Community > Posts By > mikeegee

mikeegee's photo
Fri 04/25/14 02:55 AM
I understand what you mean. I think.

And you're not the only one. I've been suckered into conversations in the past who I've believed have been Person X, who then turn out to be Person Y, simply because they've slipped up and you question them, and they start back tracking.

Having been to University and done a degree in Computing and Networks, you quickly learn that you have no real way of knowing whats at the other end of the text.

You just have to be diligent, and trust your own opinions first.

mikeegee's photo
Sun 04/20/14 10:35 AM
You're maybe not understanding what I'm meaning.

Someone hopefully does.

mikeegee's photo
Sun 04/20/14 10:18 AM
That back and forth isn't a thing that's happened. Its a complete example.

What I'm getting at, is something has to trigger the conversation, and feedback from questions that you pose is something which continues the conversation. No feedback or reply = pushing against a ball up a hill.

The example, yes I said "Paramore" but its just an example of getting either A) no reply at all, meaning what the hell does she like?
B) a good response, or C) even if she despises the band, let the person asking know, suggest something else, and talk about that.

Like I say, its a frustration more than anything else. When you've tried to strike up a lot of conversations with people (male and female), and being a social awkward person anyway, its difficult to start that initial ball rolling. But once I've got that ball rolling, its much easier to become more friendly etc.

Just my humble opinion, nothing more.

mikeegee's photo
Sun 04/20/14 09:38 AM
In all honesty though, if the first message is filled with questions, can that not be overwhelming for you ladies?

I'm a very open minded guy, and can easily strike up conversations, but they always have to start with a simple Hello at the very least. Then followed up with some sort of topic of conversation which ebs and flows both ways.

What's happened to me in the past when I've struck up a conversation on other sites and chat rooms is this:

Me - Hey, hows things?
Them - Fine.
Me - Cool... so... what music do you like?
Them - Rock
Me - Yeah I like-type music myself. Currently been listening to Paramore. They are quite good.
Them - (no response)
Me - (wonder if I'll ever get some sort of reply...)
Me - What sort of films you like?
And so on, until I shrug and come to a conclusion to move on.

I do find it frustrating when you try to strike up some conversation, only to get one word answers. Or no real questions back.

mikeegee's photo
Sun 04/20/14 05:17 AM
Wooooo. Glad to know there are gamer girls (woman) out there. One day, perhaps one day, I'll find that someone to Co-Op with and kill all the bad guys! LOL!

I say Co-Op, because I know I'd get my *** handed to me PvP.

mikeegee's photo
Sun 04/20/14 04:57 AM
With the planet still finding new species of plants and animals here, I highly doubt, that Earth is the only planet ever to sustain life. They'll be there somewhere. Maybe Star Trek could turn itself into a documentary! =x

Personally, I'm hoping to meet an Asari! =P

mikeegee's photo
Sat 04/19/14 03:12 PM
Edited by mikeegee on Sat 04/19/14 03:13 PM

Have you ever walked into a room, forgot why you walked in, and said out loud to yourself "Why did I walk in here?"

mikeegee's photo
Sat 04/19/14 03:09 PM
All Bond films are great, but have to admit, since I grew up with the Brosnon films, Goldeneye, Tomorrow Never Dies and TWINE are my favs. Die Another Day was... OK. But Daniel Craig's Bond is quite good for its grittier atmosphere.

All the others all have their awesome lines, great scenes and fun stuff. Good ol' entertainment.

mikeegee's photo
Sat 04/19/14 03:04 PM
Red Dwarf.... plain and simple.

Although enjoy early Family Guy, Futurama, Simpsons and NCIS is cool

mikeegee's photo
Sat 04/19/14 02:56 PM
For me, still being alive is what's great about being my age. That maybe sounds bizarre, but trust me, from what I went through last year, yeah... I'm glad to still be kicking!

mikeegee's photo
Sat 04/19/14 02:46 PM
-puts his name into the decent man pile-

All I'd like is some friends first.

mikeegee's photo
Sat 04/19/14 02:31 PM
Don't worry, some men are out there who don't follow suit. I know I'm one. Sex, or fwbs or even 1 night stands are the LAST thing I want. 29 years old, and yet to find that special woman who I can cherish and love, providing there is a connection.

I hope that one day, you'll find that man. =)

mikeegee's photo
Sat 04/19/14 02:16 PM

I'll have to make sure to look behind the fridge, and maybe between the cushions of the sofa!


mikeegee's photo
Sat 04/19/14 12:15 PM
Greetings! If you've clicked upon this topic, I first off say Hello to you! You doing good? Having fun? Enjoying your day?

Haha. Yeah, random introductions!! Woo!

So found this site, added a profile and... well... why not huh? See what happens. 2013 was a very up and down year for me. With more lows than highs, and I've slowly started to climb through 2014. Hopefully, I can continue that trend, and not have a 2013 year for a long time. Have a look at my profile if you wish, but here's a little more about me.

Soon to be 29, been single now for 10 years! O_o I know, I know. Shocking! But hey, if ever I get to have a proper conversation with you (if you're interested in knowing that is) I'll be able to explain why. And also the why of it taking so long to bounce back.

So the jist of my life is Work, Eat, Sleep and play Xbox, and I'm wanting the playing Xbox part to reduce. Maybe you'll be able to help out! (stares at you... yes you! reading this very line........ hope I've not freaked you out - actually hoping I made ya laugh a little - I'm guessing the majority is cringing or face palming, but you know what, this is me in a nut shell.... yeah, I can read your mind, I'm bonkers!)

I work as an engineer at a local firm. I enjoy all types of food, with the exception of Cauliflower. =P I enjoy motorsport of any kind, the main being Formula One. I'm not a football person at all. The only time I'll even gain some interest is the world cup, but that's just because everyone talks about it. Favourite genre is probably Sci-Fi stuff. But really, I enjoy lots of differing genres when it comes to movies, TV and books. For music, I have a wide range in tastes. My MP3 collection bursts with great, good and shocking music, all intertwined like spaghetti. Put the music on random, and brace yourself for auditory sensory overload!

Well, there is an introduction if ever you've read one. You either clicked off straight away at the novel awaiting you, or you got to the end. In which case. Thanks. =)

Maybe see you on the other side.