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Thu 05/03/12 10:52 AM
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (WTW) — Ketchikan Gateway Borough officials are weighingwhat to do with a photograph of former Mayor Jack Shay after it was stolen from its spot alongside pictures of other mayors, then put back up and removed again due to complaints, after the 80-year-old pleaded guilty to child pornography charges.
The photograph was pulled from the wall in the Assembly's meeting room and temporarily put into mothballs Wednesday.
That was two days after Shay entered his plea to seven counts of possessing child porn.
Shortly after the plea,an aide to U.S. Sen. Mark Begich stole Shay's photograph off the wall.
The aide, Bob Weinstein, a former city of Ketchikan mayor, admitted to taking the photo, Borough Clerk Kacie Paxton said. Video surveillance narrowed it to a few people entering the chambers, and she says he confirmed taking it.
Weinstein, who works in the same building as Assembly officials, did not immediately comment when reached by The Associated Press on Wednesday.
He faces no disciplinary action at work.
"While our office doesn't condone Bob physically removing the photo himself, his employment is not impacted," Julie Hasquet, a spokeswoman for Begich, D-Alaska, saidin an email to the AP.
Shay's photo was returned to the wall Tuesday, as first reported by the Ketchikan Daily News. But that act prompted so many angry phone calls to the borough clerk's office and Assembly members that current Mayor Dave Kiffer decided it was time for a cooling-offperiod.
He ordered the photograph taken down Wednesday morning until the Assembly has a chance to decide its fate at next week's meeting.
"Obviously there's a hole in the wall now. We need to figure out how we want to deal with that," Kiffertold the AP.
Shay was a longtime public official who served stints as mayor for both the city and borough.
He was a member of the Ketchikan City Council when he was arrested in November. Police said he took his computer to a repair shop and employees found child pornography on it.
He had been charged with 91 counts of possession of child pornography but agreed to a plea deal Monday. He pleaded guilty to seven counts and in exchange, prosecutors dropped 84 charges and calledfor a sentence of 35 years in prison, with 18 suspended.
Sentencing was set for Aug. 3.
This isn't the first time Shay's photo has been stolen from the gallery, which included portraits of every mayor since the borough began electing one in 1975. The Ketchikan Daily News reports it disappeared shortly after his arrest, but itwas found behind cookie sheets in a small kitchen just off the chambers.
People began calling shortly after Shay's arrest to have the photo removed, Kiffer said.
Kiffer's reply was that everyone is innocent until provenguilty.
"Now that the legal system has taken its course, it's time for us to have a community discussion whether the photograph should be there," Kiffer said.
There are numerous concerns over the photograph, including the possibility that a victim might see it while attending an Assembly meeting. Seeing his face also stirs up the deep-seated anger, sense of betrayal andextreme disappointment caused by his actions.Kiffer says those are feelings he shares with many in the community.
Part of the discussiongoing forward could include finding a wayto note Shay's historical service besides having a picture hang on the wall.
Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast,rewritten or redistributed.

