Community > Posts By > SleepingInCanaveral
The good news is that the "machine", the CERN Haldron Collider, was turned on and we are still here.
All this 2012 stuff comes from the Mayan calander which stops on that date. The Mayans had many "cycles" of time they recorded, The believed in, for example; a 36,000 year cycle, a 12,000 year cycle and a 6000 year cycle which all ran in unison. 2012 is the end of a "the fourth age"(36,000 years I believe) and just means the dawn of a new age. But here is the important part. Don't live in fear of things that have not happened. All this end of the world hooplah is exactly like our govt. does with "terrorism". More people die in car accidents each year than in all the terror acts ever combined. In other words, don't believe the hype. It's just another subject that sells ad time on TV. just like "terrorism" sells the public the idea that we should give up freedom for security. It's all smoke and mirrors! |