Help Needed
Thanks everyone. He has confronted his dad, and his dad won't even acknowledge he is in the same room with him. It is sad, because the sins of the father are now thrown on the son, so to speak. He is so desperate for his father's love and acceptance. I will pass along all your prayers and suggestions. Again thank you and God Bless.
Help Needed
I am not sure if his father thinks of himself as a failure for not protecting his son, according to my friend, he always had that macho attitude, "suck it up be a man". But your advice is wonderfully refreshing and I will pass it on. Thank you. I have told him that we are not responsible for what our fathers do, they have to answer for their own sins and that we do not need to carry them too, which helped him a great deal.
Help Needed
heatherrae, I do not hold his orientation against him, I would be the last to judge him. I just know that it is not my lifestyle. He knows I love him as a person and I am like a Mother to him, he welcomes the Christian counseling and believes in Our Father. My own son had issues with his dad, not like these but he came to overcome them with faith, and I was hoping there were some Bible passages or some words of comfort that I could give him to help him to start to heal
Help Needed
The father did not molest him, but a family relative did. But the father now vies him as a freak and will not show him any compassion or fatherly love.
Help Needed
Hi, everyone, I have a friend that is gay and as they say I love the sinner, but hate the sin. Anyway, the propblem is I need help in couseling him about his father, in a Christian way. When he was a small child he was molested and when he told, his family told him to not talk about it, and basically swept it unde the rug, so to speak. Since then the problems with his father arise. His dad, will not accept him and or show any love towards him. My friend now searches out men who are much older for a dad figure, but is unhappy. Is there anything I can tell him to ease his heartache and help him to move on?
relationship advice
It is hard to trust people, especially when you have been lied to. I guess it is shame on them not on you.
Was true, but now outdated. The above link is a good place to check the internet rumors out. |
PKH, all I can give you are photos, my old dance instructor has most of the videos, e-mail me, and I'll send you some
Damn...unsure....You are good. I cannot tell you how many times I have viewed that site and even have it under my favorites, and I never noticed the classifieds. Still nothing that matches my citeria in my area, but another good place for me to post my ad. and maybe................Someday my dance partner will come!
Thanks! |
You guys don't understand, I am an accoplished ballroom dancer, I go to classes and dances all over my area, have taken out ads on Craigslist,, etc. The number of men out there are quite low that are willing to have a regular partner that they can compete with in competetions, however, even with this said, there is the good old fashioned word of mouth, because not everyone reads ads, etc. That is why I was asking. I hope this clarifies my question. Sorry for all the misunderstanding.
You obviously do not ballroom dance. Thanks anyway
Are there any ballroom dancers out there? I have been looking for a permanent ballroom dance partner, can't seem to find one, any suggestions?
Nickinolosers, I did get your e-mail. I know, just like letting go of your real children and letting them spread their wings and fly it is hard to let him go, I am so motherly towards him. I would like to keep him close to me 24/7 just like my own biological children, but I know in my heart that is not possible.
I am glad to see that there are people like me out there that accepts the gay community. This friend of mine, is 38 years younger than myself and filled a void when my own son got married and moved away, since that time, we have become very close and I guess I am not ready to let him go. It's like having a son, a best friend rolled into one. I would like to have him near me all the time, but realize that he has a life to live too. It all comes down to me dealing with the situation.
My gay friend, is so ADHD and girlie, sometimes,I wonder where he is and where he is going in his head.
correction,the who of him
I do love the whole of him. I, in no way love this boy/man sexually. I am more of a mom, but if circumstances were slightly different feelings would be different.
Nickinolosers, i have sent you an e-mail. thanks
Thanks LA Mom, seems like you at least have some insight and compassion here. I have some deep feelings for this guy and if we were both straight, we'd be "in Love" with each other. I just have a tough time, knowing how to deal with my feeling sometimes, we are such good friends and have a really deep bond, but neither of use even thinks about crossing the line, so to speak. I guess I am just trying to find a way to keep everything incheck.
I'll have you know that my gay friend calls me his fag hag all the time, and I am just trying to find out some things that will help me understand him better, as our relationship it deeper than you might think. So bite me!