smart2009's photo
Thu 05/03/12 10:38 AM
Ukraine ex-PM on hunger strike after"beating"-lawyer.
KHARKIV, Ukraine, April 24 (Reuters) - Former Ukrainian Prime Minister YuliaTymoshenko has gone on hunger strike in prison after guards dragged her off herbed and punched her in the stomach, her lawyer said on Tuesday.
Prison authorities deny the accusations.
Tymoshenko, the main opponent of President Viktor Yanukovich, is in jail convicted of abuse of office. She said the beating took place while she was being moved to a state-run hospital last Friday after complaining of back pain.
"They approached my bed, put a sheetover me and started dragging me off the bed, using brute physicalforce. In pain and desperate, I starteddefending myself the way I could andreceived a strong fist punch in the abdomen," Tymoshenko said ina statement read toreporters by her lawyer, Serhiy Vlasenko.
The 51-year-old was convicted last year in a case that strained relations between Ukraine and the West, which saw it as politically motivated.
In the statement, she said she had been attacked by three prison guards.
"They twisted my arms, lifted me up and dragged me outside wrapped ina blanket. I thoughtthose were the last minutes of my life."
The prison administration denied using any force against Tymoshenko, the Interfax news agency reported.
A state prosecutor denied allegations of beating but said Tymoshenko's move last week hadindeed been forced.
"She packed up andgot dressed and then lay on her bed and said 'I am not going anywhere'," Interfax quoted regional prosecutorHenady Tyurin as saying.
"The law ... allows the prison service to use physical force: (guards) lifted her, carried her to the car and took her to the hospital."
Tymoshenko returned to her prison in the city of Kharkiv on Sunday after she refused tobe examined.
Austria, Belgium to boycott Ukraine's Euro matches
BERLIN (AP) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Ukrainian leaders on Thursday to allow jailed ex-Premier Yulia Tymoshenko"proper treatment" for her ailments, as more top officials announced they would boycott the Euro 2012 soccer championship co-hosted by Ukraine.
Merkel insisted that she had not yet decided whether to stay away from the matches to be held in Ukraine and that her priority now is the former leader's health.
Ukraine : 4 explosions rock eastern city - 27 hurt
Four explosions rocked an eastern Ukrainian city Friday,injuring 27 people. Authorities say it was a terrorist attack, but an opposition lawmaker says it could be a government plot to divert attention from the imprisonment of opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko.
Top law enforcement officialsrushed to Dnipropetrovsk, 250 miles southeast of Kiev, to investigate but there was no immediate claim of responsibility. The violence underminedUkraine's security just weeks before it co-hosts the European soccer championships in June.
Many Ukrainian officials called the blasts terrorist attacks, including Deputy Prosecutor General Yevgeny Blazhivsky. Ukraine has not been afflicted with political terrorism, but there have been previous explosions connected to criminal extortion.
President Viktor Yanukovych vowed to investigate and punish the perpetrators.
"This is yet another challenge for us, for the whole country," Yanukovych told reporters in televised comments."We will think of how to respond to this properly."
The opposition partyled by the jailed former prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, however, suggested that Yanukovych's government may have organized the blasts to deflect the world's attention from Tymoshenko's imprisonment and reported abuse in prison. Euro 2012: Ukraine denounces moves to “politicise” event
After several European politicians said they intend to stay away, Ukraine has codemned what it describes as attempts to “politicise” the Euro 2012 football tournament.
Politicians are taking the action in protest at the treatment of imprisoned opposition leader Yulia Tymonshenko.

smart2009's photo
Thu 05/03/12 09:37 AM
Ireland - CIA - The World Factbook.
Natural resources :
natural gas, peat, copper, lead, zinc, silver, barite, gypsum, limestone, dolomite.

smart2009's photo
Thu 05/03/12 08:22 AM
TAMPA, Fla. – Florida Gov. Rick Scott has rejected a request to ban visitors from carrying concealed weapons in downtown Tampa during the Republican National Convention in August.
The request came from Mayor Bob Buckhorn, who wroteScott to ask for an executive order to override state and federal laws allowingpeople with concealed weapons permits to carry firearms.
Buckhorn and others are concerned about people carrying guns at such a large, politically charged gathering.
In a same-day response to Buckhorn’s letter Tuesday, Scott, a Republican, said banning guns in the downtown area would infringe upon citizens' constitutionally protected rights to legally arm themselves.
“Like you, I share the concerns that ‘violentanti-government protests or other civilunrest’ can pose dangers,” Scott wrote in his two-page response. “But it is unclear howdisarming law-abiding citizens would better protect them from the dangers and threats posed by those who would flout the law.
Scott also said that his understanding is guns are already banned inside the convention center and in the surrounding “safety zone” created by the Secret Service.

smart2009's photo
Thu 05/03/12 05:09 AM
God Save the Queen!

