Topic: Here's what you need to know about the magazine that may bla
smart2009's photo
Wed 04/24/13 11:53 PM
Bost bomber suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev spoke to investigators about his and his deceased brother's involvement in the Boston Marathon bombing, saying thatthe two acted alone and learned bomb-making methods through the Internet.
One of the sites that his brother, Tamerlan, visited was the online publication Inspire Magazine, an al-Qeada-linked website, according to CNN .
Here's what you need to know about the magazine that may blame for the Boston Marathon bombings .
1. In the First Issue, Inspire Gave Instructions to Make a Pressure-Cooker Bomb
Inspire Magazine has been known for promoting the use ofeveryday items as ingredients to making a bomb. The first issue's article"How To Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom" provided a recipe in making a bomb using a pressure cooker. Other issues addressed how to blow up buildings and instructions on being a jihadist without the support of al-Qaeda. 2. It's Published by the Yemen-Based al-Qaeda
Inspire Magazine wascreated by the al-Qaeda division in Yemen and Saudi Arabia. The publication has been one of many ways that the terrorist group were able to reach its audience. 3. It's Known for Blueprints on Bomb-Making
The magazine's contents have been providing extremists with the tools necessary to make a bomb, according to the ADL blog . The bombs made by Dzhokhar and Tamerlen Tsarnaev matched with the designs of the bombsshown in the magazine. The brother's online activity suggests thatthey received instructions on how to make bombs usingInspire Magazine. 4. The Magazine is Accused of PromotingHomegrown Terrorism
The magazine has become a sort of propaganda to promote homegrownterrorism, a term known for radicals acting alone while executing terrorist attacks. Inspire Magazine has played a large role in recruiting Western jihadists to carry on their message for freedom. Sratfor reports that the magazine has been used as a guide to help first-timers learnwhat to expect at a jihadist training camp and learning the rules new recruitsare expected to live by.
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5. Inspire Offered Translated Messages from Osama bin Laden
The magazine aimed at Western readers provided translated messages from then al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. Some of these messages encouraged terror attacks to be made on U.S. soil, suggesting to fire at restaurants in Washington, D.C., or strike victims with a truck, according to ADL . 6. A Former Editor Was Killed in a Drone Strike 2011
Samir Khan, a former editor of Inspire, wrote on an article titled "I Am Proud to be a Traitor to America," which was published for the October 2010 issue. Khan was killed on September 30, 2011, after a U.S. drone strike on Yemen where Samir was located. According to Fox News , Samir wasa Pakistani American in his 20s from North Carolina who moved to Yemen to join the jihadist forces. Many of his articles promoted attacking U.S. targets, and using homemade explosives to do so. 7. It is Believed that Anwar al-Awlaki Started the Magazine
The magazine was believed to be the brainchild of Anwar al-Awlaki, a Yemen-based leader of al-Qaeda. For the firstissue, he wrote an editorial titled "May Our Souls Be Sacrificed For You," advocating attacks on those who opposeIslam and the prophet. Anwar was dead along with editor Samir Khan after the U.S. led a drone strike on Yemen in 2011. 8. The First Issue Came Out in June 2010
Inspire Magazine started its circulation on June 2010 with 13articles published in the first issue. 9. The SITE Institute First Brought Attention to Inspire
The magazine was discovered online by the SITE Institute, an intelligence group that tracks online activity by terrorist organizations. When the first issue was released, most of the magazine's pages weren't loaded properly, according to the Daily Telegraph . 10. Some SubscribersWere Arrested
Arrests were made inthe UK against readers who possessed a copy of the publication. Back in 2011, suspect Mohammed Abu Hasnath was arrestedfor having several issues of the magazine, according to BNO News . The 19-year-old East Londoner was arrested in October of that year and was sentenced to 14 months in jail on May2012. Recent arrests were made in 2013 when an Australian man was caught witha flash drive containing issues of the magazine.*Bcfks_&ts=1366870757&param=.tsrc%3Dyahoo%26.sep%3Dfp
The type of improvised explosive devices used in the attack on the Boston Marathon on Mondaybear “the hallmark ofAl Qaeda,” according to former CIA Counterterrorism Director Larry Johnson. In an interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews on Tuesday, Johnson said that the devices used are popular on the India-Pakistan border and are favored by Al Qaeda militants. He was cautious, however, not to link the attacks to foreign-based terror groups.
“It’s important to note that that particular model – that type of explosivehas been very popular along the Pakistan-India border,” said Johnson.
He described the typeof substances that a militant would put ina pressure cooker IEDand said that it was unlikely that the device contained an explosive substance used by professional armed forces.
Matthews asked howdifficult it would be for an amateur bombmaker to construct two deadly devices which are timed to go off at approximately the same moment.
“Take your scale of zero – where you can’t even open a door – and ten – where you’re the world’s best bomb maker; this is about asix,” Johnson replied. “This has been a hallmark of Al Qaeda in the past.”
“Closer to organized terrorism groups than a crackpot?” Matthews asked. Johnson replied that he thought that was a likely scenario.

smart2009's photo
Thu 04/25/13 12:26 PM
How many more people like these two brothers are living in our country and working to kill Americans?