Community > Posts By > smart2009

smart2009's photo
Thu 04/25/13 03:12 AM
The Go Gos - Greatest Hits
01.Our lips are sealed
02.Cool jerk
03.We got the beat
04.Head over heels
05.Get up and go
07.Beatnik beach
08.You thought
09.I’m the only one
10.This town
11.Lust to love
13.How much more
14.Turn to you

smart2009's photo
Wed 04/24/13 11:53 PM
Bost bomber suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev spoke to investigators about his and his deceased brother's involvement in the Boston Marathon bombing, saying thatthe two acted alone and learned bomb-making methods through the Internet.
One of the sites that his brother, Tamerlan, visited was the online publication Inspire Magazine, an al-Qeada-linked website, according to CNN .
Here's what you need to know about the magazine that may blame for the Boston Marathon bombings .
1. In the First Issue, Inspire Gave Instructions to Make a Pressure-Cooker Bomb
Inspire Magazine has been known for promoting the use ofeveryday items as ingredients to making a bomb. The first issue's article"How To Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom" provided a recipe in making a bomb using a pressure cooker. Other issues addressed how to blow up buildings and instructions on being a jihadist without the support of al-Qaeda. 2. It's Published by the Yemen-Based al-Qaeda
Inspire Magazine wascreated by the al-Qaeda division in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The publication has been one of many ways that the terrorist group were able to reach its audience. 3. It's Known for Blueprints on Bomb-Making
The magazine's contents have been providing extremists with the tools necessary to make a bomb, according to the ADL blog . The bombs made by Dzhokhar and Tamerlen Tsarnaev matched with the designs of the bombsshown in the magazine. The brother's online activity suggests thatthey received instructions on how to make bombs usingInspire Magazine. 4. The Magazine is Accused of PromotingHomegrown Terrorism
The magazine has become a sort of propaganda to promote homegrownterrorism, a term known for radicals acting alone while executing terrorist attacks. Inspire Magazine has played a large role in recruiting Western jihadists to carry on their message for freedom. Sratfor reports that the magazine has been used as a guide to help first-timers learnwhat to expect at a jihadist training camp and learning the rules new recruitsare expected to live by.
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5. Inspire Offered Translated Messages from Osama bin Laden
The magazine aimed at Western readers provided translated messages from then al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Some of these messages encouraged terror attacks to be made on U.S. soil, suggesting to fire at restaurants in Washington, D.C., or strike victims with a truck, according to ADL . 6. A Former Editor Was Killed in a Drone Strike 2011
Samir Khan, a former editor of Inspire, wrote on an article titled "I Am Proud to be a Traitor to America," which was published for the October 2010 issue. Khan was killed on September 30, 2011, after a U.S. drone strike on Yemen where Samir was located. According to Fox News , Samir wasa Pakistani American in his 20s from North Carolina who moved to Yemen to join the jihadist forces. Many of his articles promoted attacking U.S. targets, and using homemade explosives to do so. 7. It is Believed that Anwar al-Awlaki Started the Magazine
The magazine was believed to be the brainchild of Anwar al-Awlaki, a Yemen-based leader of al-Qaeda. For the firstissue, he wrote an editorial titled "May Our Souls Be Sacrificed For You," advocating attacks on those who opposeIslam and the prophet. Anwar was dead along with editor Samir Khan after the U.S. led a drone strike on Yemen in 2011. 8. The First Issue Came Out in June 2010
Inspire Magazine started its circulation on June 2010 with 13articles published in the first issue. 9. The SITE Institute First Brought Attention to Inspire
The magazine was discovered online by the SITE Institute, an intelligence group that tracks online activity by terrorist organizations. When the first issue was released, most of the magazine's pages weren't loaded properly, according to the Daily Telegraph . 10. Some SubscribersWere Arrested
Arrests were made inthe UK against readers who possessed a copy of the publication. Back in 2011, suspect Mohammed Abu Hasnath was arrestedfor having several issues of the magazine, according to BNO News . The 19-year-old East Londoner was arrested in October of that year and was sentenced to 14 months in jail on May2012. Recent arrests were made in 2013 when an Australian man was caught witha flash drive containing issues of the magazine.*Bcfks_&ts=1366870757&param=.tsrc%3Dyahoo%26.sep%3Dfp
The type of improvised explosive devices used in the attack on the Boston Marathon on Mondaybear “the hallmark ofAl Qaeda,” according to former CIA Counterterrorism Director Larry Johnson. In an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Tuesday, Johnson said that the devices used are popular on the India-Pakistan border and are favored by Al Qaeda militants. He was cautious, however, not to link the attacks to foreign-based terror groups.
“It’s important to note that that particular model – that type of explosivehas been very popular along the Pakistan-India border,” said Johnson.
He described the typeof substances that a militant would put ina pressure cooker IEDand said that it was unlikely that the device contained an explosive substance used by professional armed forces.
Matthews asked howdifficult it would be for an amateur bombmaker to construct two deadly devices which are timed to go off at approximately the same moment.
“Take your scale of zero – where you can’t even open a door – and ten – where you’re the world’s best bomb maker; this is about asix,” Johnson replied. “This has been a hallmark of Al Qaeda in the past.”
“Closer to organized terrorism groups than a crackpot?” Matthews asked. Johnson replied that he thought that was a likely scenario.

