Community > Posts By > Tomishereagain

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/23/15 03:44 PM
Edited by Tomishereagain on Wed 09/23/15 03:45 PM
Now I have Gov't Mule on shuffleplay

Edit: Here are some full albums

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/23/15 01:29 PM
The Qwine by Tom

It stood 12 ft tall on its haunches. Capeable of 18ft if it reared up on its toes.

The bulk of the creature was covered in sharp spine-like fur that flattened downward giving its body the appearance of being able to penetrate into something but impossible to back its way out.

The spines were crimson at their base bleeding into emerald to silver at the tips. It shimmered when it moved.

It had two lower appendages that I took for legs due to the fact it used them for its primary locomotion. At what would be its knees the appendages slid down over the lower part like a foreskin. When it raised up before me, I noticed that the lower parts were crimson smooth like leather. Its feet had seven digits each and those were arranged in groups of two encircling the things foot. A single long digit extended from where the creature's ankle would be. All of the digits were equipped with ten inch long silver talons. It grasped the wooden floor where it stood, diging into the lumber like it was attempting to pull up chunks of the floor.

The upper appendages, four of them, were arm like with graspers similar to its feet on each one. Two of the 'Arms' extented out from the upper sides of the torso as would a human's arms. The other two extruded out of the thing's chest just below the front of the neck. These two worked like the lower legs and varried their lengths like foreskin causing them to suck back into its body when not used.
The digits on its upper extremities were four groups of two around a center hole in the end of the limb. Two finger-like digits with three bend points extended out where the wrist was.

The whole creature was a massive bulky rippling mass of muscle and sinew. Its mass distorted the size of its head making it look much smaller than it should be but if it were by itself it would be larger than me balled up on the floor.
Its neck was etrudable and it undulated to varring lengths as it stood before me.

When it noticed me watching it, It's first reaction was to bring its eyes upon me. On fleshy crimson stalks there were two sets of pink and yellow eyes on each of both stalks. One squinted and one opened wide on each stalk. Small leaf-like structures grew from the base of each stalk. Crimson in color it appeared they 'Focused' upon me as well.

It's 3 ft snout looked to be divided into four separate segments which opened wider than its head. Inside I saw pearly silver teeth lining both sides of each segment. The outer most teeth resembles inward curving daggers that slowly downsized towards the back of its gaping maw massive emerald-perl molars at the very back. Its tongue was split into four whisps with a silvery claw on the end of each whisp. The tongue opened and flayed outward before coming together with a claw-like snap.

Around its 'waist' it tapped a black object about the size of my hand and I heard it say (felt it say) "Friend or food-Your choice"


Pharcies By Tom

It had been two years since they came to our planet. The Pharcies.

Our scientists studied them, some of the scientist became food for them, the ones that got too close.

The Pharcies were omnivores that grew at an incredible rate. Flat creatures, they inhabited fields, parking lots and flat places on the Earth. They are ambush predators, nutrient eaters and photosynthesizers. You must be careful where you walk nowdays.

Here are some things we now know about The Parcies:

1. They are extraterrestrial, perhaps even extragalactical.
2. They are masters at camoflage, almost invisible.
3. They will eat anything - in tests, they actually disolved a diamond.
4. So far, their size is limited to appx 30 ft and are pancake shaped. After 30 ft they divide into two 15ft entities.
5. They communicate with pheremones that resemble an acidic swamp smell. There is often an overpowering odor of rotting flesh.
6. In extreme ultraviolet light they glow like star puddles.
7. They are extremely dangerous to all known lifeforms.
8. Their locomotion is agonizinly slow and they move on millions of tiny cili like protrusions on their underside.
9. They have tentacle like whips that lie flat until prey is detected.
10. Any contact with its exposed surface is irretrievable as digestion is rapid and immediate.

Description of a Pharcy:
1. Pancake appearance when dead (Death occurs usually by starvation or perhaps longivity of appx 2 years)
2. Live ones can be detected with extremely powerful ultraviolet light and the smell of acid, swamp or carrion odors in its vicinity.
3. Most are about 18 ft in diameter and about 20 inches thick. Most of their thickness is hidden below the surface of their surroundings. A 20 inch deep trail is etched in their wake as they move about. A Pharcy will not cross the wake of another Pharcy. Their trails are another indication of their position as the trail suddenly ends where the actual Pharcy is. A Pharcy will not travel over liquids 8 inches or deeper.
4. They could almost be called 'Clear' but that is a misrepresentation of what actually occurs. They mirror their position so it appears as it was until it moves leaving a path of disolved destruction in its wake.
5. They can be likened to a flat land jellyfish that is able to camoflage itself similar to an octopus.

Death By Pharcy:
1. You are walking along minding your own business when all of a sudden you step on a soft piece of pavement or a mushy part of ground
2. Your foot immediately starts to burn like its disolving in acid (It is). but before you can react you are grabbed and pulled into its middle by whiplike tentacles. By the time you are down - you are dead
3. In less than a second you are absorbed into the creature and there is no sign you were ever there.

1. You are driving along minding your own business when suddenly you stop violently.
2. You hear your tires pop and these whiplike thngs pass thru the vehicle
3. Everything was disolved before you could scream.
-the Pharcy is bigger.

1. You poke at the Phacry with a long 20 ft pole.
2. You feel a slicing momment of searing pain and a quick sensation of being pulled
3. You and your pole are history pal
-Don't frak with a Pharcy

A Pharcy's whips are composed of the Pharcy itself and are as long as the mass of the entity minus about 1/4 of its size.
In other words - Its reach is longer than itself.

Known Weapons agains a Pharcy:
1. Heat - appx 2500 deg farenheit. Not fire - it will eat the combustible material - even napalm
2. Cold - Freezing can stop its advance but it will not die from it. If you could freeze it solid you could transport it but the acid would eat anything that touches it. Think acidic freezer burn
3. Sonic disruption - effective but it takes wavelengths that are destructive to its surroundings and needs prolonged exposure.
4. Starvation - This is the most effective means of termination. A Pharcy will not cross another Pharcy's wake. To trap one within anothers wake effectively limits and then cuts off its ability to aquire more food. They simply die. When they die they disolve into itself eating away its mass until all that is left is a microscopic cinder of inert matter with more properties than a piece of felspar.

BTW - they are attracted to noise and movement


Lasciliks by Tom

Around the turn of the century of 2100 humans developed a commercial nanofog that went viral. It was so cheap to make and maintain everyone had a set.

The Lascilliks were unrestrained and rampant results of this nanofog.

You see, people throw things away quite haphazardly and would often forget the nanofog had the ability to morph. Where they should have put the article back into its original state and recapsulated the fog, they tossed their creations like trash.

Lascillics were created from the nanites ability to molecularly change matter. Without instructions the nanites acted on an instinct for preservation. Thank God they inventor put a sized restriction on their mass.

The first Lascilliks resembled small scavengers in the landfills. As they converted more and more trash they multiplied and expanded into the surrounding communities resembling animated objects that scurried around the edges of humanity.

Nobody know who initiated the AI into the Lascillik sub-routines but they became aware shortly after the 2131 famon.
They abosorbed the media and fiction they found in the empty human dwellings. They recreated the shapes and demeanors of the waning human occupants of the planet.

They became the things of nightmares.

Humans found themselves besieged by small renditions of werewolves, vampires, demons and monsters. None were bigger than a german sheppard but they all had one thing in common...They were just as deadly as the fictional stories that created them said they were. For the remaining humans nightmares had become all too real.

Around 2135 the nanites had figured out a way to reanimate the dead. These dead animations then began 'feeding' on the living. The feeding process was to infest the living host with nanite replicas essentially disolving the living then reconstructing it with greusome features and abilities.

Of the billion or so remaining humans in 2135 only 700 million survived by 2138. By 2140 the scientists had figured out a way to rewrite the nanite programming via remote upload. Unable to 'kill' the nanites, scientist settled for rewriting their imperatives to non-lethal parameters.

In 2150, Lascilliks were peaceful but horrible monstrosities that assisted in the rebuilding of the decimated human populations. They became the workforce that sustained the human reproduction efforts.

Occassionally errant programming sent a nanofog on a murderous rampage until the nanites could be brought back under control.

Yea, monsters exist - we made them.

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/23/15 01:28 PM
Exploring the supposition of intelligent alien normality:

Like we control heating and air conditioning for comfort perhaps they control alkalinity and acidity.

Instead of a personal space suit perhaps they project an atmospheric bubble.

Instead of using suspended animation they are freeze-dried then reconstituted at their destination.

They power their devices by atomic forces within the component molecules instead of by electricity.

They have different eyelids for different wavelengths of light including magnifying and telescopic lids.

They have no mouths to eat with, they bond with their food at the molecular level.

Their communication method is a subtle variation of temperatures.
Their communication method is by changing the absorption and reflectivity of light that hits them.

They may have no concept of front, back or sides due to 360 deg clear vision.

They may have willful control of their own body's density.

Like a cuttlefish can control its skin color, perhaps they can control their body structure to accommodate differences in mass or gravity.

Their technology may be based on efficient sliding instead of rolling.

Similar to ants that use their bodies to construct bridges their bodies may interlock in different configurations conducive to specific tasks or purposes.

They may reproduce by cloning and extruding their brains.

The bodies you see may be their waste that is sluffed off as they age like a snake shedding its skin.

What you see as skin or clothing may be a symbiotic organism that covers them as a protection.

They may employ some type of organic magnetism to catch food prey.

They may be able to tap into and use potential and static energies.

Their bodies may produce sweat or mucus that we find sweet and refreshing, like bees making honey.

They may absorb the life energy (vitality) from their immediate surroundings.

Their ship in orbit may be connected to every unit by a series of control tethers from ship to unit to unit.

They may be able to actively change their atomic states.

They may be able to change their phase or vibration rate (frequency).

They may travel by some type of advanced astral projection that allows them to break and reconstitute the atomic bonds at their destination to interact. Example: The tables and chairs dissolve and reform as a representation of their own body or a device.

They May be EXACTLY like us but Smarter.

They may tell time by radioactive decay rates.

They may belong to a taxonomy between plants and animals, A little of both but all of neither.

What you see as one entity may be a colony of millions/billions of individuals.

Their music may consist of a single note for a specific duration at a specific time.

Their written language may appear to us as a series of random blotches and smudges.

They may not have a written language.

They may use dark matter/dark energy in their daily routine.

They might be addicted to sugar too.

Their telepathy and telekinesis may be visible as a waveform in the air.

They might communicate by absorbing you and then spitting you out.
If you taste good, they might not spit you out.

Like the Tardis, their ships may be small but huge inside.

They may not see the planet but a mass of life energy.

They might attempt to communicate with inanimate objects.

Cows might be their mortal enemies.

We may be completely insignificant to them.

They might try to wrap us all in plastic for preservation and study on their homeworld.

They might harness nuclear forces of atoms but completely become befuddled by our radio and television.

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/23/15 01:28 PM
The Runners

I swear it was the strangest thing anyone ever saw. The craft was miles long and it came to Earth as slow as molasses. It stopped just over the African continent in Geo-synchronous orbit around 300 mile up. It looked like a giant shiny comb.
The craft paused for a few hours and then slowly turned till the tines of the comb were pointing at the planet. Then the tines began to grow, slowly. I noticed on the end of each tine was a small black ball. As the tines entered the atmosphere there was no fiery hot entry. They just advanced on the surface ever so slowly. As each ball got close to the surface it detached and fell the remaining 50 or so yards to the ground where it stuck, motionless for hours.
Now, I don't know about anyone else but this was freaking me out, man! The craft then slowly edged its way away from the planet never veering from its synchronicity with the weird black orbs. Orbs that were about the size of a one story cottage.
About 6 hours later the orbs opened to flat black combs with what looked like legs where the tines would be. Each orb had 20 or 30 legs and they started running around stepping on everything. It was comical to look at but a sense of foreboding over came me as these...things started moving out in a circular pattern. Some were stepping on plants other on animals. Water didn't deter them and they ran all over the place stepping on our world.
They expanded their running and soon they were in the oceans, in valleys and on the highest mountains. No place where they had been remained unstamped upon. Some plants and animals withstood their stepping while others laid flat and dead, buildings and roads held evidence of their passing as well. Luckily, Most of the people were able to get out of their way but those that didn't were flattened in a bloody pulp.

When the entire planet was ran upon, the main ship returned and gathered up the runners across the globe. Long tines would extend and the runners would just jump and ball and 'stick' to it and be carried back to the ship. Once all the runners were gathered back up the ship slowly left.

"What the Hell just happened!"


When scientists detected a strange new comet entering the Solar System there was concern that it might impact the Earth. Computers churned out trajectory calculations and our new comet was going to miss us with a wonderful margin. On its first pass thru the inner planets it would impact the Sun and be gone. And it came to pass.

We recorded its flyby and the uneventful impact with our star. Life went on as if nothing happened. The data was released and the world treated it as a non-event. One full year later all life on our planet was changed.

Unknown to the scientific communities that observed and studied this intruder from the stars, this ball of icy dirt had a core of an unknown material from far off in the center of our galaxy. It impacted our star and created a disturbance in the photosphere. The radiant light from our Sun started changing ever so slightly.

We started seeing a faint glow around every living thing on the planet. From insects to forests, life appeared to have an aura. Over time, this aura grew stronger and more vividly colored. Not only could we now see a life force, we saw the mood as tints of hazy color splashed against a light or dark fuzzy glow.

At first, scientists tried to find a cure for our strange new visual acuity. Eventually it was discovered that the phenomenon was not in us but in the light coming from the Sun. There was no 'cure'.
A panel of world renowned scientists set forth to help mankind deal with this new-found vision. Studies were done to try to identify the meaning of the colors and shades that differed not only person to person but moment to moment. Plants, animals, insects and even bacteria were studied and noted for their visual changes.

The test results were released to the internet and the entire world society was changed with those results. People grouped together according to their baseline color groups. Family, religion and social groups fell apart and became new groups of similar mood people. Everyone on the planet could see love, anger, hatred, good, bad and all the emotions and mood states that make up our complex personae.

As we became accustomed to our new-found ability we found that we could distinguish not only someone's baseline essence but we were able to read even the slightest mood fluctuations. Lies showed up as a greenish tinge around the head of the person while love showed as a deep blue blotch at their midsection. The population started to segregate according to the severity of the light or dark tinge that surrounded us all. It was found that the darker the overall tinge the more apt someone was evil. On the opposite side, white tinge indicated someone was good. The colors ranged the spectrum but the tinge remained. None were pure white or black but some had come very close.

Plants and animals also had the tinge. Most were a light grey but some predatory species had darker auras while some of the herbivores were very light. Plants were almost always white. Bacteria were almost always black.
It was a huge concern when harvesting food that all lifeforms being harvested expressed the red hue of fear. Harvesting became a night business.

The phenomenon did not manifest under artificial light. Seems it only could be viewed in sunlight, direct or reflected. The term 'Exposed' now meant that you were to be exposed to sunlight so others could read you. Courts became an open air affair. Dating became a daytime activity and overcast days resulted in empty streets. The society of the whole planet changed.


May 18, 2073​
Steven Wayne Mills, using the Canyon Quantum Supercomputer, discovers the photon signal from our nearest galactic repeater. A mere 28.8 light years from Earth and it is believed to be the size of a large marble. It pulses the signal at 2 billion hydrogen electron shifts and is stable.

The God Photon, as it has been deemed, contains quadrillions of information packets which changes with each pulse. Sometimes packets enlarge, sometimes new packets emerge but it grows geometrically. CQS is tasked to isolate a single packet and extract the data. With the whole planet's data storage at it's disposal it is only able to store the first section of one packet. This section is now called School because it is the instruction data that is used to unlock the contents of the packet.

School is sent to the Deep Water Data Supercomputers in the Indian Ocean and is slowly understood. DWDS has determined that the language of the Universe is not mathematics after all. It is a language of emotions and experiences. Each symbol in the alphabet represents an emotional state, a specific experience or is used as a combiner. This Master Alphabet is more than 16 trillion characters and still growing. It is hypothesized that a single word in this encyclopedia could represent a whole lifetime of observation, feelings and tasks. A single sentence might contain all the history of the rise and fall of a nation. A single paragraph that might encompass the lifetime of a whole planet.

We learn from School that the Universe is saturated with repeaters and beacons. Beacons are used to gather up the ever changing conditions in it's range of influence and that data is updated and pulsed on a single photon. This Encyclopedia Universe is actually a repository of the whole Universe that is updated in real-time from a human perspective. As of this moment we can only read the most basic information. There is, however, a sub-module that has been discovered that hints at Reading Requirements but at our present limited computing ability we are unable to decipher the building requirements of the Reader.

What we do know, using the most basic information gained, is very little. There are still elements we can not decipher and a billion or so simple characters that are still to be identified. Not that we are fumbling about. We have identified that there is not a single species responsible for its creation but that it has been operating for around 8 billion years and is a collection of information condensed by every civilization that has been Schooled. In addition there is an artificial element that monitors the real-time changes in a sphere of influence that adds information as well. We also know that photons are faceted and each facet contains a separate set of packets dealing with specific boundaries we think of as galactic super-clusters.

