Community > Posts By > michelake

michelake's photo
Sat 11/08/14 04:04 AM
Edited by michelake on Sat 11/08/14 04:36 AM
FOX and the Tea party.. Brothers in arms. Shooting at lame duck Obama
in a media frenzy...

And who is the renowned Psychiatrist in the video ? I saw the FOX anchorman and Krauthammer. Is Krauthammer a psychiatrist ?

michelake's photo
Fri 11/07/14 05:39 PM
Edited by michelake on Fri 11/07/14 06:01 PM

You ever think about personal freedom? I do, but there's different types of personal freedom, right? And I never really thought or worried much about the 'Big Brother is watching you' aspect.
But of late I sometimes feel like the net of being monitored and controlled by government, rules and regulations is getting tighter and the mesh is getting smaller and smaller.

We got these adds now 'informing' people that when you import/export you have to pay VAT and import duties. Right, nothing new. It just means they're gonna keep a closer eye on everyone, basically a warning, not really information. I mean, you gotta be quite a knucklehead to not know this?

If you sell a book on Ebay for €1, you have to inform the tax office. (I'm sure the administrative work to process that info, costs a hell of a lot more than €1) If I was to sell paintings, I have to inform them, because suddenly I'm a trader.
Over the last 2 years or so most ppl with money abroad, to avoid the steep taxes here, did declare it here. They had x amount of time to do so without being fined for tax evasion, after that ... they would get fined .. So billions of Euros ... Thank you computers, internet, EU, trade agreements etc..
And okay, law's the law, but doesn't all that chit squeeze the life out of living, the joy and take our personal freedom away from us? Turn us into puppets on a string? I sometimes really hate this world ...

And there's also smaller things. I had to see an employment specialist a couple of weeks ago. He can push one button on a computer and get my entire resume ..
15 yrs ago he would have had to go through plural organisations to get all that info, now it's all there, on one screen. No one even has to ask my permission, no one even seems to consider it's an encroachment on my personal life and privacy??

Then he starts questioning me, why did I work part-time, not full-time ... in 1990. Why didn't I work at all ... in 1992? In this tone of voice, as if I'd done something horribly wrong.
Errr ... sorry mate, but that's none of your effing business, is it?
For him it's analyzing how I 'function' as an employee I guess. To me it's invading my privacy and personal life. My husband and I agreed that I'd stay home with our kids, so they'd have a decent upbringing, a mom who was there for them whenever they needed a parent. Nothing unusual, not over here anyways.
Now, over 20 years later!, I have to explain and defend what my husband and I talked about, our reasoning, norms and values???
Made me want to ask "What's it to you? None of your business!!! I'm not a prisoner of state, am I?"

Needed a rant ... sometimes really wonder what this world is coming to...

As a Dutch citizen i can really relate to your story. And it was already pretty bad before the "Big Brother" thing came into place.

I used to work for a working agency. And they had the nerve to say that people over 19 years old are less valued in the corporate world.
Because it will be harder to mold them into a "ready made" employee.
Most of these issues have to do with the fact that employers live in a paradise in Holland. Not just because of the tax cuts. But also because they know that people are always in need of a job. And at that time i had to find a job. Then there was too less jobs. So they employers grew more and more arrogant. With the spineless politicians backing them up. And stiring up the public by having ******** rhetoric like ' If you are able to comb your hair then you
are able to work too. Even when you are in a wheelchair"
That is what our country has become to. That dual mentality of our
government. and the spineless politicians. That never created more jobs. But expect the people to find one. Or they will be sanctioned.
You know.. i even went to a job interview once. And i was rejected.
Because that piece of chit said to me that he did not dare to hire me. Because my parents where divorced. And it would somehow make me
unstable in the future.. And this happened to me 20 years ago !!!
I remember my grandfather telling me that when he got hired after
the war. And his employee told him to sit and wait until the materials would come. So he just got paid for 2 days without doing anything. Also some of my family members got a pretty decent job.
And they only have minimal education. But now i know people that are
highly educated. And struggle to get a minimal job.
So the less work available. The more crazy and arrogant the employers will become. Well it depends on the individual off course.. I have a good income now. But i dread for the day that i
will have to go back into that rat race again.

