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smart2009's photo
Mon 08/27/12 04:16 AM
A man wearing a black mask and waving a pistol attacked a woman in front of her apartment, then fell asleep while attempting to rape her.
The attacker has reportedly been identified by police as a 33-year-old construction worker from Uzbekistan whowas doing repairs in the victim's building.
The incident occurredaround 4 a.m. Sundayin the town of Vidnoye. The 32-year-old victim was returning home when a man in a mask pounced on herin front of her apartment. Threatening her witha pistol, he then forced her into her own apartment and tore her clothes off, apparently attempting to rape her.
But it is not clear how far he got before passing out and giving his victim an opportunity to contact the police. Hewas still napping on the victim's floor when police arrived.

smart2009's photo
Mon 08/27/12 04:16 AM
The man known as the Ninja rapist won't be allowed to sexually assault any woman ever again.
Monday the State Attorney's office accepted a plea agreement for 35-year-old Bobby James Allen, Jr., which includes surgical castration.
Allen was the prime suspect in a number of sexual assaults on Bay County's eastsidein 1998 and 1999.
He was dubbed the"Ninja rapist" because he wore a black mask and Ninja-type outfit. It isbelieved he may have raped, or attempted to rape, asmany as 7-women at knife-point, over a 2-year period. The last attack happened in cedar grove in January 1999.
In 2002, Allen was arrested for a 1999 Cedar Grove rape. The combined D-N-A index system matched Allen to thatattack and he was supposed to go on trial for the crime. But, during one of histrips between the Bay County jail and the courthouse in 2002, Allen escaped from the transport van. He was recaptured two hourslater by the Coast Guard as he attempted to swim St. Andrew Bay.
Then, 2-weeks beforethe trial date, authorities say they linked Allen to another sex crime in using new D-N-A evidence. That helped lead to Monday's plea agreement.
Allen is pleading to four counts of armed burglary, three counts of sexual battery while armed, and one count of attempted sexual battery while armed. Investigators say the deal resolves a number of the 1998 and 1999 cases.
As part of the terms of the agreement, Allen will serve 100% of a 25 year prison sentence as a dangerous felony sexoffender. He'll then serve 10 years probation upon his release. He'll be designated a sexual predator, with all registration and treatment requirements, and electronic monitoring.
And Allen has agreed to be surgically castrated. That surgery will be conducted within 8-days after his formal sentencing. He is scheduled to be sentenced on September 20th.

smart2009's photo
Mon 08/27/12 03:45 AM
Weapons sales by the United States tripled in 2011 to a record high, driven by major arms sales to Persian Gulf allies concerned about Iran ’s regional ambitions, accordingto a new study for Congress.
Overseas weapons sales by the United States totaled $66.3 billion last year, or more than three-quarters of the global arms market, valued at $85.3 billion in 2011. Russia was a distant second, with $4.8 billion in deals.
The American weapons sales total was an “extraordinary increase” over the$21.4 billion in deals for 2010, the study found, and was the largest single-year sales total in the history of United States arms exports. The previous high was in fiscal year 2009, when American weapons sales overseas totaled nearly $31 billion.
A worldwide economic decline had suppressed armssales over recent years. But increasingtensions with Iran drove a set of Persian Gulf nations — Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emiratesand Oman — to purchase American weapons at record levels.
These Gulf states do not share a border with Iran, and their arms purchases focused on expensive warplanesand complex missile defense systems.
The report was prepared by the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, a division of the Library of Congress. The annual study, written by Richard F.Grimmett and Paul K.Kerr and delivered toCongress on Friday, is considered the most detailed collection of unclassified arms sales data available to the public.
The agreements with Saudi Arabia included the purchase of 84 advanced F-15 fighters, a variety of ammunition, missiles and logisticssupport, and upgrades of 70 of the F-15 fighters in the current fleet.
Sales to Saudi Arabialast year also included dozens of Apache and Black Hawk helicopters, allcontributing to a total Saudi weapons deal from the UnitedStates of $33.4 billion, according to the study.
The United Arab Emirates purchased a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, an advanced antimissileshield that includes radars and is valued at $3.49 billion, as well as 16 Chinook helicopters for $939 million.
Oman bought 18 F-16 fighters for $1.4 billion.
In keeping with recent trends, most of the weapons purchases, worth about $71.5 billion, were made by developing nations, with about $56.3 billion of that from the United States.
Other significant weapons deals by the United States last year included a$4.1 billion agreement with India for 10 C-17 transport planes andwith Taiwan for Patriot antimissile batteries valued at$2 billion — an arms deal that outraged officials in Beijing.
To compare weapons sales over various years, the study used figures in2011 dollars, with amounts for previous years adjusted for inflation to provide a consistent measurement.
A policy goal of the United States has been to work with Arab allies in the Persian Gulf to knit together a regional missile defense system to protect cities, oil refineries, pipelines and military bases from an Iranian attack.
The effort has included deploying radars to increase the range of early warning coverage across the Persian Gulf, as well as introducing command, control and communicationssystems that could exchange that information with new batteries of missile interceptors sold to the individual nations.
The missile shield in the Persian Gulf is being built on a country-by-country basis — with these costly arms sales negotiated bilaterally between the United States and individual nations.