December 28, 2106​

Mark Rheyas Smith and his personal AI: Veebus accurately map the School alphabet onto High Density Reader Film (HDRF). At 2130zulu school001.0hdrf is mainstreamed to the planetary AI. Two hours later planet Earth transmits its first information pulse confirming our understanding of School's alphabet sequence.
Immediately the photon signals from all surrounding Repeaters is modified. The sequenced alphabet is returned with an additional sequence that is different. It is determined that the second, modified sequence is a correction of mistakes in our transmission. There is also a new 'letter' included that contains a mixture of all the written languages of Earth.
Using the 'Earth' symbol dynamics, it is discovered that this symbol converts the Schooling Alphabet to our planet's language. It is discovered that the Reader is not a mechanical device nor an organic appendage. It is an Axion based modification to the surface area of the brain's dendrites. In essence, the Reader is you. Any being with a firing synapse is capable of being fitted with a Reader. AI and mechanical intelligence is not.
The ramifications of creating a Reader immediately sent shock waves thru our planetary society. AI and humans had mixed reactions but for different reasons. Even tho the science is not yet developed to construct a Reader, the impact that such a thing could exist sends society into turmoil. From what School is implying, once the reader is applied to one being it cascades to all life on the planet. Sort of like a plague. The planetary AI, Erdee, initiates a campaign to find a cure for the Reader before it can occur. As Erdee locks out people from School data, people begin unplugging from Erdee. Individual computing systems start capturing and mining the School modules on HDRF. Scientists begin to experiment with genetic coding and radiation frequencies.
A chimpanzee, Frank, has been chosen as the first life form to receive the Reader. Frank is isolated in a subterranean vault and the reader is pulsed into his optic nerve. Frank immediately passes out.
After 6 hours a team in hazard suits is sent into Frank's chamber to determine his condition first hand. The team is equipped for brain surgery just in case. As soon as the team breaks the seal and begins to enter Frank's chamber, Frank sits up and immediately says "There is no danger." The team passes out. Alarms blare and doors shut and lock. Frank laughs and rubs his hairy chin. "Humans".
Six months of intense scrutiny of the 11 occupants of the 'Cell' reveal no detrimental physical or mental conditions. Of the 11 subjects, none have offered any insight as to the nature of the condition. They are not smarter or different in any way except their eyes have a distinct glow in darkness. In light the glow is indefinable.
Months turn into years and years pass into decades. Kept alive and in good health by an army of robotic servitors the "Eleven" show no signs of any detrimental effects of the exposure. Frank grows into a sentient and rather likeable 'guy'. He demonstrates all the social skills of a human being but has little quirks that are determined to be species unique. While he can eat meat he prefers fruits and vegetables. He still holds an aversion to open flames but can work with controlled fire. Frank passes after 22 years and his body is moved to a different chamber and is robotically autopsied. Aside from the blueish tint of his optical nerves and related brain areas there is no physical changes or contaminates to be found. As a precaution, Frank's body is cremated and compressed. The resulting pellet is then sealed into a tomb.
The remaining 'Ten' infected continue in isolation with nothing more than robotic visitors and holographic projections as company. As they slowly succumb to the ravages of time, one by one they are added to the 'Tomb'. No new information has been gleaned for a very long time. They possess no new knowledge of School, the Reader or the Encyclopedia.

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/23/15 01:25 PM
Panel Training

The 'Panel' was opted the slang name given to the new neural interface being fitted to mechanical structures.
As navigator on the fleets newest most powerful starship I was first to receive panel training.

Stripped completely naked I was ushered into the application chamber to be fitted with my panel. It was slightly chilly as my skin reacted to the dry cool air within, giving me a shiver and those old familiar goosebumps. No chair or furnishings I stood in the center of the chamber as directed by the unseen voice of the operator.
A holographic timer displayed a countdown so I could be prepared to hold my breath. Tens seconds agonizingly ticked by and at the last digit I filled my lungs and breathed no more.
The spray was chilled but not cold. It saturated my entire body instantly, even spraying forth from microscopic nozzles in the floor. I wanted to shut my eyes from the onslaught but I was instructed not to. The whole application took less than a second and the voice soon instructed me to breathe normally. The chamber door opened and I stepped out and into an awaiting robe. A few seconds in the scanner and I was deemed 'Applied' and sent to prepare for my tour of duty.
I didn't feel different? As a matter of fact, I felt pretty good.
I gathered up my belongings and headed to the ship. Berthing was simple and fast and after a quick bite in the mess hall I proceeded to the bridge to continue my practical panel training.

This was certainly the strangest bridge I had ever seen. There were no controls, no view-screens and no accommodations. Just a room, white in color, empty but for a few other crew members.
I was instructed to pace the room in its entirety. They told me to heel-toe the entire floor slowly and as I positioned myself in a corner I noticed the room got slightly brighter. I did as instructed and returned to stand in front of my instructor for my next phase of training.
His gaze seemed to flutter and suddenly I was immersed in activity. The entire room came alive with information. As I gazed around in wonder I noticed each crew member had a readout of color and data that followed them as they moved. I could see their health and mental awareness as hues of color. I looked at my own hands and they faintly glowed similar to my ship mates.

The instructor thankfully allowed me some time to take in this assault on my senses. Finally, quietly telling me to think of any destination. I said to myself "Saturn" and instantly a chart appeared before me with our position, our destination and thrust vectoring timing and specifications. I heard "Good, Now take us out" from the instructor and suddenly a simple control stick materialized in front of me. I made motion and grasped the stick with my hand and it felt as if I was actually holding a control stick. I pushed the stick forward and the ship moved! Raw data came pouring into my 'Panel' as I navigated the ship into Pull. Pull is the optimal location that allows all ships to maximize and amplify a celestial gravitational force. Until now, finding Pull was a tedious task requiring calculation of sensor data, mass and vectoring with a whole lot of computer assist. I had Pull instantly. As the ship came to Pull I announced "Pull" to my instructor and was commanded "Engage Pull, Navigator"
A trigger materialized on the control stick and I instantly depressed it. We engaged, Boy did we engage. A single blink of my eye and we had achieved our destination. I heard the instructor say "Passed" and the room went white and bare again.

I came to find out that the 'Panel Test' was not to test my skills or the Panel ability. It was to test my focus. Seems they actually developed a propulsion that moves the ship not with speed but with thought. A Thought Drive

The Universe is ours!


Wormhole Leo1263b opened mankind to new galaxies late in the 31st century. After establishing commercial trade routes and habitat worlds were found we expanded like locusts. Leo1263b had been stable for the last 2000 years according to our historical records. All that changed 73 solar days ago when the wormhole lost stability. Over 1,000 vessels were lost and billions of souls were stranded in the Leo Supercluster. No hope of ever returning or even contacting our empire.
Our end of the wormhole remains stationary but the other end materialized in the Great Sculptor Void.
Probes sent to find the lost ships actually found them, frozen and dead. From the data we received from the probes, before they too went dead, indicated an intelligent force within the Void. A hostile intelligent force.

Their ships emerged into our space shortly after our last probe went silent. Huge black balls with no indications, lights or propulsion method visible. Their attack was strange. According to recordings salvaged later, the huge spheres released a flotilla of pitch black orbs that absorbed all the energy of the ships and crews. We found the ships and everything aboard them completely frozen.

No sign of the strange ship or the mysterious black orbs can be found. It is believed they returned to the Void and the wormhole remains stable. Our scientists are working on a defense for the energy depletion weapon but so far every attempt involves using energy which will just give them more of what they steal.

Back in the 19th Century mankind used projectile weapons. Our weapons currently vaporize their targets using high energy discharges. They are completely futile against this enemy. Projectiles carry kinetic energy which may or may not make them vulnerable to the enemy's absorption spheres. Tests are being made to try freezing the projectiles to near absolute zero in hopes of a stealth impact.

Zycroptionium (once called Dark Matter) may be a defense or a shield since it has properties similar to their orbs. Zy blocks the transference of energy like an inert mass. It neither absorbs or radiates energy. In fact, the enemy's ships appear to be made of it or something similar. Work is currently being done to find a way to coat our ships and the new projectile weapons with Zycroptionium. Zy is expensive and difficult to extract but it can be synthesized. The problem is that the synthesizing process creates a massive energy signature that is sure to be a bright glowing target for the enemy.

We just got notified that Leo1263b is now active. Probe telemetry shows two ships emerging...wait, 60! My GOD! Its a steady flow and not slowing! 1000, 2600, 4000...


Who Knew?

James Turger was in the observatory after his shift one evening and was playing with his new 5 gigawatt spot light when he accidently shone it onto the telescope's mirror. The Scope recorded the image and as Jim tried to remove the evidence he noticed black spots in a pattern on the display.
James, being a curious guy, decided to map those dark spots against the star pattern. He flashed the mirror again and made some observations and found those dark spots were actually dark matter.


Canyons of Sedwick Four

Mission: Goldilocks-Bootes 592
Segment Time: MT3419825CT3137
Body: Binary Gas Giant Rocky Moon
Location: Bootes Cluster>Stratus Galaxy Layer 2>Dawn Rotator>Star 966/Sedwick
Mission Commander: Lanny McMurdock

"Data shows massive ancient tectonic upheaval created crustal stacking resulting in entire continents being elevated. The canyons became dammed and filled with water resulting in many waterfalls around the continental perimeter. Ranging up to 5 km wide and 3 km deep the canyons funnel across the entire plateau exiting as a massive waterfall to the West. The resultant sedimentary deposits have created small lush islands near the shore of the great basin ocean. The plateau is covered in a heavy green and yellow forest with blue water canyons giving it the appearance of a river system. There are heavy storms across the entire hemisphere."

Colony Factor: Prime 12
Phylogeny: Bacteria, Archaea & Eukaryota
Civilization: >Type Zero

~End Update~


Cell Theory

We thought we knew about plants. We were so wrong.
When Professor March devised a way to increase the sensitivity and speed of his galvanic sensors it was a minor scientific accomplishment. When he hooked them up to a Ficus he expected nothing more than just a bit more response signal. His discovery changed our very way of life.

During his test of the new configuration he externally stimulated different parts of the plant and recorded the results. What he didn't expect was results before the stimulus. The plant was anticipating.
The anticipation was not the only change his detector revealed. The plant was communicating. Communication so subtle and so fast that no detector had ever captured it.

On a whim, Professor March hooked the sensors up to a severed cell and found that not only was the communication happening, it was happening at the cellular level.

The Ficus was subjected to a series of stimuli that defined a yes or no answer. It was tested for prime number logic and not only did it learn quickly it was very good at it.

A Turing test was devised to determine if it had consciousness. The Ficus passed.

Professor March put together a team and started testing random plants the same way. They determined that all plants are conscious and intelligent. Work continues as the team attempts to teach the plants our language. Their response signals are so fast they are able to flash off alphabetical representations of letters with incredible speed. The team have dubbed this ability as "Cellular Response Typing".


The Game Room

I entered my new game room and sealed the orifice with a swoosh. I walked to the center of the barren room except for the control chair and activated 'The Bubble' and the clear barrier popped into place. The vent beneath me gave a quick swoosh of air and I picked up the control rod. Activating it, I chose a nice relaxing space battle game that allowed me plenty of exploring. I sat down and the holographic cockpit materialized around me. Outside the bubble the room morphed into a vista of a 3 moon gas giant and a starbase. My readouts indicated I was ready for warp and I depressed the button and the view zoomed into a blur.
My destination was a small planetoid in the Greadeez System. My goal was to reestablish communications and determine why trading had ceased. Sensors determined severe devastation all across the settlements. No radiation signatures detected. A sensor sweep of the system revealed no spacecraft or artificial satellites. Only faint scattered life signs on the surface.
When I landed, the bubble temperature increased slightly and there was a faint smell of decay present. The room morphed into a starport that changed as I walked around. Everything was blown to hell. I could see and smell dead bodies strewn about like a war zone. My control rod holographicly morphed into a pulse rifle. I did a test fire and the kickback was insignificant but I felt the rod get hotter just a little. I saw movement over by a blown out building and ran to investigate. The room changed as I moved. The bubble environment changed as well.
On the speakers in the chair I heard my mom telling me it was time for dinner. I saved my game and hit the end command. This is gunna be great!


Extinction Entry: ~gzyy61h72599935p12h4.00000019651G~
Subject: Event 161259885188 - Level 1
Location: Beatreest Nominan > Dderese Fontonac > Karea Pleaces Aniggata > Glomanadde
Language Conversion Matrix: Sentinel 6.English
Detection Method: Spectral Condensate
Records show that the inhabitants of a small planet called Earth in the Sol star system created and deployed a static hole in the Universe using what they called a particle accelerator. Using electromagnetism, they accelerated a stream of leptons and collided them causing an eruption in the fabric of the Universe. The hole lasted for 6 hours standard time.
The results of this event caused a spiral boring down to the planets core at which time the planet broke apart. Ending all life and changing the balance of the system.
Reference: Glomanadde, Species h4.00000019651G, Earth, Static Anomalies, Human, Sapiens, Sapient, Type 0 Civilizations, Extinct Civilizations, Boson Physics
Details: See Spectral Condensate Capture gzyy61h72599935p12h4.00000019651G: 4,500,263,986.263 to 4,500,263,986.264


The 'Side Effect'

Its been 3 generations since the medical nanites were made mandatory. People stopped dying. Even if someone were to be decapitated simply placing their head near their body initiated auto repair. Children still grew into adults but stopped aging at their physical prime. Below is some of the unexpected side effects of this wonderful technology.

Bathrooms became obsolete.
The nanites break down body waste into its atomic components and reuses the atoms to maintain the body. Houses and buildings started being built without toilet facilities and many older homes had theirs removed.

Medical facilities became obsolete.
Nobody ever got sick anymore. Injuries were healed or prevented by the nanites immediately. Schools and universities closed worldwide. Pharmaceutical companies closed down and there was no need for doctors, nurses or and support personnel.

Funeral homes & cemeteries became obsolete.
Since nobody was dying anymore, there was no need for burial facilities.

Riskier lifestyles became the norm.
Since nanites controlled the pain threshold and make instantaneous body repairs, people were able to perform death defying acts on a regular basis. Personal protection devices and methods became obsolete. Not only could someone walk into a burning building they could jump from an airplane without a chute and work in space without a suit. Volcanologists would drink a solution and the nanites formed a heat barrier around their bodies allowing them to stand in volcano magma.

Reproduction became an lucrative business.
For two people to reproduce, both had to have the nanites reprogrammed to allow their bodies to manufacture the sperm & eggs. Worldwide population growth slowed to a trickle. Children were born with their own nanites and pregnancy only lasted for 5 months. Regional reprogramming facilities sprang up and prospered from the costs.

Explosion of arts.
With longer life came an increase in artistic talent. From drawing to dancing, expressionism became the new drive in people's lives. Great display halls were built and the music recording business failed. Each region had an army of performers that toured to represent them. World domination switched from a power base to a talent base. It was a great honor to be chosen to represent your region and it became the most coveted job in the world.

Explosion of technology.
With the increased creativity there was also a technology explosion. Space and ocean based facilities sprang up at an incredible rate. The Moon and Mars were populated and a new base is being built on Titan supported by the Jupiter/Saturn Mining Corporation. A great space port was constructed at the equator in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Cities sprang up in Antarctica and on the North Pole. High speed magnetic transportation systems were built that allowed worldwide travel in hours.

Personal farming became the standard.
Since the nanites only needed raw materials and very little of those, there was no need for a large food supply. People started eating once per month. Kitchens were removed from homes. Restaurants and grocery stores became obsolete. The nanites in saliva allowed you to consume anything your body needed by just placing your mouth against it. Don't worry, human nanites have protection protocols so you can still kiss your honey.

Wars became obsolete.
Since bodies heal instantaneously war and assaults no longer had any affect. Nanites could morph your body to form a hard protective shell or separate your parts to avoid excessive damage. The world's military forces were disbanded. Weapons were recycled.

Prisons became obsolete.
Using the reprogramming industry, deviant behavior was reprogrammed. Brain damage was repaired and personality disorders were diagnosed and therapy became the new society measure. Huge institutions grew worldwide and each community had their own team of therapists.

Religions became obsolete.
Aside from the few that chose to keep their religions there was no longer a reason to believe in an afterlife. Churches closed and all the drama, fighting and racism related to the opposing views died shortly after. People became content with life and pursued active productive lifestyles in harmony.

The world population is 9,864,799,331. There are 161,800 on the Moon and 78,064 on Mars. Another 50,270 in the outer reaches. We average 700 new souls per year and ZERO deaths.


They're Not Here For Us

Our scientists never detected it until it was as close as Jupiter and slowing down. Strangely, It was coming in above the Solar Plane directly over the Sun. I guess we just weren't looking in the right direction. I mean, It was huge! Estimated to be one quarter the mass of the Sun. So huge that before long you could see it plainly in the daylight sky. It stopped advancing around the distance between Mercury and Venus but directly over the Sun.

The world gazed up at this intruder with frightful eyes. The shining bright rectangle to the east of our familiar star. For 3 weeks mankind questioned its purpose? Its origin? Some people hid in caves and underground shelters. Others went mad with fear. The scientific community agreed that a probe of some type must be launched to gather information on our new huge celestial partner. Eight months later, due to a worldwide pooling of resources the people of planet Earth readied the launch of our mechanical emissary.

The mission would take 4 years to get to the vicinity of the object. We gathered all the information we could with our ground and orbit based instruments. The only thing left was an up close and personal encounter. Eighteen months into the trip the craft went silent. It was still on its way but it was no longer sending back any data at all. Shortly after that the object started to change. You didn't need instruments to see what was happening, all it took was a look in the daylight sky.

You could see that the object was a sorta rectangle box and it was spinning slowly on its axis with the Sun. When the change started it looked like huge flower petals were opening on both ends. It resembled a huge glowing barbell in the sky. The petals opened for 23 days, extending out like a satellite dish on each end. Once both ends were open it stopped moving. What we had was the Sun with a huge glowing dumbbell beside it. Our visitor remained fixed for the next 144 days. Then all hell broke loose.

Suddenly, with no indication of an energy buildup or change in appearance, a huge beam of energy erupted from the end farthest from the Sun. It shot out into the Universe with incredible ferocity. The beam stayed on for 6 full months and it could be seen not only during the day but at night as well. Lighting up our atmosphere in a bright glow. Night turned almost day-like. Then as quickly as it started, it stopped. For the next 31 months it just remained with its barbells extended. Suddenly one day it closed back up.

Sixteen days after it closed our spacecraft started transmitting again. The pictures that were returned showed a giant rectangular box like thing with no indications of structures on the surface. It was smooth. The scientific communities worldwide analyzed the incoming data. It had signatures from the deepest detectable infrared to the fasted gamma. From the data, this thing was hotter than the Sun!

Five months later it changed yet again. This time, like last time, our spacecraft went silent but this time it opened in its midsection. Great spires erupted in all directions. They grew to different sizes at a multitude of angles. The sight in the sky resembled a spike ball with two boxes on either end. The spires grew for 46 days and stopped. Twenty three days later it pulsed something and a cloud could be seen dissipating around it.

The object hit the Earth at the equator in the Pacific Ocean. There was no sound, no shock-wave. Hell, you didn't even see it. It was Doppler that picked it up. Choppers were sent to investigate the area and the found a 2 meter hole in the ocean. The hole didn't refill with water? What the...? A probe was released into the hole and right before it crushed from the pressure it sent back data that there was a solid object located some 300 miles into the Earth. Shortly after that an intense bright beam emitted from the hole and the water closed back in.

The object beside the Sun then closed back up. It left our system shortly after that. Did they try to contact us? What is that object buried so deep in our planet? What does this all mean? During the next year there was great speculation on the strange visitor and the thing they put in the planet. We learned something very important exactly one year to the second from the day that object came to Earth.