michelake's photo
Fri 11/07/14 10:25 AM
So... maybe i am just a lament in this.. I know i am.. But what is your opinion about a Tor browser ?

michelake's photo
Thu 11/06/14 11:42 AM
Welcome to the forum

michelake's photo
Thu 11/06/14 01:03 AM
Welcome to the forum too :)

michelake's photo
Wed 11/05/14 08:41 AM
Welcome to the forum :)

michelake's photo
Tue 11/04/14 03:32 PM
Maybe you should try an Egyptian forum.

michelake's photo
Mon 11/03/14 06:46 PM
Ni Hao, and welcome to the forum :)

michelake's photo
Sun 11/02/14 06:36 PM
Edited by michelake on Sun 11/02/14 06:36 PM

What is noodling? lolblushing

You have multiple choice here :smile:

I leave the appropriete description to your imagination happy

michelake's photo
Sun 11/02/14 05:33 PM
Welcome to the forum

michelake's photo
Sun 11/02/14 11:36 AM

I dunno why people noodle either. Putting my arm inside a fishes mouth seems creepy. Then I think catfish taste like dirt anyways.

Someone should explain "noodling", too...:tongue:


That looks more like a Catfish Masso laugh

michelake's photo
Sun 11/02/14 10:49 AM
They might be Sociopaths. Sociopaths like control. And they often
use a fake identity.

michelake's photo
Sat 11/01/14 03:18 PM
Welcome to the forum :)

michelake's photo
Fri 10/31/14 01:00 AM

michelake's photo
Wed 10/29/14 12:22 PM
Welcome to the forum :)

michelake's photo
Tue 10/28/14 01:33 PM
Edited by michelake on Tue 10/28/14 01:36 PM

I'm kind of intrigued with the group of botanists in San Francisco who've spliced the DNA of a fireflies to produce glowing plants, with the idea of replacing street lights with bushes and trees...

Yes, well i do not concider myselve as someone that knows a lot about this matter. But how does someone splice DNA from an insect to a plant ? I mean are insects and plants compatible this way ?

I know absolutely nothing about it, which is why I included a hot link to their site so others could read all about it, first-hand.

Pretty sure DNA-splicing happens frequently in scientific experimenting; perhaps you're wondering how does a firefly have sex with an oak tree and create glowing acorns,

which would - probably - be difficult to do.


laugh :smile:

Yes, but it would make a great new topic.:smile:

michelake's photo
Tue 10/28/14 12:24 PM
Hey Marvelous. Welcome to the forum

michelake's photo
Tue 10/28/14 09:08 AM
Edited by michelake on Tue 10/28/14 09:11 AM

I'm kind of intrigued with the group of botanists in San Francisco who've spliced the DNA of a fireflies to produce glowing plants, with the idea of replacing street lights with bushes and trees...

Yes, well i do not concider myselve as someone that knows a lot about this matter. But how does someone splice DNA from an insect to a plant ? I mean are insects and plants compatible this way ?

michelake's photo
Mon 10/27/14 03:58 PM

michelake's photo
Mon 10/27/14 03:43 PM
I am very much concerned about the fact that they can actually patent
seeds and organisms. Their ultimate goal is to monopolise them all.
So there can only be use of their patented seeds.

"Monsanto's Roundup is actually threatening the crop-yielding potential of the entire biosphere. The report reveals that glyphosate, which was developed by Monsanto in the early 1970s and is the active ingredient in its patented herbicide Roundup, may be irreversibly devastating the microbiodiversity of the soil - compromising the health of the entire planet, as a result." quote from NaturalNews.

And they also desperately want to own the vaccine of Ebola.
Monsanto are the inventors of Agent orange and DDT.

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