omg stealth mode?
totally going stealth mode.
Here's the thing most guys don't understand about women; Inside each woman there are really two women. One wants to be loved, cherished and taken care of while the other wants you to grab her by the hair, drag her back to your cave and f**k her like a dirty little slag. You have to address both of these women. well....guess ill find a cave first |
New Year
lame guys come on.
Blue Moon
damn, some crazy stuff better go down then.
wow amazing body for that age, any age...pretty impressed.
Legalize or Terrorize?
dear god, its me margret. PLEASE
It's just a simple question! Why does it have to turn into the inquisition of dating? Just be happy someone wants to date you. No wonder men are so confused by women. I feel for you guys. I'd be gay if I was a man. ![]() lol, yea see the guy takes 1 step forward and gets knocked 12 steps back, but i guess this is what you gotta do lol. |
This is from my blog. I've posted it a couple of times before, but it sems many of you didn't read it. Here is my guide for men on approaching, flirting with and attracting women in the real world. I have no doubt many will say this is completely wrong. However, I have used these techniques most of my life with a good deal of success. I can see no reason why women couldn't use many of these same ideas to attract and interact with men. In fact, I learned most of this from interacting with women. They would have to make a few subtle changes I'm sure. But, it can work equally well for women. I am not trying to suggest that all women are the same. On the contrary, each woman is unique. None of this will change her mind if she doesn't like you. This is simply a way to avoid many of the pitfalls and keep things moving forward toward beginning a sexual relationship. I have found as I'm sure many men have, that becoming friends with a woman first just doesn't work. If a man hasn't made his move within about 20 hours (three dates) she assumes he isn't interested or is too much of a sissy to go after what they both really want. Many of the things I'm going to say may seem counter intuitive. They may not make sense to you. It may even seem that I am saying exactly the opposite of what you think makes logical sense. But, we aren't talking about logic in the usual sense. If you dig deeply enough into this it does make perfect sense on an evolutionary level. Every emotion we have is there to either keep us alive or to help us find a suitable mate. You may not understand why this would make you more interesting to women. If you have questions I'll try to answer them, but rest assured this can produce results. What follows is how to make a good first impression on a woman you are interested in and nothing more. I'm not trying to change who you are. You absolutely must be yourself. But, you have to be your best, true self. You have to get out of your own way and stop acting like the guy you think she wants. You have to stop buying her gifts before you know who she really is. When you do that it comes across to women as if you are trying to buy them and they do not enjoy being treated like hookers. The truth is some women will like you and some won't. You cannot expect to get along with everyone. So, if she doesn't like you don't let it get to you. Be willing to walk away if things aren't clicking. Do not try to change her mind if she isn't into you. There is nothing you can say or do to make a woman like you. All you can do is make her dislike you. If you keep after her when she's indicated she isn't interested you'll only become that creepy stalker guy or that guy she calls when her new boyfriend needs help moving his furniture into her place. Lastly, before I begin, I'd like to say that when you ask a woman for advice on this subject she answers by telling you what she wants in a relationship, not what attracts her in the first place. She really does want a man that will love and cherish her and give her flowers on her birthday. But, she wants to be loved for who she is, not for how she looks. Before you can love and cherish her you have to get to know her. Don't fawn all over her and follow her around like a puppy, picking up anything she drops! She isn't looking for a slave. She is looking for a man. If you feel that learning this can help you lead a happier, more fulfilling life then give it a try. If not disregard it. You have nothing to lose. Psychologists tell us 70% of what we communicate is visual. Appearance, posture and body language etc. 20% is tone or how you say something and only 10% are the words we actually say. That means 90% of what you communicate ain't coming out of your mouth. Attitude is very important. It's 90% of the of the game. With the proper attitude you can say anything and it will do the job because women are not attracted to what you say. They are attracted to who you are and that's what we are trying to present to her. Women are attracted to high status men. That doesn't mean you have to be rich or famous. It simply means that you should to be comfortable within your environment. This is confidence. You feel safe and secure. You know you can handle whatever life throws at you whether it's because you have enough money to buy your way out, can fight your way out or can talk your way out or trouble. That's all confidence really is. Women are also attracted to men that like themselves. This is self esteem. You take good care of yourself because you feel you are worth the effort. Men with high self esteem make sure they have on clean, well fitting clothes and keep themselves well groomed. I don't care how short or heavy you are, you will look better with a good haircut and clean, trimmed fingernails. Stop