smart2009's photo
Mon 08/27/12 03:44 AM
U.S. sales of arms overseas totaled more than 3/4 of the global weapons market in 2011.

smart2009's photo
Fri 08/24/12 11:18 AM
A man threw a petrolbomb at the motorcade of Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat as he returned from hosting a reception for visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a government aide said today (23 August). There were no injuries reported in the attack.
Merkel met with Filatand President NicolaeTimofti in the capital Chisinau on Wednesday. Filat, 43, who heads a government of the Alliance for European Integration, was returning from the reception when the 23-year-old assailant tossed the bottle at his car.
"At the moment we do not know who theman is, nor what the motives for his actionwere," said Interior Ministry official EujenOnica, adding that the man was detained on the spot."The police are with him now."
Moldova arrests man suspected of throwing incendiary device at ...

smart2009's photo
Fri 08/24/12 09:18 AM
Pakistan— A volley of American drone strikes in Pakistan’s tribal belt early Friday killed at least 18 people, security officials said, marking a sharp escalation of the controversial C.I.A.-led campaign that continues to roilrelations with Pakistan.

smart2009's photo
Fri 08/24/12 09:17 AM

Recent news stories have detailed disagreements between Israeli and U.S. assessments of Iran's nuclear capabilities and intentions. While it would appear that for now the United States does not share the apparent Israeli desire for military action toward Iran, President Obama has done everything possible to prevent the Iranians from having the ability to produce a nuclear weapon at will. His efforts against Iran have outstripped those of his predecessors, and there is no doubt that his administration has inflicted the most harm on Iran. President Obama has mobilized the world to impose unprecedented draconian economic sanctions on Iran. Even from his first months in office, he secretly ordered expansion of America's sustained use of cyber weapons against Iran, while frequently threatening to use military force.

Although I believe it would be idiotic for any country to wage war with Iran, one cannot rule out the possibility. Here are 20 reasons why a military attack on Iran is a bad idea:

First, Iran has become the leading country in the Muslim world advocating for an end to nuclear weapons by religiously committing itself against weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The Iranian Supreme Leader issued a Religious Decree, or Fatwa, that forbids the production, stockpiling and use of all WMDs.

Second, the IAEA in the past decade, following more than 4,000 inspection hours, frequently and constantly has declared that there is no evidence of diversion in Iranian nuclear activity toward building a weapon.

Third, the U.S. National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) has maintained that Iran does not have nuclear weapons, has not made the decision to build them and is not on the verge of acquiring nuclear weapons. The international community also accepts this conclusion.

Fourth, if the U.S. were to attack Iran, it would reverse non-proliferation efforts worldwide and weaken the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Since the United States is a member of the NPT and a nuclear weapons state with more than 5,000 warheads, using the nuclear threat to attack a non-nuclear-weapons state such as Iran would be extremely harmful to the credibility of the NPT.

Fifth, if Israel were to attack unilaterally, the consequences would be even more catastrophic for the NPT, since Israel is not a member of NPT and would be a nuclear weapons state threatening a non-nuclear member of the NPT. As a result, any Israeli attack would make the NPT irrelevant and its credibility in any non-proliferation efforts void.

Sixth, a strike would likely neither completely destroy the Iranian nuclear program, nor cause a major delay to the program.

Seventh, Iran would withdraw from NPT, suspend nuclear talks with international negotiators, kick out inspectors from all nuclear sites and hide its nuclear program.

Eighth, an Israeli or U.S. strike on Iran would kill the hopes for rapprochement between Tehran and Washington for decades to come.

