Community > Posts By > ImGary

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:45 PM

I have not contradicted myself at all.

What do you call claiming you have faith and then stating you have nothing to lose?

Me having nothing to lose as I have already explained means that if I am wrong in my Christian beliefs then I lose nothing because I have lived a better life by living by those principles

But in a historical context, when looking back upon Christianity we know that not to be the case.

even if I am wrong and end up as mud in the end instead of starting as mud as the Bible states.

Well if it ends up there is nothing after death, as the Atheists seem to feel, then it won’t matter to you or I correct?

What is so hard to understand here.

You are the one who can make up your mind.

You know what I know you understand, you just enjoy twisting things around like a bad attorney until the truth means nothing.

I have sat through a lot of trials. Witnesses ALWAYS break down.

I have also set through lots of trials and Attorneys always lie.

Case in point- you state three posts ago that you do not drink, smoke or use foul language.

You might want to change your profile which states that you drink "occasionally" before you claim to never drink. Perjury is punishable even in the Agnostic belief system.

I dont drink. I can drink if I want. If I stated that i never drink, I dont think thats even an option, then it woudl be a lie. I might have a beverage with a meal. I dont drink to the point of intoxication. I love the taste of red wine. It would be a lie if I claimed I never drink. I do not purchase alcohol in the grocery store.

You did claim you never drink.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:38 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 10:43 PM

I have not contradicted myself at all.

What do you call claiming you have faith and then stating you have nothing to lose?

Me having nothing to lose as I have already explained means that if I am wrong in my Christian beliefs then I lose nothing because I have lived a better life by living by those principles

But in a historical context, when looking back upon Christianity we know that not to be the case.

even if I am wrong and end up as mud in the end instead of starting as mud as the Bible states.

Well if it ends up there is nothing after death, as the Atheists seem to feel, then it won’t matter to you or I correct?

What is so hard to understand here.

You are the one who can make up your mind.

You know what I know you understand, you just enjoy twisting things around like a bad attorney until the truth means nothing.

I have sat through a lot of trials. Witnesses ALWAYS break down.

I have also set through lots of trials and Attorneys always lie.

Case in point- you state four posts ago that you do not drink, smoke or use foul language.

You might want to change your profile which states that you drink "occasionally" before you claim to never drink. Perjury is punishable even in the Agnostic belief system.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:26 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 10:27 PM

You forgot to add your comments.

I see you found your thinking cap.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:22 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 10:25 PM

Try to remember you said you weren't afraid of Hell.

I’ve never acknowledged that hell exists. I never will acknowledge it exists. People create their own hells on earth and they are very good at it.

You say that you don't twist but you state that I don't care. Thats twisting Krimsa. Thanks for proving my point.

You said so yourself in your last post. You have nothing to lose.

Its good that you don't smoke, drink or use foul language but it won't get you into Heaven.

I don’t want to go to heaven. I don’t believe in that either.

My having Faith invested is the underlying premise of my salvation

I find it odd that you keep contradicting yourself from one post to the next. First you have nothing to lose and now you have a lot of faith riding on the bible being true. Pick one and go with it. Either you care or you don’t.

I have no idea why you point this out.

Because it’s funny. :tongue:

I have not contradicted myself at all. I can not seem to get you to understand something very simple.

Me having nothing to lose as I have already explained means that if I am wrong in my Christian beliefs then I lose nothing because I have lived a better life by living by those principles even if I am wrong and end up as mud in the end instead of starting as mud as the Bible states.

What is so hard to understand here. You know what I know you understand, you just enjoy twisting things around like a bad attorney until the truth means nothing.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 10:10 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 10:32 PM

I have nothing to lose in my belief-

Really? Aren’t you a Christian? Seems like you would have quite a bit invested in this.

Me having nothing to lose means that if I am wrong I have still had a more satisfying life(you will twist this I am sure)

Why do you think I will twist? I quote you and it is your own words. I merely pointed out that you were a Christian which means that you should have at least something invested in this. It’s your god after all, not mine. I think most Christians would feel strongly but maybe you just don’t care.

by living by Christian principles

And what are those principles? We know historically they have meant death, oppression, torture and imprisonments for millions. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I don’t hardly even use foul language. I don’t believe for one minute that Christians have corned the market on moral behavior.