smart2009's photo
Tue 05/01/12 01:50 PM
DUBLIN — British army experts defused a 600-pound(275-kilogram) van bomb Saturday on the Northern Irelandborder, the largest such bomb in more than a year linked toIrish Republican Army die-hards.
British army experts defused the homemade bomb two days after a passing motorist told police about theabandoned van on a border road near thepredominantly Catholic town of Newry, a hub for IRA activity. Police and soldiers took more than a day to search the surrounding area, fearful of a potential IRA ambush, before moving in.
Weigh In Corrections?
Newry’s police commander, Chief Superintendent Alasdair Robinson, said the bomb was “a very significant device. If this had exploded, it would have caused devastation.”
Robinson said the bomb — two explosives-filled barrels attached to adetonator and power-timer unit — was fully assembled, viable and big enough to cause major damage to a town center. He said anybody within 50 yards (meters) of thebomb would probably have been killed had it exploded.
He said the attackersmight have abandoned the bomb short of their intended target after encountering a police patrol ahead, as has happened several times previously when IRA dissidents tried to drive car bombs into town centers.

smart2009's photo
Tue 05/01/12 01:45 PM
Former Kadima leader Tzipi Livni resigned from the Knesset on Tuesday, warning in her resignation address that Israel's leaders are putting the country's existence atrisk by choosing to ignore the mounting impatience on the part of the international community.
Livni submitted her resignation to Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin, in a meeting that put an end to the wide spread speculation that she would resign following a decisive loss to Shaul Mofaz at the Kadima primary in March .
Tzipi Livni announcing her resignation from the Knesset, May 1, 2012.
Photo by: Emil Salman
Speaking to the pressafter her meeting with Rivlin, Livni saidshe had "the honor of leading Kadima in an election, and receiving the public's trust, granting it 28 [Knesset seats]. And today, Kadima is Israel's largest party."
The former Kadima leader also hinted at the possibility of her return to politics through different avenues, that she was "leaving the Knesset at this point, but I'm not retiring from public life," saying that Israel was "too dear to me."
In her speech, Livni warned of an existential threat Israel faced under its current leadership, saying that "Israel is on a volcano, the international clock is ticking, and the existence of a Jewish,democratic state is inmortal danger."
"The real danger is a politics that buries itshead in the sand," Livni said, adding that it didn’t "take a Shin Bet chief to know that" – an apparent reference to recent comments made by the former chief of the security service Yuval Diskin , critical of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's policies on Iran and Middle East peace.
Livni said she didn't regret the decisions that may have brought on her political downfall, saying she wasn't"sorry for not backing down in the face of political blackmail, even whenthe price was stayingoutside the government, and for not being willing to sell the country to the ultra-Orthodox.
"And I'm definitely not sorry for the main issue I promoted – even if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict isn't in vogue right now, there's an urgent need to reach a permanent agreement with the Palestinians as well as with the Arab world," she added.
"אמשיך במקום שבו אוכל להשמיע קול צלול" || לבני הודיעה על פרישה מהכנסת:"עוזבת אותה, אבל לא את החיים הציבוריים"
יו"ר קדימה ושרת החוץ לשעבר ערכה מסיבת עיתונאים בכנסת, הודיעה על פרישתה וביקרה במרומז את מחליפה מופז: "בחירות זה לא רק חלוקת תיקים"
אופיר בר-זהר 01.05.2012 12:49 47 הוסף תגובה
הורד עכשיו ללא תשלום הארץ iPhone
הורד עכשיו ללא תשלום הארץ android
לתגובות (47)
הוסף לרשימת קריאה
ח"כ ציפי לבני , יו"ר קדימה ושרת החוץ לשעבר, הודיעה היום (שלישי) רשמית על התפטרותה מהכנסת. עם זאת, במסיבת העיתונאיםשערכה בכנסת, הבהירה לבני כי בכוונתה להישארבחיים הציבוריים.
"אני מכבדת את החלטת בוחרי קדימה ואיחלתי לשאול הצלחה", אמרה."רוב מתפקדי קדימה בחרו בו והוא חייב להוביל את התנועה בדרכו. אבל אני חייבת לחשוב על המשך דרכי בהתאם לעקרונותיי וערכיי. התוצאות מחייבות אותי לעזוב את הכנסת. אני עוזבת אותה בשלב זה אך לא עוזבת את החיים הציבוריים".
לבני ציינה בסוף דבריה כי היא "רואה את ארצי משנה את פניה ואת החברה נחלקת לשבטים. אני נחושה לעשות למען ישראל בדרכי. רבים הציעו לי להישאר על הגלגל - אך מעולם לא ראיתי אותו כגלגל בלונה פארק שיש לעלות עליו עד שמגיעים לרגע שיא". לדבריה, "רבים ביקשו ממני להישאר למענם ואנירוצה להגיד שאני לא עוזבת אותם. אמשיך במאבק במקום ובדרך בו אוכל להמשיך להשמיע קול צלול וללא פשרות".
לבני בכנסת, היום. צילום:אמיל סלמן
עוד כתבות בנושא
רוצים בחירות? אז יהיו בחירות! 20.04.2012 | 12:00
שלוש השנים הרעות של לבני 17.02.2012 | 06:00
מה יהיה הצעד הבא של לבני? דברו על זה בפייסבוק
למרות שבירכה את מופז על היבחרו ליו"ר קדימה, השמיעה לבני ביקורת מרומזת עליו וכן על גורמים נוספים במערכת הפוליטית מבלי לציין שמותיהם. "אני לא מצטערת שלא נכנעתי לסחטנות פוליטית גם כשהמחיר היה ראשות הממשלה ושלא הסכמתי למכור את המדינה לחרדים וגם לא על זה שלא הסכמתי להיות שותפה בממשלה הנוכחית שמדרדרת את ישראל". לדבריה, "אני חושבת שהטעות הגורלית באמת לישראל היא פוליטיקה מלוכלכת. לאזרחי ישראל מגיע יותרמהמנהיגים שלהם. בחירות זה לא רק חלוקת תיקים וגם אם האופוזיציה היא מדבר פוליטי - לציבור בישראל מגיע בכל נקודת זמן אלטרנטיבה".

