Community > Posts By > CHutch

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 12:44 AM
Did I miss something? Those are the 3 words I'd hate to hear from someone I loved.

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 12:41 AM
Well, if I had a gf, it would depend how close we were. If I was really close to her..and I haven't felt that in a long would be something like below:

I hate you
I'm moving out

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 12:30 AM

Your first paragraph is an argument for majority. While others might say that this is no argument at all, I'd rather turn it right against you, by putting forward that since majority prefers it your way, you should have no problem hiring the lowest bidder or any bidder a majority prefers. This does not necessitate making in involuntary for all. Unless you are against minorities, that is, as a principle.

Yes, it probably might be an 'argumentum ad populum'. However, since in America we vote for our elected officials, and those elected officials have, over time provided us with more services as our nation and our population has grown, and we over all have concurred mostly with that..or elected them based on those kinds of promises.. I suspect what kind of argument you think it might be is irrelevant. In any case, what might be an appropriate society for 200 people isn't appropriate for 300 million.

My attitude is "live and let live". This is most widely know as an American attitude, until we have become a socialist state in 1913.

Oh, right. You're one of those people..maybe a Ron Paul supporter..who hates the 16th amendment to the Constitution. The one that provides for a direct income tax.

Except prior to 1913 taxes were still collected through other means and used for basic government services notably defense and Roosevelts anti-trust actions as well as the food and drug act of 1906 come to my mind, but there's alot more of government utilizing tax money from whatever sources for a 'civilized society'. Maybe Theodore Roosevelt was another big government liberal.

Most think this way, because they cannot envision doing it any other way. I've just shown you the "other way".

The other way you've shown me is a bit incorrect. Anyway, say you're correct that you want to live in a pre-1913 US. You know, where life expectancy was 47. alot of women died in childbirth, most people lived in rural areas and pollution in the urban areas contributed to quite a bit of disease. Nothing like 1600's England, but still I'll take 21st century America.

Perhaps I could. How about America, before 1913 for starters?
I addressed this above.

It had a lot less government and a lot more freedom. Would you call it uncivilized?

Sure, if you're okay with the medical standards of the time. And as I noted before, most people lived in rural areas. Urban areas were not so pleasant to live in.

CHutch's photo
Wed 02/18/09 12:08 AM
Sometimes you wonder if we're just a magnet for the wrong types of the opposite sex.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:57 PM
Yes. I prefer to live in a society in which basic services are not sold to the highest bidder. Most people share that preference.

To be honest, I've never come across anyone whos attitude was "I can take care of everything myself, I don't need no one!". Not the staunchest Republican, not the most stubborn libertarian, and I really don't know any true anarchists. And thats because while alot of people gripe about our government, some with good reason and some simply for the sake of griping...most understand when you talk about privatizing police, national defense, roads and bridges, and schools...they like that alternative much less.

Perhaps you can point to a society that has existed on a long term basis that fits your ideals. I don't believe any have ever existed.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:45 PM
Oh yes.

Another example of taxpayer money being used for a civilized society is food standards through the Department of Agriculture.

See the recent peanut butter recall.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:43 PM
I know. It sucks that 3 million people were laid off in the past year, and I have to see my taxes go in the form of unemployment benefits to those 3 million people. They should have saved.


CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:38 PM
Yes, and I'm sure you could outsource Americas defense to the highest paid mercenaries too. And our politicians since you know..a fair number of them have been involved in crimes and corruption.

Why not just outsource all of Americas public servants to the private sector, and everyone can become guns for hire. slaphead

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:31 PM
Christopher Reeve

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 11:25 PM
Take a look at your taxpayer funded county jails, and taxpayer funded police and judges which usually do a good job of taking the extremely uncivilized people out of society.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 10:51 PM
Do you get along with cats?

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 10:50 PM
Okay. I did it the hard way as you suggested. I spent 5 minutes looking for my cell phone, another 5 minutes getting a picture just right, half an hour trying to figure out how to e-mail said picture from my cell phone to my computer, and another 5 minutes getting the picture from my computer on to Mingle.

The upside is I've learned something new. So thank you. :)

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 10:05 PM
I haven't found a camera that can actually photo my face. Seems the battery always fizzles out.

Just kidding. I'll see what I can dig up.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 10:03 PM
So anyway, I'm gonna guess flannal pajamas on most nights, or a black short nightdress on some other nights.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:59 PM
How do I participate in this?

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:58 PM
Single and not happy about it. Hope to remedy this situation one day.

But being married to the wrong person for 10 years I think was worse.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:51 PM

Taxes, yes, they are not voluntary, but they are not "fool parting", because they are simply theft, err.... armed robbery.

Taxes are a cost of living in a civilized society. No one likes paying them, but I'd guess people would like the result of an anarchy society much less.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:50 PM
This might have been helpful to know.

I went through a divorce last year, she moved back in with her parents and I couldn't afford the house by myself.

We tried a short sale (had an interested buyer), but the bank denied it. I thought I had to find a place to live, so I moved out and bought a mobile home.

I could have just stayed in that house, paid the utilities and saved up for something better.

Oh well. Here's to a number of lessons learned.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:35 PM

boxers & his guns!

laugh Wow. Thats definitely the impression I didn't expect to give.

CHutch's photo
Tue 02/17/09 09:30 PM
baby blankie and bottle.