smart2009's photo
Wed 04/24/13 07:53 PM
Russia warned that we were backing the terrorists in Syria and we shouted them down. . Now it appears they warned us twice about the boston bomber and we did not listen. It is a sad day when you can get more reliable info from the Russians than from our own government.
How on earth do we happen to be on the side of al-Qaeda in Syria? Crazy!
I am tired of my lying Government, Democrats and Republicans alike.

smart2009's photo
Wed 04/24/13 07:51 PM
New information emerged Wednesday from U.S. officials that the name of one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects had been added to a U.S. government terrorist database long before the explosions.

smart2009's photo
Wed 04/24/13 08:06 AM
What a terrible month.

smart2009's photo
Wed 04/24/13 07:52 AM
Boston Bombs Likely Built From Fireworks
A New Hampshire fireworks store has told the FBI that it sold four-hundred dollars worth of fireworks in February to accused Boston bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
The gunpowder in fireworks is often used in bombs.
"He just wanted the biggest, loudest stuff we had in the store," said Megan Kearns, the assistant manager of Phantom Fireworks, in an interview with ABC News affiliate WMUR .
Kearns said Tsarnaev -- the older of the two brothers now accused in the blast -- bought two large reloadable mortar kits during a two for one sale. She said she remembered Tamerlan because of his Russia accent. The store has since confirmed his purchase with store records.
"Pretty much the only thing that was remarkable about him was that he had a Russian accent, which we don't get too many people in here who have Russian accents," she said.
The amount of gunpowder that could be harvested from the kits—less than half a pound—would not have been enough to detonate the Boston bombs, Phantom Fireworks VP William Weimer said.
Fireworks have often been used by terrorists to power their bombs, including by the man who tried but failed to detonate a car bomb in Times Square. He bought fireworks from a different Phantom Fireworks store, in Pennsylvania.
"Fireworks will give you what you need in terms of blast," said Kevin Barry, Retired Detective First Grade, NYPD Bomb Squad.
Barry told ABC News that while the ingredients are easily purchased – the actual assembly instructions are still hard to find and follow.
"What it seems they did was purchased commercially manufactured mortars, ripped them down and ripped out the powder," he said. "When you confine this powder in a pressure cooker it is very powerful."
The charging document filed in the case against 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev also notes that FBI agents found "a large pyrotechnic" in his college dorm room.
Federal agents have analyzed the two pressure cooker bombs used in the Boston Marathon attack and confirmed early speculation that the other components were also built largely, if not entirely of commercially available items, including parts of a remote control toy car, BBs and small nails.
The analysis was circulated to law enforcement agencies Tuesday evening in a federal law enforcement joint intelligence bulletin.
The report notes that a similar device was found in the thwarted 2010 attempt to set off explosives in Times Square.
"Terrorists can exploit the innocuous appearance and transportability of pressure cookers to conceal IED components," the bulletin says.

smart2009's photo
Wed 04/24/13 07:22 AM
Five people were reportedly killed in a shooting in Manchester, Ill., Wednesday morning prompting the closure of three area schools, Fox2Now.comreports.
WLDS, a radio stationin the area, reports that the suspect attempted to run from the scene, got into a high-speed chase with police andshots were fired while the suspect was taken into custody.
One person was injured in the shooting, but the injuries remain unclear. The suspect, the station reports, isin custody. Police toldFoxNews.comthat they do not believe another suspect is at large.
The crime scene was described as a single-story apartment. The relationship betweenthe suspect and the alleged victims was not immediately clear.
Mayor Ronald Drake, mayor of the district which is southwest of Springfield, said he got the call around 4:45 a.m., indicating that there had been a shooting with multiple fatalities, Fox2Now.comreports.
Drake did not say who the victims wereor given any details about the suspect.
Classes were cancelled in three area school districts: Northgreene, Winchester and Jacksonville. Approximately 950 students are affected.