smart2009's photo
Tue 05/01/12 01:41 PM
Five people described as anarchists were arrested Monday in a Cleveland-area park for trying to blow up a bridge, sources tell Fox News.
The public was never in danger from the explosive devices, which were inoperable and controlled by an undercover FBI employee, according to sources close to the investigation.
A criminal complaint was filed Tuesday morning in U.S. District Court in Cleveland, according to an FBI press release.
Court documents say three of the suspects are self-proclaimed anarchists who formed a small groupand considered a series of plots over several months.
According to the complaint, the suspects initially planned to use smoke grenades to distract law enforcement so that they could topple financial institution signs atop high rise buildings in Cleveland. However, the plot later called for the use of C-4 explosives, authorities said. The final plan allegedly named the Route 82 Brecksville-NorthfieldHigh Level Bridge, which crosses from Brecksville to Sagamore Hills, as the target.
The FBI and the federal Joint Terrorism Task Force are involved in the investigation.
"The safety of the citizens of the Northern District of Ohio is and continuesto be our primary focus," Stephen D. Anthony, Special Agent in Charge of the Cleveland Division of the FBI, said in a statement Tuesday.
"The individuals charged in this plot were intent on using violence to express their ideological views. The Joint Terrorism Task Force will continue to be vigilant in its efforts to detect and disrupt any terrorism threat, domestic or international," Anthony said.
It is unknown if the bridge incident was connected to Occupy Wall Street's plans fornationwide protests Tuesday.
Fox News' Mike Levine contributed tothis report

smart2009's photo
Sat 04/14/12 10:09 AM
TimesMachine April 16, 1912 - Times Machine - The New York Times

smart2009's photo
Wed 04/04/12 04:59 AM
Ron Paul 2012drinker

smart2009's photo
Wed 04/04/12 04:56 AM
[PDF] AMERICA - Mitt Romney
Believe in America: Mitt Romney's Plan for Jobs and Economic Growth. Foreword . The financial crisis we recently …

smart2009's photo
Wed 04/04/12 02:59 AM

Most Muslims are nice, proper, ethical, kind people. Unfortunately
there is a fraction of them who wish to try to make others follow
Islamic law and convert others to Islam and they do not respect
other religions. These are extremist religious fanatics who do not
follow true Islam but instead kill and torture people, bomb the
World Trade towers and commit other atrocities in the name of Islam.
Such acts are a perversion of Islam and no one should ever accept

