Community > Posts By > KozeeLady

KozeeLady's photo
Tue 01/20/09 11:33 PM

bigsmile Thank you for sharingflowerforyou

Thank you, it took a long time to get to where I'm at on the subject. I was a fanatic at one time, totally and without any doubt in my mind. But because I was a fanatic, later on, I was able to figure out some of the components to a fanatic and understand it in others, no matter what they were fanatic about.

Its an eye opener, that's for sure smile2 .


KozeeLady's photo
Tue 01/20/09 02:13 AM


The Church of Scientology upholds the notion that individuals can discover for themselves whether Scientology works through personal observation and experience rather than blind faith.[citation needed] The Church promotes a type of counseling called "auditing" as a means of spiritual rehabilitation.[3] Scientology runs several promotion campaigns through closely related organizations[10][22] in the form of a set of moral standards, an anti-drug program, an education methodology, a volunteer organization and a business management method.

Do you believe in this crap?

Well, I guess I certainly came in late on this one. So many responses.

I'm no longer in the Church - I left it in 1984 and I had started in 1971. I didn't do the whole "shabang", but I did read and download a lot of stuff when it was first being put out on the net. I have all Grades and the OT levels in writing, but haven't actually "run" them on myself.

It took me years to be able to differentiate between what actually will work and what is just hype and propoganda to get you sucked in. It took me years to also be able to speak in every day terms again. I have to say that I'm "still" getting rid of certain beliefs that I no longer need apply, but its a lot easier to do that now.

I've learned to simply take what works and leave the rest. I still like to experiment and have a good time with some of the theories, etc. Some of the exercises or drills from the older books are fun to do. The newer books have changed some of the methods, very slightly, but enough to where its not as effective in my opinion.

If you have no idea or have never recalled anything from a past life then anything else that has to do with something from before a person was born, isn't going to make any sense. Its a moot point.

What I found is that if a person has a release and whatever it is that was bothering them, no longer bothers them, then whatever it is, whether it be from another life or not, worked and that's good enough for me. I don't care if a person can remember their past or not. I care whether they handle or fully release the upset or "charge" of whatever is bothering them.

I personally would never go back into the Church as I totally disagree with how its being run. However, that doesn't mean I'd throw out the baby with the bathwater. What works, simply works.

I do other things besides Scn and I combine certain things with some basics from Scn, which would be unheard of in the Church, but I enjoy doing it and many a time what I do does help a person change their views, which then helps them in their life.

I've heard so many stories from people who have known LRH and others who haven't and I still hear stories, ad nauseum. I'm on a list currently that has people who used to be on the boat with him and knew him during the 60's. I knew people who knew him from the 50's. There is such a diverse amount of stuff about the guy, its amazing.

I don't defend him, but at the same time I can't say as I totally hate the dude as I never met him. What is lacking, so far, from what I've seen here on this particular thread is the pro's. I've seen more opinions not based on personal experience. Yet, I can actually tell you that I've seen some pretty astonishing changes in people after applying something as simple as Dianetics, during the days that I did nothing but that.

To be able to differentiate between how the Church is "run" administratively and what is written in many different books of processes and theories, are two totally different things, yet they are constantly confused with each other. LRH makes a promise that you can go Clear on Dianetics and you'll get these super-human abilities - blah blah blah. Well, that's just PR, hype, sales, etc. The real thing is actually doing it and finding out that, hey - things are actually going better and my headaches are completely gone, etc. and on and on. You may never go Clear with Dian. but your life might go better. Never mind what the sales says, find out yourself. The nice thing is that you don't need to go to a Church to find out. There are plenty of people who have left the Church that are willing to help along those lines.

As far as the history of how Scn got started, etc., that's probably something that would create a whole book and there are several of them out there. It didn't need to be a religion, but apparently, LRH found out how religions work and figured it was the way to make money and stay out of trouble - how wrong he was as far as staying out of trouble.

So, there's a lot of stuff in Scn that isn't applicable to every day life and there's a lot of stuff that is. It all depends on what is being addressed.

Well, there's my few cents worth on the subject.


KozeeLady's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:29 PM
Hi and thanks! Kozee

KozeeLady's photo
Fri 12/19/08 11:28 PM
Hi Franshade

How do you change the picture?

KozeeLady's photo
Fri 12/19/08 09:18 AM
I'm new, but I like to talk about things like this.
Time is a measurement of duration. How short/long something endures or travels through a position or space.
If one believes that time is an illusion, then they must also believe that "space" is an illusion as well.
I don't like the word illusion, as it seems to mean then, its all one's imagination and no one else sees it.
I like the word "reality" as it then makes it something we all perceive, feel, see, etc.
Its odd to me that someone thinks of time as an illusion and then wakes up at 7:00 a.m. 5 days a week to be somewhere.
Every step a person takes, is time, maybe takes 2 seconds per step (I dunno).
When you are outside of time, you are outside the physical universe, most likely for just a moment or without a body and/or energy of any kind.


KozeeLady's photo
Fri 12/19/08 09:09 AM
THANKS! I love your icon (Mount & Do Me) - that's great. laugh

KozeeLady's photo
Fri 12/19/08 08:58 AM

My first time trying this whole site and this forum as well. I'm in the middle of looking at other topics as well. Maybe I'll even make some friends!


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