smart2009's photo
Tue 04/23/13 11:53 PM
Craft International is a private contractor companyfounded by the late Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, who was killed in February ata Texas shooting range.
After analyzing the photos from the finish line of the Boston Marathon, American bloggers have found suspicious uniformedindividuals of a private security organization called ‘The Craft’.
Photo: RIA Novosti
While American authorities are questioning Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, accused of organizing the terrorist attacks in Boston, conspiracy theorists are putting forward alternative versions of the events. The Natural News and Info Wars sites have studied the photos, which show at least five people wearing pants that are part ofthe Battle Dress Uniform, and they were also wearing identical black jackets with a logo inthe form of a skull, which very closely resembles the informal emblem of the SEAL units.
In addition to SEAL, this logo is used by private military firms consisting of veterans of special divisions of the Navy:this is the well-known “Blackwater” (now – Academi), which became famous for the murders of peaceful Iraqis. But, according to many bloggers, the photos represent the staff of a similar security company called The Craft International.
Users have found out that they were near the scene of the accident; they stood near a minibus with a folded special communication plate, and immediately after the terrorist attack the employees of thisorganization were seen with weapons and Geiger counters.
But what was more important, the users noticed that the backpack, containing the explosive device, was very similar to the one worn by the staff of The Craft.
While reporting about the possible involvement of The Craft, some TV channels, including “Russia 24″, added photos of two other persons, whom the bloggers and some media earlier named suspects in committing the explosions. Later it turned out that they were ordinary spectators, and they have no relation to the terrorist act.
The version about the involvement of The Craft in the organization of the terrorist act was picked up by TV presenter and journalist Alex Jones, known for thinking out conspiracy theories around all relevant political events and incidents. He had previously stated that the terrorist attack was planned and organized by the US authorities in order to accuse radicals andconservatives of the Republican Tea Party movement and to push through the expansion of the powers of the law enforcement bodies.
A little later, he advanced another theory: in his opinion, the terrorist attack was intended to distract the public from the publication of the report on tortures of prisoners in the CIA secret prisons, which cast a shadow on the administrations of both George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
It is difficult to call the very presence of The Craft at the finishline of the Boston marathon suspicious:the organizers of the competition from thecity administration could hire them in order to ensure safety. However, the bloggers have noticed another interesting detail. In February 2013, two and a half months before the terrorist attack, the most celebrated US sniper Chris Kyle was shot dead in the United States. Amazing coincidence: he was one of the founders of The Craft. According to the assumption of conspiracy theory adherents, Kyle was aware of the planned“special operation” during the Boston marathon, but wanted to prevent it;that was why he was liquidated in the course of a staged assassination attempt.
Neither the US government, nor the press-service of The Craft responded to this conspiracy theory version. Most likely, they will not react: the guilt and responsibility of Tsarnaev brothers forthe act of terrorism is, apparently, proven, and no one will take seriously the version of Alex Jones and unknown conspiracy theory adherents from the Internet.

smart2009's photo
Tue 04/23/13 11:50 AM
A tweet from The Associated Press Twitter account claiming the White House had been bombed caused investors to suddenly push the Dow down more than 100 points in two ...
The stock market briefly dropped, then recovered, after the Associated Press' Twitter account was hacked and a fake tweet about an attack on the White House was posted.
The AP released the following statement at 1:12 p.m.: "The (at)AP twitter account has been hacked. The tweet about an attack at the White House is false. We will advise more as soon as possible."
The Dow Jones industrial average fell more than 150 points after the fake Twitter posting, then quickly recovered.
Other markets also reacted to the fake posting.
The price of crude oil fell, then rose back. The yield on the benchmark U.S. government bond, the 10-year Treasury note, briefly dropped as traders shifted money into low-risk investments.
The turmoil lasted for about five minutes. By about 1:13 p.m., stocks, bonds and crude oil were all trading about where they were before the fake tweet was posted.

smart2009's photo
Tue 04/23/13 12:58 AM
Boston Truth Revealed
interesting photos.

smart2009's photo
Mon 04/22/13 10:22 AM
Marijuana Pill May Be Better for Pain.
A pill form of marijuana may work just as well to relieve pain as the smoked form, but with fewer side effects, new research suggests.

In the study, people who either smoked marijuana or took the drug dronabinol — a pill that contains the active ingredient of marijuana — were able to hold their hands in a bath of ice water (showing that they could tolerate the pain of the cold temperature) for longer than participants who took a placebo.

What's more, the pain-reducing effect of dronabinol lasted longer than that of smoking marijuana , the researchers said. While smoking the drug decreased pain sensitivity for about 2.5, the pill continued to have pain-reducing effects for about 4.5 hours. However, analgesic effects of the pill took about an hour to kick in, compared with about 15 minutes for smoking marijuana.

Medical marijuana is legal in 18 states, and studies have suggested that smoking the drug relieves pain. For instance, a 2010 study found that smoking marijuana eased pain from nerve injuries .

However, "smoking anything presents certain health risks," said study researcher Ziva Cooper, an assistant professor of clinical neurobiology at Columbia University's Department of Psychiatry. Substances in the smoke can reduce lung function or increase the risk of cancer.

