Community > Posts By > 70lookin4u2

70lookin4u2's photo
Thu 09/23/10 06:40 PM

None of that proves she didn't work.

And the social security system is set up so that it helps people. That is what it is suppose to do and that is what it does.

The only reason the social security system has any problems at all is because the government borrows from it.

There wouldn't be any problems if they would stop doing that.

There is also no proof she ever has. It does prove she is not currently. Social security was set up for "workers" and was later expanded to cover their families. Look it up. Why is it now paying people who have never worked? That's a different program... welfare.

It is broke because payments are going to those who have not paid in. Just imagine if you ran your finances that way, no income, but keep writing checks anyway.

70lookin4u2's photo
Thu 09/23/10 06:23 PM
Edited by 70lookin4u2 on Thu 09/23/10 06:24 PM

what job did she have?

Exactly. People want to defend the thousands of people receiving social security that have never paid in. Then they wonder why social security is broke. She paid in nothing, just as countless others, but we are to believe they are somehow entitled? Hope they feel that way when they pay in all their life, but receive nothing, because it is all gone.

70lookin4u2's photo
Thu 09/23/10 06:08 PM

Onyango, the half sister of Obama's late father, still lives in public housing and collects $700 monthly disability. She doesn't work, but said she volunteers time at the Boys and Girls Club and with the Boston Housing Authority.

70lookin4u2's photo
Thu 09/23/10 05:55 PM
I have yet to see anywhere that she has ever worked, or payed in any amount close to what she has received in benefits.

70lookin4u2's photo
Wed 09/22/10 04:33 PM

"If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen,"

If you come legally.

She did come legally.

I am stating that the benefits she received are legally hers by our laws.

She overstayed her visa, she is not here legallt, and has not been for at least six years. The benefits are not hers, she is not here legally.

70lookin4u2's photo
Wed 09/22/10 04:28 PM

The question I have and maybe this should be brought up to the legislature. If a person has over ran their visa or green card and are no longer legally here and they apply for the benefits that they are eligible for, shouldn't we make them go through the processing for legal status or mail their money to them in another country?

Because we currently do give them their due on their way out if they want it.

ummm i think thats the purpose of kicking them out so we do not have to pay them money....
slaphead frustrated frustrated

If they work here legally and pay into our social security system, they are eligible for payment one way or the other.

How long did she work? What is it that she should be "eligible" for? Do you have something showing she EVER worked?

70lookin4u2's photo
Wed 09/22/10 03:33 PM
"If I come as an immigrant, you have the obligation to make me a citizen,"

If you come legally.

70lookin4u2's photo
Wed 09/22/10 03:21 PM
How is anyone entitled to more than they pay in? That is why socialism security doesn't work.

70lookin4u2's photo
Wed 09/22/10 03:20 PM

slaphead Did you read what I wrote?

Did you?

70lookin4u2's photo
Wed 09/22/10 03:19 PM
I could also care less who she is related to, this is just one of THOUSANDS of illegals living off the hard work of citizens.

70lookin4u2's photo
Wed 09/22/10 03:16 PM

In other words she was legally receiving the benefits under our laws.

How did you arrive at that conclusion based on this article? Do you know how long she worked legally, and what she paid in? What federal benefits would that entitle her to? How does she receive benefits of any kind, when she is not a citizen? You say it is reciprocal, does that mean if I move to Kenya, I could live for free?

70lookin4u2's photo
Tue 09/21/10 09:45 PM

No it's called economics.

It was the longest recession in history and hopefully we do not fall into another one.

How do you fall into another one a couple of months later? It's the same one we were led into before, and told it was over. Recessions don't happen close together, they never ended yet.

70lookin4u2's photo
Tue 09/21/10 09:15 PM

Yea, they have a "measurement" that says when we are not in a recession anymore.

It means little to the US citizens though.

If the economy takes a turn for the worse again it will be considered a new recession.

It's called "propaganda"

70lookin4u2's photo
Mon 09/20/10 04:18 PM
But, if it was on the news, then it has to be true!

70lookin4u2's photo
Mon 09/20/10 04:06 PM
That's great! Now everyone can just head back to work tomorrow, right?

70lookin4u2's photo
Mon 09/20/10 04:04 PM

when that was first brought up, it was supposed to replace income taxes, an either or deal... i don't mind it really, the way obama is spending, the government needs to do something...

Yeah, they do, like maybe cut spending!
lol... like they ever do that...

That's true. Too many people with their false sense of entitlement to actually make any meaningful cuts. We need to be taken care of.