One year, to the second, the object emitted a high end gamma pulse directed to the same spot where the Sun's strange companion was at. Its been 30 years since that first pulse but every year, on the second, it pulses again. We have now detected other pulses from celestial bodies in our Solar System as well. The Moon has its own pulse interval as does Venus and all the other planets, moons, asteroids and comets. We have tracked back on the pulses and have discovered millions of new bodies in our system. Asteroids with moons that have moons, comets that have never been detected because they are so distant and infrequent, even Pluto sized planetoids far out in the Oort Cloud. Everything and I do mean everything natural in our Solar System has a gamma signature being directed to that spot.

Our spacecraft, the one we sent so long ago to find out what our visitor was, well it sent back data that there is an object at the very spot where the huge object was. Right above the Sun. The Gamma beams reflect off that object and out into deep space.

The people of Earth are sure they are not alone. The best guess is that our Solar System has been mapped by some outside force. They didn't come to meet us. Its just a mapping program for some Universe Encyclopedia or something. I wonder if we will get tourists?


The Morning Ride

"I'll be taking the new buck stallion out today. He's not quite broken enough for the ride into town. Ya wanna come along?" Jark said. Minnis looked around the stable spying Jira looking excited for a ride in her enclosure. Jira is such an easy ride it might be peaceful taking her out for some morning sunshine. "Sure, Let me saddle up Jira" Minnis replied.
The two quickly saddled up their animals and filled the ration packs for a morning ride. Jark took extra care not to spook Miller. Miller was a fine animal, best of breed. The trainers had some trouble getting him to lead and carry but now it was up to Jark for the fine tuning. Today will be about focus. Miller was stud material and Jira was his prize if he does well this month. His overpowering musk filled the barn making Jira prance with delight.
Minnis lead the two out into the pasture and onto the northern trail. The morning dew glistening on the trees and bushes giving sparkles of reflected light from the sun. At first, Jark had to constantly restrain Miller from Jira. His excitement for the mating making him hard to control. Jark and Minnis both knew that if Miller couldn't be tuned to control himself they would have to sell him to a breeder. In town he would try to breed with every female he encountered.
"Easy boy," Jark quietly soothed the beast. "Just a bit more control and you get your prize" He assured. Miller smiled and nodded to show understanding. Jark hesitantly moved his mount closer to Jira. Minnis felt Jira shudder and get warmer. Jira inched her stride closer to the buck stallion as they entered a clearing by the pond.
"This is good" claimed Jark. They dismounted and set up a small picnic by the water's edge. Miller, tied on one side and Jira pacing on the other. Their eyes were locked on each other. If there was no picnic separating them mating would have been fast and brutal. "Are you going to unleash Miller today, Jark?" Minnis asked. Jark nodded, "but not right away. I think we should sit and talk for a bit and see if he can develop some control", He added. Jark put some feed out for the animals while Minnis prepared the picnic food. A fresh salad of worms and grubs and some chilled knarna blood. It was low-budget Knarna Blood but since it all must be imported to this planet, still a treat. The animals enjoyed their cheeseburgers and fry fries. It was strange that these animals liked water, eww! And it had to be purified water, LOL.
All during the meal the beasts behaved. Jark and Minnis slowly removed the saddles and as soon as Miller was freed he ran to Jira. But... Instead of mounting her as expected, Miller wrapped his arms around her and started pressing his lips to her face.
In awe Minnis looked at Jark and said "Silly Humans"

Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/23/15 01:22 PM
I like Speculative Fiction and I write tidbits and such. Here are some of my light-hearted creations for fun...Something to read.

What if Life as we know it is not Life as it really is?
For a moment, consider this:
Life may be a planetary force that is a single lifeform and all the plants, animals and germs are part of that as a whole instead of individual life forms.
What we think of as separate individuals are really nothing more than manifestations of a single living thing.


Considering that we are within the Universe and we think, feel and dream, Isn't it likely that the Universe thinks, feels and dreams? Is it aware of our sentience even tho we are not aware of its? I'm 53 Solar Cycles but the Universe is 14 billion years old or more. Given that much time and the uncertainty of Chaos, the Universe could be the supreme intelligent life form. All other life within it is just a manifestation of itself.


I stepped on the transportation plate as indicated and suddenly felt queasy. I watched in wonder as the outside world shifted and morphed until it stabilized to a surreal setting with vibrant colors and deep hues. The people at the control panel were replaced with creatures resembling octopi with fluid-like protrusions erupting from its gelatenous main body.
One of them struck me with a green glob of puss from one of those protrusions and I could suddenly read and understand their language. The largest creature gurgled and I instantly knew he said, "Welcome to the Sertise Cluster. Please remain still for a moment more"


The Alien ship appeared in the center of the armada, pulsed once and disappeared again. I watched the horror unfold as the pulse radiated thru the fleet, jamming my control stick into a vertical dive to purchase safety from it.
The pulse passed thru the immediate ships effortlessly and continued out in a blossom of death. I watched in sadness as each ship slowly dissolved into atomic dust. The few ships that were able to maneuver from the horizontal radius of it streamed off in all directions like a swarm of bees.
There were some remaining ships that only partially escaped and they were dissolved in all manner of ways. Half-dissolved panels and structures littered space along with partially dissolved people.
The weapon they used was indefensible. It was some type of pulsing wave that destabilizes the atomic bonds that hold atoms together. Its edge cuts like a knife and the pulse wave scatters the elements that made the matter like a blast wave.
The only saving grace is that it radiates outward on a plane similar to a ripple in a pond and is only about a kilometer wide and dissipates in less than a minute. The biggest fear is we have no idea how to track the alien ships and the pulse recharge time is unknown.
Too small of an effect to endanger Earth but it would certainly split the moon.
Was this a small weapon or their largest?
Who are they and where are they from?
Are they heading for our Sol System?
Is there a defensive strategy?
How do we track their ships?
Too many questions, Too much death and destruction and this is but our first contact.


The Stove watched us from afar for a thousand years. Learning us, our habits, our languages and our biology. They arrived last week, two of them in their little ship just large enough to fit them.
I was chosen as part of the welcoming committee because of my cancer. Given less than a week to live, I was prepped and instructed by the world's leading scientists to make first contact.
The Stove were extremely strange looking. Nicknamed the Black C's, because they resembled tall black letter C's. About 3 feet wide and over 9 feet tall they sluffed about on their bottoms by some unseen locomotive force.

As we met I could clearly see some type of writing in their midsection. Not a plaque or a uniform, the writing seemed to emboss out of their bodies in a brilliant yellow glow. As we grew closer I read the writing, It was English and it said "We Are Stove"
The smaller Stove approached me and the writing changed to "Heal"
It touched me and I immediately felt a warm flow fill my body. As it radiated rapidly thru me I felt overwhelmed with vitality. My vision went white and flashed back to normal. The entire sensation lasted but a few moments but the result left me feeling strong and healthy.
The writing changed again "Healed"

At that moment the larger Stove approached me as it's writing morphed into " be continued...


History will write that it was Mankind's first megastructure.
Poets and singers will tell the tale of the world's first cultural union.
People will forget the significance and accept it as a normal condition.
It's really quite remarkable...

The Filament is what its called.
Covering the entire planet is a tiny web of conductive nano structure mesh.
It absorbs energy in all forms. From sunlight to movement. Storing the energy within itself.
Energy that can be tapped with a simple RF-type signal.

No more fossil fuel, no more wind turbines, solar panels, batteries or power plants. No more wires, fuel tanks or collectors. No condensers or amplifiers and most important, no maintenance required.
At the sea floor, in the deepest trench to the highest peak of a mountain. A continual covering, absorbing, gathering and releasing. Stretching and growing along our changing planet surface.

Signal range is roughly 9 miles into the air. Abundant, FREE energy.


Ketchup - Who Knew?

Back in the early years of the 21st Century mankind was helpless against the effects of cosmic rays.
All until a simple space accident by hungry astronaut.

Randy Boudir haphazardly sprayed a packet of Ketchup onto a cosmic ray detector in the old ISS.
He hurriedly commenced to clean up that awful red mess from the sensor and noticed it had stopped registering any cosmic rays. As he wiped the mess away, the detector once again started spurting forth data.
On a hunch, Randy spread more ketchup onto the detector and it went eerily silent again. A simple swipe confirmed his discovery.

Next time you take your trip to one of the outer planets just remember that its only a thin film of ketchup that protects you from a relentless shower of deadly cosmic rays.

Thanx Randy!


Personal Plastic Bottles

Nobody remembers how this got started but it is a mega world-wide business now.

It seems humans have adopted a need to carry around their own personal plastic bottle. Some are filled with liquid, some with material and some are empty but everyone carries one.
About the size of a standard 16oz drink bottle they range in color and contents to match each person's personal preference. It's kinda like those old cell phones everyone had to have. I guess when the ocular implants became the communication mainstay they opted for something else to carry around.

I have my own PPB (who doesn't) but it's just not that important for me to always have it in my possession. I've seen people really freak out if they misplace theirs.

Silly Humans...


Deep within the Earth's crust there are a series of fabricated shells of super density. Our hardest drill bits have no bite on that mysterious substance.
It wasn't until the late 21st Century that we discovered the true nature of these constructs.

During the early days of life on this planet all life was anaerobic. These life forms exhaled oxygen and polluted the atmosphere making it deadly to them. They moved underground to escape the hostile oxygen levels.
Over the eons these life forms became sentient and grew. Their scientists mastered the elements and created these huge shells as an airless habitat so they could flourish.
Three Billion Years of evolution resulted in a lifeform that is superior to the surface dwellers in every way.

Now, They want their planet back...


Tomishereagain's photo
Wed 09/23/15 10:43 AM
Warren Haynes

Here is my Library

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 03:58 PM
Alien Express (2005) syfy
Beaster Day - Here Comes Peter Cottonhell (2014)
Cooties (2015)
Cop Car (2015)
Cover Story (2002)
Eye of the Beast (2007) syfy
Hellions (2015)
Kill Me Tomorrow (2000)
Last Shift (2014)
Mission Impossible 5 - Rougue Nation (2015)
Nature Unleashed Avalanche (2004) syfy
Nature Unleashed Earthquake (2004) syfy
Nature Unleashed Volcano (2004) syfy
Nocturna (2015)
Pay The Ghost (2015)
Some Kind of Hate (2015)
House With 100 Eyes (2013)
The Messenger (2015)
Tomorrowland (2015)
We Are Still Here (2015)
Zombie Lover (2011)

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 02:01 PM
Alone (2002)
Futureworld (1975)
Last Knights (2015)
Minds Eye (2015)
Westworld (1973)
.357 - 6 Bullets For Revenge (2013)
Closer To God (2014)
Lake Placid VS Anaconda (2015)
Skin Trade (2014)
Ten (2014)
The Beastmaster 1 (1982)
The Beastmaster 2 Thru the Portal of Time (1991)
The Beastmaster 3 The Eye of Braxus (1995)
The Dead Lands (2014)
The Lazarus Effect (2015)
We Are Still Here (2015)
Yellow (2013)

Area 51 (2015)
Dawn of the Dead (1978) Extended Cut
Dawn of the Dead Remake (2004)
Disconnect (2010)
Erotic Rites of Frankenstein (1972)
Frankenstein (1910)
Frankenstein (2004)
Frankenstein 80 (1972)
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)
Frankenstein & The Monster From Hell (1974)
Frankenstein Conquers The World (1965) ~ Spanish subs
Frankenstein Created Woman (1967)
Frankenstein's Island (1981)
Frankenstein The True Story (1973)
Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1969)
Frankenstein Theory (2013)
Frankenstein's Army (2013)
Frankenstein's Daughter (1958)
Jesse James Meets Frankenstein's Daughter (1966)
Lady Frankenstein (1971)
Mad Monster Party (1967)
Occupied (2011)
The Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
The Horror od Frankenstein (1970)
The Poltergeist of Borely Forest (2013)
The Shadows (2011)
The Toxic Slime Creature (1982)

Abbott & Costello Meet The Mummy (1955)
The Mummy's Curse (1944)
The Mummy's Ghost (1943)
The Mummy's Hand (1940)
The Mummy's Shroud (1967)
The Satanic Rites Of Dracula (1973)

The Mummy (1932)
The Mummy (1959)
Blood Freak (1972)
Bog (1983)
Castle of the Living Dead (1964)
Corridors of Blood (1958)
Crypt of the Vampire (1964)
Dead Snow (2009)
Dracula Has Risen From the Grave (1968)
Goliath Awaits (1981) ~ 3hr
Hotel Horror (1960)
House of Long Shadows (1983)
i, Monster (1971)
Mantango: Attack of the Mushroom People (1963) ~ subs
Night At The Museum 1 (2006)
Night At The Museum 2 Battle of the Smithsonian (2009)
Raw Meat (1972)
Scars of Dracula (1960)
Sometimes The Come Back For More (1998)
The Brides of Dracula (1960)
The Fog (1980)
The Gorgon (1964)
The House That Dripped Blood (1971)
The Oblong Box (1969)
The Skull (1965)
The Virgin of Nuremberg (1963)
Theatre Of Death (1966)
To the Devil A Daughter (1976)

7 Cases (2015)
28 Days (2000)
Godzilla (2014) Blue Ray
Jurassic World TS
Mad Max Fury Road TS
Poltergeist TS
San Andreas TS
Tommorow Land TS
Big (1988)
Cinderella (2015)
Pressure (2015)
Raiders of the Lost Shark (2014)
Run All Night (2014)
They Will Outlive Us All (2013)
Tin Man (2007) 4 hrs mini series in one file
Vendetta (2015)

Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)
After Life (2009)
As Above So Below (2014)
Below Ground (2012)
Dawn of the Mummy (1981)
Eaglewalk (2012) ~ short
Gingerclown (2013)
I Was A Teenage Frankenstein (1957)
Neighbor (2009)
Pan's Labryinth (2006) ~ subs
Prisoner (2007)
Scarred (2005)
Son of Dracula (1943)
Spade County Massacre (2011)
St. Osmund's (2013) ~ lowbudg
Story of Eva (2015)
The Attic (2007)
The Last House on Cemetary Lane (2015)

Flowers in the Attic Set
Flowers in the Attic 1 (2014)
Flowers in the Attic 2 Petals in the Wind (2014)
Flowers in the Attic 3 If There Be Thorns (2015)

Curio (2010)
Decay (2012)
Eye See You (2002)
Hell House The Book of Samiel (2008)
Hellmouth (2014)
I Am A Ghost (2012)
Insidious 3 (2015)
Into The Storm (2014)
Iron Wolf (2014)
Kids Go Into The Woods Kids Get Dead (2009)
Legend (1985) Ultimate Extended Directors Cut
Path of Destruction (2005)
Pernicious (2015)
Pick Me Up (2006)
Plague Town (2008)
Septic Man (2013)
Silent Retreat (2013)
The Gunman (2015)
The Ladies of the House (2014)
The Loved Ones (2009)
The Shadow walkers (2006)
The Stranger (2014)
Torment (2013)
Wreckage (2010)

A Perfect Getaway (2009)
Age of Kill (2015)
Assassin's Game (2015)
Beyond the Reach (2015)
Big Game (2015)
Blood Widow (2014)
Charlie's Farm (2014)
Deadtime (2013)
Death on Demand (2008)
Doomsdayer (2000)
Dreamaniac (1986)
Fractured (2015)
Germ (2013)
Heatwave (1974)
Iced (1988)
Indigenous (2015)
Legacy of Thorn (2014)
Lord of Tears (2013)
Nexus (2010)
Ocean's Twelve (2004)
Rain Without Thunder (1992)
Survivor (2015)
The Cain Complex (2015)
The Forgotten Ones (2009)
The Games Maker (2014)
The Shattering (2015)
The Well (2014)
Turket Shoot (2014)
Vendetta (2015)
Waterfront Nightmare (2012)
Wet Kiss (2009)
WMD (2015)

A Boy and His Dog (1975)
After The Dawn (2012)
Beyond (2014)
Black Scorpion 1 (1995)
Black Scorpion 2 Aftershock (1997)
Boy 7 (2015)
Buried Alive (2007)
Coherence (2013)
Fireball (2009)
Happy Face Killer (2014)
I, Origins (2014)
Just Before Dawn (1981)
Lowlife (2012)
Motion Sickness (2010)
Neon City (1991)
Ocean's Eleven (1960)
Ocean's Eleven (2001)
Ocean's Thirteen (2007)
Perfect Sisters (2014)
Rabid Love (2013)
Raze (2013)
Scorned (2013)
Sons Of Liberty (2013)
The Impaler (2013)
The Perfect House (2012)
The Unseen (1980)
Tycus (1999)
Vampirella (1996)

American Poltergeist (2015)
Bound To Vengeance (2015)
Camp 139 (2013)
Chastity Bites (2013)
Fear Lives Here (2012)
Paul Blart Mall Cop 1 (2009)
Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 (2015)
Stitches (2012)
Summoned (2013)
Terminator 1 (1984) Blue Ray Upgrade
Terminator 3 Rise of the Machines (2003) Blue Ray Upgrade
Terminator 4 Salvation (2009) BluRay/Director's Cut Upgrade
The Quest for Vengeance (2014)
The Taking (2013)
Threads (1984)
Trail of Blood (2011)
Trophy Heads (2014) lowbudg
Velocity Trap (1998)

Aliens in the Attic (2009)
Aquanoids (2003)
Blood Rush (2012)
Cold Fusion (2011)
Dark House (2014)
Dracula The Dark Prince (2013)
Embrace of the Vampire (2013)
Everywhen (2013)
Fresh Meat (2012)
Hallow's Eve (2013)
Lake Noir (2011)
Private Number (2014)
State of Emergency (2011)
Swamp Thing (1982)
The Day (2011)
The Dead Girl (2006)
The Forbidden Dimensions (2013)
The Return of the Swamp Thing (1989)
Torment (2008)

3:33 Am The Witching Hour (2015)
A Monster Among Men (2012)
A Nanny's Revenge (2012)
Blood Car (2007)
Blood Shot (2013)
Collapse (2006)
Dark Places (2015)
Deadly Presence (2012)
Death Machine (2015)
Dorian Grey (2009)
Eaten Alive (1977)
Julia X (2011)
Jurassic Prey (2015)
Kill Syndrome (2006)
Lie Still (2005)
Meet Me There (2014)
My Apocalypse (2008)
Patient X (2009) ~ subs
Pearl The Assassin (2015)
Saturday Morning Mystery (2012)
Smiley (2012)
Star Leaf (2015)
Stung (2015)
Terror Overload (2009)
The Island of Dr Moreau (1977)
The Mutilation Man (2010)
The Trials of Cate McCall (2013)
The Wrong House (2009)
Unhallowed Ground (2015)
Minions TS copy
Terminator Genisys TS Copy
Ted 2 TS Copy

