Community > Posts By > nomigetz

nomigetz's photo
Thu 03/26/09 04:32 PM
thank you all for the comments. i felt that this person is over their ex but that they aren't over the hurt of being cheated on and are overly sensitive and suspicious. i also feel that too truly move on in life that you have to break down walls and learn to trust people. i am ok with being cautious but no accusations! i have approached the person about this and they said they were having a bad moment. i don't know how to respond to that because i fear that this could be a pattern and could lead to an abusive situation. emotionally, i don't want to find myself explaining my outings and actions out of fear of losing something that really isn't there and it is just a control issue.

nomigetz's photo
Mon 03/23/09 08:09 PM
i understand the idea of not making the same mistakes twice, but why must you be compared to the last person someone was with? I.e. if they cheated then you are held accountable for their actions and deal with suspicions. it's irritating. i am not your ex and don't like being judged as such. has anyone else had to deal with this and how did they cope?

nomigetz's photo
Wed 02/11/09 01:37 PM

You know the saying - "Good men are hard to find and hard men are good to find."

good men aren't hard to find.
it's a mental choice really. woman consistently go for the bad boy and get burned. for some reason they don't learn and keep putting their hands in the fire. realize what it is that is causing you pain and then stop choosing it.

no the bad boy is consistently put himself out there to be found. the problem is being a jerk is thought of as being confident. a woman wants a man that can stand on his own. or at least appear to be. the superficial part is the appearance, whether looks, money, etc. we have know idea what good guy is. sorry ladies, we don't. we get so excited to see the good for now that we lose the true goal and settle for it. the truly good guys are out there but they get dismissed by us and then hide.

nomigetz's photo
Tue 02/03/09 07:01 PM

we should have built in compasses with blinking "match found" lights that automatically draw us to the one we are supposed to be with.

that would make it easier.

with my luck it would be defective and only flash for stalkers. oh wait i have that one already.

nomigetz's photo
Tue 02/03/09 06:52 PM

Thanks 4 ur thoughts on this topic. its a classic case. that an i find that thick women are more affectionate an oh so loveable. that an they r so beautiful

More affectionate in what way?

nomigetz's photo
Tue 02/03/09 06:46 PM

Yea bone on bone contact hurts. gotta have that cushion. its gods truth. i think its even n the bible sumwhere lol

see, i provide the cushion. that's why i like a girl with any.

however, i was skinny for a short time when i got out of basic training. i have to say that it was an awesome feeling to leave bruises on my girlfriends hips from where my hip bones were digging in.


nomigetz's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:40 PM

I'm a big chick and I love tall skinny men... I'm not too sure why though... and i think that big girl/tall skinny men couples are hot.

And yeah Drew, we're glad you're not thin too.


doesn't bother me any. she's a great friend and because we're not attracted to each other we have a great friendship.

Just sayin, dude, that's a sh*tty thing to say about a "good" friend. But I don't know your relationship, you might be cool enough with each other to say "Thank GOD you don't find me attractive" and be OK with it.

truth is i love the fact that he and i are open enough with one another to say those sorts of things. i thought his comment was hilarious. if only i can find a man i am attracted to be that close with. tee-hee thanks for looking out for me though.

nomigetz's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:36 PM

it's funny that you say this, because i have a female friend who is short and thick and she's also in to tall thin men

lucky for me i'm not thin.

i sure am lucky! i like you the way you are, however you and i were never meant to be that way!

nomigetz's photo
Mon 02/02/09 06:34 PM
anybody remember the mother goose?
Jack Sprat could eat no fat.
His wife could eat no lean.
And so between them both, you see,
They licked the platter clean!

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