Community > Posts By > Betster

Betster's photo
Tue 01/06/09 06:05 AM
EHarmony has no back bone.It was designed to help christian be selective in there mate selections.My place would be a place to make friends. And hopefully the patrons would becareful in making friends as they would in any church, club or any other social activity. I wouldn't band people who weren't christian from my christian cafe. Who knows it very well could be a neutral ground where the Holy Spirit could move easily. He doesn't do all His work at church. He usually works outside the walls.I would just ask God to minister to His people. All that are and all that will become. Not preachy. Just allowing the Holy Spirit to permiate the atmosphere. Their hearts would be open. It is possible to have such a place!

Betster's photo
Mon 01/05/09 09:43 PM
You know with so many christian singles. It seems like there should be more christian social meeting places-clubs/cafes/jazz/cool music sandwich/ice-cream shop for social activity.A relaxing cozy atmophere for single christians to meet. We are so limited on what is avaiable to us in many of our communities. Not only could it be a blessing to the christian community but also it could be profitable.It would certainly have to be a success, if it is to keep the christian singles comming back to meet and patronize the venue. My sister and I have talked about having such a place available. It would be ran like any other business and be supervised. What are your thoughts? Any suggestions?

Betster's photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:57 PM
I commend you on allowing your baby to live. And you made a mistake, we all have at some point. But you can learn from mistakes and life does go on and it does get better. This ex-boyfriend showed his true colors. Too bad you didn't see his true colors sooner. But Thank God!
Even though losing someone you "think" you love does glad that you didn't marry this loser!Had you known this joker and the real him, I bet you never would have given him the time of day! Just becareful and protective with your heart in the future when you began to date again. There are lot's of losers out there. You want a winner. And you will find a winner. Learn to recognize a real gem and avoid the counterifets. The key is to take your time and guard your heart. Whatch and listen. If you will take your time and see many men instead of closing your self off to just one, you will begin to have more power and more discernment.Pick better men. And it's ok to say No to losers. I wish you the best! Your going to get along just fine! I belive you are a smart woman with a good heart. And now to go with that, Your going to have a smart heart! God Bless You!