Community > Posts By > stircrazyinla
yes i have and at the time it really hurt. It was that feeling of is every thing a lie.. I am not saying i don't feel bad for her. I would hope she never has to find out really. I don't want to break up there family I really don't. I wish there was a way to back up. I know what I have to do but it is so freaking hard. I wish I didn't care for him so much is all. If i had ever met her i know i could have never allowed this to happen.
Oh one more thing that really makes this a dead end street i am 10yrs older than he is. Yep i know I am set for a heartache just need a kick in the *** i guess to get on with it. Easier to be with him and happy at the moment. I hate this i really do for many reasons but still i am here in this stupid mess. How to walk away??????? Please tell me how?? |
You may have a point but I have been dating for a year or so and have not had anyone take a hold of my heart like this one. I really think it is because believe it or not he really is a nice guy. I know he feels guilt too but I am not sure if I feel what he is doing is so wrong. If he stays with her what is the harm in him seeking something missing with her. I know that he has tried to get her to see things his way but she is not meeting his needs. That being said he loves her I know and for what ever reason that doesn't bother me. I know i should set the bar a little higher but i have dated and men and continue to keep options open but no one makes me feel like he does. All the other men I have dated just seem to bore me or no spark. I may be settling but it doesn't feel that way all the time.
I am having a hard time letting go. He is the closest thing i have found to what i would like to find in a my next partner. The cheating thing doesnt bother me. I know it happens and i know it doesn't mean you care for anyone any less it is just something that can make you feel good again if kids etc take over at home. |
Wasn't looking for it, did not want to, not sure how it slipped up on me. The sad truth is I have fallen for someone that belongs to someone else. I don't want to break up his family. I do still want to spend as much time with him as possible. I know this has no happy ending just wish i knew how to let go. I try and date others but he is the only one that captures my attention. I am so confused.
I know you people here will not hold back on your opinions and looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Is it possible to have a happy ending when in love with a married man that you want him to stay with his wife but still want him as a lover, friend etc.... |
I Was Born A Rebel
Edited by
Mon 10/12/09 06:55 PM
![]() Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandi, Mother Teresa ... The list is quite long, esp. to walk back in time ... Hats off to all the scientists and explorers that dared to challenge the conventions and standards of the status quo, often/usually at the risk of life, liberty and limb! Artists and philosophers and freedom fighters of all that is tyranny ... I salute you every one!!! ... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() OMG! I actually agree with you on something. WHO KNEW?!?!?! ![]() |
Contractor corner
Ask me your questions about home repairs, construction advise, home maintainance. This is exactly why I wish this site had a search for the forums. I always have questions for someone with your know how. I will be adding you to my favorites hope you don't mind. |
Life is beautiful
Edited by
Mon 09/28/09 12:36 PM
sixx a.m. life is beautiful |
I guess I am the only one with a "road trip must have" list of songs.
My biggest problem is that good music + VOLUME + beautiful day = speeding ticket and Sammy Hagar aint even on the list. ![]() |
Iko~Iko Yeah it's Iko alright. I was driving down the highway in the middle of nowhere Texas and could not get any good stations(rock) and while surfing the channels landed on this song playing on the radio. After I got over the EWWWW part I laughed my as off. Yukkk! I then got this mental picture of breaking down and some tick checking redneck would stop to help me. Yuck factor x 10. That's when I stopped laughing. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 09/26/09 03:59 PM
Brad Paisley - Ticks
The chorus is worse than title. cause id like to see you out in the moonlight id like to kiss you way back in the sticks id like to walk you through a field of wildflowers and id like to check you for ticks |
I always have my favorite mix cd ready for a road trip. What are your must haves for a road trip mix cd would be.
Mine will always have some of: The Cult Candlebox Pink Alter Bridge Black Crows Kings of Leon Skynyrd Bush Kid Rock God Smack Velvet Revolver .50 cent Ludacris Fergie Mary J Blige etc. etc |
Life is beautiful
FAIL! sorry try the new improved link copy paste |
Life is beautiful
Edited by
Sat 09/26/09 02:10 PM
ooops that should work if you copy past. for all the haters. |
Is it just me or does it creep anyone else out when men have profile pics of themselves at the computer with no shirt on. Maybe its just the men in my age group. I don't think of myself as a prude or uptight but it gives me the creeps. I guess to me it looks like some dirty old man breathing hot and heavy, whacking off looking at women online. First impressions go a long way. Put a shirt on! Just curious what others have to say. So lets hear it. I haven't really studied the male version of this phenomenon, but I've noticed that when the girls do it (the raunchy cleavage shots, etc.), you can pretty much assume the rest of the profile will be either empty or bland enough to induce a narcoleptic coma. If ya got nothin' to say, distract them with what passes for pulchritude, maybe. Lexy, maybe you shouldn't pummel them with those big words, like "narcoleptic", nor especially "pulchitrude", unless you post this... Some people think they are so smart that no one else could possibly be as smart. In reality not always the case. My father has narcolepsy and I would guess that 90% of the people here know the definition. As far as pulchritude, which you misspelled by the way, by the way it was used with the reference to cleavage shots it did not refer to me. But sense you mentioned it when was the last time you have used or read it in a sentence??????????? I highlighted the quote from trublu4u because he was talking to Lex about how Lex should also include a link to so those people who don't know the meaning of the words.....possibly like the one he misspelled....could be looked up right away. By the way.... pul·chri·tude (plkr-td, -tyd) n. Great physical beauty and appeal. [Middle English pulcritude, from Latin pulchritd, from pulcher, pulchr-, beautiful.]89 This was not used in reference to the cleavage shots only but as a separate sentence, If ya got nothin' to say, distract them with what passes for pulchritude, maybe. It is also the answer to your original statement, in some cases where the profile has no other information on it. To answer your last question.....Lex uses big words like that all the time, writers tend to do that. Pulchritude, pulchritude...dang it! I just can't spell PULCHITRUDE! The purple vein on me 'ead is PROTRUDING! ![]() Just take your are out of the Spelling Bee.....SIT DOWN!!! ![]() ![]() Uhm...reality mispeld it, too...around three times when you were defining it. Da** difficult word 'ta spell! Now try "worsteshire", as in what you put on steak! ![]() Ok I got one for you Hors D'Oeuvres I never get that one correct. |