A Walk Among the Tombstones (2014)
Antibody (2002)
Despicable Me 2 (2013) bluray
Insurgent (2015)
Jurassic World (2015) dvd
Life of Pi (2012)
Project Almanac (2015) bluray
Redemption (2013)
Spy (2015)
The Bloody Vampire (1962)
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Remake (2013) bluray
Welcome to the Punch (2013)

4 Dead Girls - The Soultaker (2012)
99 Pieces (2007)
A Cold Night's Death (1973)
A Cry From Within (2014)
A Cry in the Wilderness (1974)
A Dangerous Place (2012)
A Dennis The Menace Christmas (2007)
Hulk Blood Tapes (2015)
Max (2015)
Revenge of the Spacemen (2014)
The Suicide Theory (2014)
Voices From The Grave (2014)

Blade 1 Blood God (1998)
Blade 2 Reapers (2002)
Blade 3 Trinity (2004)
Divergent (2014) bluray
Lethal Weapon 1 Partners (1987)
Lethal Weapon 2 Krugerrands (1989) bluray
Lethal Weapon 3 Retirement (1992) dircut
Lethal Weapon 4 Family (1998) bluray
Lost Soul The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr Moreau (2014)
Mission Impossible 1 Max (1996)
Mission Impossible 2 Virus (2000)
Mission Impossible 3 Rabbit's Foot (2006) bluray
Mission Impossible 4 Ghost Protocol (2011) bluray
Once Upon A time in China and America (1997)
Rambo 1 First Blood P1 (1982) bluray
Rambo 2 First Blood P2 (1985) bluray
Rambo 3 (1988)
Rambo 4 (2008) bluray
The Island of Dr Moreau Remake (1996)
Twister (1996) bluray

Awaken (2015)
Blood Sisters (1987)
Broken City (2013)
Comet (2014)
Exile (2014)
God of Vampires (2010)
Joe Dirt 1 (2001)
Joe Dirt 2 Beautiful Loser (2015)
Kruel (2014)
My Moms A Werewolf (1989)
Ted 2 (2015) upgrade
The Demented (2013)

Deadly Harvest (1977)
Dorothy and the Witches of Oz (2012)
Red Alert (1977)
Still Waters (2015)

Elvis Presley Movies
Blue Hawaii (1961)
Change of Habit (1969)
Charro! (1969)
Clambake (1967)
Double Trouble (1967)
Easy Come, Easy Go (1967)
Elvis & the Beauty Queen (1981)
Flaming Star (1960)
Follow That Dream (1962)
Frankie & Johnny (1966)
Fun in Acapulco (1963)
GI Blues (1960)
Girls! Girls! Girls! (1962)
Girl Happy (1965)
Harum Scarum (1965)
It Happened at the World's Fair (1963)
Jailhouse Rock (1957)
King Creole (1958)
Kissin' Cousins (1964)
Live a Little, Love a Little (1968)
Love Me Tender (1956)
Loving You (1957)
Paradise Hawaiian Style (1966)
Roustabout (1964)
Speedway (1968)
Spinout (1966)
Stay Away Joe (1968)
The Trouble With Girls (1969)
Tickle Me (1965)
Viva Las Vegas (1964)
Wild in the Country (1961)

A Haunting at the Rectory (2015)
After Effect (2013)
Beyond Remedy (2009)
Circle of Eight (2009)
Dark Was the Night (2013)
Descendants (2015)
Dragon Hunters (2008)
Growth (2009) bluray
I Am Omega (2007)
Impurity (2015)
Intuition (2015)
Matilda (1996)
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) 720HD
Police Story 1 (1985)
Police Story 2 (1988)
Police Story 4 A New Police Story (2004)
Puffball (2007)
Sawney Flesh of Man (2012)
Sharknado 3 Oh Hell No! (2015)
Starve (2014)
Tales of the Supernatural (2014)
The Amazing Wizard of Paws (2015)
The House of Magic (2013)
The Runestone (1991)
The Shaggy Dog (1959)
The Sorcerer and the White Snake (2011)
The Warrior and the Soceress (1984)
Uncle Sam (1996)

Blue Demon (2004)
Brutal (2007)
Genisis 2 (1973)
Hatchet 2 (2010)
Invincible (2001)
Night of the Sharks (1988)
Possession (2008)
Revenge of the Nerds 2 Nerds in Paradise (1987)
Revenge of the Nerds 4 Nerds in Love (1994)
Solar System Flythru
The Art of War 2 Betrayal (2008)
The Human Trace (2008)
The Looking Glass (2011)
Megashark VS Kolossus (2015) syfy
The Chosen (2015)
3 Headed Shark Attack (2015)
Anger of the Dead (2015)
Appetites (2015)
Containment (2015)
Dark Corners (2006)
Dark Moon Rising (2015)
Dawn of the Cresent Moon (2014)
Devils Deal (2013)
Eddie & The Cruisers (1983)
Extinction (2015)
Final Girl (2015)
Hunted (2015)
Limitless (2011)
P.O.V. (2014)
Paradox (2010)
Safe Word (2011)
The Dorm (2014)
The Runner (2015)
Zombie Shark (2015)

Alien Hunger (2014)
Amnesiac (2015)
Battlestar Galactica (1978)
Fire Twister (2015)
Harbinger Down (2015)
How To Save Us (2014)
Lavalantula (2015)
Sharktopus VS Whalewolf (2015)
The Lake on Clinton Road (2015)
The Minion (1999)

Air (2015)
Alarmed (2014)
Attack on Titan {Live Action} (2015) ~subs
Cry of the Winged Serpent (2006)
Kantemir (2014)
The Curse of Downer's Grove (2015)
White Settlers (2014)
The Hurricane (1999)

Dead Man's Island (1996)
Fatal Flip (2015)
Jacob's Ladder (1990)
Lake Fear (2014)
Mythica The Darkspore (2015)
Night Scream (1997)
Poltergeist Activity (2015)
Robert The Doll (2015)
Self/Less (2015)
Star Trek Renegades (2015)
The Gallows (2015)
The Second Best Science Fiction Movie Ever Made (2010)
Tigerhouse (2015)
Turbo Kid (2015)
Xmoor (2014)

Alien Arsenal (1999)
Cybornetics (2012)
Deadly Pledge (2007)
Exit 101 Halloween Party Massacre (2011)
Hell Swarm (2000)
Irish Exorcism (2013)
Judas Ghost (2013)
The Brotherhood 3 Young Demons (2003)

Apartment Complex (1999)
Avengers Age of Ultron (2015)
Awaiting (2015)
Bloodsucking Bastards (2015)
Chain of Command (2015)
Contracted Phase 2 (2015)
Creeping Crawling (2012)
Dark Place Inside (2014)
Dark Queen (2004)
Eden Formula (2006)
Eden Lodge (2015)
Extinction (2015)
Heaven Is Only In Hell (1993)
Minions (2015)
Pod (2015)
San Andreas (2015)
Sorority Murder (2015)
The Cover Up (2008)
Think Big (1990)
Viy (2014) ~ subs
Willows Way (2008)

Demonic (2015)
Eternal Damn Nation (2013)
Exeter (2015)
Extinction - Jurassic Predators (2014)
Ghoul (2015)
Jessabelle (2014)
Leprechaun - Origins (2014)
Mad Max - Fury Road (2015)
Muck (2015)
One And Two (2015)
Patient Killer (2014)
Spring (2014)
The Ark of the Witch (2014)
The Coven (2015)
The Intruders (2015)
The Vatican Exorcism (2014)
Tidal Wave - No Escape (1997)
Varsity Blood (2014)
Wild Card (2015)
World War Dead - Rise of the Fallen (2015)

12 Rounds 3 Lockdown (2015)
All Above Board (2015)
Appointment Only (2007)
Arthur & Merlin (2015)
Blood Moon (2014)
Boy 7 (2015) ~ subs
Dinosaur Island (2002) ~ Cartoon
Dracula Reborn (2015)
Essex Boys Law of Survival (2015)
Listening (2014)
Monster Hunt (2015) ~ subs
Perfect Fit (2001)
Probable Cause (1994)
Remember (2012)
Second Sight (1989) ~ bluray
Shadow Fury (2001)
Sodium Party (2013)
Soldiers of the Damned (2015)
Spooks The Greater Good (2015)
Strikeforce (2003)
SWAT Unit 887 (2015)
The American Werewolf Project (2013)
The Distinguished (2015) ~ short
When Time Expires (1997)
Z For Zachariah (2015)

This is where I am presently. I currently have about 20 that I have not added to the note listing.

Wanna watch a movie?

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:53 PM
That was the original text file I created - Now are the additions to the collection. Some are sorted and some are just added as I get them.

Just Added:
The Seventh Son
Don't Go To The Reunion
Children of a Darker Dawn

Land Before Time Series
Land Before Time 1
Land Before Time 2 The Great Valley Adventure
Land Before Time 3 The Time of the Great Giving
Land Before Time 4 Journey Thru The Mists
Land Before Time 5 The Mysterious Island
Land Before Time 6 The Secret of Saurus Rock
Land Before Time 7 The Stone of Cold Fire
Land Before Time 8 The Big Freeze
Land Before Time 9 Journey To Big Water
Land Before Time 10 The Great Long-neck Migration
Land Before Time 11 Invasion of the Tiny Sauruses
Land Before Time 12 The Great Day of the Flyers
Land Before Time 13 The Wisdom of Friends

Rescuers Set
The Rescuers 1
The Rescuers 2 Down Under

Hercules Collection

Fire Monsters Against The Sons of Hercules (1961)
Hercules (1958)
Hercules (2005)
Hercules (2014)
Hercules Against The Moon Men (1964)
Hercules And the Captive Women (1961)
Hercules & The Tyrants of Babylon (1964)
Hercules In New York (1970)
Hercules In The Haunted World (1961)
Hercules Unchained (1959)
Mole Men Against The Sons of Hercules (1961)
The Adventures of Hercules (1985)
Terror of Rome Against The Sons of Hercules (1964)
Little Hercules (2009)
Devil of the Desert Against The Son of Hercules (1964)

Vampire Movies
Dracula Set added to:
Count Dracula (1970)
Countess Dracula (1971)
Dark Prince The True Story of Dracula (2000)
Dracula Reborn (2012)
Dracula the Dark Lord (2012)
Dracula VS Frankenstein: Assignment Terror (1970)

New Blood Rising

Comedy Movies
Fatal Beauty

Holiday Movies
Miracle on 34th Street (1955)
Miracle on 34th Street (1959)
Looking for the 1992 version

Horror Movies
Aura ~ subs
Black Demons
Clear Lake
The Devil Times Five (1974)
The Flesh Keeper
The Haunting of Baylock Residence
The Mirror
Third Eye

Monster Movies
Baby: A Secret of the Lost Legend
Diagoro VS Goliath ~ subs
The Sea Serpent (1984)
Unknown Island (1948)

Blood From The Mummy's Tomb
The Fury of the Wolfman (1972)

Dark Breed (1996)
Off World
Panic Time
The Visitor From Planet Omicron

Set Completion
Mirror Mirror Set
Mirror Mirror 1
Mirror Mirror 2 Raven Dance
Mirror Mirror 3 The Voyeur
Mirror Mirror 4 Reflection

Amityville Playhouse

Demoni 3 The Church
Dennis The Menace Strikes Again (1998)
In The Name of the King 3
X-Files I Want To Believe (Reduced size & Better Quality VHS to DVD upgrade)

Syfy & Low Budget
Anonymous Rex
Dinosaur Island (1994)
Kiss Meets The Phantom of the Park (1978)
The Mothman Curse

Werewolf Movies
Face of the Screaming Werewolf (1964)
Frankenstein Castle of Freaks (1974)
Werewolf (1996)

Zombie Movies
Dead Within
Last of the Living
The Ghoul (1933)

Infected Paradise
Reminiscence: The Beginning
The House Across The street
The Woods Within
Legend of the Werewolf (1975)
Jupiter Ascending HD

No Time For Sergeants (1958)

Jerry Lewis Set
At War With The army (1950)
Don't Raise The Bridge Lower The River (1968)
Funny Bones (1995)
Hollywood or Bust (1956)
Jumping Jacks (1952)
Living It Up (1954)
Money From Home (1953)
My Friend Irma (1949)
My Friend Irma Goes west (1950)
Never Too Young (1955)
Pardners (1956)
Scared Stiff (1953)
Thats My Boy (1951)
The Delicate Delinquent (1957)
The Family Jewels (1965)
The Geisha Boy (1958)
The Milkman (1950)
The Patsy (1964)
The Sad Sack (1957)
The Stooge (1953)
Whos Minding The Store (1963)
The Nutty Professor (1963)

Shirley Temple Set

Baby Takes A Bow (1934)
Bright eyes (1934)
Curly Top (1935)
Fort Apache (1948)
Heidi (1937)
I'll Be Seeing You (1944)
Kiss & Tell (1945)
Little Miss Broadway (1938)
Mr Belvedere Goes To College (1949)
Now & Forever (1934)
Our Little Girl (1935)
Since You Went Away (1944)
Stand Up & Cheer! (1934)
Stowaway (1936)
Susannah of the Mounties (1939)
That Hagen Girl (1947)
The Bachelor & The Bobby Soxer (1947)
The Little Colonel (1935)
The Little Princess (1939)
The Littlest Rebel (1935)
Wee Willy Winkle (1937)
Young People (1940)

Black Moon Rising (1986)

Arnold Swartzenegger Movies
Around The World In 80 Days
Collateral Damage
The 6th Day

Eddie Murphy Movies
Car Wash (1976)
Critcal Condition
Stir Crazy
The Toy

Steven Segal Movies
Above The Law (1988)
Force of Execution
Half Past Dead
On Deadly Ground

Animal Movies
2010 Moby Dick
Bats Human Harvest (2007)
Horrors of Spider Island (1962)
Nightwing (1979)
Razortooth (2009)
Snake Island (2002)
Tarantulas The Deadly Cargo (1977)
The Roost (2005)
Vampire Bats (2005)
Venomous (2001)

Insect Movies
Blue Monkey
Bug (1975)
Empire of the Ants (1977)
Legion of Fire - Killer Ants! (1998)
Marabunta The Naked Jungle (1954)
Phenomena (1985)
The Nest (1988)
They Nest

Comedy Movies
Bill Cosby 49
Bill Cosby My Father Confused Me (1977)
Bill Cosby Himself (1983)
Up The Creek (1984)

Disaster Movies
14 Hours
Aftershock (1988)
Heatwave! (1974)
Meteor (1979)
Meteorites! (1998)
NYC Tornado Terror
The Great Los Angeles Earthquake (1990)
Without Warning (1994)

Drama Movies
The Call
Who Am I

Fantasy Movies
Ali Baba & The Seven Sarcens
Fury of Hercules (1962)
Goliath & The Dragon (1960)
Journey to the Center of the Earth 3d (2008)
Journey to the Center of the Earth BBC (2008)
Kindar The Invulnerable
Kingdom of Heaven (2015)
Last Glory of Troy (The Avenger)
Last of the Vikings
Samson & The Sea Beast (1963)
Samson & The Seven Miracles of the World (1961)
Spartacus & The Ten Gladiators (1964)
Ursus in the Land of Fire
Valhalla Rising (2009)
Viking Quest (2015)
Vulcan Son of Jupiter (1961)

Horror Movies
Bad VS Worse
Bay Coven (1987)
Beautiful People
Cell 213
Flowerman (2014)
It Follows (2015)
Jengo Hooper
Pop Skull
Prom Ride
Strange Blood
The Drownsman
The House That Dripped Blood (1971)
The Terror Factor
Unwanted Presence

Science Fiction Movies
Alien Lockdown (2004)
Battle For Skyark (2015)
My Science Project (1985)

Set Completion
The Lost World BBC (2001)

The Mind's Eye Set
The Mind's Eye
Beyond The Mind's Eye
The Gate To The Mind's Eye
Odyssey Into The Mind's Eye
Luminous Visions Trailer

Ebola Zombies
Lake Placid VS Anaconda

Vampire Movies
A Nocturne Night of the Vampire
Kolchak The Night Stalker - The Vampire
Teeth & Blood (2015)

Werewolf Movies
Cry of the Werewolf (1944)
Dense Fear - Bloodline
Frankenstien Meets the Wolfman (1943)
House of Frankenstien (1944)
Kolchak The Night Stalker - The Werewolf
Legend of the Werewold (1975)
Moon of the Wolf (1972)
Scream of the Wolf (1974)
The Mad Monster (1942)
The Undying Monster (1942)
The Werewolf & The Yeti
Werewolf of Washington
Werewolf VS The Vampire Woman
Werewolves on Wheels (1971)

Zombie Movies
Cowboy Zombies
Kolchak The Night Stalker - The Zombie
The Walking Dead (1936)

Action Movies
Black Cat Run
Blood Fist 1
Extreme Justice (1993)
Land of the Free (1998)
Lightning Jack (1994)
Lost (2004)
Mission of Justice (1992)
Pair of Aces (1989)
The Expert
The Perfect Weapon (1991)

Zombie Movies
I walked With A Zombie (1943)
Infected (2013)

Drama Movies
Coward of the County

The Gambler Set
The Gambler 1 (1980)
The Gambler 2 The Adventure Continues (1983)
The Gambler 5 Playing For Keeps (1994)

Science Fiction Movies
Infini (2015)

Ex Machina (2015)
The Posthuman Project (2014)
Frankenstein's Island (1981)
The Frankenstein Experiment (2010)
Zombie Cats From Mars (2015)
Skyhook (2012)

Anarchy Parlor (2015)
Any Minute Now
Chasing Darkness (2007)
Demonic (2015)
Evangeline (2015)
Heartbeeps (1981)
Maggie (2015)
Ravage (2009)
Roommate Wanted (2015)
The Eve (2014)
The Haunting of Pearson Place (2013)
The Redwood Massacre (2014)
Island of the Lost (1967)

Fury of Hercules (1962)
Hercules & the Princess of Troy (1965)
Hercules in the Valley of Woe (1961)
Hercules VS The Hydra (1960)
Hercules VS The Moloch (1963)
The Triumph of Hercules (1964)

Chappie (2015)
Grave Mistake (2008)
Pound of Flesh (2015)
The Creeping Flesh (1973)
The Burning Bed (1984)
Rockabilly Zombies (2013)
Obsessed (2002)
Fear House
Faces Of Death 1
Faces Of Death 2
Faces Of Death 3
Faces Of Death 4
Deadlands 2 Trapped
Day of the Dead 2 (2005)
Assassins Game (2015)

