Community > Posts By > lennieshell

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Sat 02/07/09 10:01 AM
did you talk to her about the marines or did you make the decision on your own? if so maybe you need to learn how to talk with your girlfriend about life changing decisions maybe she felt left out and if you did not involve her this life change maybe she wonders what other decisions that you will make without her. it takes two to have a great relationship you know. good luck but remember that getting drunk and getting laid does not help matters any and if you truley cared about her you could not just sleep around anyway...... right>>>>>>>. talk to her and try to understand her point and learn from will be amazed at what you will learn. hope this helps. just coming from someone that my bf made all the choices in our life and we aren't together now because of it. but i have learned and he is still having issues about keeping to his self and may you find happiness and keep safe where every they send you come home safe.....

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Fri 02/06/09 09:33 PM
i have always been the one to get the short end of the stick and the one to suffer. sometimes i forget that there are men out there that have the same problems as i do. good me are hard to find because of the bad women out there. i guess without the balance what would be the point. i will hold my head up high and try my best to do what makes me happy i think alot of my problem is that i done to much and got nothing in return. i need to stop taking care of the men in my life and take better care of me.

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Fri 02/06/09 09:27 PM
thanks i hoped there was still hope out there i'm just going thru hell right now with the dad it seemd like this is never going to end. maybe when she is in college he can find someone new to drive crazy. thanks for all the comments they are well needed and i love this web site it's the best around it has helped more than you know. keep up the comments.

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Fri 02/06/09 09:20 PM
well what do you think the chance of me finding a good man to be a father figure and a good spouse for me to spend the rest of my life with and with no drama that he has his **** together. should i go ahead throw in the towel now and plan on being single for a long while. because my track record has not been the best. between the beaters,cheaters and the momma's boys what is there left.

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Fri 02/06/09 11:39 AM
i'm 38 bf 28 and we lost everything and he has lost his mind also. we have 4yr. old. we moved to the north and it didn't go as well as i hoped his aunt was involved in everything. (very nosie) she controlled everything and then one day he came in and said he didn't want to work anymore he wanted to go to school for the next 4 years. i told him that we could go live with my neice in down south. i never thought he would say yes but he did and it floored me and off we went. if was just suppose to do a couple of classes there and then come here to be with me and his daughter and then things started to change everyday. now he wants me to sign papers giving him half custody and he will have her during the summer months and every other holiday. i says he can't pay nothing because he has to pay for school. he is now so mean to me and hatefull you would believe the words that he uses. that is not the person i fell in love with he has changed for the worse and his family is not helping they all hate each other and never speak until now. i pay the cell bill so he can talk with our daughter as much as he wants and then i bought a web cam and he has only used it twice and only calls her at night before bed. i still love him and want my family back together and at night he calls and tells me he loves me and during the day he is totally diffrent person. i need the income return to by a car i have no money he knows that so he will not give the tax return until i send him a paper saying that i will take that for the 2009 child support. i'm stuck all i do is cry and throw up i can't take much more. the baby she is my life and they don't want her up there he just wants to see me suffer. i have done everything he has asked of me. the little money i do have i have spent it on sendingg him the stuff i do have of his i don't want his stuff nor would i keep it. i dont want to piss him off and take him to court then he will get her for visition and i will have to send my baby up there. he said he will put her in day care as much as he can(his aunts best friend owns a day care out of a trailor and it is gross i seen it and it is not accr. thru the state that means anyone can walk in off the street and be around her. i have never been one day away from her and it will kill me to put her on a plane and to send her up there. i'm stuck and i don't know which way to turn. so can anyone help please anyt comments will be welcome. oh i told him i will take care of her with no support as long as he can come down here to see her. and then when he gets done with school he can then help me support her. he is the father and now his family has questioning that. she looks just like him. i just want him to grow up and come to his mind. thanks to everyone helps.

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Sun 02/01/09 08:42 PM
hi i just wanted to know if my boyfriend lives in the north and i live in the south and we have a 4 year old together. he wants to go to school for 4yrs. up there and we stay down here and he pays no support because he says he can't he has to pay for school. he will see us 1 month in the summer and try to make the holidays if he can. do you think that he will ever come home to us.