worrying about the things you cannot change. They are more important to you than to other people. Your nose isn't too big. Your not too short. Instead work on the things you can do something about and forget the rest. If a woman doesn't like you because you are too whatever it has nothing to do with you. It's her problem to deal with. Find a woman that isn't so hung up on petty BS. Learn about personal style and find out what works for your body type. Just because something works and looks good on one man doesn't mean it's going to work for every man. It's easier than you may think. And once you learn what you need to look good shopping becomes easier. Okay, now let's get into the real stuff. Before you say hello to a woman you must eliminate any desire you may have for an outcome. You are not trying to get her phone number. You are not trying to get her to come home with you. You are simply saying hello and starting a conversation. Nothing more. Women can smell an agenda like **** on a shoe. You want her to get the feeling that you may leave at any second. This way she won't feel pressured or uncomfortable talking to you. Do not ask if you can speak to her. Simply start taking to her and any friends she may be with. Also do not wait to approach. The longer you wait the more nervous you'll become. When you see her, approach her and start talking immediately. A good pick up is designed to negotiate around any road blocks before they come up. For example, when you first approach her she'll likely be thinking, “How long am I going to have to put up with this guy?” So, you tell her you can only stay for a few seconds because you have to meet a friend. A good way to start a conversation is to say something like, “Hey, you guys look pretty bright. I need a female opinion on something...” If you ask her if you can ask a question she may say no. Of course she could still say no, but she is less likely to if you just don't ask. Asking shows weakness. So, just go in and ask her. Sometimes she'll test you right off the bat. Many of these tests are not done on a conscious level. She doesn't think “I'm going to test him.” But, she wants to find out who you are. She can't ask because you could lie. So, she must test you. An example of a test might be something like: “I'll answer your question if you'll...” She wants to know if she can push you around. Will you stumble all over yourself to please her like so many other men have? She's been approached so often she's turned it into a game. The good news is if she's testing you, she's interested. The way to pass her test is to tell her you'll do as she asks, but only if she'll do something for you first. This is assuming she's not asking you to spend money on her. If she wants you to buy her a drink tell her that you don't buy drinks for strangers. Only for your good friends. There is no reason for you to have to pay to speak with her. There are plenty of other women to talk to if she doesn't want to talk to you. Just walk away and talk to someone else. The question you ask can be just about anything so long as it doesn't telegraph interest. But, if you can think of a two part question it's better. You can ask the first part and once they've answered it you can pull up a chair and ask the second part. Again mentioning you don't want to be late to meet your friend. Tell them the two of you are going to some special event, but don't invite them to join you. Yet. After they've answered the second part you can ask for their names. It's important that you remember them. I have found it helpful to come up with a silly rhyme. Another great thing is to get into some kind of roll playing. Women love this. Tell them something like; “You guys are pretty cool. We should all quit our jobs and start a company so we can hang out together all the time. I'll be the CEO. What can you do?” Notice that this puts you in charge. This is important because you want them to think of you as a leader. Keep it playful and have fun. Later you can playfully fire them or give them a raise. If you've done everything right so far they will start asking you questions about what you do or if you come here often. If they do, they are interested in you. You can relax, lean back and just vibe with them. It's very important to keep everyone in the conversation. If you pay attention you can see women will look at one another often to see if they are both feeling the vibe. It's a sort of eye code saying “I like this guy. What do you think?” If one isn't feeling it she'll drag the others away. So, keep everyone happy and having fun. This is a good time to talk a little about signals. The ones you are sending as well as the ones she is sending. This easiest way to think of this is to imagine two people sitting at a bar on stools. Both are facing the back of the bar. This is neutral rapport. If one turns to face the other he is seeking rapport. If she turns away from him she is breaking rapport. You want to mirror the singles she is sending you in a general way. As she becomes interested she will slowly turn to face you. You should turn in the same amount as her, but no more. During the interaction you want to be playing little push & pull games with her. Say things like “Wow, you are too cool. I'd better get out of here before you get me in trouble” then turn your body slightly away from her. Or if the two of you are standing take a half step away. See if she turns towards you or follows you. Anything you can do to misinterpret something she does or says as flirting with you or trying to get into your paints in a fun playful way is great! When you feel you have them hooked look at the time and tell them you have to leave. Tell them it's been a pleasure