Adam Set

Adam (1983)
Adam, His Song Continues (1986)

Wicker Man Set

The Wicker Man (1973)
The Wicker Man (2006)

Cowboys VS Dinosaurs (2015) syfy
Croaker (2013)
Extracted (2012)
Jonah Lives (2015)
Left Behind 1 (2001)
Left Behind 2 Tribulation Force (2002)
Left Behind 3 World At War (2005)
Parallels (2015)
Symptoms (1974)
Tank (1984)
The Housewife Slasher (2012)
The Towering Inferno (1974)
Zombies of Mora Tau (1957)

Borderlands (2013)
Dolls (1987)
Escape To Victory
Final Days of Planet Earth (2006)
Malenka The Vampire (1969)
Moonstruck (1987)
RZ-9 (2014)
She (1982)
The Family Man (2000)
Time Trackers (1989)
Time Walker (1982)
Timestalkers (1987)

Sometimes They Come Back Set

Sometimes They Come Back (1991)
Sometimes The Come Back Again (1996)

Virus 1980 Set

Virus (1980) British Version
Virus (1980) English Version

Battle of the Undead (2013)
Children of the Corn 1 (1984)
Naked Space (The Creature Wasn't Nice) (1983)
San Andreas Quake (2015)
Splatter (2008)
Supernatural Tales Grindhouse Edition (2012)
The Dead Zone
Virtuosity (1995)

Kung Fury (2015) short
Last Action Hero (1993)
Scooby Doo 2 Monsters Unleashed (2004)
Space Milkshake (2012)
Supergirl (1984)
Tammy & The T-Rex (1994)
The Final Terror (1983)
The Three Faces of Terror

The Triangle Set

The Triangle 1 (2005)
The Triangle 2 (2005)
The Triangle 3 (2005)

Theodore Rex (1995)
Ultimate Weapon (1998)

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:48 PM
Monster Movies Giant Monster Movies
Carnosaur Trilogy
Carnosaur 1
Carnosaur 2
Carnosaur 3 – Primal Species
Clash Of The Titan Set
Jason & The Argonauts ~ Org
Jason & The Argonauts ~ Remake
Clash Of The Titans ~ Org
Clash Of The Titans ~ Remake
Wrath Of The Titans
Dragonheart Set
Dragonheart 1
Dragonheart 2 – A New Beginning
Dragonheart 3 – The Sorcerer's Curse
Gamera Collection -New Gamera
G1 – Gamera
G2 – Gamera Attack Of Legion
G3 – Gamera Awakening of Iris
G4 – Gamera The Brave ~ sub
Gamera 2 – Texarkana Redneck Dub
Gamera 3 Documentary
Gamera 3 Hard Subs
Gamera Collection – Old Gamera
OG1 – Gamera The Invincible
OG2 – Gamera VS Baragon – War of the Monsters
OG3 – Gamera VS Gyaos
OG4 – Gamera VS Viras – Destroy all Planets
OG5 – Gamera VS Guiron – Attack of the Monsters
OG6 – Gamera VS Jiger – Monster X
OG7 – Gamera VS Zigra ~ MST3K
Godzilla Collection ~ Dubbed
Gojira ~ subs
1- Godzilla King Of The Monsters (Raymond Burr)
2- Godzilla Raids Again
3- Godzilla VS King Kong
4- Godzilla VS Mothera
5- Ghidorah – The Three-Headed Monster
6- Godzilla VS Monster Zero
7- Godzilla VS Ebriah (Sea Monster)
8- Son Of Godzilla
9- Destroy All Monsters
10- Godzilla's Revenge
11- Godzilla VS Hedorah (Smog Monster)
12- Godzilla VS Gigan
13- Godzilla VS Megalon
14- Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla
15- Terror Of Mechagodzilla
16- Godzilla 1985
17- Godzilla VS Biollante
18- Godzilla VS King Ghidorah
19- Godzilla VS Mothera – Battle For Earth
20- Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla 2
21- Godzilla VS Space Godzilla
22- Godzilla VS Destroyah
23- Godzilla Millennium – 2000
24- Godzilla VS Megaguirus
25- Godzilla GMK – Godzilla, Mothera & King Ghidorah
26- Godzilla Against Mechagodzilla
27- Godzilla Tokyo SOS
28- Godzilla Final War
29- Godzilla 98 – Gino
30- Godzilla 2014 Legendary Reboot
31- Legendary 2nd ~ Coming
32- Toho Reboot - Coming
Bambi Meets Godzilla
Godzilla VS Mechagodzilla 2 – Subs
Godzilla Files – Asst'd Special Clips & Trailers
Jurassic Park Set
Jurassic Park 1
Jurassic Park 2 – The Lost World
Jurassic Park 3
Upcoming Jurassic World (Soon)
King Kong Set
King Kong ~ Org
King Kong 76 Remake
King Kong Lives
PJ King Kong Remake
Monsters Set
Monsters 1
Monsters 2 – Dark Continent
Troll Hunter Set
Troll Hunter ~ Subs
Troll Hunter ~ Dub
20 Million Miles To Earth
Area 407
Beginning Of The End (1957)
Caltiki – The Immortal Monster (1959)
Deep Rising
Deep Sea Monster Reigo ~ Japanese no Subs
Dogora The Space Monster (1964)
The Giant Gila Monster
GoG (1954)
It Came From Beneath The Sea
Jack The Giant Killer (1962)
Jack The Giant Slayer
Journey To The Center Of The Earth (1959)
King Kong Escapes (1968)
Mee-She The Water Giant
The Mist
Monster From A Prehistoric Planet
Mothera (1961)
Mysterious Island
One Million Years BC
Orochi The Eight-Headed Dragon (1994) ~ Sub
Pacific Rim
Planet Of Dinosaurs
Queen Kong (1976)
Sword & The Dragon
Tentacles (1977)
The Beast From 2,000 Fathoms (1953)
The Beast Of Hollow Mountain
The Deadly Mantis (1957)
The Flying Serpent (1946)
The Giant Behemoth
The Giant Claw
The Island At The Top Of The World
The Land Unknown
The Last Dinosaur (1977)
The Lost Continent (1968)
The Lost World (1960)
The Lost World (1998)
The Magnetic Monster (1953)
The Millennium Bug
The Monolith Monsters (1957)
The Monster of Piedras Blancas
The Sea Serpent
The War Of The Gargantuas
The Water Horse
Unknown World (1951)
Varan The Unbelievable
War Of The Colossal Beast
Yog – Monster From Space (1970)

Monster & Creature Movies
Bigfoot Wars ~ syfy
Boggy Creek Set
Boggy Creek 1
Boggy Creek 2 – The Legend Continues
Boggy Creek Remake
Legend of Boggy Creek
Return To Boggy Creek
Creature From The Black Lagoon Set
Creature From The Black Lagoon
Revenge Of The Creature
The Creature Walks Among Us
Critters Set
Critters 1
Critters 2
Critters 3
Critters 4
Feast Trilogy
Feast 1
Feast 2
Feast 3
Gargoyles Set
Gargoyles – Wings of Darkness
Gargoyle's Revenge
Gremlins Set
Gremlins 1
Gremlins 2 – The New Batch
It's Alive Set
It's Alive 1
It's Alive 2 – It Lives Again
It's Alive 3 – Island of the Alive
It's Alive Reboot
Jeepers Creeper Set
Jeepers Creepers 1
Jeepers Creepers 2
Mimic Set
Mimic 1
Mimic 2
Mimic 3 – Sentinel
The Fly Set
The Fly (1958)
Return of the Fly (1959)
The Fly Remake 1
The Fly Remake 2
The Gate Set
The Gate 1
The Gate 2
The Thing Set
The Thing From Another World (1951)
The Thing (1982)
The Thing (2011)
Tremors Set
Tremors 1
Tremors 2 – Aftershocks
Tremors 3 – Back To Perfection
Tremors 4 – The Beginning
Unnameable Set
Unnameable 1
Unnameable 2 – The Statement of Randolph Carter
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea
Alone In The Dark
Attack of the Beast Creatures
Beast Beneath
Beast Within
Black Sheep
Blood Glacier
Born of Earth
Bottom Feeder
Brothers Grimm
Cabin In The Woods
Cellar Dweller
Crawl or Die
Creature (2014)
Creature Of Darkness
Creature Unknown
Dark Night of The Scarecrow
Dark Space
Darkest Hour
Darkness Falls
Deadly Prey
Deadly Spawn
Deep Star 6
Devil's Tattoo
Digging Up The Marrow
Dinosaur Island
Dinosaur Project
Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (1955)
Dragon Fighter
Dragon Wars
Dragon Slayer
Evil Spawn
Eye of the Beast
Feeding Frenzy
Frankenstein (1931)
Frankenstein Meets The Wolfman (1943)
From Beneath
Gargoyles (1972)
Garuda ~ Subs
Gwoemul ~ Dub – The Host
House of Frankenstein (1944)
I, Frankenstein
Invasion of the Pod People
Island of Terror (1966)
It – The Terror From Beyond Space
Jack Brooks Monster Slayer
Killer Klowns From Outer Space
Monster Brawl
Monster House
Monsters in The Woods
Mutant Species
Neatherbeast Inc.
Night Breed
Night Claws
Night Feeders
Nymph – Killer Mermaid
Octaman (1971)
One-Eyed Monster
Parasite (1982)
Peter Benchley's Creature
Phantom of the Opera (1962)
Q- The Winged Serpent
Ragnarok ~ Subs
Rana – Legend of Shadow Lake
Rawhead Rex
Reign Of Fire
Sasquatch Hunters
Scarecrow Slayer
Scared To Death – Syngenor
Seed People
Shadow Creature
Son Of Frankenstein (1939)
Spawn of the Slithis
Storage 24
Sucker Punch
Super Hybrid
Super Mario Brothers
Terminal Invasion
Terror in the Midnight Sun (1959)
Terror Vision
The Boogens
The Cellar
The Creeping Terror (1964)
The Creeping Unknown – Quartermass
The Ghost of Frankenstein (1942)
The Ghoul (1933)
The Golden Child
The Green Monster
The Haunted Sea
The Host
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1939)
The Monster Squad
The Mortal Instruments – City of Bones
The Mummy's Curse (1944)
The Mummy's Tomb (1942)
The Pyramid
The Relic
The Slime People (1963)
The Snow Creature
The Strangeness (1985)
The Stuff
The Spyderwick Chronicles
The Terror Within
They Came From Beyond Space
Under The Bed
Weekend At The Cabin
Welp ~ Subs
Where The Wild Things Are
Shorts & Trailers
Creep Criticized
The Leviathan
The Signal
The Wrath of the Cthulhu

Syfy & Low Budget Movies
12 Disasters of Christmas
40 Days & 40 Nights
100 Degrees Below Zero
100 Feet
100 Million BC
500 Mph Storm
A Date With Ghosts
Actium Maximus – War of the Alien Dinosaurs
Age of Dinosaurs
Age of Tomorrow
Air Collision
Airplane VS Volcano
Aladdin & The Death Lamp
Alien Dawn
Alien Tornado
Alan Quartermain & The Temple of Skulls
American Horror Story
Amityville Death House
Android Apocalypse
Android Rising
Apocalypse Kiss
Apocalypse Pompeii
Atlantic Rim
Attack of the Gryphon
Avengers Grimm
Aztec Rex
Battle Dogs
Battle New York Day 2
Battle of Los Angeles
Beast of the Bearing Sea
Bermuda Tentacles
Big *** Spider
Black Swarm
Blast Vegas
Blood Lake – Attack of the Killer Lampreys
Bloodthirst 2 – Revenge of the Chupacabra
Camel Spiders
Cheerleader Camp To The Death
Chilling Visions – 5 Senses of Fear
Christmas Icetastrophy
Chupacabra Terror
Code Red – Rubicon Conspiracy
Crystal Skulls
Dead Still
Defcon 2012
Devil Dog Hound Of Hell
Devil's Mile
Disaster Wars
Doomsday Prophecy
Dragon Wasps
Dragons of Camelot
Exploding Sun
Fire & Ice
Flesh Wounds
Flying Monkeys
Gnome Alone
Hammerhead Shark Frenzy
Hans VS Gretel
Haunted House on Sorority Row
Headless Horseman
Hell's Rain
High Moon
House of Bones
Ice 2020
Ice Spiders
In The Name of The King 3
Independence Daysaster
Invasion of the Pod People
Invasion Roswell
Jack Hunter
Jack The Giant Killer
Jet Stream
Jurassic City
Killing Birds
King of the Lost World
LA Apocalypse
Legend of Hercules
Lightning Bolts of Destruction
Living Hell
Lizard Man – Terror of the Swamp
Loch Ness Horror
Lost Treasures of the Grand Canyon
Malibu Shark Attack
Megashark VS Crocosaurus
Megashark VS Giant Octopus
Mongolian Death Worm
Monster Ark
Monster Shark
Mutant Chronicles
Mysterious Island
New Eden
One Shot
Open Graves
P-51 Dragon Fighter
Poseidon Rex
Project Viper
Rajin Cajun Redneck Gators
Raptor Ranch
Rein of the Gargoyles
Resurrection of the Dragon
Return of the Killer Shrews
Revenge of the Leprechauns
Riddle of the Sphinx
Rise of the Animals
Rise of the Gargoyles
Rise of the Zombie
Sand Serpents
Sands of Oblivion
Sea Beast
Sewing Seeds
Shark Week
Sharknado 2
Sharktopus VS Pteracuda
Shock Attack
Snakehead Terror
Snow Shark
Solar Vengeance
Something Beneath
Space Twister
Spiders 3d
Super Cyclone
Swamp Shark
Tasmanian Devils
Terror Beneath
The Fallen Ones
The Haunting of Winchester House
The Mummy Resurrected
The Vindicator
The Void
Two-Headed Shark attack
Volcano In New York
Wizards of the Demon Sword

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:47 PM
Superhero Movies
Batman Movies
Batman (1966)
Batman (1989)
Batman & Robin
Batman Returns
Batman Begins
Batman – The Dark Knight
Batman – The Dark Knight Rises
Batman Forever
Captain America Set
Captain America
Captain America – The Winter Soldier
Darko Set
Donnie Darko
S. Darko
Fantastic Four Set
Fantastic 4
Fantastic 4 – Rise of the Silver Surfer
Ghost Rider Set
Ghost Rider 1
Ghost Rider 2 – Spirit Of Vengeance
G.I. Joe Set
G.I. Joe – Rise of the Cobra
G.I. Joe – Retaliation
G.I. Jane
Hellboy Set
Hellboy 1
Hellboy 2 – The Golden Army
Iron Man Set
Iron Man 1
Iron Man 2
iron Man 3
Spiderman Set
Spiderman 1
Spiderman 2
Spiderman 3
Spiderman Strikes Back (1979)
The Amazing Spider-Man (1977)
The Amazing Spiderman 1 ~ Reboot
The Amazing Spiderman 2 ~ Reboot
Superman Set
Superman 1
Superman 2
Superman 3
Superman 4
Superman Returns
Man Of Steel
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Set
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 – Secret of the Ooze
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Reboot
The Hulk Set
The Incredible Hulk
Thor Set
Thor 2 – The Dark World
X-Men Set
X-Men 1
X-Men 2
X-Men 3 – Last Stand
X-Men Days Of Future Past
X-Men First Class
X-Men Origins – The Wolverine
Green Lantern
Hammer of the Gods
League of Extraordinary Gentleman
Legend of Hercules
Legend of Zorro
Max Payne
Solomon Kane
Tarzan & The Lost City
The Last Airbender
The Shadow
The Snow Queen
Wild, Wild West
Hercules Remake
Guardians Of The Galaxy

Book 2
Cartoon Movies
Beowulf Set
Beowulf ~ Live Action
Beowulf ~ CGI
Dead Space Set
Dead Space Downfall
Dead Space Aftermath
Death Note Set
Death Note 1
Death Note 2 – The Last Name
How To Train Your Dragon Set
How To Train Your Dragon 1
How To Train Your Dragon 2
Ice Age Set
Ice Age 1
Ice Age 2 – The Meltdown
Ice Age 3 – Dawn Of The Dinosaurs
Ice Age 4 – Continental Drift
Ice Age Shorts Collection
101 Dalmatians
Alice In Wonderland
An Extremely Goofy Movie
Brother Bear 2
Despicable Me
Final Fantasy The Spirits Within
James & The Giant Peach
Lady & The Tramp
Monster House
Monsters Inc.
Pippi Longstocking
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs
Surfs Up
The Pagemaster
Toy Story
Watership Down
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Wreck-it Ralph
2210 The Collapse
Aftermath – When The Earth Stops Spinning
Aftermath – Population Zero
Alien Planet
Africa's Great Rift
Bizarre Dinosaurs
Clash Of The Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs Alive
Drain The Ocean
Earth – Making of a Planet
End Day (Docudrama)
Faster Than The Speed Of Light
Flying Monsters
Hot Planet
How Life Began
Last Killers - Planet Dinosaur
Limits Of Perception
Mars Underground
Mega Tsunami
Monsters Resurrected – Biggest Killer Dino
Nature's Weirdest Events
Life Beyond Earth
Planet Dinosaur
Playboy – America's Sexiest Bartenders
Playboy – Asian Erotica
Playboy – Girlfriends 2
Powers of Ten
Prehistoric Predators – Dire Wolf
Pure Decadence
Sea Monsters Trilogy
Secrets of the Universe
So Sexy Bikinis
Speckles the Tabosaurus
Super Comet – After The Impact
Definitive Guide to the Milkyway Galaxy
Last Day of the Dinosaur
The Last Dragon – A Fantasy Made Real
Poetry Of Science
The Universe – How Big, How Far, How Fast
The Poopie List
Tyrannosaurus Rex – Extreme Survivor
Walking With Dinosaurs
Walking With Monsters
When Aliens Attack
World Trade Center
Drama Movies
All Is Lost
Another You
Best Little Whorehouse In Texas
Beyond The Rising Moon
Carnal Innocence
Cleopatra (1963)
Don't Blink
Forest Gump
Green Mile
High-jacked – Flight 285
Hunt For The BTK Killer
Lacawanna Blues
Master & Commander – Far Side of the World
Northmen – A Viking Saga
Perfumed Garden
Q Desire
Question Mark
Rain Man
Rebel Without A Cause (1955)
Remember Me
Samson & Delilah
Shawshank Redemption
Stonehurst Asylum
Swamp Fire (1946)
The Sting
White Out

