Community > Posts By > AlaskanLady

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Mon 02/05/07 02:40 PM
Thanks for writing that rant James. :smile: I admit, I'm one of them
ladies that turns and runs like heck when a guy tries to ask me for my
phone number or if he can meet me for coffee somewhere, and yes, there
are reasons for my running. But your rant is a good one and one that is
on a subject that I at least am trying to get myself to get past.

I'm not sure what I can say on why most women run, but I do know there
are a lot of guys out there that think women only learn about computers
so they can set up a sleazy webcam. ::shakes head::

Love the picture btw - looked at your profile earlier wishing you were
about 10 years older. Keep faith, there's a lady out there that either
wont turn and run, or that you'll know would like to know a guy cares
enough to follow her and ask for a second chance when she does run.
(Just no stalking, please, contrary to the old saying about no meaning
yes, when they say no flat out they usually mean it.)

(my paranoia starting to show yet? LOL)