Community > Posts By > Ronir2000

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Sat 12/20/08 10:39 AM
things & problems are classified under 4 titles:
1- urgent and important: e.g. deadline driven project,crises,....such problems need immediate attention.
2- Important but not urgent: if u ask yrself what r things that in case I do them I will be improving myself at work or any other aspect!!??
may be the answer is that I should build a good relation with my parents, prepare for masters, learn new language, learn new skills.
such things are not urgent but important, so they need u to be proactive!!!
3-Urgent things that r not important:
like popular activities, interruptions....
4- not urgent and not important things:such as the telephone callsduring the day while we r in work time that consume a big part of the time...

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Fri 12/19/08 09:02 AM
It so funny to post then reply my posts!!!:banana: frustrated
I need the support of all people that feel concerned wherever they are & whatever their nationality is
thank u all

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Fri 12/19/08 08:49 AM
anothrr one overthere!! meen yzawid??!!

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Fri 12/19/08 08:33 AM
Iam interested in youlove

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Fri 12/19/08 08:31 AM
dont cry plz!!! u r handsome guy.

Signature: Mr wise:wink:

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Fri 12/19/08 08:28 AM
we r both 25 & single I hope coming days r carryingwhat we expect them to give us

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Fri 12/19/08 08:25 AM

19 years old here!!!! cum and get me!

OK Iam coming!!!!love

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Fri 12/19/08 08:21 AM
so being evil is good??!

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Fri 12/19/08 08:17 AM


Thats all??!! tell us more plz!!!:smile:

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Fri 12/19/08 08:02 AM
u welcome thank u!!! I am optimistic despite of being alone for more than 2 years after my boyfriend left me & traveled,since then Iam dating no one!! Iam 25 years old now I'm worried but I do care about the quality of people I make relationship with!
I hope to hear from u soon

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Thu 12/18/08 10:41 AM
Where r u Lebanese Guys!!!!!??????

I am calling all the Lebanese guys to leave their comments I like to read & listen to yr opinions in all topics!! Come on !!!:banana: go ahead go go go laugh

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Thu 12/18/08 10:38 AM
Iam under 30 too!! I am looking for an understanding boyfriend!! I live in lebanon but with respect to me the suitable person could be from inside or outside lebanon!! I need a permenant serious relatioship so I think it deserves to travel or transfer or at least decide & plan to be in the place where the one I c fits lives!!!!!

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Thu 12/18/08 10:26 AM
Hello everybody!! Iam RONI from Lebanon!! I recently signed up to this site!! I liked it so much!! & Iam optimistic that Iam going to find great people to talk to and maybe I will find the one person I am looking for long time ago! that person I made him a picture in my mind!! the personality is more important than the external shape!! :smile: :smile:

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Thu 12/18/08 10:16 AM
for all lebanese guys!! Iam telling u that we have the right to express our feelings, and make a network through which we can communicate I wanna let all gays overhere in lebanon gather in this site and discuss the problems that r common!!!! I do need your support!! I need to feel of well being!! shame on all those that attack us!! I dont know any gays in my region & this is cuz no body could declare or let others know to avoid the risk that somebody could hurt him!!!! we deserve to live freely like them as long as we respect the sosciety & ourselves