All religions should live together in peace.


smart2009's photo
Wed 04/04/12 02:49 AM
Monrovia — "There were three people. One person was holding me down; one person was holding my hand; and the other personwas doing the job. They lay me down, and..." Fatu said of the female genital mutilation she underwent as an eight- year-old in Liberia.
According to the World Health Organization, Fatu endured what is classified as a type II female circumcision (on a scale of one to three), where her clitoris and labia minora were cut away.
Now 23 and a student at the University of Liberia, Fatu's circumcision was part of her initiation into the secretive Sande Society, a pseudo-religious association to which most Liberian women - depending on which tribe and part of the country they are from - are members.
The Sande and its male counterpart, the Poro, shape many aspects of culture, tradition, and society as a whole in this West African nation. The Sande "bush" schoolsare where young Liberian women - some as young as two years old - are supposed to receive instruction on the traditions of respect, how to run a household, and how to prepare for marriage.
It is also where their circumcisions happen.
The Sande society believes this rite of passage makes a woman strong and prevents her from becoming promiscuous.
International organisations such asthe United Nations Children's Fund argue that FGM is a human rights violation that denies women "their physical and mental integrity, their right to freedom from violence and discrimination, and in the most extreme case, their life."
FGM's central position in the Sandemakes it particularly difficult to curtail, explained Minister ofGender and Development Julia Duncan-Cassell. But through cooperative efforts with traditional leaders, the government of Liberia is quietly moving to shut down the Sande schools and bring an end to female genital cutting in Liberia.
"Government is saying, 'This needs tostop'," stated Duncan-Cassell. "I can't tell you that it stopped completely, but the process is ongoing."
In the past the Liberian governmenthas been unwilling to comment on FGM and Duncan-Cassell outlined the clearest position on the practice to date. She affirmed her office's commitment to putting an end to female circumcision in the country. FGM isa taboo and complicated topic here in Liberia.
While Fatu mostly spoke positively of her experiences withthe Sande, many women interviewed by IPS refused to discuss the society orFGM.
"It hurt. Seriously, it hurt. And there was a lot of blood," Fatu said, contorting her facial muscles as she recalled the experience. Yet Fatu maintains she does not regret the time she spent in the Sande bush school.
"From that time till now, I feel like a woman. I feel proud," she said, her last word spoken slowly, drawn out, and punctuated withthe same emphasis she used to describe the pain she felt during her initiation.
Duncan-Cassell conceded that eradicating FGM in Liberia will take time.
"There has been a statement put out bythe Ministry of Internal Affairs asking all of our mothers, our aunts, our sisters, to desist from such practices," Duncan-Cassell said."Government wants to respect the beliefsof the people but, at the same time, is telling them not to infringe on the right of someone else."
There are no reliable statistics on the number of Liberian women circumcised; however, it is estimated that as many as two-thirds of women in the country have undergone the procedure.
The cessation of Sande initiations andFGM remains a highlysensitive issue for the government, andofficials interviewed maintained that it would take years to put an end to the practice. However, an alleged deal existsthat could see the Sande sidelined sooner than most expect.
Assistant Minister of Culture at the Ministry of Internal Affairs Joseph Jangar said that a deal has been struck betweenthe Sande and Poro societies, whereby the Sande would hand over land used for initiations to the Poro.
"The women agreed," Jangar said."With that understanding, the women cannot practice Sande. Because of that, we are not issuing permits (to operate Bush schools) to any Sande Society."
Jangar said that an official letter, sent onDec. 9, 2011 to district superintendents and heads of both the Sande and Poro societies, requested that all Sande grovesbe closed down by the end of that year."They all received the letter," he said."If we find any zoes (traditional spiritual leaders) practicing Sande school, we willfine them." Monitors are scheduled to go out into the countiesby the start of April, he added.
However, Minister of Internal Affairs Blamo Nelson claimed that he was not aware of the letter, but said that he sees FGM slowly becoming a thing of the past.
"The advocacy callingfor an end to FGM should continue," he said. "And I'm sure that in time these practices, that more and more Liberians are beginning to findobnoxious, will go away."
Mama Tormah, head of all the Sande's female zoes, said thesociety is currently undergoing a number of changes, including placing an emphasis on more formalised studies into the culture. Another is addressing a criticism often levied at the Sande - that it enrolls and circumcises girls far too young to take part on their own free will. Tormah acknowledged that 17 or 18 years shouldbe the minimum agefor students of the"bush" schools.
She, however, denied that grove schools were ever involved in FGM and chastised Duncan-Cassell for speaking publicly about this taboo subject."You're not supposedto ask me that question under lights," Tromah protested.
Meanwhile, Nelson cautioned that traditions and beliefsare difficult things tochange and, when it comes to an issue as culturally sensitive asFGM, are complicatedto even debate.
A conversation on genital cutting in Liberia has no doubt begun. But for some, it has arrived too late.
In December 2011, 17-year-old Lotopoe Yeamah underwent her Sande initiation in Nimba County. According to media reports, complications left her bleeding for a week. When Yeamahwas finally taken to aclinic, she was pronounced dead on arrival.

