Community > Posts By > vineet7

vineet7's photo
Mon 12/21/15 06:44 AM

Basic manners?

You're hilarious.

Where I grew up, and guy over forty who did anything but offer to hold a door open for a girl that young, was instantly and correctly labeled as an unconscionable predator, and chased across town with sharp sticks.

Basic manners. You're funny.

So, did you have a good laugh? I really fail to understand what was so funny about it. You are simply assuming things and trying to act very-very smart! I read a post about a guy who was feeling sorry for himself because of some young lady abusing him for no logical reason. Is saying Hi to a young girl in the region you live in, a sin? At least i don't think so. And i do feel sorry for him. You have any problems with that? That is how i feel and think. You may feel & think differently. So, whats so funny about this?

vineet7's photo
Mon 12/21/15 03:31 AM
Why do most people fail to provide even the very basic information about themselves in their profiles on a social networking site like Mingle? With no info posted in the profile, an individual may receive all kinds of messages. For example, a 20 year old girl may receive a Hi from a 45 yrs old guy! Is it right for this girl to call names to a 45 yrs old guy only because of his age? Why can't this girl mention clearly in her profile that she is looking for friends in the age-group of 21 to 30? Where have the basic manners disappeared?

vineet7's photo
Wed 12/09/15 03:58 AM
Edited by vineet7 on Wed 12/09/15 03:59 AM
Superiority complex
Low IQ but loud
Just forgot the trait that i hate most - dishonesty!

vineet7's photo
Wed 12/09/15 02:31 AM
Danish, Neha is waiting for a response from you but you don't seem to be interested. Check her out boy, your search may end here!

vineet7's photo
Wed 11/18/15 05:50 AM
Child pornography needs to be banned and dealt with an iron hand.

But banning adult pornography should not be even considered! Banning it would be against the fundamental rights of an Individual. Watching porn should be left to the discretion of an individual. There is nothing wrong in watching porn. Some People find the industry exploitative. Exploitation is a legal issue which is not only prevalent in porn industry but in many other industries. There are laws to prevent it.

vineet7's photo
Tue 11/10/15 04:40 AM
Wishing you all a very Happy & Prosperous Diwali!

vineet7's photo
Tue 11/10/15 04:39 AM
Wishing you all a very Happy & Prosperous Diwali!

vineet7's photo
Sun 11/01/15 06:38 AM
I would still rate this site ahead of sites like which is a paid site. Scamsters are on paid sites too. Fake profiles are in abundance on too. As the number of scamsters increase in leaps & bounds, their presence will surely be felt, not only on mingle, but at all other places. To beat scamsters, is not very difficult. Some of the key rules are:

1. If the profile has a pic, right click on the pic and search for it on google. You will know who this pic belongs to.

2. Ask for key details and search for it on google.

3. Scamsters have improved their English. So, a message with right grammar & spellings don't mean much.

4. First message with request to contact on specific e-mail id will lead you to a scam. Beware!

5. Any message related to money should be out-rightly rejected.

6. Never send any money to a online friend you have never met, whatever the request may be. Never share your bank details.

7. Do not interact with people with a sad story.

8. Messages too good to be true are generally fake. Remember, to win a lottery, you need to buy a ticket!

9. Easy money is always related to a crime. Stay away from easy money.

10. Research before going on a on-line date. The meeting must take place in a public place only. Inform a friend before you leave for a date.

11. Never register on a new site when asked by an on-line acquaintance.

vineet7's photo
Thu 10/29/15 02:18 AM
Thanks a ton mate for your comments and i really appreciate your efforts. Also, you have put across your views logically and i agree to almost everything that you have stated. After reading your comments, i have realized that it is a complex topic and is not as simple as it seems.

Looking forward to more views on the same!

vineet7's photo
Tue 10/27/15 05:19 AM

There are over 7 billion peeps in the world. Sadly free sites will attract people who are not serious at all but just a lot of bored souls that have nothing better to do. It also attracts scammers and people from developing countries looking for a way out of their sad situation.

