Community > Posts By > Bazinga2145
I have lost no money- but I get sick of my time wasted on low life scammers. I am a man and it is normal and or typical with women to ask you 50 questions about your wealth and life and status before she can think of talking to you another minute- much less being your friend- Ya some might see ya and wish to jump your bones in the next hour but is all she cares for and then you are lucky and she felt you was safe enough and not hurt her or she would have just picked up a woman and sex and feel much more safe. Woman typically care about what you have or about your family and job and your car and education blaa blaa and is expected for them to ask such things.. A man can generally careless- he sees a woman and likes what he see's and can love her on first sight or hello and or if is nice to him and give her time and or acts like she likes him and or makes fake love to him. Men do not care what her family name or wealth is or about her job or education none of it- he will take her as is and love her and if she has nothing but the cloths on her back will try and help her and give her all he is or has-- She can be selling her azz on a curb and he will want and love her-- It is very rare if ever a woman see some bum in a dumpster and fall in love with and want to be with him-- Ya she might give him some change and even that would be very rare. We men are use to woman being typical money grubs and even tho this is 2014 they still act like this is 1704 and she hopes for the farmer with the most goats or something and will move on if you fall on your face- Women are always looking for more and cares mostly only about herself and will spend all she has to draw attention to herself- and is a fact women apply for over 70% of all divorces in the western world and women cheat on average more than men- she has more opportunity and is men and women after her 24/7- and is more woman on earth vs men also- women will also sleep with her said girl friend- yet say we are not in love- it just happens sometimes and then do not consider themselves bi- nope its just sex or some koo koo thing made up in her mind. Men only have women chasing after him if rich or famous and then if smart he knows if not rich or famous they could care less. The average man only might have a woman around until she can find what she thinks is better and that is MORE MONEY- and she can look and feel popular being seen with him and or take as much as she can - is the case 98% of the time and is sad as hell. We men are use to a woman asking us 50 questions about what we might or not have vs trying to just be a friend and talk about movies or fun things or life in general-- nope first on her mind is her 50 questions and or hope you freely talk and offer info without her asking- like brag on yourself.. All you hear is men are cheats- well women cheat more and a good woman is much more rare vs men and the numbers and laws of averages prove such. No matter what a woman looks like or has- she can be a midget with a big head- extra fat and nasty- no arms or legs and been set on fire- she has someone after her even if just a sex object or trying to rape her- is just the facts. Men also know less attractive women say yes more often- lovely woman tho can be very much alone- a guy sees her and think- no she cant be alone. She can say no more often because she can- while waiting for mr money bags. If you have a man asking about your wealth or status in life- ya bells should go off he is a scammer - 98% of men- real men can care less-- 98% of woman it is all they do care about- so is a lil harder for a man to fig if someone here is a scammer or not because most all women ask you such questions.. Have a great day......... Those are the ones you cut loose, oh I forgot it is a guy issue they are looking with the wrong head ![]() Not All of us, Though a lot of that goes on. |
I'm starting to think the clubs are safer than this. LOL
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OMG That's is Freakin Awesome!!!
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![]() There is a nice photo, no "ask me" or "no answer" replies, you simply and clearly expressed yourself and explained what you are looking for. Thumb up and good luck with your quest! ![]() Would you be so kind to rate my profile now? Thanks in advance! ![]() I like it, You too clearly say what you want. I think you did well. :) Best of Luck to you Dear. |
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Never! I mean Never! Fry bacon, Naked!!
I too am a single Dad, Widowed, it's not been easy. I can assure you my girls are everything to me. I would like to find a lady to date and spend adult time with. If it happens great, if not my life is still full of Love. This path was chosen for me, I am honored to walk it.