Community > Posts By > I_am_will

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 06:56 PM
a staple gun or a needle and thread

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 06:54 PM
No Doubt-Ex-Girlfriend

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 06:38 PM
Long, dark, hair and blue eyes

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 06:04 PM
hey thanks

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 05:51 PM

You may now email me to your heart's content.....LOL!

My heart is rarely content

Only one line...yet it is deep...thought-provoking....intriguing...Then, I will say this to may now email me if you'd LIKE to!

i would like to and i did!!!!

After reading a page & a half of this stuff...I think ya'll need to get a room...:laughing:

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 04:16 PM

You may now email me to your heart's content.....LOL!

My heart is rarely content

Only one line...yet it is deep...thought-provoking....intriguing...Then, I will say this to may now email me if you'd LIKE to!

i would like to and i did!!!!

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 04:02 PM

You may now email me to your heart's content.....LOL!

My heart is rarely content

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 04:01 PM

HMMM...I thought that those...blockages only applied for first contact.

<<<has a remedy for that, sir....hold for a moment please....LOL!

I'm still new here so maybe it does

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:57 PM
wish i could e-mail you back but i'm one of those smokers and you blocked me
thanks for the compliment though

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:51 PM

never hurts to admit when one was wrong

Touche'....nuff said

no more talking...

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:48 PM
never hurts to admit when one was wrong

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:45 PM
you thought she only weighed 100 lbs

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:43 PM

LOL! That's it...I'm looking at your profile warned, sir.....

look away it never hurts

...But....<sniffle, sniffle....> if I look AWAY....I won't see anything about you!

I meant go ahead and look it never hurts to look, like window shopping:wink:

LOL! I know...was trying to be humorous, yet sound intelligent....bombed, I guess......

nah i just took it too seriously

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:40 PM

LOL! That's it...I'm looking at your profile warned, sir.....

look away it never hurts

...But....<sniffle, sniffle....> if I look AWAY....I won't see anything about you!

I meant go ahead and look it never hurts to look, like window shopping:wink:

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:38 PM

LOL! That's it...I'm looking at your profile warned, sir.....

look away it never hurts

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:35 PM

<<<<tends to sing...and damn, Phuque! I thought I was the only one who cleaned nude!!!!!!


LOL! Only a cat around to enjoy the show, and she pays no heed! LMAO!

pets get all the luck

As you not seen me MAY want to reserve the right to retract that statement.......rofl rofl rofl

Nah i like suprises!!!!

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:32 PM
Legion...for we are many

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:31 PM
The Ghost and Mrs. Muir

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:29 PM

<<<<tends to sing...and damn, Phuque! I thought I was the only one who cleaned nude!!!!!!


LOL! Only a cat around to enjoy the show, and she pays no heed! LMAO!

pets get all the luck

I_am_will's photo
Thu 03/05/09 03:28 PM
when you like the taste of natural light and the likes

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