My investment is faith.

I thought you said you had nothing invested in this.

You having everything to lose means that if you are wrong you are going to Hell

I don’t believe in hell and even if it were true, oh well. I’m not afraid of something like that.

It has nothing to do with investments.

You JUST stated you had FAITH INVESTED.

Try to remember you said you weren't afraid of Hell.

You say that you don't twist but you state that I don't care. Thats twisting Krimsa. Thanks for proving my point.

Its good that you don't smoke, drink or use foul language but it won't get you into Heaven. By the way you might want to change your profile where you state that you drink "occasionally" before you claim that you never drink.

My having Faith invested is the underlying premise of my salvation and the downfall of yours so I have no idea why you point this out.

Please clarify on current torture, imprisonment and oppression for millions as in regards to Christian principles. You might want to dust of your thinking cap for this.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:53 PM

It's been disproven to my satisfaction.

And how would you know if you refuse to read the thread? happy

I have nothing to lose in my belief-

Really? Aren’t you a Christian? Seems like you would have quite a bit invested in this.

you do.

I do? But isn’t that what non-believers are constantly being accused of? Having nothing invested in anything except science and reason?

If I am wrong, what do I lose?

Your entire belief system if you are a Christian.

IF you are wrong what do you lose?

Well nothing according to you.

Logically deduce your way out of that one.

Boy that was easy and I didn’t even need to put my thinking cap on. happy

Me having nothing to lose means that if I am wrong I have still had a more satisfying life(you will twist this I am sure) by living by Christian principles and would hypothetically end up as mud instead of starting as mud as you believe(nothing to lose)if I am wrong. My investment is faith.

You having everything to lose means that if you are wrong you are going to Hell(everything to lose). It has nothing to do with investments.

I didn't know you had a thinking cap.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:35 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 09:36 PM

If you had read the thread, you would know. happy

If you think it is proven already that evolution is not compatible with the Bible then why are you still monitoring the thread?

Could you please stay on topic?

Why is Evolution not compatible with the Bible?

It’s been proven to my satisfaction. As stated you would know if you read the thread. Or any part of the thread. It is incompatible with the bible because the bible states that humans were created from mud and that is not true. You can prove this statement to be false if you like. We are waiting. Jump in. Go ahead.

It's been disproven to my satisfaction. I have nothing to lose in my belief- you do. If I am wrong, what do I lose? Nothing. IF you are wrong what do you lose? Everything.

Logically deduce your way out of that one.

I will pray for you.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:23 PM

If you had read the thread, you would know. happy

If you think it is proven already that evolution is not compatible with the Bible then why are you still monitoring the thread?

Could you please stay on topic?

Why is Evolution not compatible with the Bible?

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:14 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 09:28 PM

First you slam me for responding to a post that was earlier in the thread and not current.

I never slammed you personally. I didn’t care either way about it. It was a couple other people who were annoyed by it.

Now you slam me for not reading all of the old posts.

I am not slamming you. The Theory of Evolution is a complicated topic so I merely suggested (second time now) that you back up and read some of what we have been discussing. Or if you feel you can jump in, go for it.

Why should I read the old posts if as you state it upsets you and several other unnamed individuals when someone responds to an old post?

They aren’t unnamed. Inkracer was one. He was wondering why in the hell the topic had gone from evolution to a quote about Jesus. It was because you grabbed my quote form page one. That is an interruption.

Yes, you did slam me, anyone reading the last two pages would agree. And I don't buy the a couple of other people were annoyed statement. Are you and others conspiring in secret? Are you the Figurehead of this tableau vivant?

Well as I have said already to prevent further interruption and you and Inkracer from wondering why the thread is off topic I am respectfully proposing that we get back on topic.

Why is evolution not compatible with the Bible?

Checkmate again.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 09:05 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 09:07 PM

How is me reminding you that you already told me you dont want to read the thread "off topic"? Dont people have a right to assess your ability to contribute? huh

First you slam me for responding to a post that was earlier in the thread and not current.

Now you slam me for not reading all of the old posts.

Why should I read the old posts if as you state it upsets you and several other unnamed individuals when someone responds to an old post?

