Community > Posts By > _karen_

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 12:31 PM
Another one..
Graudation is the best day of your life....

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 12:24 PM
:cry: Lol...I'm disappointed.

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 12:22 PM
That adults were mature.

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 12:00 PM

I think you ladies scared this guy,

scared scared scared scared scared


_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 11:57 AM
don't call yourself nice.
if you do that it will make a girl wonder why you had to tell her that.
best advice i can give.

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:54 AM
oh you won't be alone forever!
and not all nice guys are doomed..they just need to find a girl who knows they deserve to be treated like a queen. and not like crap.

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:03 AM
Had this happen. Recently posted a thread about it..
eh i blocked him!lol.

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 10:00 AM

actually im just kiddin, people say the music i listen to is "offensive" scared scared


_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 09:59 AM


Haha, I just like the darker side of life. I find beauty in darkness and I don't view death as a horrible thing forever.
Nothing wrong with that. Used to be like that when I was 13.

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 09:54 AM

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 09:40 AM
that overly emotional people can be emotional because...
of the books they read
the movies they watch
or the music they listen to.
assuming they are all depressing and have something the person has always wanted?

_karen_'s photo
Wed 01/07/09 09:25 AM
It's hump day?
I have no one to hump.

_karen_'s photo
Tue 01/06/09 04:10 PM
2.favorite food.
3. car...guys love that stuff
ehhh thats about it. i suck at life. =[

_karen_'s photo
Tue 01/06/09 03:16 PM
Lol 666
Anyways I don't really think anything of it...maybe they just like how they look in the picture and not the other person?

_karen_'s photo
Tue 01/06/09 03:06 PM

If it was real could you ever fall out of love???what what what
I dated this guy my junior year in high school. He was the only guy who ever treated me right (No joke). we broke up cause of a misunderstanding. he graduated. We didn't see each other for 2 years then he starts to work where I did..fell for him all over again.

I just question...what is real shouldn't be able to fall out of it but glad it worked out for you that waydrinker
who knows. i think it's different for everyone. the guy and i never got back together..he ended up going out with my close friend....

_karen_'s photo
Tue 01/06/09 02:58 PM

If you have been polite and he still doesn't get the hint, it's time to take off the kid gloves and be blunt. After that, block or ignore until he gives up. There is no rule saying that you have to sacrifice your enjoyment of the site because someone wants to be stupid. Chances are, he did it to someone else until they block him and now he moved onto you. He'll either get the picture and grow up, or he'll move to a different site. Either win

I told him we could be friends (but wouldn't that hurt a guy if he liked you?) and he still IMed me..ugh. whatever. some people just don't get it.

_karen_'s photo
Tue 01/06/09 02:53 PM

If it was real could you ever fall out of love???what what what
I dated this guy my junior year in high school. He was the only guy who ever treated me right (No joke). we broke up cause of a misunderstanding. he graduated. We didn't see each other for 2 years then he starts to work where I did..fell for him all over again.

_karen_'s photo
Tue 01/06/09 02:47 PM
yep. for me at least.

_karen_'s photo
Tue 01/06/09 01:26 PM
Haha No clue..maybe if they like fishing they want someone to fish with?

_karen_'s photo
Tue 01/06/09 09:39 AM
Put the setting NOT looking for an itimate encounter...