smart2009's photo
Thu 03/22/12 08:58 AM
Yes It's True. picture montage from start to finish ...

smart2009's photo
Thu 03/22/12 08:07 AM
Toolooz sur Fox News : la tuerie deToulouse.
Cette photo qui a faitle tour du web en peu de temps est en fait un montage réalisé par @handsomeninja , comme le prouve la photo suivante :
L'originale du montage "Toolooz"

smart2009's photo
Mon 03/19/12 10:58 AM
REPORTING FROM SAN DIEGO --The U.S. Navy is upgrading itsdefensive and offensive capabilities in the Persian Gulf to counter threats from Iran to seize the Strait of Hormuz and block the flow ofoil, the chief of naval operations said Friday.
Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert told reporters in Washingtonthat the Navy will add four more mine-sweeping ships and four more CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopters with mine-detection capability. The Navy is also sending more underwater unmannedmine-neutralization units to the region.
Greenert said he plans to assign more patrol craft to the gulf, possibly armed withMark 38 Gatling guns. The same kind of guns might be placed on ships that provide protection for U.S. aircraft carriers or perhaps on the carriers themselves.
U.S. ships have excellent long-range defenses but could use weapons for closer combat, Greenert said.
"It’s like being in an alley with a rifle and maybe what you need is a sawed-off shotgun," he said.
The Iranians have boasted that they could "swarm" large U.S. ships with their smaller, fast-moving craft. They have also reportedly been laying mines along their coastline.
The narrow Strait of Hormuz is a key transit way for oil tankers. Any closure of the strait could send oil prices skyrocketing, officials say.
In January, the chief of the Iranian army warned the U.S.not to send another ship to the Persian Gulf after the aircraft carrier John C. Stennis departed. Another carrier, the Abraham Lincoln, entered the gulf weeks later without incident.
Greenert told reporters at the Defense Writers Group that he was aboard the John C. Stennis as it left the gulf through

smart2009's photo
Sat 03/17/12 05:01 AM

That Deal was in the making for months!laugh


smart2009's photo
Sat 03/17/12 04:44 AM
Edited by smart2009 on Sat 03/17/12 05:34 AM
It Was So Romantic … Taste of Honey...