and you've enjoyed the conversation. Get up and walk a few steps away. You are breaking rapport by doing this and if they were enjoying your company they will feel a loss. Then stop, come back and say “Hey, you guys are pretty cool. Give me your phone number and I'll call you later. Maybe we can meet up and have a drink or something.” Again, don't ask for the number. Instruct her to give it to you. She can still say no. All this will give the impression that you are a happy, friendly, social guy. Nothing more. There are no real lies in this. It's not manipulative or unethical. You are not trying to make her like you. You are simply being who you are and putting our best foot forward. Lastly I want to say a few words about getting into the right mindset. It takes time. The first two or three groups on women you approach on any given night will likely blow you off. Don't sweat it. You have to get warmed up. Once you are warmed up you can get away with things that will blow your mind. I have walked up to a strange woman, sat down next to her and without a word began sucking on her ear. “What re you doing?” she asked. “Shhhhh,” I said, “you're distracting me” and continued. You could never get away with that without the right frame of mind. She'd call a cop or slap your face. But, once you are in that state you can do no wrong. You can just grab women off the dance floor and they will fall into your arms. It works because of the force of your will. It may even appear to people that you have some kind of power over women. They may become envious and this can be a real problem. Some men (and some women) may see you as a threat. They may challenge you. But. Don't sweat it. Guys are just like ugly chicks. Be friendly, shake their hands etc. if they really won't settle down find a bouncer and tell him that the guy has been over served. He'll take care of it. If you met her in the afternoon you could call her that evening and invite her out. If you met her at night it's better to wait a day or two. Most of the numbers you get will likely flake. It's for this reason that you need to get a lot of phone numbers. I have come to prefer texting to calling. The reason is most women keep their cell phone in a purse so when it rings they have to dig for it and they seem to seldom check their voice mail. In fact, I have had women tell me they never check their voice mail. If you send a text you know she will at least look at it. really good advice, well thought out and practical. but in general i find it easy to pick up dates or even talk to woman, confidence i have no problem with, but too often have i fallen head over heels for girls and made friendships very awkward, and i know exactly how to prevent this but for some unknown cause, i can't. well...not as much as i can't as i don't want to lol.... hopefully i grow out of this unicorn fantasy happily ever after love chase ![]() |
I'd ask what is so hard about getting girls, but since I'm 25 and have never even had a date, I'm in no position to ask that. I am also trying to keep myself from correcting Qiao's grammar. lol, please don't correct my grammar or i'll be forced to call you a grammar police lol. |
I figured insulting Rock Band would get the forums up and running. Cheers, everybody. attention via defiance, i like your style. cheers ![]() |
Yep, finding someone you are truly compatible with and enjoy being with is hard. Mostly it requires learning to enjoy YOUR life alone and patience while you wait for them to come along at the right time. ![]() I think that's the thing a lot of people miss out on.. enjoying life even while they're single. They wait around for someone else to show up and end up missing everything that's going on around them. your probably right, the lust for passion might just be the product of overactive hormones and a romanticized view of relationships. i guess the question is go find love or let love find you? and thanks for the advices guys ![]() |
so how long was your longest
damn that's trip, i don't think i have even slightest life experience to relate to that in any way. i guess it would probably be like a big isolation chamber, where the lack of change in the environment numbs out physical sensory....and the whole in war thing too i guess.
Why are women so evil
The closest thing I can come up with - and don't take an offense in this - women are like the dogs in a way, that they sense out those who either have a fear from them or they appear weak. They bark at them and play the angry violent one with the scared, but for those who just ignore them, they just shut up and look and the ones who have confidence, they back off slowly or feel attachment to them. wow, good example... think this is the only time i've seen woman being compared to dogs done with such graceful execution lol. |
so how long was your longest
jeeze Atlantis.... when you put it that way i almost don't want to try it lol. but yea.... that sounds friggin brutal!
Lets Just?
so...back in my the olden days... they talked about this too...all went so well in the effort to abolish the capital greed...then tanks showed up in tiananmen square...moral of the story is, tanks are unstoppable.
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so how long was your longest
ms.lid i just want you to know that your my hero.
![]() personal record: 4 days..kinda |
getting girls are hard!!!
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lets all hold hands
sounds like some one got slain.
yea, love the heaving bag... but i can't stay on it for more than 10min lol, it's probably boring to most people but i can hit the speed for hours and be completely entertained
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