suffering was worth it
You regret me
But I’m so sweet, pretty and dead to your hands

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Fri 03/27/09 03:20 PM
Try to avoid the big bang theory
As the truth is reveled
There will be nothing left
Eye’s turning into crystal balls
Showing you the truth
Nothing is made to be a positive outcome anymore
We’re blinded by the make believe world
So sure the mistakes can be corrected by the blinded
You can’t rely on yourself to know right from wrong anymore
Just kill us with cancer
Smoking our days away
Soon to be stretched thin, leaving a big cloud of smoke being all the attempts we aimed so high and failed

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Fri 03/20/09 06:18 PM
Hush, hush…
We’ve been here before…
More than enough times.
Don’t you cry…
I love you then I hate you…
There’s no one choice.
Mama’s gonna buy you a mocking bird…
“You’re not worth it”
That’s all you told me.
If that mocking bird don’t sing…
Three years before,
Two years before,
One year before,
Month’s before.
Mama’s gonna buy you a diamond ring…
I wish I could rewind you…
Take you out of my life.
I’m not worth it nor is this “love trap” you have me in worth it.
And if that diamond ring don’t shine…
Let’s just jump and get it over with.
No more you and I.
I’m still gonna make you mine…
Without me or should I say us there’s nothing left but you, the world, and all its issues.
Hush little baby…
Without me there’s no you but I’ll be far gone.
So this is the end ‘till we meet again.
Don’t say a word…
Hush little baby, close your eyes and listen to the cries also known as music to this la la bye suicide.

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Fri 03/20/09 06:03 PM
You have become a ghetto baby and so dramatic.
Running after boys time and time again.
Thinking you got the life.
So hip funky fresh.
Turning daddy’s little girl into everyone’s prize trophy.
We all had our share of ups and downs and twists.
Fighting to make it through the night.
Waiting for that day we don’t have to worry about having no food, late bills or the kicks with the holes patched.
But you…
You got it all…
All twisted, make it harder than a maze in coloring books.
You can’t take the ghetto or life out of one but you can make it better.
Make yourself that one man’s prize trophy.
Be a ghetto baby with her head on knowing everything’s gonna be o.k.
Leave the tricks on the corners and put yourself on track with knowledge.
Never let them see you blackout…
Because they become the better man.
Legal or illegal it’s a win; win bet on you.
Worse than a cure but at least you get to live and better than aids because you get the chance to lead the blinded in this sick sad of a world.
Cause a riot…
And bring it back…
Lay it smack down in the middle…
Set the lies on fire and get back your dignity.
Set yourself to a beautiful image…
Making sure you keep away from them corner boys.

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Tue 03/17/09 12:19 PM
She’s plain, unique and once herself.
Messed up by the fast life.
Caught up in the mix.
Giving up her dreams for that man on the corner.
She just wants to be loved.
So it starts all over again…
New man, different name and face living the same life as the last one.
Once again…
It never fails…
Pretty faces are just a played ace…
Smart girls are fast cash.
Money, weed, and fine women to wine and dine till their out of their clothes.
Seems to be the only thing that he wants in life.
Yet he knows he wants her just as bad as she wants him.
So to prove her love she gives herself up. Letting him mold her into his image of what a woman should be.
He brought so many lies and she ate them.
No longer a woman but a sex symbol.
Knowing she don’t belong in this life…
She’ll just cry and turn around and accept the life for love.
She doesn’t want you to tell her anything, but wants you to drag her out to see what’s better.
But, all she does is run back.
Maybe she’ll get it when she sees that all he’s doing is acting and not caring about loving.
When it’s too late she’ll realize she’s another body disfigured for being blinded by love.

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Tue 03/17/09 11:41 AM
We scream but no one hears us.
So we just take the burden.
Hide what they misjudge.
And give them the made up life.
Disclaiming who we are...
We out the future into now and put this moment into the future..
Relying on it to help prepare us for what’s ahead.
Which we changed to get a better understandment of who we are.
No one wants to fail.
Everyone wants a clear path with achievements being behind that road and ahead of it.
But, this isn’t no time machine, nor a movie.
We can’t choice which events to throw out and put into our lives to make it oh so fabulous.
High class…
Just live up to it and try to correct your faults…
Before they cause a nerve recking ending.
The jokes on us the lights are on us.
Wanting us to fail because we had a chance to correct what we have done wrong.
If we made it out of fear…
At least we built ourselves out of that.
All that’s left is to put this moment back into the freezer and defrost the past moment we did not know how to handle…
And over come it by being fearless as we once learned.

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Mon 03/16/09 08:36 PM
Edited by Cryptorskull on Mon 03/16/09 08:38 PM
I'm from where rolling tongues are what makes our admired language just as sassy as our rice, beans and chicken.

I'm an ancestor of the activists that built the great wall of China because equality has been stolen for cheap labor.

I'm from the wealfare program because baby daddy's end up in jail, corners all times of the day, taking virginities of innocent girls run and try to push from first base to a home run with another girl who don't know better.

Maybe he's the one that took your innocents.

Maybe your baby girl when you're working 9 to 5 just to make ends meet.

I'm related to the people who have no problem killing for some pity bull.

Robbing people's heart beats and take off running, not caring because the po, po is on them.

"You have the right to remain silent."

I'm the rise of the gun shots going off in the wee hours in the morning.

Bang, Bang

I am the future.

I am the voice swallowed behind deepened fear like a girl leaving her home for the first time by herself.

The wind tells me to go on and rise above all the negatives because it made me give way for the positives.

I am the hood of oppression, depression and gentrification.

The voice swallowed by the people who have more comparison with the most common population where I'm from.

I'm the streets that we call the hood a.k.a. home because it's all we've known.

Tolerate no one's bull.

Because we live the hood through pain and sorrow and fight injustice where our past generations has come from.

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Fri 03/06/09 12:47 PM

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Fri 03/06/09 12:46 PM