Community > Posts By > danny252

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Wed 08/30/06 05:55 AM
see thst is what i been tryin to say this hole time

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Fri 08/25/06 02:24 PM
yo the old guy is right see that is what i been tryin to say

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Fri 08/25/06 02:15 PM
ya man cuz i ask the right shit and man im sayin why do shit to get
hurt why it make u feel like shit u dont want to do shit and at that
point in time u feel like everyone u like does not want to get to know
u see life sucks and every one knows it

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Fri 08/25/06 02:10 PM
ya i guse i did do somethin im good na im just playin and no i dont
have yahoo messnger i only got man but they both can talk and this goes
for any one els it is

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Thu 08/24/06 09:01 AM
ya im doin everything with my cras im goin back in to what i love the
most that will naver leave cras i love workin on them to go faster and
race thme will not on a track but on the streets im really good at
drivin im not goin to let some gurl fuck with me like that and get me
to stop with my life she mad it to were if i was not with her that i
have no life i have my son my job and my street racin i have everything
that i need and i cant weat to get the fuck out of rhode island this
place fuckin sucks fuck this shit

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Thu 08/24/06 08:56 AM
ya man that is what im talkin about

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Thu 08/24/06 08:53 AM
ya tell me about it what u did in ur past is not how u r now why do u
want to know what they did and not to get to know them for them as they
r now cuz if u know what they did u will all ways think about it and not
get to know them for how they r now see to the past goes for u on ur
past so u can now what not to do but the person ur with does not need to
know it cuz it could fuck everything up

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Wed 08/23/06 03:14 PM
yo man she is a nice gurl u goin to talk shit like that get to know her
no for her look u bum ass

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Wed 08/23/06 03:11 PM
ya but i dont got that kinda time i have a lot of shit i got to do

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Tue 08/22/06 09:06 AM
tell me how is every one up in here leats get a talkin

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Mon 08/21/06 04:50 PM
hey im from rhode island and im a street racer i own a nesson 300zx
twin trubo it is fuly worked on and i own a handa civic hatch back that
need a lot of work im nice funny and what to meet and talk to new people
so if u want to talk let me now we might get along

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Mon 08/21/06 04:44 PM
i did i got a new car to fix it up nad to get it all up so i can race
it just like my 300zx now i have 2 cars and no im goin to sup up and
honda civic hatch back 96 and im goin to have fun with it and im talkin
to a new gurl she is really cool lots of fun like to talk alot gets my
mind of a shit and on to her my life now goin good

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Sun 08/20/06 04:15 PM
well it sould not mater if u swear that is not who u r

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Sun 08/20/06 04:13 PM
ya ye that is why i would not want to know that is why i would not ask
about the past

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Sun 08/20/06 03:22 PM
i dont know people just dont talk to people why is that why dont people
like to find out who is out there

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Sun 08/20/06 12:37 PM
ya will everything i do and love to do i did it with the person i should
her and did it with her cuz i was stupid now no mater what i do i think
of her it sucks ass that is why i want to movie out of rhode island
start a new life make new friends o ya she she hangs with all my
friends so i cant even see them with out thinkin of she

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Sun 08/20/06 12:34 PM
ya tell me about it i cant stand that shit when gurls try to chang me i
say it is a wast of time if a gurl will try to chang u and not to get to
know u for u i say they went out with u cuz of u why chang it they
might get worst not beter

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Sun 08/20/06 12:15 PM
what the hell is up with the people in here no on can talk what i meet a
cool that likes to talk but domn i just got lucky shit some one just
start talkin so people get along that is why this site is here so people
can talk to new people so start talk

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Sun 08/20/06 12:10 PM
ya but why chang u and not get to know who u r for how u r guys like
that why cant gurls see that

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Sun 08/20/06 11:54 AM
na cuz i dont want to know them for what they were or what tey did but
how im getin to know them now