Your logic is faulty.

This simple example could speak of your ability to contribute.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 08:59 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 09:00 PM

Well since you already told me that you refuse to read the thread, I dont think I can debate this with you.

off topic- interrupting

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 08:54 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 08:56 PM

ImGary said:

Krimsa John 4:2 States that Jesus baptized his disciples, it does not state that he did not perform any baptisms. You have taken this scripture out of context.

Yep I stand by your quote also which is posted here and PROVES that you interupted.

All it proves is that I was responding to YOU because your name is the first word in the quote.LOL

Please stop- my stomach muscles are starting to cramp from laughing so hard.

I NEVER denied it was my quote. But it was posted at the START of the thread when that topic was being discussed with the OP. Do you know what OP stands for? Original poster. Meaning I was discussing that topic with the person who created the thread.

You quoted me near the end of the thread or about 18 pages later when 4 people were discussing evolution (I and inkracer) included.

Now explain to me how that is not interrupting. Thanks.

I would love to carry on with this conversation but it might upset a lot of people over the off topic discussion.

So back to Evolution here.

Why is Evolution not compatible with the Bible?drinker


ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 08:44 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 08:52 PM

ImGary said:

Krimsa John 4:2 States that Jesus baptized his disciples, it does not state that he did not perform any baptisms. You have taken this scripture out of context.

Yep I stand by your quote also which is posted here and PROVES that you interupted.

All it proves is that I was responding to YOU because your name is the first word in the quote.LOL

Please stop- my stomach muscles are starting to cramp from laughing so hard.

She said "slick willy"! lmao

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 08:33 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 08:35 PM

Note to self-"Never argue with idiots- they will lower you down to their level and beat you on experience."

"It is better to be thought of as a fool, then to open your mouth, and remove all doubt."

I stand by my note to self which applies here and refuse to respond further.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 08:17 PM

Feral I said ImGary is accusing me. Not you.

Gary is only straigtening out the fact that Krimsa is quilty of what she accused him of first.

Anyhow I'm off to strum my guitar while standing on a fence post- which is much more stimulating than continuing this immature discussion.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:57 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 07:59 PM
Don't be jealous voileazur.


Note to self-"Never argue with idiots- they will lower you down to their level and beat you on experience."

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:51 PM
Edited by ImGary on Thu 02/12/09 07:55 PM

Well you obviously did. Maybe its because you are new to forums but you started at page one and only read up to my quote and then you decided to quote that and I’m assuming you didn’t understand that your reply would not go under that quote but instead all the way to the end of the thread. I’m not mad, if that was the case. I am mad that you are implying I did anything wrong when clearly I did not.

You figured it out! Please understand that YOU implied that I did something wrong to begin with and I merely showed that YOU were the one who did what you claimed that I did. lol

Why do I try? lol

Have you ever heard the term "What goes around comes around." Maybe it applies here, I don't know.

YOU posted to Elijay(I think) that I brought up this topic when I did not. Then I responded to straighten out the facts. You know the truth, I know the truth.

Feel free to get in the last word. lol

Fence post- thats funny. lol

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:43 PM

Why im Satan of course? What does that mean? laugh

lol you wish

You are telling me I wish I am Satan. Aren’t you a Christian and wouldn’t that be a bad thing? happy

catch up to the sarcasm

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:42 PM

I never denied it was my quote. However you took my quote from page one (or near the very beginning of the thread) and plopped it down again over 18 pages later while about 4 of us were in a heated discussion about EVOLUTION. Back when the quote was originally made, the OP and I were in a discussion. OP meaning the ORIGIONAL POSTER.

Good try- but it doesn't float.

Well anyone can see for themselves as I quoted your interruption. happy

Krimsa you think you are clever but you are not. Anyone that even cared would read all of the posts and figure out the truth.

ImGary's photo
Thu 02/12/09 07:39 PM

I never denied it was my quote. However you took my quote from page one (or near the very beginning of the thread) and plopped it down again over 18 pages later while about 4 of us were in a heated discussion about EVOLUTION. Back when the quote was originally made, the OP and I were in a discussion. OP meaning the ORIGIONAL POSTER.

Good try- but it doesn't float.