Ninth, there is no doubt that in case of any strike, Iranians of all political stripes would rally around the flag to defend their land, integrity, identity, and rights, and to resist security threats.

Tenth, President Obama's effort to improve relations with the Muslim world is one of the most important U.S. foreign policy objectives. This was highlighted in his June 4, 2009 Cairo speech, calling for a "new beginning" between the United States and Muslims. Any strike on Iran by the U.S. or Israel would revive anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world and even other parts of the globe.

Eleventh, the U.S. budget is already under severe pressure because of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. As the United States continues to pull itself back from the brink of an economic collapse, making the case for a third war is totally unrealistic.

Twelfth, the safe passage of energy from the strategic Strait of Hormuz would be in danger, and oil prices might hit $200 to $300 per barrel.

Thirteenth, America's standing in the Middle East is already under mounting strain on multiple fronts. The political order in a number of "pro-American" Arab countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and Lebanon is shifting away from the United States. In the event of an attack on Iran, this trend will accelerate and may shift the balance of influence and power more toward Tehran.

Fourteenth, Iran has extensive reach, influence and assets throughout the Middle East that it can tap in case of any military strikes. Iran's military will use both its own resources and those assets to rapidly spread the conflict throughout the region and beyond.

Fifteenth, Iran would make the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan much more difficult and complicated, at a time when the U.S. military is stretched thin and is attempting to end its presence in both countries.

Sixteenth, Israel's security is of vital interest to the U.S. In case of an Israeli attack, there would be severe consequences for both countries, with domestic pressures due to engagement in the war that would jeopardize relations between Jerusalem and Washington. This friction might shatter the bipartisan unity that supports Israel, further complicating the U.S. domestic political scene and undermining Israel's security.

Seventeenth, Israel is already isolated. A war with Iran would worsen this situation and further strain both U.S. and Israeli relations with countries in the region.

Eighteenth, even if Israel takes unilateral military action, the U.S. would be considered complicit in the attack, and its assets, bases and personnel would be targeted by the Iranian retaliation.

Nineteenth, an Israeli or U.S. strike could dramatically widen the diplomatic split between the United States and Russia, China, and Non-Alignment Movement countries and may even create divergence with European and regional allies, reminiscent of tensions over the Iraq war.

Twentieth, the chance for diplomacy is there but requires the West and Israel to adopt a more realistic position. Iran is prepared to cooperate on major elements to achieve a fair deal. These include continued work with the IAEA and capping uranium enrichment below 5 percent as a further assurance for the international community that Iran is not after a nuclear bomb.

In return Iran is asking for the recognition of its legitimate rights under NPT for enrichment, in line with those accorded other member states, and gradual removal of sanctions. This is enough for the U.S. and other major powers to advance a mutually face-saving deal and limit Israeli and other hawkish efforts to derail the process.

Signs Suggest Iran Is Speeding Up Work onNuclear Program.
International nuclearinspectors will soon report that Iran has installed hundreds ofnew centrifuges in recent months and may also be speeding up production of nuclear fuel while negotiations with the United States and its allies have ground to a near halt, according to diplomats and experts briefed on the findings.

smart2009's photo
Thu 08/23/12 08:21 AM
Edited by smart2009 on Thu 08/23/12 08:38 AM
A war profiteer is any personor organization that profits from warfare or by selling
weapons and other goods to parties at war. It's All Big Money. Global violence. Who Cares?
Money. Money. Money.

smart2009's photo
Thu 08/23/12 08:18 AM
Nicely Put.:thumbsup:

smart2009's photo
Thu 08/23/12 02:28 AM
paparacies- make people lives misarable. Morons.