My father has narcolepsy and I would guess that 90% of the people here know the definition. As far as pulchritude, which you misspelled by the way, by the way it was used with the reference to cleavage shots it did not refer to me. But sense you mentioned it when was the last time you have used or read it in a sentence??????????? You misspelled "since"...pfffffffffft! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Never claimed to be a good speller. Not trying to "BURN" anyone. ![]() |
Is it just me or does it creep anyone else out when men have profile pics of themselves at the computer with no shirt on. Maybe its just the men in my age group. I don't think of myself as a prude or uptight but it gives me the creeps. I guess to me it looks like some dirty old man breathing hot and heavy, whacking off looking at women online. First impressions go a long way. Put a shirt on! Just curious what others have to say. So lets hear it. I haven't really studied the male version of this phenomenon, but I've noticed that when the girls do it (the raunchy cleavage shots, etc.), you can pretty much assume the rest of the profile will be either empty or bland enough to induce a narcoleptic coma. If ya got nothin' to say, distract them with what passes for pulchritude, maybe. Lexy, maybe you shouldn't pummel them with those big words, like "narcoleptic", nor especially "pulchitrude", unless you post this... Some people think they are so smart that no one else could possibly be as smart. In reality not always the case. My father has narcolepsy and I would guess that 90% of the people here know the definition. As far as pulchritude, which you misspelled by the way, by the way it was used with the reference to cleavage shots it did not refer to me. But sense you mentioned it when was the last time you have used or read it in a sentence??????????? |
Well spoken Pacific.... Though the requirement on tops for guys won't fly.... with a shirt...without....someone will gripe.... ![]() Now that is just FUNNY! I have to say I enjoyed that one! At least it shows you have a sense of humor. |
When I see Lead Shots or profile pictures that show a guy shirtless my first reaction is "Why". I personally find the human body miraculous, perfect or imperfect as it might be, so it is not the visual image that bugs me. Some situations it is normal and acceptable; swimming, on the beach, shirts and skins basketball. If a person is a avid swimmer I would expect one shot of the person doing that. But I still keep in mind that a profile picture is a choice. How a person sees themself. What they bring to the table so to speak. If their perfect or youthful body is high on that list it won't be a big attraction to me. You can look at the body about five minutes a day and if the personality isn't behind it to back it up it gets old fast. Also a guy with a really great body may or may not have a natural sexuality about himself that no matter how techniclly perfect he is it just isn't appealing. The real stickler for me is that I do see topless nudity in men leans toward coming off as desperate or even aggressive. It is like if you don't like that I am semi-nude you have no say that I share my body any way with anyone I please. Includeing me. It is like nothing is reserved for personal intimacy. That seems kind of short sighted. It might be an out of vogue concept but there are a few things that I would hope are reserved just for intimacy; maybe even intimacy with me. I disagree that men, or women, are not displaying sexual organs by bareing their chest. While I can not claim a huge number of men; the men I have had intimately definitely had a decided sexual response when their chest, inparticularly, their nipples were displayed, touched, and otherwise engaged. Be realistic the purpose of a profile shot is to engage the reader on many levels. And I have to say seeing a man displaying himself semi-nude comes off as over the top, distracting, and rude in the profile setting even though I know for some it is not the intended result. That some men would be sexually distracting in a feed bag from the neck down is no more their fault than the guy who definitely not but somehow I feel like a little less making themself eyecandy, is more confident and in better taste. Some men would not be highly sexy no matter what they wore. To display that fact is a not so subtle form of "I haven't got it but you have to look because I can make you and if this is the only time and the only way well too bad for you." I do wish the site would require some form of top for men for the lead shot because to participate in forums you are not able to opt out and not look like you are if you see it on there personal profile but if I find someone that offensive I just block them. To me it would just be a polite occomodation to the larger range of tastes. I do find it offensive that men useing photos that show their upper body nude are attacked as "perverts" when no such fact has been proved is a poor conclusion. A conclusion that the real perverts use to their advantage. And a conclusion that trys to justify that ones own mores are the only moral ones. Pretty high handed IMHO. Could not have said it better myself. Just want to be clear that I was not attacking anyone or calling anyone perverted BUT it still creeps me out. |
Lewis is getting all marathon ready and chit....... ![]() ![]() Seriously. Is this site all jacked up or is it me???????........ ![]() Sorry but I just have to ask what do you mean by is this site all jacked up. How jacked is jack? |
tastefully shirtless ![]() Yes I agree. The difference is he did not send this photo with his profile. But still like the fact he felt like doing so for gosh sakes he was on a little vacation I believe. The vultures that took the photos are the real creeps. |
![]() That's what I thought you would say nothing. Know nothing say nothing ![]() |