The new findings suggest a marijuana pill "can produce analgesic effects for longer without the health risks that come along with smoking," Cooper said.

Study participants were also less likely to say that they found the effects of dronabinol pleasurable, compared with people who smoke marijuana, indicating that the pill has less potential for abuse, Cooper said.

However, more research is needed to confirm the results. Because the study involved healthy people, it's not clear if individuals who suffer from a condition such as chronic pain would experience the same effect from the pill. (But Cooper noted that, in the past, drugs that worked in early studies to reduce the pain of an ice bath ended were indeed later shown to relieve chronic pain .)

In addition, the study involved regular marijuana users (who smoked the drug daily), so it's not clear if the results would apply to people who don't regularly consume marijuana. The study was also small, with just 30 people.

The research provides "additional evidence to suggest that both marijuana and dronabinol can be somewhat effective in reliving pain," said Dr. John Roberts, an oncologist at the Yale School of Medicine who has studied the effects of marijuana's active ingredient on pain, and was not involved in the new study.

Roberts said there might be a role for each form of the drug in pain relief, depending on the users' preferences. For instance, some people with a pain condition may say that they prefer smoking marijuana because it both reduces their pain and gives them a high. However, the issue of whether to allow patients to use potentially addictive drugs (ones they find pleasurable) is a question for public policy, Roberts said.

The new study is published today (April 22) in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology.

Pass it on: A pill form of marijuana reduces pain for a longer time period than does smoking the drug, a new study suggests.

smart2009's photo
Mon 04/22/13 06:18 AM

smart2009's photo
Mon 04/22/13 05:00 AM

You guys go on and on with your jokes and conspiracy theories....that is a BUNCH OF BS!!!

The government wants to catch the bad guys and there are many devoted to that cause.

F all your BS conspiracy theories....they are not reality.

The FBI should be tracking your posts and paying you a visit soon.

Same with all you 9-11 conspiracy theorists....FBI should come knock on your friggin doors because as far as I am are the problem!


An American

we have a million questions, and those questions need to be answered.
yea, good luck with that.laugh

We Have Right To Know Truth!

smart2009's photo
Sun 04/21/13 11:13 PM

I read that "Tsarnaev drove a silver Mercedes and wore fashionable clothes yet was known as a loner, drifting from job to job, at one stage delivering pizzas.
KEY Question - Where did these guys get the money to spend on all this stuff and travel??? The elder in Russia for six months, family, cars, guns, etc.
After the two brothers engaged in a gun battle with police early Friday, authorities found many unexploded homemade bombs at the scene, along with more than 250 rounds of ammunition.
Sunday, the city's police commissioner said the two suspects had such a large cache of weapons that they were probably planning other attacks.

traveling really isnt that expensive, especially if one has had their own business and it is successful

my son wears fashionable clothes and he only works for TSA, if his family had acquired 'wealth' that would support his expenses wherever his income did not,,,

foreign policy analysts have long tracked a connection between the Chechnya region and Islamic extremists with Al Qaeda and the Taliban. If the suspects are indeed Chechen, they may represent part of a jihadi network which has made its way to American soil.
the terrorists are “financed by a web of Islamic charities, banks and other organizations that have served as cash conduits for terrorist groups.

smart2009's photo
Sun 04/21/13 11:06 PM

This post makes absolutely NO SENSE at all.

More BS from the right...sure didn't take you long to make it political.

It was political when those two yayhoos built the bombs!


smart2009's photo
Sun 04/21/13 11:05 PM
Edited by smart2009 on Sun 04/21/13 11:10 PM

smart2009's photo
Sun 04/21/13 10:31 PM
Edited by smart2009 on Sun 04/21/13 10:34 PM

smart2009's photo
Sun 04/21/13 09:16 PM

My recommendation would be to, stab him deeply with a hot poker a few times.

That would feel like what hot shrapnel feels like.

No anesthesia.

Cut off his legs and arms. Then set his sorry a$$ on top of a pressure cooker bomb.

Give cell phones to some of the family of the dead and to the victims to detonate.

Sending his puke existence to get with his 50 boy virgins and to get bent over by Mohamed.

But, if he's into boys, make that female virgins.


smart2009's photo
Sun 04/21/13 09:15 PM

You guys go on and on with your jokes and conspiracy theories....that is a BUNCH OF BS!!!

The government wants to catch the bad guys and there are many devoted to that cause.

F all your BS conspiracy theories....they are not reality.

The FBI should be tracking your posts and paying you a visit soon.

Same with all you 9-11 conspiracy theorists....FBI should come knock on your friggin doors because as far as I am are the problem!


An American

we have a million questions, and those questions need to be answered.

smart2009's photo
Sun 04/21/13 09:14 PM
Boston bombing suspects did not have valid handgun licenses.

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