smart2009's photo
Mon 08/20/12 04:14 AM
I always thought vampires were the stuff of legend, but after doing a little digging through the scientific literature, now I'm not so sure. If you yourself have never heard of Renfield's Syndrome , don't worry. You're not alone.
Watch the video above or click below to read all about clinical vampirism . And don't forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section at the bottomof the page. Don't be afraid, talk nerdy to me!
Hi everyone. Cara Santa Maria here. American culture is crazy for stories of evil blood suckers who hunt in the shadow of darkness. From the iconic 1922 German horror film “ Nosferatu ” to “Twilight,” “True Blood,” and everything in between, our fascination with vampires stands the test of time. Could it be that somewhere, in the dark recesses of our minds, we fearthat there's a bit of truth to these twisted fairytales?
Reports of vampirismin Slavic and European countries date back hundreds of years--and vampires still make their way into the headlines.
In 2003, an Australianman was awaiting trial for rape after a woman was found brutally attacked, with part of her tongue bitten off. She claimed that Shane Chartres-Abbott , a 28 year-oldmale prostitute, told her he was a vampirewho needed to drink blood to survive. In the midst of the trial,he was gunned downand killed in a modern-day"vampire slaying."
And just last year, a 19 year-old Texas man named Lyle Monroe Bensley was arrested after breaking into a woman's apartment and biting her neck. Once in custody, he told police that he was a 500 year-old vampire who should be restrained because he needed to feed but didn't want to hurt anybody.
Could these men be suffering from Renfield's Syndrome, otherwise known as clinical vampirism ? Ifyou're up to speed on your vampire trivia, you know that Renfield is Dracula's assistant in Bram Stoker's 1897 novel. The disorder was named by Philadelphia psychologist Richard Noll in 1992, although vampirism was identified as a clinical syndrome much earlier.
There are very few mentions in the scientific literature, but a 2011 paper in the Journal of the History of the Neurosciences characterizes Renfield's syndrome as a blood-drinking compulsion. It's primarily found in males and the blood lust goes hand-in-hand with sex. Some people with Renfield's feel sexually empowered after drinking blood and think it has mystical powers, as ifthey're taking in their victims' life force.
Noll diagnosed patients with Renfield's based on an early childhood experience, where bleeding or tasting blood was somehow linked with feelings of excitement. After puberty, these feelings became associated with sexual arousal. He said that Renfield's progressed in three typical stages, starting with autovampirism in childhood. As the name suggests, autovampirism is theact of drinking your own blood. Once that's no longer exciting, I suppose, Renfield's patients moved on to zoophagia, which literally translates into eating living creatures. Here, it's the blood these modern-day vampires are after, and apparently it's easier to procure it inanimals than in people.
But alas, the final stage of a typical course in this not-so-typical condition is full-blown vampirism, in which individuals procure and drink blood fromliving human beings. Some people with Renfield's engage in consensual sexual blood sucking activity, while others steal blood from hospitals and laboratories. Those with a penchant for violence may rape, torture, or kill their victims in order to drink their blood. And although there don't seem to be too many differences between cannibalism and clinical vampirism, in case you're wondering, the informative article I just referenced makes it clear that necrophiliaand necrophagia are"not to be consideredaspects of this disorder." Look them up.
But let's get to the question I know you want to ask: what happens when you drink blood? Is it badfor you?
In a word, yes . Although a little tasteof blood here and there won't do much harm (if it's clean), if you drank too much, you'd develop heart disease, liver failure, and even cancer. Of course, this is because blood is rich in iron, and in high doses, iron is toxic. It leads to a condition called hemochromatosis , oriron overload. And untreated, it can be fatal.
So, I recommend resisting that vampiric urge, and sticking with cranberry juice. Whatdo you think? Reach out to me on Twitter,Facebook, or leave a comment right here on the Huffington Post. Come on, talk nerdy to me!
See all Talk Nerdy to Me posts.
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smart2009's photo
Thu 08/16/12 10:01 AM
Ecuador grants asylum to Assange , angering Britain.
Ecuador has granted political asylum to WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange, Foreign Minister Ricardo Patino said on Thursday, a day after the British government threatened to storm the Ecuadorean embassy in London to arrest the formerhacker.

