mountainmaninthewild's photo
Sat 08/21/10 04:36 PM
When is every one going to wake up and see we are slaves to the machine and a police state before long there isn't a damn thing you can do without big brother telling you.

mountainmaninthewild's photo
Sat 08/21/10 04:29 PM
It's all about new world order and it is happening now.

mountainmaninthewild's photo
Sat 08/21/10 04:24 PM

c'mon people, its not rascist to give your opinion.
do you think its ok for the pakistani's to kill our troops and beg us for money at the same time? Lets have some honesty people.
our cia has been doing this for years and it is ok for our own government to assassinate our own civilians they just pssed alaw not long ago saying they can, and what about the miac report from home land security

mountainmaninthewild's photo
Thu 08/05/10 05:32 PM

yup that is how it is and this accoures evey day what a world we live in long live the republic

Nice try at defending the treasonous li'l bastid ... no cigar. He's not worth having planaria worms eat him after his death.

What treason? Do you even know the legal definition of treason? laugh There was no treason here. It's just the Regime and the Military industrial complex's incompetence and lies being aired for the world to see.

You're not the only clever puppy in the litter, y'know ... it IS treason. Go peddle your Progressive / Socialist pap to someone who might buy that crap ...

Actually, treason is: "The Constitution of the United States, Art. III, defines treason against the United States to consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid or comfort. This offence is punished with death. By the same article of the Constitution, no person shall be convicted of treason, unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."

What wikileaks did is nowhere CLOSE to this.

You think the Constitution is "Progressive/Socialist"? laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh You really have a lot to learn before you can even BEGIN to argue with me on this.

I'll have you know, I'm a Voluntaryist, and find socialists pathetic, ignorant little people-just as pathetic as the war mongering fascists in the GOP. Perhaps you could stick to the issue at hand and stop the childish, insulting labels?

trea·son audio (trzn) KEY


1. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.
2. A betrayal of trust or confidence.

Middle English, from Anglo-Norman treson, from Latin trditi, trditin-, a handing over ; see tradition
Thesaurus: synonyms for treason

mountainmaninthewild's photo
Thu 08/05/10 05:15 PM
I hear you there I try to go to the range at least once or twice a month I enjoy it and this weekend we have a gun show in denver so you know where I will be

mountainmaninthewild's photo
Wed 08/04/10 03:28 PM
Looking fo a real relationship, Some one who loves kids and camping ,hunting, fishing a real out doorsy person, or just go shooting at the range

mountainmaninthewild's photo
Wed 08/04/10 03:24 PM

Can anyone tell me why a woman with a child is scary to some men?grumble

I think alot of it with me about women with children favoritism I treat all kids in a relationship the same but in the past women don't seam to except other mens children as well< I guess it just means not the right one but I love kids and enjoy the fun they give.most guys are just looking for booty call not meany really looking for some thing real.