Fantasy Movies
Lara Croft – Tomb Raider Set
Lara Croft – Tomb Raider
Tomb Raider – Cradle of Life
Left Behind Set
Left Behind Remake
Tolkien Set
The Hobbit (1977)
The Hobbit 1 – An Unexpected Journey
The Hobbit 2 – The Desolation of Smaug
The Hobbit 3 – Battle of the 5 Armies
Lord Of The Rings (1979)
Lord of the Rings 1 – Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings 2 – Two Towers
Lord of the Rings 3 – Return of the King
Beyond The Lord Of The Rings Documentary
Percy Jackson Set
Percy Jackson – The Lightning Thief
Percy Jackson – Sea of Monsters
Scorpion King Set
Scorpion King 1
Scorpion King 2
Scorpion King 3 – Battle for Redemption
Sin City Set
Sin City 1
Sin City 2 – A Dame To Kill For
Snow White Set
Grimm's Snow White
Snow White & The Huntsman
Snow White A Deadly Summer
Snow White A Tale of Terror
Snow White The Fairest of Them All
Tarzan Movies Series
Greystoke – The Legend of Tarzan
New Adventures of Tarzan (1935)
Tarzan & His Mate (1934)
Tarzan & The Amazons (1945)
Tarzan & The Golden Lion (1927)
Tarzan & The Great River (1967)
Tarzan & The Green Goddess (1938)
Tarzan & The Lost City (1998)
Tarzan & The Lost Safari (1957)
Tarzan & The Trappers (1958)
Tarzan & The Valley Of Gold (1966)
Tarzan Goes To India (1962)
Tarzan of the Apes (1918)
Tarzan The Apeman (1981)
Tarzan The Fearless (1933)
Tarzan The Magnificent (1960)
Tarzan's Fight For Life (1958)
Tarzan's Greatest Adventure (1959)
Tarzan's Peril (1951)
Tarzan's Revenge (1938)
Tarzan's Three Challenges (1963)
10,000 BC
Alice In Wonderland
Allan Quartermain & The Temple Of Skulls
Alvin & The Chipmunks
Arabian Nights
Atlantis The Lost Continent (1961)
Battle Beneath Earth
Beyond The Black Rainbow
Bread Crumbs
Captain Nemo & The Underwater City
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Cruel & Unusual
Darby O'Gill & The Little People
Double Dragon
Dragon Lore – Curse of the Shadow
Dragonball – The Magic Begins
Edward Scissorhands
Fading of the Cries
Ink Heart
Legend of the Red Reaper
Legendary – Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Let Us Prey
Meet The Robinsons
Moby Dick
Movie Madness
Mythica – A Quest For Heroes
Naked Lunch
Nocturne Six
Odd Thomas
Phoenix 9
Prince of Persia – Sands Of Time
Prisoners of a Lost Universe
Seventh Sign
Sleepy Hollow
Star Crystal
The Crown & The Dragon
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
The Curse of King Tut's Tomb
The Exorcist
The Last Castle
The Last Mimzy
The Magic Sword
The Mark
The Neptune Factor
The Odd Life of Timothy Green
The Passion of The Christ
The Ten Commandments
The Wizard
Thief Of Baghdad (1940)
Tin Man
Under The Mountain
Underwater City (1962)
Voyage of the Unicorn
What Dreams May Come
White Creek

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:46 PM
Zombie Movies
28 Days Set
28 Days Later
28 Weeks Later
Dead Snow Set
Dead Snow 2 – Red VS Dead
Outpost Trilogy
Outpost 1
Outpost 2 – Black Sun
Outpost 3 – Rise of the Spetsnaz
Quarantine Set
Quarantine 1
Quarantine 2 – The Terminal
Reanimator Set
Beyond Reanimator
Bride of the Reanimator
[REC] Series ~ subtitles
REC 3 – Genesis
REC 4 – Apocalypse
Resident Evil Series
Resident Evil 1
Resident Evil 2 – Apocalypse
Resident Evil 3 – Extinction
Resident Evil 4 – Afterlife
Resident Evil 5 – Retribution
Resident Evil Degeneration
Return Of The Living Dead Series
ROTLD 4 – Necrop
ROTLD 5 – Rave
Sometimes They Come Back Set
Sometimes They Come Back
Sometimes They Come Back Again
Zombi Series
Zombi 1
Zombi 2
Zombi 3
Zombi 4 – Holocaust
Zombi 5 – Killing Birds
13 Eerie
American Zombie
Asylum of the Dead
Awaken The Dead
Blood Snow
Cemetery Gates
Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
Day of the Dead
Dead & Deader
Dead Genesis
Dead Rising – Watchtower
Dead Set Serious
Devil's Playground
Diary of the Dead
Dorm of the Dead
Edges of Darkness
Frankenstein Unbound
Grave Encounters
Humans VS Zombies
Invasion of the Undead
Island of the Living Dead
Let There Be Zombies
Night of the Creeps
Night Of The Living Dead ~ Org
Night Of The Living Dead ~ Reboot
Revelation Trail
Shaun of the Dead
Strippers VS Zombies
Swamp Zombies
The Dance of the Dead
The Day of the Dead – Need To Feed
The Dead Next Door
The Graves
The Hideout
The Land of the Dead
The Night of the Zombies
The Plane of the Living Dead
The Revenant
The Walking Deceased
Tower of Terror
Wasting Away
World War Z
Wyrmwood – Road of the Dead
Zombie Diaries 2
Zombie Killers Elephant Graveyard
Zombie Planet
Zombie Resurrection

Science Fiction Movies
Alien Series
Alien 1
Alien 2 – Aliens
Alien 3
Alien 4 – Resurrection
Superior Firepower – The Making of Aliens
AvP 1 ~ Extended
AvP 2 – Requim
Babylon Five Movie Series
A Call To Arms
In The Beginning
Legend of the Rangers
River of Souls
The Gathering
The Lost Tales – Voices in the Dark
Back To The Future Trilogy
Back To The Future 1
Back To The Future 2
Back To The Future 3
Body Snatchers Set
Body Snatchers (1993)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
The Puppet Masters (1994)
Cube Trilogy
Cube Zero
Cube 1
Cube 2 – Hypercube
Decoys Set
Decoys 1
Decoys 2 – Alien Seduction
Dredd Set
Epoch Set
Epoch 1
Epoch 2 – Evolution
Femalien Set
Femalien 1
Femalien 2
Guyver Set
Guyver 1
Guyver 2 – Dark Hero
Hollowman Set
Hollowman 1
Hollowman 2
Honey, Shrunk Kids Set
Honey, I Shrunk The Kids
Honey, I Blew Up The Kid
Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves
Hunger Games Set
Hunger Games 1
Hunger Games 2 – Catching Fire
Hunger Games 3 – Mocking-jay Pt 1
Lawnmower Man Set
Lawnmower Man 1
Lawnmower Man 2
Mad Max Set
Mad Max 1 - The Road Warrior
Mad Max 2
Mad Max 3 – Beyond Thunderdome
Matrix Set
Matrix Reloaded
Matrix Revolutions
Men In Black Set
Men In Black 1
Men In Black 2
Men In Black 3
Omega Man Set
Omega Man
I am Legend
Last Man On Earth
Last Woman On Earth
Planet Of The Apes Series
Planet Of The Apes ~ Org
Planet Of The Apes ~ Remake
Beneath The Planet Of The Apes
Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes
Escape From The Planet Of The Apes
Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes
Battle For The Planet Of The Apes
Behind The Planet Of The Apes (Documentary)
Predator Set
Predator 1
Predator 2
Predators – Ultimate Killing Machines (Docu)
Making Of Predator (1987)
Riddick Set
Pitch Black
Chronicles of Riddick ~ Director's Cut
Robocop Set
Robocop 1
Robocop 2
Robocop 3
Robocop Remake
Screamers Set
Screamers 1
Screamers 2
Short Circuit Set
Short Circuit 1
Short Circuit 2
Species Set
Species 1
Species 2
Species 3
Species 4 – The Awakening
Star Trek Movies Series
Star Trek 1 – The Motion Picture
Star Trek 2 – Wrath Of Kahn
Star Trek 3 – Search For Spock
Star Trek 4 – Voyage Home
Star Trek 5 – Final Frontier
Star Trek 6 – Undiscovered Country
Star Trek 7 – Generations
Star Trek 8 – First Contact
Star Trek 9 – Insurrection
Star Trek 10 – Nemesis
Star Trek Of Gods & Men
Star Trek Reboot 1
Star Trek Reboot 2 – Into Darkness
Star Wars Movie Series
Star Wars 1 – Phantom Menace
Star Wars 2 – Attack Of The Clones
Star Wars 3 – Revenge Of The Sith
Star Wars 4 – A New Hope
Star Wars 5 – Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars 6 – Return Of The Jedi
Star Wars Original Trilogy Documentary
Ewok Adventure
Ewoks – Battle For Endor
Starship Troopers Set
Trilogy Zipped (Needs Updated with better video)
Terminator Set
Terminator 1
Terminator 2 – Judgment Day
Terminator 3 – Rise of the Machines
Terminator 4 – Salvation
Terror Within Set
The Terror Within 1
The Terror Within 2
Philadelphia Experiment Set
The Philadelphia Experiment (1984)
The Philadelphia Experiment (2012)
Time Machine Set
Time Machine ~ Org
Time Machine ~ Remake
Tron Set
Tron 1
Tron 2 – Legacy
War Of The Worlds Set
War Of The Worlds ~ Org
War Of The Worlds ~ Remake (2005)
War Of The Worlds 1 ~ Remake (2005b)
War Of The Worlds 2 ~ Remake
X-Files Set
X-Files 1 – Fight The Future
X-Files 2 – I want To Believe
Xtro Set
Xtro 1
Xtro 2
Xtro 3 – Watch The Skies
1st Men in The Moon
444 Last Days On Earth
10,000 Days
A.I. - Artificial Intelligence
Adjustment Bureau
Aeon Flux
After Earth
Alien 51
Alien Cargo
Alien Dawn
Alien From The Deep
Alien Opponent
Alien Outpost
Alien Raiders
Alien Rising
Alien Species
Altered States
Andromeda Strain
Angry Red Planet
Apollo 18
Assault On Dome 4
Batteries Not Included
Battle Beyond the Stars
Battle In Outer Space (1959)
Battle Los Angeles
Battle Of The Worlds (1961)
Blade Runner ~ Final Cut
Brave New World
Broken City
Buckaroo Banzai
Cargo ~ Dubbed
Cargo ~ Subs
Cell Count
City Of Ember
Close Encounters Of The Third Kind
Damnation Alley (1977)
Dark Metropolis
Dark Star (1974)
Defcon 4
Doomsday Machine
Dr Strangelove (Love the bomb)
Dune (1984) ~ Alternative Edit
E.T. The Extraterrestrial
Earth VS The Flying Saucers
Ender's Game
Enemy Mine
Escape Velocity
Europa Incident
Event Horizon
Evil Aliens
Extinction – The GMO Chronicles
Faces In The Crowd
Fantastic Voyage
FAQ About Time Travel
Forbidden Planet
Found In Time
Galaxy Of Terror
Galaxy Quest
Grizzly Flats
Howard The Duck
Humanity's End
I Am Number 4
I, Robot
Ice (1998)
Ice Pirates
Ice Planet (2001)
Independence Day
Iron Sky
Jensen Project
John Carter
Jonah Hex
Journey To The Center Of The Earth Remake
Last Days On Mars
Latitude Zero (1969)
Lost Time
Mac & Me
Man From Earth
Mater Of Scifi
Maximum Overdrive
Mission To Mars
My Favorite Martian
Night of the Comet
Non Stop
Paradox Alice
Prometheus Trap
Rare Exports
Robinson Crusoe On Mars
Robot Jox
Robot Overlords
Robot Revolution
Saturn 3 (1980)
Science Team
Sector 7 ~ Subs
Silent Running
Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow
Somewhere In Time
Soylent Green (1973)
Space Chimps
Space Probe Taurus (1965)
Space Raiders
Spaceship Terror
Star Hunter
Starship Rising
Super 8
Target Earth (1954)
Terminal Error
The Abyss
The Alpha Incident
The Being
The Blob
The Core
The Dark Haul ~ syfy
The Dark Lurking
The Day After Tomorrow
The Day The Earth Stood Still Remake
The Drift
The Fourth Kind
The Frozen Ground
The Giver
The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy
The Host
The Human Race
The Incredible Shrinking Man
The Invisible Man (1933)
The Machine
The Maze Runner
The Objective
The Phoenix Project
The Portal
The Salena Incident
The Scientist
The Singularity Is Near
The Source
The Thirteenth Floor
The Vector File
The Visitation
The Vortex ~ syfy
The World's End
Time After Time
Time Bandits
Time Cop 2
Time Guardian
Time Lapse
Time Runner
Time Traveler's Wife
Time Warrior
Time Crimes
Titan A.E.
Tomorrow When The War Began
Total Recall Remake
Tucker & Dale VS Evil
Upside Down
Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea
Warriors Of Terra
Watchmen ~ Director's Cut
Wing Commander
Young Ones
Z.P.G. - Zero Population Growth

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:45 PM
36 Saints
100 Bloody Acres
247* F
A Cry From Within
Abandoned in the Dark
Abandoned Mine
Among Friends
An American Terror
And Soon The Darkness
Angel Heart
Antfarm Dickhole
Argento's Opera
Arkham Sanatorium Soul Eater
Attack of the Morningside Monster
Bad Dreams
Bird With The Crystal Plumage
Black Rock
Black Waters of Echo Pond
Blackwater Farm
Blood Creek
Blood Runs Cold
Bloody Sunday
Bunnyman Horror
Cam 2 Cam
Camp Dread
Campfire Tales
Chemical Peel
Chopping Mall
Clown House
Coffin Baby
Confessions of a Serial Killer
Dark Age
Dark Circles
Dark Heritage
Dark Stories From Beyond The Grave
Dark Summer
Darkening Sky
Dead End
Dead Mine
Dead Sea
Deadly Virtues
Death of Death
Deep In The Darkness
Delicatessen ~ subs
Delivery – The Beast Within
Do Not Disturb
Don't Look Up
Dr Giggles
Drawing Blood
Dying Breed
Dylan Dog – Dead Of Night
Earth Killer
Eden Lake
Empty Rooms
Endangered Species
Evil Feed
Fatal Needles
Fear House
Fear of the Dark
Fear Town USA
Fertile Ground
Fetish Dolls Die Laughing
Find Me
Forget Me Not
Girl Next Door
Hack Job
Hard Ride to Hell
Hell Fire
Hell's Caretaker
House at the End of the Street
House Hunting
House of Last Things
House of Wax
House on Sorority Row
Hunting Humans
If A Tree Falls
In The Spider's Web
Inhuman Resources
Into The Woods
It's In The Blood
Jersey Shore Massacre
Kill Theory
Lake Dead
Last Night
Legend of the Bog
Legion (1998)
Lemon Tree Passage
Leprechaun Origins
Let Me Out
Let's Scare Jessica To Death
Lizard Boy
Locked In A Room
Lord Of Illusions
Mask Maker
Midnight Meat Train
Millennium Bug
Miss Meadows
Mommy's Little Monster
Motel Hell
Mother of Tears – The 3rd Mother
Mother's Milk
Mr Jones
Mrs Amsworth
Mulberry St
Murder – Set – Pieces
No One Lives
Not Forgotten
Out of The Dark
Paganini Horror
Perfect Victims
Perkins 14
Plague Town
Playing With Dolls
Population 436
Psycho Beach Party
Rage – Midsummer's Eve
Red Line
Revelation Road
Road Train
Scared To Death
Scary or Die
Scorpion With Two Tails
Secrets in the Walls
Serpent & The Rainbow
Shelf Life
Shock Value
Silent Night Bloody Night
Silent Scream
Skeleton Man
Skull Forest
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
Slices of Life
Slow Torture Puke Chamber
Stage Fright
Stay Alive
Tales of the Supernatural
Terrifying Tales
Terror Train
The 13th Unit
The Becoming
The Beyond
The Bone Yard
The Canal
The Carrier
The Children
The Collapsed
The Colony
The Cook
The Culling
The Cure
The Dark
The Dawn
The Day
The Den
The Doorway
The Empty
The Eves
The Facility
The Factory
The Forsaken
The Frozen
The Gift
The Godsend
The Hand That Rocks The Cradle
The Harvest
The Hidden
The Hillside Strangler
The Hole
The Holy Terror
The Houses October Built
The Hunt
The Hunters
The Inner Room
The Intruders
The Last Resort
The Lodge
The Mutator
The Nurse (1997)
The Oatmeal Man
The Offspring
The Pact
The People Under The Stairs
The Pit
The Portal
The Reeds
The Return
The Sacred
The Seasoning House
The Sleeper
The Stranger Game
The Tall Man
The Theater Bizarre
The Truck
The Unborn
The Veil
The Ward
The Wicked – Season of the Equinox
The Wickeds
Theater Of Fear
Toolbox Murders
Torture Chamber
Truth Or Dare
Urban Legend
Valley Of The Witch
Varsity Blood
Voodoo Moon
Way Of The Wicked
Witches of Eastwick
Witness to a Kill

Stephen King Movies
Cat's Eye
Children of the Corn
Needful Things
Quicksilver Highway
Salem's Lot (2004)
Salem's Lot Remake
Storm of the Century
The Langoliers
The Night Flier
The Shining
Tommy Knockers

Vampire Movies
30 Days of Night Set
30 Days of Night 1
30 Days of Night 2 – Dark Days
Bloodrayne Trilogy
Bloodrayne 1
Bloodrayne 2 – Deliverance
Bloodrayne 3 – The 3rd Reich
Dracula 1 – Dracula 2000
Dracula 2 – The Ascension
Dracula 3 – Legacy
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Dracula Dead & Loving It
Dracula – Prince of Darkness (1966)
Dracula (1979)
Dracula (1931)
Dracula AD (1972)
Dracula – The Dark Prince
Horror of Dracula (1958)
House of Dracula (1945)
Prince Of Darkness
Taste The Blood of Dracula
The Brides of Dracula (1960)
The Evil of Frankenstein (1964)
The Mummy's Tomb (1942)
Fright Night Set
Fright Night 1
Fright Night 2
Fright Night 1 Remake
From Dusk Till Dawn Trilogy
From Dusk Till Dawn 1
From Dusk Till Dawn 2 – Texas Blood Money
From Dusk Till Dawn – Hangman's Daughter
Subspecies Series
Subspecies 1
Subspecies 2 – Bloodstone
Subspecies 3 – Bloodlust
Subspecies 4 – Bloodstorm
Underworld Series
Underworld 1
Underworld 2 – Evolution
Underworld 3 – Rise of the Lycans
Underworld 4 – Awakening
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer
American Vampire
Blood & Chocolate
Blood Dancers
Blood Descendants
Blood Wars
Buffy The Vampire slayer
Dark Shadows
Deep Blood
Dracula Untold
From The dark
In The land of Blood & Honey
Innocent Blood
Interview With A Vampire
My Babysitters A Vampire
Night Flyers
Nosferatu (1922)
Right At Your Door
Rise Blood Hunter
Scars Of Dracula (1970)
Shadow of the Vampire
The Harsh Light of Day
The Lost Boys
Vampire Academy
Vampire's Assistant
Vampires – The Turning
Werewolf Movies
American Werewolf Set
An American Werewolf In London
An American Werewolf In Paris
Ginger Snaps Trilogy
Ginger Snaps 1
Ginger Snaps 2 – Unleashed
Ginger Snaps 3 – Back To The Beginning
The Howling Series
Howling 1
Howling 2 – Stirbia Werewolf *****
Howling 3 – The Marsupials
Howling 4 – The Original Nightmare
Howling 5 – The Rebirth
Howling 6 – The Freaks
Howling 7 – Utter felgercarb
Howling Reborn
Bad Moon
Big Bad Wolf
Dire Wolf
Dog Soldiers
Late Phases
Mongrel (1982)
Night Wolf
Prey For The Beast
Raised By Wolves
Riding The Bullet
Silver Bullet
Strippers VS Werewolves
The Beast of Bray Road
The Wolfman (1941)
The Wolfman Remake
Track of the Moon Beast
War Wolves
Werewolf In A Women's Prison
Werewolf Rising
Werewolf The Beast Among Us
Werewolves – Dark Survivors
Wolf Girl
Zombie Werewolves Attack!

