Which is MORE important to you..............???? ![]() ![]() ![]() Love, it's eternal. Money is nothing. it's a romantic notion, but inaccurate. love can and often does fade. and when the love goes without being returned or is betrayed, it can easily turn to hate. until monetary exchange is done away with, money will always be something. offer the homeless man the choice between a handful of love or a handful of money and he'll take the money. . . . |
![]() ![]() ah, but if we harness the energy expelled during sex, then we could keep the electricity on. . . . |
I never search, nudge or send emails. The exceptions are the friends I've met on the forums. I rarely ever receive communication from members I don't know (via their search). I receive an average amount of views per day - maybe 60 or 70 views and approx (2) "a member wants to meet you" activity per week. I don't care really because I come here to giggle and bounce in the forums. ![]() wow, once again i'm way below average. i get maybe 5 views in a month. on a really good month. . . . |
I know I'm not a Spring chicken, a Summer chicken maybe, but when you receive a gift, I was always taught to say thank you and send a thank you note. I am now wondering if that is an ancient way of thinking. In the past year, I have been to a wedding, a Sweet Sixteen, a different birthday party and sent gifts to two friends and have YET to receive thank you's about the gifts. Two of these gifts were hand-made and one I had to even ask her if she received it. Makes me wonder if I should stop giving gifts.... ![]() yep, that sounds about right. some people think they are entitled and therefore don't have to show gratitude. it's the new hip thing. . . . |
until i can actually find love. . . . |
need some advise
why would you ask for advice from a bunch of single people on a dating site? if any of us had a notion on how to properly approach the opposite sex we wouldn't all be single would we? do you know any happily married people? i would solicit advice from them. they must have done something right. . . . Come on Drew, this isn't the reason ALL people are single. Many know how to approach others but either they haven’t met the right person or they prefer being single. Being partnered or single doesn't make one an expert either way. I know a few dysfunctional people in relationships. They are afraid of being single because they are anti social and/or socially inept and not necessarily happy being with the person they are with now. Single does not mean useless in the ways of dating advice. ![]() and some of us are single because we keep getting it wrong. it's true that even those of us who are complete failures can give advice. at least we can tell people what doesn't work. i was a little put off by you slamming the one guy's rule system though. . . . |
need some advise
Edited by
Sat 06/19/10 11:04 PM
i was wrong. you shouldn't ask any of the happily married people because they could really be unhappily married.
yes, some people do stay in relationships because they don't have the strength to go it alone. and yes, some people are so happy being single that they pretend to be looking for someone but just can't seem to find mr./ms. perfect. the best advice seems to be "be yourself". however, if your self sux, that may not work well for you. now, seriously. first of all, is it a real number? people have been known to give out fake numbers just so that other people will leave them alone. second, assuming it is a real number, she obviously liked you enough to give you her number so that's a plus in the you column right from the start. third, going with the first two being true, she'll be expecting your call. it is bad form to call her on the same evening that she gave you her number (stalker territory). after that, it all depends on what feels right to you. make her wait to long though and she'll think that you weren't really interested or you were just playing with her and that could ruin things for the next guy that asks for her number. the thing to remember throughout all of your interaction is that you should be respectful and confident. you have to be your own person and you have to respect yourself a little more than you respect her. a woman doesn't want a man who goes along with everything she says/thinks. she wants to know that you have some sense of who you are even if she doesn't like everything about you. if you manage to score a date with her, be proactive. plan the date. set the time and place. you can tell her where you plan on taking her, but don't say "I don't know, where would you like to go?" it shows indecisiveness. if you're taking her to an italian restaurant and she doesn't like italian, she'll tell you. just remember, it's all trial and error. unless she's a real b!tch, she won't expect you to be perfect. at least not for the first few dates. and if you blow it, so what? there are other women. . . . |
need some advise
why would you ask for advice from a bunch of single people on a dating site? if any of us had a notion on how to properly approach the opposite sex we wouldn't all be single would we?
do you know any happily married people? i would solicit advice from them. they must have done something right. . . . |
well i cheated because my ex was bad in bed and i didnt want to leave him but i needed some really good sex. i didnt cum for 3 years with him so . . . . i have nothing nice to say in response to this. . . . |
![]() when i have to scroll through 6 screens of info to get to the bottom. for most people, a few paragraphs is all we really need in order to grab our attention. i'm not here to read your autobiography. . . . DARN! dagnabit and my autoB is so intersting - I'm crestfallen now I thought if anyone would read it, Drew would.... ![]() sorry, i've got better things to do than spend a half hour reading someone's profile. . . . |
Those Posting Here Tonight
You did say it you just used a lot more words than I did you say potato i say starchy vegetable that grows in the dirt and is made into tasty side dishes. . . . |
Those Posting Here Tonight
Sex for some reason i think that if i'd would have said that i would have been chastised. . . . |
Those Posting Here Tonight
What would you rather be doing right now? something that involves a woman and condoms. and i don't mean making balloon animals. . . . |
What do you miss?
i missed feeling loved
even if it was feigned, it felt real at the time. . . . |
Why do Men/Women CHEAT? ![]() ![]() ![]() wouldn't know, but then again i've never had the opportunity. . . . |
got some jane's addiction on right now.
. . . |
when i have to scroll through 6 screens of info to get to the bottom. for most people, a few paragraphs is all we really need in order to grab our attention. i'm not here to read your autobiography.
. . . |
Your Favorite Sexy Song
bullet the blue sky - u2
omega point - apollo 440 . . . |
We gals could only hope to be as awesome as Natalie Wood... ![]() absolutely stunning . . . |
Quick! Suggest a movie!
i should have it tomorrow from netflix . . . over tomorrow then! Nothing better than watching a good movie with a hot guy in it with a hot guy! ![]() unfortunately, you'll be watching it alone or with my roommate. i have to work and the mail doesn't arrive until after i leave. but thanks for the compliment. my roommate is better looking anyway. . . . |