Its time that you stop discriminating between the developed world & the developing world. Do you understand global economics? I am sure that you don't! Can you please tell the community of your contribution to this developed world except being born there. Scamster's exist every where and you will find plenty of people in the developed world who too are looking for a way out of their sad situation (as you say it). There are more people registered on mingle from the developed world than the developing world.

If you want respect, learn to give respect lady!

vineet7's photo
Tue 10/27/15 04:32 AM
I really don't believe that an affair outside marriage can last more than a few months without sex. The reasons for the same for men & women have to be looked at separately.


I really don't think that much reasoning or discussion is required. I have never seen a man claim that i am having an affair for emotional support that i don't get from my wife. For men, sex is a part & parcel of an affair. Without sex, an affair won't last. A good man may provide all the emotional & financial support to the woman involved to the best of his ability but the man is definitely looking for some kind of sexual gratification in return. If that is not made available, the man will not be interested for long.


Women are complex creatures and most don't show what they actually want. Societal pressures / our culture is the primary reason for this behavior. Thus women can't be blamed for the same. The reasons for a married women entering an affair may be :

1. Hope of some kind of emotional support which is non-existent.

2. Seeking pride, self worth, attention, time & sympathy

3. Out of sheer boredom

4. Seeking financial help for her own family

5. For sexual gratification, specially in cases where husbands are either not too keen to have regular sex, for whatever the reason it may be, or are unable to satisfy the wife sexually. Age difference can be a big problem. Out station jobs ie. absence of husband for long duration can also be a reason.

The problem is that can a married women find a guy who will only provide emotional support? If the guy is young, he is looking to experiment. Married women are the easiest targets. No young guy would be interested in a long term relationship with married women for obvious reasons. As for a married man, if the guy was so patient, nice & loving that he can provide good emotional support, his marriage would have been intact and he wouldn't be looking for another married women. 99.9% guys are looking for sexual gratification and if they get what they want, they may extend emotional support. A married women if clearly states that she will never have a physical relationship outside marriage and is not ready to talk about sex, will fail to find any guys. The guys who still go for such a lady are either overconfident that they will be able to change the lady over time or are desperate to have some opposite sex in their lives & have no other options available to them or are happy even with adult chatting (if the lady agrees to the same)/ normal chatting to kill / pass time. I think sex is a part & parcel of such relationships.

vineet7's photo
Tue 10/27/15 04:28 AM
It is not difficult to find a married man / woman in an extra-marital affair who states that he / she has entered this affair for the sake of emotional support only. He / She is not interested in Sex! Is he / she speaking the truth or is he / she lying?

I believe that he / she is lying. But i may be wrong. People who believe that he / she is not lying, please answer this simple question. Why can't this person look for a friend of the same sex ? Can't a man get emotional support from another man ? Can't a woman get emotional support from another woman?

Note: Had posted this topic in India but could not get any comments.

vineet7's photo
Fri 10/23/15 03:58 AM
You two make a lovely couple & a lovely home! You guys make me believe that long distance relationships in this virtual world works and there is no place for religion, nationality, age difference etc in today's world. Wish you all the best for your future and i hope you two unite in the real world very-very soon!

vineet7's photo
Fri 10/23/15 03:18 AM
I think for a more meaningful discussion, the topic " What % does sex contribute to love?" itself needs clarity. In all probablity, the initiator of this post wanted to discuss "importance of sex in a love relationship" ie. what role does sex play in maintaining a long lasting love relationship between a man and a woman? If my understanding is correct, let the topic be edited and a fresh debate can start. As of now, different people are interpreting the topic differently!

vineet7's photo
Tue 10/20/15 02:07 AM
Hi Arun!

Don't worry, it takes time. You are from a small place and only girls from Surat or maybe from anyplace nearby will respond to you.

