Community > Posts By > flyace

flyace's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:01 AM

you know what they say the older the berry the sweeter the juice...or something like that

Oh I know ALLLLLLLLLLL about the sweet baby .. trust me on that bigsmile

Actually a lot of women (not all mind you, but our fair share) age even BETTER than wine .. imagine that smokin love blushing :angel:

that was close... I tried to imagine it and my head almost exploded with possibilities...explode

flyace's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:52 AM

OFTLOG, are you kidding me?

Listen, don't post about mails if you are posting about mailing other posters.
We all send and receive mails that are ignored. We all get cut off in traffic and hae our parking spaces taken, the light goes out in the checkout line as soon as we get in it, etc.


once again not mad about being ignored by random internet person. mad about the effort that we as men are expected to put into it for nothing.

Start putting a small amount of effort into it then...hell I e-mail very few people, of those few people I have recieved a return mail from every one of figures you are doing something wrong.

I did start with the small effort. wanted to see how that wentso I gave he a link to the thread...see page three and four for results to that.. oops

flyace's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:49 AM

once again not mad about being ignored by random internet person. mad about the effort that we as men are expected to put into it for nothing.

So you are the only one? Or men are? You think I've not sent out mails that were ignored? Did you miss the point of my post entirely?

Holy freaking whining. I bet you get emasculated a lot by women, eh?

it was kinda meant as a all inclusive statement.

wow you are a little bitter... sounds like you're the one who's mad about being ignored. does it happen a lot? I'm really sorry. so once again... not mad about being ignored.

seriously did you read the thread or just post on the end?

flyace's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:34 AM

OFTLOG, are you kidding me?

Listen, don't post about mails if you are posting about mailing other posters.
We all send and receive mails that are ignored. We all get cut off in traffic and hae our parking spaces taken, the light goes out in the checkout line as soon as we get in it, etc.


once again not mad about being ignored by random internet person. mad about the effort that we as men are expected to put into it for nothing.

flyace's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:17 AM

the time line doesn't add up for me ace
in either case, I find it rude that you would direct me here to suggest that I should respond to you
that is up to me.
do you want me to respond because I want to or because you think I should?

Original post 1454
Current time 0715
Difference of 16 hours
Message sent to you 15 hours ago

that's why is didn't add up you were supposed to subtractslaphead

I'm not some hypocrite.

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:12 PM
you know what they say the older the berry the sweeter the juice...or something like that

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 10:09 PM
Edited by flyace on Mon 01/26/09 10:22 PM

he complimented my profile in 15 words at best.
I imagine "all that effort" went into reading it
which I appreciate
and would have at least thanked him for
but when I got home there was another email
the headline was "forums"
and the body contained nothing more than a link to this thread

actually I commented on your profile about an hour after I posted the thread. so no I wasn't talking about you. sorry about the confusion. the message I sent you was part of the new plan to simplify. besides I just liked your profile, I was just paying you a compliment. I invited you to the thread to get your input. but a smack down will work thanks.

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 06:10 PM

the buffet? no wait... ummm friends? no too cliche. ummm to meet chicks. that's it.

And chicks you shall. Heck I'll send any 30 yr old Fla friends your way dude.

Military is right up there under God in my book .. even in FL, even retired :tongue:

woo hoo!! I date more then just 30yo's though. 25 to 1000000 really. but I like to bungee so 1000000 yo might have a hard time keeping up.

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 05:35 PM
the buffet? no wait... ummm friends? no too cliche. ummm to meet chicks. that's it.

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 05:20 PM
I don't think I really qualify as a "nice guy". and I really wanted to part of that thread.grumble

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 04:41 PM

I'm upset about the unappreciated effort.

So then believe that she appreciated the effort. She just wasn't feelin' ya :wink:

Seriously, I still see no point in getting upset. Unfortunately, most people really don't give a rat's ass about the effort you've put in.

I guess I'll just start sending one line emails. like "hey, sup... yo"

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 04:25 PM
I think everyone is missing my point not that I'm not mad about not getting a response. I just think that women in general expect to be wooed by the initial contact. I think that expectation is ridiculous if all they are going to do is read it. we should just be able to say "Hi I'd like to talk to you." but no that's boring and shows no effort or imagination. if I put that and no response ok so what. but I actually put effort into it. I'm not upset about being rejected by some random person on the internet... I'm upset about the unappreciated effort.

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 03:47 PM

Effort does not necessarily equal results when it comes to internet dating. Or any other form of dating now that I'm thinking about it. Either continue and hope for the best or change your approach to minimize the time you take for a first contact e-mail. In any case, it's best not to get upset about it since it will not help.

much better advice than etrain had to say. but none the less ineffective. simplifying the messages is boring.

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 03:13 PM

Store? AWSOME I'll take 4 Moondarks, 4 fireofthephoenix's, and a bottle of dom. Paper or platic you say? I'll take plastic :)

that's hilarious...laugh :laughing: rofl

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 03:09 PM
thanks for the sage like advice etrain. I do move on I'm just saying it's rude.

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 03:04 PM
etrain you're kinda a prick

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 03:02 PM
I'm not trying to cry over spilled milk... I'm just saying it's rude to ignore someone when they talk to you.

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 02:54 PM
The thing I hate most about dating online is: I put some effort into my initial contact emails and get nothing. I mean you sit hear and go though all these profiles and read all of her interests put some thought into it. trying to sound confident but not cocky... unless she happens to like cocky. funny but not retarded. intelligent about issues but not politically opinionated. she reads it and nothing... not deleted no reply just read...ummm ok. I'm not trying to be someone else only accentuate the qualities I believe she will find most endearing. one could write about themselves but isn't that what you profile is for. I guess what I'm trying to say is if a guy goes through the effort to write you just give him a little effort back.

flyace's photo
Mon 01/26/09 02:53 PM
Edited by flyace on Mon 01/26/09 02:55 PM

flyace's photo
Wed 01/14/09 07:29 AM
I would like to meet any one who could make me feel like I can love again. some one who makes me feel like my heart is no longer broken. someone who makes me believe in true love again.

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