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:44 PM
Horror Movies
Demon Movies
Art of the Devil Set
Art Of The Devil 1
Art Of The Devil 2
Demoni Set
Demons 1
Demons 2 – The Nightmare Returns
Demons 3
Evil Dead Series
Evil Dead 1
Evil Dead 2
Evil Dead 3 – Army Of Darkness
Evil Dead Remake
Hellraiser Series
Hellraiser 1
Hellraiser 2 – Hellbound
Hellraiser 3 – Hell On Earth
Hellraiser 4 – Bloodline
Hellraiser 5 – Inferno
Hellraiser 6 – Hellseeker
Hellraiser 7 – Deader
Hellraiser 8 – Hellworld
Hellraiser 9 – Revelations
Night Of The Demons Set
Night Of The Demon
Night Of The Demons 1
Night Of The Demons 2
Night Of The Demons 3
Night Of The Demons Remake
Pumpkinhead Series
Pumpkinhead 1
Pumpkinhead 2 – Blood wings
Pumpkinhead 3 – Ashes To Ashes
Pumpkinhead 4 – Blood Feud
Art Of Darkness
At The Devil's Door
Awaken The Devil
Blackwater Valley Exorcism
Dark House
Deliver Us From Evil
Demon Hunter
Demon Town
Demon Wind
Devil Dolls
Devil Seed
Drag Me To Hell
Fields of the Dead
From Within
Hellgate (Shadows)
House of the Devil
In Hell
In The Mouth Of Madness
Inner Demons
Irish Exorcism
Krampus – The Christmas Demon
Proof Of The Devil
Psychic Experiment
Queen Of The Damned
Saint Sinner
Satan's Little Helper
The Atticus Institute
The Demon
The Devil Incarnate
The Devil Inside
The Devil's Chair
The Hagstone Demon
The House Where Evil Dwells
The Landlord
The Monkey's Paw
The Possession of Michael King
The Possession
The Sickness of Louis Frost
The Stendhal Syndrome
The Warp
Trick 'r Treat
Ghost Movies
A Haunted House Set
A Haunted House 1
A Haunted House 2
Amityville Series
Amityville Horror 1
Amityville Horror 2 – The Possession
Amityville Horror 3 – The Demon
Amityville Horror 4 – The Evil Escapes
Amityville Horror 5 – It's About Time
Amityville Curse
Amityville Dollhouse
The Amityville Haunting
Ghost Busters Set
Ghostbusters 1
Ghostbusters 2
Haunting In Connecticut Set
Haunting In Connecticut 1
Haunting In Connecticut 2 -
House on Haunted Hill Set
House On Haunted Hill (1959)
House On Haunted Hill (1999)
Return To The House On Haunted Hill
House Set
House 1
House 2 – The Second Story
Mirrors Set
Mirrors 1
Mirrors 2
Poltergeist Trilogy
Poltergeist 1
Poltergeist 2
Poltergeist 3
Reeker Set
Reeker 1
Reeker 2 – Rise of the Reeker
Rest Stop Set
Rest Stop 1
Rest Stop 2 Don't look Back
The Fog Set
The Fog
The Fog Remake
Woman In Black Set
Woman In Black 1
Woman In Black 2 – Angel Of Death
5 Souls
13 Ghosts
13 Hrs in a Warehouse
A Date With Ghosts
A Haunting at Preston Castle
A Haunting at Silver Falls
A Haunting in Salem ~ syfy
A Resurrection
After Dark
All The Boys Love Mandy Lane
An American Haunting
Apartment 143
Closed For The Season
Cold Creepy Feeling
Curse of the Weeping Woman – Jokel
Damned By Dawn
Dark Water
Dead Mary
Dead Shadows
Dead Souls
Dead TV
Deadly Voyage
Gallows Hill
Ghost Magnet
Ghost Ship
Greystone Park
Grindstone Road
Haunted Boat
Haunted Forest
Haunting of the Innocent
Hong Kong Ghost Stories
House Of 9
House of Fears
House on The Hill
Jacob's Ladder
Kingdom Come
No Tell Motel
Outpost 11
Paranormal Island
Restless Souls
Seance The Summoning
Shallow Ground
Skeleton Key
Staunton Hill
Terror At Baxter 'U'
The 13th Floor
The Cemetery
The Conjuring
The Deaths of Ian Stone
The Ferryman
The Frighteners
The Ganzfield Haunting
The Ghost Maker
The Haunted Mansion
The Haunting of Cellblock 11
The Haunting of Helena
The Haunting of Marston Manor
The Haunting of Molly Hartley
The Haunting of Morella
The Haunting of Whaley House
The Hospital
The Keep
The Legend of Bloody Mary
The Others
The Presence
The Remaining
The Shadow Men
The Wake Wood
The Watermen
Trailer Park Of Terror
Yellow Brick Road

Other Horror Movies
Cabin Fever Set
Cabin Fever 1
Cabin Fever 2 – Spring Fever
Cabin Fever 3 – Patient Zero
Candyman Trilogy
Candyman 1
Candyman 2 – Farewell To The Flesh
Candyman 3 – Day of the Dead
Carrie Set
Carrie 1 ~ org
Carrie 2 – The Rage
Carrie 1 - 2nd Remake
Carrie 1 - 3rd Remake
Child's Play Series
Child's Play 1
Child's Play 2
Child's Play 3
Child's Play 4 – Bride of Chucky
Child's Play 5 – Seed of Chucky
Child's Play 6 – Curse of Chucky
Creepshow Trilogy
Creepshow 1
Creepshow 2
Creepshow 3
Deadtime Stories Set
Deadtime Stories 1 ~ org
Deadtime Stories 1 ~ remake
Deadtime Stories 2
Death Factory Set
Death Factory 1
Death Factory 2 – Bloodletting
Death Factory 3 – The Butchers
Decadent Evil Set
Decadent Evil 1
Decadent Evil 2
Descent Set
Descent 1
Descent 2
Fear Of Clowns Set
Fear of Clowns 1
Fear of Clowns 2
Friday The 13th Series
Friday The 13th 1 ~ org
Friday The 13th 1 ~ remake
Friday The 13th 2
Friday The 13th 3
Friday The 13th 4 – The Final Chapter
Friday The 13th 5 – A New Beginning
Friday The 13th 6 – Jason Lives
Friday The 13th 7 – New Blood
Friday The 13th 8 – Jason Takes Manhattan
Friday The 13th 9 – Jason Goes To Hell
Friday The 13th 10 – Jason X
Friday The 13th 11 – His Name Was Jason ~docu
Halloween Series
Halloween 1 ~ Extended Version
Halloween 1 ~ Remake
Halloween 2
Halloween 2 ~ Remake
Halloween 3 – Season of the Witch
Halloween 4 – Return of Michael Meyers
Halloween 5 – Revenge of Michael Meyers
Halloween 6 – Curse of Michael Meyers
Halloween 7 – H20 20 Years Later
Halloween 8 – Resurrection
Halloween Documentary
Hannibal Lector Set
Red Dragon
Silence of the Lambs
Hannibal Rising
Hansel & Gretel Set
Hansel & Gretel
Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters
Hayride Set
Hayride 1
Hayride 2
Hills Have Eyes Series
The Hills Have Eyes 1 ~ org
The Hills Have Eyes 1 ~ Remake
The Hills Have Eyes 2
Hostel Trilogy
Hostel 1
Hostel 2
Hostel 3
I Spit On Your Grave Set
I Spit on Your Grave 1 ~ Org
I Spit on Your Grave 1 ~ Remake
I Spit on Your Grave 2
Insidious Set
Insidious 1
Insidious 2
Insidious Chapter 2
Joyride Trilogy
Joyride 1
Joyride 2
Joyride 3
Killjoy Series
Killjoy 1
Killjoy 2 – Deliver Us From Evil
Killjoy 3 – Killjoy's Revenge
Killjoy 4 – Killjoy Goes To Hell
Last House On The Left Set
Last House On The Left Original
Last House On The Left Remake
Last Summer Set
I Know What You Did Last Summer
I Still Know What You Did Last Summer
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer
Lizzy Borden Set
Lizzy Borden's Revenge
Meat Market Trilogy
Meat Market 1
Meat Market 2
Meat Market 3
Messengers Set
Messengers 1
Messengers 2
Nightmare On Elm Street Series
A Nightmare On Elm Street 1 ~ Org
A Nightmare On Elm Street 1 ~ Remake
A Nightmare On Elm Street 2 – Freddy's Revenge
A Nightmare On Elm Street 3 – Dream Warriors
A Nightmare On Elm Street 4 – Dream Master
A Nightmare On Elm Street 5 – Dream Child
A Nightmare On Elm Street 6 – The Final Nightmare
A Nightmare On Elm Street 7 – New Nightmare
Freddy VS Jason
Nightmares & Dreamscapes
Nightmares & Dreamscapes Series Zipped (8 Files)
Offspring Set
Offspring 1
Offspring 2 – The Woman
Pet Semetary Set
Pet Semetary 1
Pet Semetary 2
Phantasm 1
Phantasm 2
Phantasm 3
Phantasm 4
Pirates Of The Caribbean Series
Pirates of the Caribbean 1 – The Curse Of The Black Pearl
Pirates of the Caribbean 2 – Dead Man's Chest
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 – At The World's End
Pirates of the Caribbean 4 – On Stranger Tides
Prom Night Set
Prom Night 1
Prom Night 2 – Hello Mary Lou
Psycho Set
Psycho ~ Org
Psycho ~ Remake
Saw Series
Saw 1
Saw 2
Saw 3
Saw 3d
Saw 4
Saw 5
Saw 6
Saw 7 – The Final Chapter
Scarecrow Set
Scarecrow Slayer
Scary Movie Series
Scary Movie 1
Scary Movie 2
Scary Movie 3
Scary Movie 4
Scary Movie 5
Scream Series
Scream 1
Scream 2
Scream 3
Scream 4
Silent Hill Set
Silent Hill 1
Silent Hill 2 – Revelation
Sleepaway Camp Trilogy
Sleepaway Camp 1
Sleepaway Camp 2 – Return To Sleepaway Camp
Sleepaway Camp 3 – Teenage Wasteland
Stir Of Echoes Set
Stir of Echoes 1
Stir of Echoes 2
Tales From The Crypt Movie Set
Tales From The Crypt
Tales From The Crypt – Demon Knight
Tales From The Crypt – Bordello Of Blood
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Series
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 ~ Org
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1 ~ Remake
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3 – Leatherface
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3d
Texas Chainsaw Massacre 4 – A Family Portrait
Texas Chainsaw Massacre Documentary
The Collector Set
The Collector
The Collection
The Grudge Set
The Grudge 1
The Grudge 2 ~ Japanese Version
The Grudge 2
The Grudge 3
The Mummy Series
The Mummy 1
The Mummy 2 – The Mummy Returns
The Mummy 3 – Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
The Pact Set
The Pact 1
The Pact 2
The Prophecy Series
The Prophecy 1
The Prophecy 2
The Prophecy 3 – Legacy
The Prophecy 4 – Uprising
The Prophecy 5 – The Forsaken
The Ring Set
Ring 1
Ring 2
Trilogy Of Terror Set
Trilogy of Terror 1
Trilogy of Terror 2
Warlock Trilogy
Warlock 1
Warlock 2 – Armageddon
Warlock 3 – The End of Innocence
Watchers Trilogy
Watchers 1
Watchers 2
Watchers 3
Wishmaster Series
Wishmaster 1
Wishmaster 2 – Evil Never Dies
Wishmaster 3 – Beyond The Gates of Hell
Wishmaster 4 – The Prophecy Fulfilled
Witchboard Trilogy
Witchboard 1
Witchboard 2
Witchboard 3
Wolf Creek Set
Wolf Creek 1
Wolf Creek 2
Wrong Turn Series
Wrong Turn 1
Wrong Turn 2 – Dead End
Wrong Turn 3 – Left For Dead
Wrong Turn 4 – Bloody Beginnings
Wrong Turn 5 – Bloodlines
Wrong Turn 6 – Last Resort

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:43 PM
Comedy Movies
Airplane! Set
Airplane! 1
Airplane! 2
American Pie Series
American Pie 1
American Pie 2
American Pie 3 – American Wedding
American Pie 4 – American Reunion
American Pie Band Camp
American Pie Beta House
American Pie Book Of Love
American Pie Naked Mile
Focker Set
Meet The Parents
Meet The Fockers
Little Fockers
Grumpy Men Set
Grumpy Old Men
Grumpier Old Men
Herbie: The Love Bug Series
The Love Bug
Herbie Rides Again
Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo
Herbie Goes Bananas
Herbie Fully Loaded
Hot Shots Set
Hot Shots
Hot Shots Part Duex
Major League Trilogy
Major League 1
Major League 2
Major League 3 – Back To The Minors
Mel Brooks
Blazing Saddles
History Of The World Part 1
Life Stinks
Robin Hood Men In Tights
The Holy Grail
Young Frankenstein
Naked Gun Trilogy
Naked Gun 1
Naked Gun 2 – Smell Of Fear
Naked Gun 3
National Lampoon
Animal House
Dorm Daze
Odd Couple Set
The Odd Couple 1
The Odd Couple 2
Without A Paddle Set
Without A Paddle 1 – Up The Creek
Without A Paddle 2
3 Stooges ~ cam
7 lbs
27 Dresses
50 First Dates
Bachelor Party
Bad Neighbors
Bad Reputation
Bad Teacher
Battlefield Baseball
Bee Sting
Better Off Dead
Bill Cosby Live – Far From Finished
Bubba Ho Tep
Canadian Bacon
Cannonball Run
Captain Ron
Chick Magnet
Club Paradise
Collision Course
Crazy On The Outside
Dennis The Menace
Division III – Football's Finest
Drop Dead Fred
Funny People
Get Over It
Grandma's Boy
Group Sex
Hollywood Knights
How To Seduce Difficult Women
Jungle to Jungle
Kung Pow – Enter The Fist
Land Of The Lost
License To Drive
Major Payne
Mardi Gras Spring Break
Me, Myself & Irene
Men At Work
Miss March
Modern Problems
Monty Python & The Holy Grail
Mr Roberts
Muscle Beach Party
My Cousin Vinny
Oh Brother Where Art Thou
Out To Sea
Pineapple Express
Project X
R.I.P.D. Rest In Peace Department
Real Men
Reno 911
Revenge Of The Nerds
Rock Star
Ron White's Salute To The Troops
School Of Rock
Second Sight
Sister Act
Sixteen Candles
Skits & Shorts
Smoky & The Bandit
Stay Tuned
Strictly Sexual
Summer Rental
Tenacious D & The Pick Of Destiny
The Big Mouth (1967)
The Bird Cage
The Heat
The Man With One Red Shoe
The Money Pit
The Monuments Men
The Party
The Pill
The Spy Next Door
Thelma & Louise
There's Something About Mary
Three Fugitives
Tommy Boy
Used Cars
Weird Science
We're The Millers
When Harry Met Sally
Wrongfully Accused

Disaster Movies
10.5 Set
10.5 1
10.5 2 – Apocalypse
Atlas Shrugged Set
Atlas Shrugged 1
Atlas Shrugged 2
20 Years After
Category 8
Countdown To Looking Glass
Dante's Peak
Day After Disaster
Day The World Ended
Final Storm
Flood Movie
Into The storm
Killer Flood – The Day The Dam Broke
Lava Storm
Magma – Volcanic Disaster
Night The World Exploded (1957)
Super Volcano
The Mystery Of Flight 1501
Tsunami ~ subs

