Community > Posts By > boarderamc

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 06:11 PM
here is one thing that really confuses me about evolutionists... the whole fossil record thing... why would you take to heart something that the founder (charles darwin) didn't even recognize as supporting fact for evolution? fossils without links prove nothing...

also, how can a cell (organic life) be created from inorganic matter? with all of the technology we have today, scientists STILL cannot create a left-hand protein molecule (found in all animals).

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 05:41 PM

elephants also weigh more than many cars and have a massive trunk located between both of their eyes... idk, maybe you've seen one before... but anyway, I think this is just another ridiculous theory that evolutionists are trying to use to further "prove" their point. we have similarities to many different animals... if we didn't, a lot of animals would be inadequately built to survive. don't get me wrong, microevolution is an absolutely proven point and is still witnessed to this very day... but if you are trying to tell me that billions of years ago elephants and man split off just because they breast feed and have knees, i dont know about that one...

one more question for you die-hard evolution fans... if macroevolution is real, why has there been no documentation of this in recorded history? have all species merely reached the extent of their evolutionary progress? kinda fishy, eh?

Something Else You Forgot All Animals have Butt holes and Some Animals Talk out of them When they Cannot Except Sciencedrinker

sir, i absolutely 100% accept proven science. yes, gravity exists. yes, we are made of things called molecules... these have all been proven scientifically... as for macroevolution...... go ahead, read what i just wrote and dig deep into your massive scientific brain to try and avoid answering my question... which i've stated at least 5-7 times so if you forget, i suggest you scroll up...

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 05:38 PM
wow... for being so highly educated, you people really are quite slow... not one person has tackled my question head on, which is what i've noticed about a lot of atheists/evolutionists/etc... you guys diddle daddle around other scientific theorems and blah blah blah, i want proof people...

something based on science should have scientific proof, and not one of you have managed to come up with a single thing. thank you for further proving my point...

do i have to go into further detail about this micro vs macro bs? ok, here we go... you guys know who darwin is right? right. well, then you probably know about his finches right? ok... that was MICRO *ahem* let me clear my throat... there we go... MICRO evolution. there is SCIENTIFIC PROOF of microevolution... here is the fun and challenging part that no one has seemed to grasp...

show me physical proof that macroevolution is true... and will someone... i know this is a stretch since no one wants to try and answer me... please explain to me why macroevolution is no longer happening... have all creatures reached their maximum evolutionary process?

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 01:54 PM

oh, and walking 20 minutes away compared to changing from a fish into an upright walking human is a little bit different... thats like comparing apples to laundry detergent.

Dont you understand what an analogy is? huh

i understand what an analogy is... but yours was a horrible, horrible stretch...

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 01:54 PM
hmm... neanderthals... that would be microevolution right? right. i absolutely want to hear evidence of my questions, whether i'm Christian, Buddhist, Satanic, etc.

see, the Bible is very vague about how everything was created... for me to say macroevolution is impossible would be limiting the power of my God and i absolutely believe he could have made the universe in any way he liked. I merely just want proof... all you have done was divert my original question by turning it into, "you cant blah blah blah." either you know of proof or you dont... plain and simple.

most people are familiar with the 7 day theory from Genesis... the only thing is that no one really knows how long each "day" was... it also says in the bible that a blink of the eye is like an entire lifetime to God, so therefore the Earth really could be billions of years old... we just don't know.

you can keep turning this on me, but all i've asked... i believe it was about 4 times... is for proof, and for an explanation on why macroevolution doesn't continue to happen...

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 01:43 PM
oh, and walking 20 minutes away compared to changing from a fish into an upright walking human is a little bit different... thats like comparing apples to laundry detergent.

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 01:42 PM
but see, you used the wrong word... possible? yes. plausible? not so much. i'm a Christian, so you can tell me that my faith is also implausible if you'd like... but my faith isn't based on science, while evolution is... and yet somehow there is no scientific proof of a scientific theory which approximately equates to no substance.

again, i'm going to ask the same question... can somebody point me to some evidence that macroevolution really occurred, and why has there been no documented evidence of such an occurrence?

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 01:35 PM
I quoted myself so that you could re-read what i wrote and discover i said nothing about satan... and yes, you can believe in microevolution without believing in macro... wanna know how? because that is what I believe! woot! anyway, if you want to try and prove me wrong about macroevolution, i really would like to know.

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 01:30 PM

elephants also weigh more than many cars and have a massive trunk located between both of their eyes... idk, maybe you've seen one before... but anyway, I think this is just another ridiculous theory that evolutionists are trying to use to further "prove" their point. we have similarities to many different animals... if we didn't, a lot of animals would be inadequately built to survive. don't get me wrong, microevolution is an absolutely proven point and is still witnessed to this very day... but if you are trying to tell me that billions of years ago elephants and man split off just because they breast feed and have knees, i dont know about that one...

one more question for you die-hard evolution fans... if macroevolution is real, why has there been no documentation of this in recorded history? have all species merely reached the extent of their evolutionary progress? kinda fishy, eh?

i said nothing about satan, i'm merely wanting to know if there is evidence... and if you dont believe in microevolution, then i challenge you to walk into your local pet store and contimplate the thought of whether or not the fierce Chihuahua has been roaming the earth for more hundreds of thousands of years.

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 01:23 PM
elephants also weigh more than many cars and have a massive trunk located between both of their eyes... idk, maybe you've seen one before... but anyway, I think this is just another ridiculous theory that evolutionists are trying to use to further "prove" their point. we have similarities to many different animals... if we didn't, a lot of animals would be inadequately built to survive. don't get me wrong, microevolution is an absolutely proven point and is still witnessed to this very day... but if you are trying to tell me that billions of years ago elephants and man split off just because they breast feed and have knees, i dont know about that one...

one more question for you die-hard evolution fans... if macroevolution is real, why has there been no documentation of this in recorded history? have all species merely reached the extent of their evolutionary progress? kinda fishy, eh?

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 11:02 AM
you know what else is interesting? squirrels have eyes and mouths! maybe we evolved from squirrels 900 billion years ago! oh yeah, and giraffes know how to crap! maybe we evolved from them 750 billion years ago!?

boarderamc's photo
Tue 02/10/09 10:58 AM
... really? really?...

boarderamc's photo
Wed 01/14/09 02:13 PM
has anyone here ever done marijuana?

boarderamc's photo
Mon 01/12/09 08:37 PM
check out "Mistahdoblina" by Del tha Funkee Homosapien... that **** will be stuck in your head for days.

boarderamc's photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:25 AM
here is the simple explanation... the anti-christ isn't going to be declaring himself the anti-christ... otherwise, who would follow him?

this is just some crazy trying to gain exposure.

boarderamc's photo
Sun 01/11/09 10:07 PM
it just snowed.

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