If you are in a hurry, become a paid member to gain preference in profile search. It does make a difference!


vineet7's photo
Mon 10/19/15 06:38 AM
An older woman may look for a younger guy for :

1. The belief, which may be wrong, that a younger guy can provide increased sexual satisfaction.

2. The Woman wants to dictate terms or control her partner.

3. A younger man may be part of her sexual fantasy! She may require a younger man to arouse her.

4. She can experiment more with a younger man.

5. A younger man will surely show more interest in exploring her.

6. Wants change or seeks variety in her sexual life

vineet7's photo
Mon 10/19/15 05:47 AM

If sex has 00000.0 % to do with love where did the term Lovemaking come from ? And I wonder howlong love could exsit if either person in a relationship constantly said I love you but no I dont wanna have sex .

Very-very true!

I am sure the person who started this topic is only talking about a man-woman relationship & has nothing to do with love for your father, mother, sis, bro, uncle, pet, friend etc.

Sex is an integral part of any man-woman love relationship. Usage of the term 'love-making' for sex itself proves that love & sex are inter-related. Sex / intimacy generally leads to increased bonding and is essential for a long lasting love relationship. Two people can fall in love but if they are not sexually compatible, love would vanish soon! How long will a husband keep loving his wife if she refuses to satisfy him sexually and vice-versa?

It is difficult to accept that sex & love are inter-related because one is a physical activity while the other is a kind of feeling. In general, people feel that when we relate sex to love, we are actually degrading love. But if the two were not related Why does a man want to fall in love only with a beautiful woman? Why do women need handsome men to fall in love with? Why does love have to start with physical attraction?

vineet7's photo
Tue 10/13/15 07:38 AM
Looking for some comments on the topic. Let me clarify the topic again :

It is not difficult to find a married man / woman in an extra-marital affair who states that he / she has entered this affair for the sake of emotional support only. He / She is not interested in Sex! Is he / she speaking the truth or is he / she lying?

I believe that he / she is lying. But i may be wrong. People who believe that he / she is not lying, please answer this simple question. Why can't this person look for a friend of the same sex ? Can't a man get emotional support from another man ? Can't a woman get emotional support from another woman?

vineet7's photo
Mon 10/12/15 03:58 AM
Edited by vineet7 on Mon 10/12/15 03:59 AM
[Quote from Mr. Prashant on this topic " Just leave thinking much about them...n they will not be anymore confusing for you ....same as must not be your sis or mom for you."]

Hi Prashant, you owe an apology to Ravi. What do you want to say by stating "same as must not be your sis or mom for you"? 90% of the people will not be able to understand what you want to convey. Different people will interpret your sentence in different ways. I can understand what you want to convey and it would have been ok if you had used the right sentence. While talking about mother's, sis or any other girl, please don't use ambigous statements!

vineet7's photo
Mon 10/12/15 03:17 AM
Nice to see that people from outside India have commented on the post.

First i would like to point out that arranged marriages have nothing to do with any religion. It is a custom. People of different religions share similar customs in India. We are proud to be a true secular country. Arranged marriage is just a way to introduce a prospective bride & groom. It has been decades since bride & groom had no say in their marriage. The bride & groom once introduced, may meet any number of times before giving a go-ahead to their marriage. Thus you can say that they can date each other before taking a final decision. I agree that you may still find few rural backward Indian families in interior villages where parents still control who their child gets married to, but that is not real India. The primary reason for the same is lack of education & exposure. In arranged marriages, the bride & the groom generally belong to the same religion, caste, dialect, traditions & customs, have similar clothing & fooding habits and have similar social & economic standing ie. both families lead their life in a similar fashion. This is the reason for arranged marriages proving to be more successful.

Dating cannot be compared to arranged marriages. Is every one looking for a date searching for a life partner? No is the answer. Why does mingle ask you to clarify in your profile if you are looking for some one for marriage, a relationship, dating or an intimate encounter? This is because dating is very different from marriage. People dating can surely fall for his/her date which ultimately leads to marriage.

The right discussion can happen with the following question: Which is better, arranged marriage or love marriage? Both have pros & cons. What one needs to be careful about is that marriage is not only about the bride & the groom. It is about the unification of two families. Thus similarities between the two families, be it arranged or love marriage, plays a very important role in the overall success of the marriage.

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