smart2009's photo
Sat 03/17/12 04:42 AM
Narcissistic Survey.
Narcissism is a spectrum disorder with the most severeend of the spectrum considered a narcissistic personality disorder. A woman can have several narcissistic traits and not fit the personality disorder. Mothers with only a few traits listed can negatively affect their daughters in insidious ways whichis explained in Dr. Karyl's book.
(Check all those that apply to your relationship with your mother)
Please feel free to print this page
1. When you discuss your life issues with your mother, does she divert the discussion to talk about herself?
2. When you discuss your feelings with your mother, does she she try to top the feeling with her own?
3. Does your mother act jealous of you?
4. Does your mother lack empathy for your feelings?
5. Does your mother only support those things you do that reflect on her as a “good mother”?
6. Have you consistently felt a lack of emotional closeness with yourmother?
7. Have you consistently questioned whether or not your mother likes you or loves you?
8. Does your mother only do things for you when others can see?
9. When something happens in your life(accident, illness, divorce), does your mother react with how it will affect her rather than how you feel?
10. Is or was your mother overly conscious of what others think (neighbors, friends, family, co-workers)?
11. Does your mother deny her own feelings?
12. Does your mother blame things on you or others rather than own responsibility for her own feelings or actions?
13. Is or was your mother hurt easilyand then carries a grudge for a long time without resolving the problem?
14. Do you feel you were a slave to your mother?
15. Do you feel you were responsible for your mother’s ailments or sickness (headaches, stress,illness)?
16. Did you have to take care of your mother’s physical needs as a child?
17. Do you feel unaccepted by your mother?
18. Do you feel your mother was critical of you?
19. Do you feel helpless in the presence of your mother?
20. Are you shamed often by your mother?
21. Do you feel your mother knows thereal you?
22. Does your mother act like the world should revolve around her?
23. Do you find it difficult to be a separate person from your mother?
24. Does your mother appear phony to you?
25. Does your mother want to control your choices?
26. Does your mother swing from egotistical to depressed mood?
27. Did you feel you had to take care of your mother’s emotional needs as a child?
28. Do you feel manipulated in the presence of your mother?
29. Do you feel valued, by mother, for what you do rather than who you are?
30. Is your mother controlling, actinglike a victim or martyr?
31. Does your mother make you act different from how you really feel?
32. Does your mother compete with you?
33. Does your mother always have to have things her way?
Note: All of these questions relate to narcissistic traits. Themore questions you checked, the more likely your mother has narcissistic traits and this has caused some difficulty for you as a growing daughter and adult.

smart2009's photo
Fri 03/16/12 12:47 PM
T he purpose of this essay is to present facts and very conservative estimates which will convince the reader that billions of human beings will most likely suffer horrible deaths before the year 2050 and almost certainly will suffer those deaths before the year 2120, if they were not suffered before 2050, if human does not immediately commence rapid population decline.
Gross World Wide Product (GWWP) in inflation adjusted dollars increased 7.87times from the year 1950 ($7.1 trillion) to the year 2004 ($55.9 trillion). During the same period population increased by a factor of 2.56 times (population 1950 2.4 billion, 2004 6.4 billion). Dividing 7.87 by 2.56 equals 3.07---and 3.07 represents the per capita increase in GWWP during the period 1950-2004. Since GWWP also represents the usage of resources, we can make the reasonable assumption the per capita usage of resources increased by 3.07 times or some number very close to that number.Since the economies of China, India have been growing explosively and are very likely to continue that growthand since the economies of many other nations of the world, including the USA, have been growing and will continue to grow, wecan make the very reasonable assumption that by the year 2050 the percapita usage of resources will be at least 4.57 times as great as they were in1950. For the 54 year period from 1950 to 2004 the per capita growth rate was 3.07times the starting value of 1950: we areassuming that for the46 year period from 2004 to 2050 the growth rate will only be 1.50 times the 1950 starting value, avery substantial reduction and a very, very conservative estimate. 3.07 plus 1.50 equals 4.57, the number I used for the entire period of 1950-2050. Therefore, 4.57 represents the per capita increase in theusage of resources in the year 2050 when compared with the year 1950.