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:41 PM
Animal Movies
Anaconda Series
Anaconda 1
Anaconda 2 – Hunt For The Blood Orchid
Anaconda 3 – Offspring
Anaconda 4 – Trail Of Blood
Crocodiles & Alligators
Alligator X
Blood Tide
Brutal River
Crocodile 1
Crocodile 2
Great Alligator River ~ subs
Rogue River
Grizzly Bears
Grizzly 1
Grizzly 2 – The Concert
Grizzly Remake
Grizzly Park
Grizzly Rage
The Night Of The Grizzly
Ants – Panic At Lakewood Manor
Black Swarm
Creeping Crawling
Deadly Invasion – The killer Bee Nightmare
Deadly Swarm
Destination Infestation
Flying Virus – syfy
Glass Trap
Killer Bees
Killing Bees ~ subs
Locusts – The 8th Plague
Phase IV
Terror Out Of The Sky
The Hive
The Invasion
The Savage Bees
The Swarm
The Thaw
They Bite
Jaws Series
Jaws 1
Jaws 2
Jaws 3
Jaws 4 – The Revenge
Komodo Set
Komodo VS Cobra
Curse of Komodo
Lake Placid Series
Lake Placid 1
Lake Placid 2
Lake Placid 3
Lake Placid 4
Piranha (1972)
Mega Piranha
Piranha 1
Piranha 2 – The Spawning
Piranha 3 – Remake
Piranha 3dd
Python Set
Python 1
Python 2
Shark Attack Series
Shark Attack 1
Shark Attack 2
Shark Attack 3 – Megalodon
12 Days of Terror
Cruel Jaws
Dark Tide
Deep Blue Sea
Devil Fish AkA: Monster Shark
Jaws in Japan
Jurassic Shark
Mako: Jaws of Death
Raging Sharks
Red Water
Shark Hunter
Sharks In Venice
Shark Night
Shark Swarm
Shark Zone
Up From The Depths
Earth VS The Spider
Eight Legged Freaks
In The Spider's Web
The Beast Set
The Beast 1
The Beast 2
The Birds Set
The Birds 1
The Birds 2 - Land's End
8 Below
Birdemic – Shock 'n Terror
Blood Monkey
Boa VS Python
Burning Bright
Coons – Bandits of the Night
Dark Age
Dark Nature
Day of the Animals
Devil Dog Hound Of Hell
Enemy Unseen
Farce Of The Penguins
Ghost & the Darkness
In The Shadow of Kilimanjaro
Jungle Book
Killer Fish
King Cobra
Man's Best Friend
Marley & Me
Mighty Joe Young
Monkey Shines
Mouse Hunt
New Alcatraz
Pig Hunt
Silent Predators
Silent Venom
Snake Island
Snakes On A Plane
That Darn Cat
The 20 Million Dollar Duck
The Breed
The Rats
Turner & Hooch
Vampire Bats
Weasels Rip My Flesh
White Dog

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:40 PM
WWE Movies
See No Evil Set
See No Evil 1
See No Evil 2

The Marine Set
The Marine 1
The Marine 2
The Marine 3

Born To Fight
Compound Fracture
Death Racers
Ghosts Of Goldfield
Hunt To Kill
Immortal Combat
Pain & Gain
Race To Witch Mountain
Suburban Commando
The Package
The Reunion
The Stranger
The Tournament
They Live
Tough & Deadly
Treasure Island

Action Movies
12 Rounds Set
12 Rounds 1
12 Rounds 2 – Reloaded
48 Hours Set
48 Hours 1
48 Hours 2 – Another 48 Hrs
300 Set
300 Rise Of An Empire
Bank & Italian Jobs
The Bank Job
The Italian Job
Beverly Hills Cop Set
Beverly Hills Cop 1
Beverly Hills Cop 2
Beverly Hills Cop 3
Black Scorpion Set
Black Scorpion 1
Black Scorpion 2
Bloodsport Series
Bloodsport 1
Bloodsport 2
Bloodsport 3
Bloodsport 4 – The Dark Kumite
Bourne Series
The Bourne Identity
The Bourne Legacy
The Bourne Supremacy
The Bourne Ultimatum
Conan Series
Conan The Barbarian
Conan The Barbarian Remake
Conan the Destroyer
Red Sonja
Crank Set
Crank 1
Crank 2 – High Voltage
Crocodile Dundee Trilogy
Crocodile Dundee 1
Crocodile Dundee 2
Crocodile Dundee 3 – In Los Angeles
Death Race Set
Death Race 1
Death Race 2
Death Race 3 – Inferno
Death Race 2000
Desperado Set
Once Upon A Time In Mexico
Drunken Master Series
Drunken Master 1
Drunken Master 2
Revenge Of The Drunken Master
The Legend Of The Drunken Master
The Shaolin Drunken Monk
Escape From Set
Escape From New York
Escape From LA
Expendables Series
Expendables 1
Expendables 2
Expendables 3
Final Destination Series
Final Destination 1
Final Destination 2
Final Destination 3
Final Destination 4
Final Destination 5
IP Man set
IP Man 1
IP Man 2
Jump Street Set
21 Jump Street
22 Jump Street
Kill Bill Set
Kill Bill Vol 1
Kill Bill Vol 2
The Librarian Trilogy
The Librarian 1 – Quest For The Spear
The Librarian 2 – Return To King Solomon's Mines
The Librarian 3 – Quest For The Judas Chalis
The Mechanic Set
The Mechanic Original
The Mechanic Remake
Mortal Kombat Series
Mortal Kombat 1
Mortal Kombat 2 – Annihilation
Mortal Kombat 3 – Conquest Dark Shadow
Mortal Kombat 4 – Rebirth
Ong-Bak Series
Ong-Bak 1
Ong-Bak 2
Ong-Bak 3
Ong-Bak 3 dub
Payback Set
Payback 1
Payback 2 – Straight Up
Pink Panther Series
The Pink Panther
The Pink Panther Strikes Again
The Revenge of the Pink Panther
The Pink Panther Strikes Again
Trail Of The Pink Panther
Police Story Set
Police Story 1
Police Story 2
The Punisher Set
The Punisher 1
The Punisher 2 – War Zone
The Punisher (1989)
Red Dawn Set
Red Dawn
Red Dawn Remake
Shanghai Set
Shanghai Knights
Shanghai Noon
Sherlock Holmes Set
Sherlock Holmes 1
Sherlock Holmes 2 – Game Of Shadows
Sinbad Sailor Series
7 Adventures of Sinbad
7th Voyage of Sinbad
Sinbad & The Eye of the Tiger
Sinbad & the Minotaur
Sinbad – Legend of the 7 Seas ~animated
The 5th Voyage of Sinbad
Son of Sinbad
Single White Female Set
Single White Female 1
Single White Female 2 – The Psycho
Sniper Series
Sniper 1
Sniper 2
Sniper 3
Sniper 4 – Reloaded
Sniper 5 – Legacy
Speed Set
Speed 1
Speed 2 – Cruise Control
Taken Series
Taken 1
Taken 2
Taken 3
Tekken Set
Tekken Kazuya's Revenge
The Mark Set
The Mark
The Mark Redemption
Purge Set
The Purge 1
The Purge 2 – Anarchy
Tiger Claws Series
Tiger Claws 1
Tiger Claws 3
U. S. Seals Series
US Seals 1
US Seals 2
Seal Patrol
Seal Team 8 Behind Enemy Lines
Undisputed Trilogy
Undisputed 1
Undisputed 2
Undisputed 3
Walking Tall Series
Walking Tall 1
Walking Tall 2
Walking Tall 3 – The Final Chapter
xXx Set
XXX 2 – State Of The Union
45 Caliber
5 Days of War
5th Commandment
13 Hours
36th Chamber of Shaolin
Alex Cross
April Rain
Armed & Deadly
Armed Response
Armor Of God
Bail Enforcers
Battle Recon
Battle Royal ~ subs
Beyond The Law
Black Moon Rising
Blind Fury
Blood Diamond
Blue Thunder
Bonnie & Clyde
Boot Camp
Born In East LA
Born Of War
Broken Arrow
Broken City
Bulletproof Monk
Captain Phillips
Cat Run
Code Red
Cold Light Of Day
Conspiracy Theory
Dark Measures
Dead Drop
Dead Ball
Deer Hunter
Descendants of Wing Chung
Dirty Mary & Crazy Larry
Elephant White
Empire State
End Of The Line
Enemy Of The State
Executive Decision
Fight Club
Fist of The North Star
Flight Plan
Force Of Execution
Full Contact
Get Away
Green Zone
Gun Woman
Hard Boiled
He Who Dares
Hobo With A Shotgun
House of the Rising Sun
I Am Soldier
Ice Soldiers
Iron Monkey
Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit
Jarhead 2 Field of Fire
John Doe Vigilante
Karate Girl ~ subs
Killing Down
King Solomon's Mines
Kingdom of Gladiators
LA I Hate You
Law Abiding Citizen
Legend of Awesome Maximus
Legend of the Eight Samurai
Lethal Target
Lone Ranger
Lone Wolf
Long Kiss Goodnight
Machine Girl
Martial Law
Mega Man
Memorial Day
Mr & Mrs Smith
Need For Speed
Never Back Down
Ninja Assassin
Ninja Zombies
No Escape
Nomad The Warrior
Officer Down
One Way Out
Out Of Reach
Out Of The Furnace
Panic Room
Perfect Storm
Point Of No Return
Purple Heart
Questor Tapes
Raid Redemption
Rampage Capitol Punishment
Raven's Cabin
Remo Williams – The prophecy
Return To The 36th Chamber
Road House
Safe House
Saving Private Ryan
Sector 4 – Extraction
Shaolin Master Killer
Shark Killer
Shoot 'em Up
Shyness – Machine Girl
Silver Streak
Silent Rage
Soldiers of Fortune
Sons of Liberty
Southern Comfort
Stand Off
Stir of Echoes
Stone Cold
Street Fighter – Assassin's Fist
Subconscious Cruelty
Surviving The Game
Suspect Zero
The Art Of War
The California Kid
The Captive
The Chase
The Courier
The Final
The Getaway
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
The Hunted
The Impossible
The Item
The Killer
The Last Dragon
The Net
The November Man
The One Warrior
The Perfect Weapon
The Principal
The Protector
The Reckoning
The Recruit
The Rum Diary
The Rundown
The Sentinel
The Veteran
Thunder & Lightning
Thunder Run
Two Lane Blacktop
Unlawful Entry
Urban Warfare
War Horse
War Inc.
Whisper In The Darkness
White House Down
White Lightning
White Line Fever
Wrong Side Of Town
Yakuza Weapon ~ subs

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:39 PM
I converted all my VHS to DVD and it was expensive. Now, I have converted all my DVDs to computer and my collection has grown significantly. I don't have enough wall space to house all the movies I have now. I fit everything on a 4TB hard drive the size of a book.

So, It took me awhile but I finally got the collection written down. The first half is fairly organized but towards the end of the list I have just been adding as I get them. You might see some duplicates - they are the same movie but different edits. Sometimes I replace my old VHS rips with newer smaller versions.

This list is VERY LONG
I will try to post as many as I can till the spam filters shut me down.

Book 1

Actor Sets

Adam Sandler
Grown Ups
Mr Deeds
The Waterboy

Arnold Swartzenegger
End Of Days
Jingle All The Way
Kindergarten Cop
Last Action Hero
Raw Deal
Red Heat
Scavenger Hunt
The Last Stand
The Running Man
The Villain
Total Recall
True Lies

Bill Murray
Get Smart
What About Bob

Brandon Lee
Kung Fu The Movie
Laser Mission
Legacy Of Rage
Rapid Fire
Showdown In Little Tokyo
The Crow

Bruce Lee
Enter The Dragon
Game Of Death
Green Hornet org
The Big Boss
The Chinese Connection
Way Of The Dragon

Bruce Willis
Die Hard Series
Die Hard 1 – Nakatomi Plaza
Die Hard 2 – DC Airport
Die Hard 3 – Vengeance
Die Hard 4 – Live Free or Die Hard
Die Hard 5 – A Good Day To Die Hard

Red Set
Red 1
Red 2

Whole Yards Set
The Whole Nine Yards
The Whole Ten Yards

Sin City Set
Sin City 1

Alpha Dog
Assassination of a High School President
Billy Bathgate
Blind Date
Catch 44
Cold Light Of Day
Cop Out
Fifth Element
Hart's War
Hudson Hawk
The Last Boyscout
Last Man Standing
Mercury Rising
Planet Terror
Pulp Fiction
Striking Distance
Tears of the Sun
The Jackal
The Kid
The Prince
The Sixth Sense
The Story of Us
Twelve Monkeys

Charles Bronson
Death Wish Series
Death Wish 1
Death Wish 2
Death Wish 3
Death Wish 4 The Crack of Dawn
Death Wish 5 Face of Death

10 To Midnight
Act of Vengeance
Dirty Dozen
Hard Times
Kinjite Forbidden Subjects
Messenger of Death
Murphy's Law
The Evil That Men Do

Cheech & Chong
Nice Dreams
Still Smokin
Up In Smoke
Next Movie

Chuck Norris
Missing In Action Trilogy
Missing In Action 1
Missing In Action 2 – The Beginning
Missing In Action 3

Breaker Breaker
Fire Walker
Invasion USA
The President's Man

Clint Eastwood
Grand Torino
The Rookie

Dan Akroyd
Christmas With The Cranks
Cone Heads
Detroit Rock City
Doctor Detroit
The Blues Brothers

Denzel Washington
2 Guns
A Soldier's Story
Book of Eli
Carbon Copy
Crimson Tide
Deja Vu
For Queen & Country
Inside Man
John Q
License To Kill
Man on Fire
Out of Time
Safe House
The Bone Collector
The Equalizer
The Manchurian Candidate
The Mighty Quinn
The Road
The Siege
The Taking of Pelham 123
Training Day

Dolph Lungren
Battle of the Damned
Command Performance
I Come In Peace
In The Name Of The King 2
Red Scorpion
Silent Trigger

Donnie Yen
Dragon Tiger Gate dub
Fist of the Red Dragon
Iron Monkey
Legend of the Fist – Return of Chen Zhen
Painted Skin

Eddie Murphy
Coming To America
Tower Heist
Trading Places

Gene Wilder
See No Evil Hear No Evil
The Frisco Kid

Goldie Hawn
Death Becomes Her
Foul Play
Private Benjamin
Seems Like Old Times
Swing Shift
The Banger Sisters
The Out-of-Towners
The Sugarland Express
Town & Country

Harrison Ford
Indiana Jones Series
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Raiders of the Lost Ark

Air Force One
American Graffiti
Apocalypse Now
Clear & Present Danger
Crossing Over
Extraordinary Measures
Force 10 From Navarone
Hollywood Homicide
K-19 Widowmaker
Presumed Innocent
Regarding Henry
Six Days & Seven Nights
The Fugitive
The Mosquito Coast
What Lies Beneath

Jackie Chan
Accidental Spy
Bare Knuckles
Battle Creek Brawl
First Strike
Kung Fu Hustle
Mr Nice Guy
Rumble In The Bronx
Spy Next Door
The Myth
The Tuxedo
Wheels On Meals

Jason Stathum
Transporter Series
Transporter 1
Transporter 2
Transporter 3

Ghosts Of Mars
In the Name of the King 1
Killer Elite
Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels
Turn It Up
Wild Card

Jerry Lewis

Jet Li
Once Upon A Time In China Set
Once Upon A Time In China 1
Once Upon A Time In China 2

Badges Of Fury
Black Mask sub
Born to Defense
Cradle 2 The Grave
Hitman Contract Killer
Kiss of the Dragon
Legend of the Red Dragon
Martial Arts of Shaolin
Romeo Must Die
The One
The Shaolin Temple
Twin Warriors

John Wayne
Flying Leathernecks
In Harm's Way
Sands of Iwo Jima
The Fighting Seabees
The Longest Day
True Grit org

Martin Short

Mel Gibson
Air America
Bird On A Wire
Conspiracy Theory
Edge of Darkness
Forever Young
Get The Gringo
Mad Max
Tequila Sunrise
The Patriot
The River
We Were Soldiers

Morgan Freeman
Along Came A Spider
Chain Reaction
Hard Rain
High Crimes
Kiss The Girls
Nurse Betty
Olympus Has Fallen
The Bucket List
The Contract
The Maiden Heist
The Sum Of All Fears
Thick As Thieves
Under Suspicion

Nicolas Cage
National Treasure Set
National Treasure 1
National Treasure 2 Book of Secrets

Con Air
Drive Angry
Dying Of The Light
Raising Arizona
Season Of The Witch
Sorcerer's Apprentice

Richard Pryor
Brewster's Millions

Robin Williams
Bicentennial Man

Sean Connery
Crimson Tide
Rising Sun
The Rock

Sylvester Stallone
Bullet To The Head
Escape Plan
Judge Dredd
Over The Top
Tango & Cash
The Specialist

Steven Segal
Under Siege Set
Under Siege 1
Under Siege 2 – Dark Territory

A Dangerous Man
A Good Man
Against The Dark
Attack Force
Belly Of The Beast
Black Dawn
Born To Raise Hell
Driven To Kill
Fire Down Below
Flight Of Fury
Glimmer Man
Hard To Kill
Marked For Death
Mercenary For Justice
Out For A Kill
Out For Justice
Out Of Reach
Pistol Whipped
Shadow Man
The Foreigner
The Keeper
The Patriot
Today You Die
True Justice Dark Vengeance
Urban Justice

Tom Cruise
Edge Of Tomorrow
Jack Reacher

Jean Claude Van Damme
Assassination Games
Black Eagle
Death Warrant
Desert Heat
Double Impact
Double Team
Dragon Eyes
Hard Corps
Hard Target
In Hell
Knock Off
Lion Heart
Maximum Conviction
Maximum Risk
No Retreat – No Surrender
Nowhere To Run
Second In Command
Six Bullets
Street Fighter
Sudden Death
The Order
The Quest
Time Cop
Universal Soldier
Universal Soldier – Regeneration
Until Death
Wake Of Death

Vin Diesel
A Man Apart

Wesley Snipes
Demolition Man
Enemy Of The State
Gallow Walkers
Game Of Death
Passenger 57
The Marksman
U.S. Marshals

Tomishereagain's photo
Tue 09/22/15 12:29 PM
Posing a question for discussion:

Are you looking for Love or Companionship?

People are complex things. Dating can be perplexing with all its implications.

There are those that seek Love on these sites. Everything they do pertains to their quest to find Love.

Some seek companionship. Someone to share their lives with. A best friend.

While we all seek Love many people don't understand that for Love to grow it must be nurtured by companionship.

I have loved in my past and it never started out as Love. First we had to get to know each other and learn each other.
I have been a companion with someone I didn't grow to love. It happens. The important thing is that we tried.

I believe, many people on dating sites have no idea what Love is. They think if there are no flip-flops in their hearts or sparks with a touch that Love is not there.

We could all learn a thing or two about Love from our pet dogs. Dogs exist for those they love. Your dog loves you when you are happy and when you are angry. Your dog is excited to see you come home and wants to be near you when you are. But we are not dogs. We are complex, thinking people that are deluded by things as we see them.
We twist reality to fit our concepts and Love takes a hit.

Companionship gives us a chance to gain the reality of another from experience. Every person is a new experience. Trying to quantify a person based on your experience of another blocks Love. It can delude you into thinking Love is there when it really isn't. It can also blind you to Love that is there. Companionship with someone breaks down these delusions and shows you the reality.

People change, everybody changes. You may say you will never change but the reality is that you change everyday. When those changes occur you can accept them or deny them.
Companionship changes both. If it changes to Love you both grow in the new you that the companionship enhances. It can also change you to make you incompatable. It doesn't mean that you can't Love, it only means that you do not love that person.

Are you seeking Love or Companionship?