smart2009's photo
Thu 08/16/12 02:38 AM
Pakistan Newspapers and News Sites:
Eight militants killed in Kamra airbase attack
Militants dressed in uniforms and armed with guns and rocketlaunchers stormed a Pakistani air force base on Thursday, sparking heavy clashes that left nine people dead, officialssaid.
One security official was killed and a plane damaged in the pre-dawn assault at PAF Base Minhas.
The attack comes amid speculation that Pakistan could launch an operation against militants in the tribal district of North Waziristan, where Washington has long demanded an offensive against Haqqani network.
The Air Force said seven to eight attackers with rocketpropelled-grenades and suicide vests attacked the base, home to to the Pakistan AeronauticalComplex that assembles Mirage and JF-17 fighter jets,at 2:00 am (2100 GMTWednesday).
That gunmen disguised themselvesin uniforms and got inside the facility just60 kilometres (37 miles) northwest of Islamabad will renewquestions about security, particularly at a base which has been attacked twice before.
"Other miscreants then fired RPGs from outside the base boundary wall. As a result one PAF aircraft got damaged," the air force said in a statement.
Gunfire, rocket and hand grenade explosions were heard during heavy clashes. One officer told AFP that he saw flames after waking up for his late night meal, eaten during the dawn-to-dusk Muslim fasting month of Ramazan.
"There was an announcement by megaphone for soldiers not to move from the barracks and we were forbidden from goingto the area where I saw the fire," he said.Special forces and police were scrambled to the scene.
"Eight terrorists have been killed and one security official martyred," an Air Force spokesman toldAFP.
"The attackers were wearing security force uniforms but I can't specify of whichforce uniform they were wearing," he added.
At least seven of the attackers were wearing suicide vests.
The military initially said that two securitypersonnel were killedbut no explanation was given for revising down the number.
The base commander, who led the counter-attack, was wounded and forces were searching the base toensure no other gunmen remained, the military said.
There was no immediate claim of responsibility but thePakistani Taliban have targeted a string of military bases since rising up against the government in July 2007.
In May 2011, it took 17 hours to quell an attack on an air base in Karachi claimed bythe Taliban.
Thursday's attack was the second in weeks to see troops die near the relatively secure capital. Gunmen on July 9 killed seven security personnel who had camped by a river less than 160 kilometres (100 miles) southeast of Islamabad.
Despite a relative lull in high-profile attacks, Pakistan has been on alert for violence to coincide with its independence day onTuesday this week and the Muslim festival of Eid, which is expected to begin at the weekend.
The base in Kamra was previously targeted on October 23, 2009 when a suicide bomber killedsix civilians and two Pakistan Air Force personnel at a checkpoint. On December 10, 2007, asuicide car bomber struck a school bus, wounding at least five children of base employees.

smart2009's photo
Thu 08/16/12 02:37 AM
Pakistan —Suspected Islamist militants attacked a major Pakistani Air Force base where some of the country’s nuclear weapons are thought to be storedin the early hours of Thursday, setting offan exchange of fire that lasted several hours.
Security forces battled attackers until dawn at the Minhas air force base, west of the capital, Islamabad, according to reports on Pakistani television. At least one militant was killed and several others were wounded.
The base, in the Attock district of Punjab, is believed to be one of the locations where partof Pakistan’s nuclear stockpile, estimated to include at least 100 warheads, is stored. The assault came amid mounting speculation that Pakistan’s military was preparing to carry out an operation in the militant stronghold of North Waziristan, in the tribal belt — alongstanding demand of the United States.
Early reports suggested that the attackers, some wearing suicide jackets, were targeting JF-17 fighter jets at the base that could be used in such an operation.
It was not clear how many warplanes were stationed at the base, or whetherany were damaged in the assault.
Militants have attacked the base twice already — in 2007, when a suicidebomber hit a bus near the entrance, and in 2008, when militants fired several rockets into the base.
The latest assault resembled a May 2011 assault on a military base in Karachi in which at least two American-built surveillance aircraft were destroyed. It was not entirely unexpected.
On Aug. 10, the newspaper The Express Tribune, quoting intelligence officials, reported that the Pakistani Taliban were planning to attack an air force base near Lahore before the religious holiday of Id al-Fitr, which is expected to fall around Monday.
Arif Rafiq, an adjunctscholar at Middle East Institute in Washington, noted that the attack coincided with the speculation about a military operation inNorth Waziristan. “The Taliban are telling Pakistan’s leadership, ‘If you hit us here, we’ll hit you everywhere,’ ” he said.

smart2009's photo
Wed 08/15/12 11:01 PM
Europe has long been more tolerant of militant Islamic groups than the United States. Beforethe 9/11 attacks, Al Qaeda maintained a media information office in London. Much of the planningand organization forthe attacks took place in Hamburg, Germany, where the plot’s leader, Mohamed Atta, lived.