70lookin4u2's photo
Mon 09/20/10 03:28 PM

when that was first brought up, it was supposed to replace income taxes, an either or deal... i don't mind it really, the way obama is spending, the government needs to do something...

Yeah, they do, like maybe cut spending!

70lookin4u2's photo
Thu 09/16/10 11:38 PM
Activists call for probe into intelligence bulletins
By Elizabeth Skrapits (Staff Writer)
Published: September 16, 2010

Although they accept Gov. Ed Rendell's apology, local natural gas drilling activists want an investigation into why the state Office of Homeland Security was spying on them.

"This has angered me more than anything so far," Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition member Janine Dymond of Harding said Wednesday. "We're not even against drilling. We're against the regulation of this industry and the loss of our rights. But we're labeled as potential terrorists."

Read the Aug. 30 bulletin

Rendell said Tuesday he had just learned through an article in the Harrisburg Patriot-News that the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency's Office of Homeland Security had been receiving intelligence bulletins listing numerous groups including anti-war activists, Tea Party movement members and Marcellus Shale drilling opponents as possible security threats.

Rendell apologized to the groups targeted in the bulletins, noting that protesting is a constitutional right. He is canceling the $108,000-a-year contract with the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response, an American and Israeli nonprofit corporation with offices in Philadelphia, Washington D.C., London and Jerusalem.

However, Rendell said he would not fire Department of Homeland Security Director James F. Powers Jr.

"Obviously I'm thrilled that Rendell apologized and everything, but I still think (Powers) needs to be fired," Gas Drilling Awareness Coalition co-founder Dr. Thomas Jiunta of Lehman Township said. "For people exercising their right to free speech and opinions about natural gas drilling to be put on the same level as terrorists is not only extreme, but unconscionable. I think there definitely needs to be an investigation."

Pittsburgh City Councilman Doug Shields also called for an investigation Wednesday, possibly through council's authority under the city's home rule charter or through special counsel hired by the state, according to the Pittsburgh Post Gazette.

Dymond applauded Shields' action, saying she was concerned about the fact that the bulletin exists and was being delivered to the natural gas drilling industry.

"The whole picture is so alarming that our government is so in the gas companies' pockets. That's what this whole thing is pointing to," she said.

Activist Michell'e Boice of Harveys Lake is concerned the idea of government surveillance might intimidate people who are reluctant to speak up.

"While this agency is charged with protecting us from terroristic attacks, they are too busy spying on those citizens they are supposed to protect," Boice stated. "To be supplying this information to a private industry is absolutely unacceptable."

The bulletin was first leaked earlier this month on the Susquehanna County gas drilling online forum through member Virginia Cody of Factoryville, who received it from one friend and sent it to another to post, according to her husband Patrick Walker.

Shortly afterward Cody received an e-mail from Powers, who was notified by the Institute of Terrorism Research and Response that the bulletin was posted in a "pro-gas drilling website."

"He didn't do his research very well," Walker said. "If he'd read a few posts, he would have known otherwise."

In the e-mail to Cody, Powers said the information in the bulletin was not for the public domain, but "solely meant for owners/operators & security personnel associated with our critical infrastructure & key resources."

Powers concluded in the e-mail, "We want to continue providing this support to the Marcellus Shale Formation natural gas stakeholders while not feeding those groups fomenting dissent against those same companies."

"That sentence in particular struck us as very biased," Walker said. "You have to worry when Homeland Security takes a biased position, because they have all kinds of powers of surveillance, arrest, detention - it's alarming."

In response to an e-mail request for information, Office of Homeland Security Press Secretary Maria A. Finn stated, "This agency is absolutely not biased in any way to any group or persons; the collection of open source information in the Intel Bulletin was passed on purely for public safety situational awareness."

She said the Office of Homeland Security has not yet released a statement regarding the bulletin.

The Associated Press contributed to this report

70lookin4u2's photo
Thu 09/16/10 10:57 PM
“ A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ”

...being NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a FREE STATE...
There could be more potential threats to citizens than just a lone criminal with a gun or other weapon.

70lookin4u2's photo
Thu 09/16/10 10:47 PM

many correlations can and have been made about gun ownership, I remember in the early 2000's violent crime was also decreasing and the correlation was made with the economy being stronger,,

well now the economy is not stronger and violent crime is down,,,so there is little direct correlation that can be made when relying strictly on statistics from some limited time period,,,,

bottom line is, without a gun, there is no way to shoot and kill

but there are many other types of 'violent crime' which dont involve guns,,,

Without a gun there is also no way for law abiding citizens to protect themselves.