smart2009's photo
Wed 08/15/12 11:00 PM
Edited by smart2009 on Wed 08/15/12 11:19 PM
As American officials sound the alarm over what they call aresurgent threat from the Shiite militant group Hezbollah , thousands of its members and supporters operate with few restrictionsin Europe, raising money that is funneled to the group’s leadership inLebanon.
Washington and Jerusalem insist that Hezbollah is an Iranian-backed terrorist organization with bloody hands, and that it is working closely with Tehran to train, arm and finance the Syrian military’s lethal repression of the uprising there. Yet, the European Union continues to treat it foremost as a Lebanese political and social movement.
As Israel heightens fears of a pre-emptive strike on Iran ’s nuclear sites, intelligence analysts warn that Iran and Hezbollah would respond with attacks of their own on targets abroad. Israeli and American officials have attributed the Bulgarian bus bombing last month that killed six people, including five Israeli tourists, to Hezbollah and Iran, saying it was part of a clandestine offensive that has included plots in Thailand, India, Cyprus and elsewhere.
While the group is believed to operate all over the Continent, Germany is a center of activity, with 950 members and supporters last year, up from 900 in 2010, Germany’s domestic intelligence agency said in its annual threat report. On Saturday, Hezbollah supporters and others will march here for the annual Jerusalem Day event,a protest against Israeli control of thatcity. Organizers told the Berlin police thatthe event would attract 1,000 marchers, and that two counterdemonstrations were also likely.
Hezbollah has maintained a low profile in Europe since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, quietly holding meetings and raisingmoney that goes to Lebanon, where officials use it for an array of activities — building schools and clinics, delivering social services and, Western intelligence agencies say, carrying out terroristattacks.
European security services keep tabs on the group’s political supporters, but experts say they are ineffective when it comes to tracking the sleeper cells that pose the most danger. “They have real, trained operatives in Europe that have not been used in a long time, but if they wanted them to become active, they could,” said Alexander Ritzmann, a policy adviser at the European Foundation for Democracy in Brussels, who has testified before Congress on Hezbollah.
The European Union’s unwillingness to place the group on its list of terrorist organizations is also complicating the West’s efforts to dealwith the Bulgarian bus bombing and the Syrian conflict. The week after the attack in Bulgaria, Israel’s foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, traveled to Brussels for a regular meeting with European officials, where he called for the European Union to include Hezbollah onthe list. But his pleas fell on deaf ears.
“There is no consensus among the E.U. member states for putting Hezbollah in the terrorist-related list of the organizations,” EratoKozakou-Marcoullis, the foreign minister of Cyprus, which holds the European Union’s rotating presidency, said at the time. “Should there be tangible evidence of Hezbollah engaging in acts of terrorism, the E.U. would consider listing the organization.”
The Netherlands declared Hezbollah aterrorist organization in 2004, saying that it did not distinguish between the group’spolitical and terroristwings. Britain distinguishes between the parts, listing only the militant wing.
“The British see it as a tool: if you change we take it off the list,” Mr. Ritzmann said. “The French don’t think it’s smartto put them on the terrorist list because they’re such a political actor.”
Mr. Thamm said, “There is no unified common assessmentof Hezbollah.” He added, “And that is not something that will change in the foreseeable future.”
Skeptics here in Europe say that as Hezbollah has become more political the group has moved away from its terrorist past, if not forsaken it entirely, and that Israel is stoking fearsas it seeks to justify an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
Some experts say that security officialson the Continent are resistant to blacklisting the group because they seem to see a tacit détente, where Hezbollah does not stage attacks and European law enforcement officialsdo not interfere withits fund-raising and organizational work.
“There’s a fear of attracting Hezbollah’s ire and eventually inviting Hezbollah operations in their own countries,” said Bruce Hoffman, a professor of security studies at Georgetown and a terrorism expert.
“Why pick up a rock and see what’s under it?” he asked.
US warns Hezbollah may strike in Europe

smart2009's photo
Wed 08/15/12 12:18 AM
The Northern IrishConflict: A Chronology
A history of the conflict and the slow progress towards peace
Conflict is Not Over...

smart2009's photo
Tue 08/14/12 11:47 PM
Edited by smart2009 on Tue 08/14/12 11:55 PM
Importing Russia’sTop Gun.
police say one weapon used bythe man charged with the shootings, James Eagen Holmes,was a popular semiautomatic pistolmade by the Austrian company Glock.

smart2009's photo
Tue 08/14/12 12:52 PM
God save the Queen!
'Cos those tourists are money
And our figure head
Is not what she seems.

smart2009's photo
Tue 08/14/12 12:05 PM
Edited by smart2009 on Tue 08/14/12 12:09 PM
Peter Geoghegan: New IRA same old stance.