As a 50 something curious to know what the fellows out there consider to be deal breakers? In my conversations with some men deceptiveness has definitely been an issue and always a deal breaker. For me smoking is another dealbreaker, not merely a personal choice but health related as I am hyper sensitive to that (not to mention I cannot breathe as well). I think that I am generally accepting of most things however I also draw the line with someone who requests money (haha, obviously) ![]() ![]() Deception, lies of omission, being married (separated is still married...) ... and if the first question is: "How much money do you make." |
Profile Opinions?
It would help if you smile in your profile picture. It looks like you are a family man so that is a bonus for many. Thank you for the rate. I'll work on the smiles and see if I can find better pictures of myself. I don't keep a lot of myself (actually don't take many pictures of myself in general). |
Profile Opinions?
Thank you for the rate. I think the smiling issue is too many years in the military. I do smile, but I'm not a picture guy, so finding "good ones" can be challenging.
-Rob |
Why do so many people...
It's understandable that newbies don't feel comfortable with all the fakes and scammers... What I found useful was the help from many of the existing members (you may notice it especially in the New Members Welcome Area) they can spot the fakes and scammers and more experienced member's responses usually inform other members of a fake / scammer... I found it very useful in weeding out the time wasters... Welcome to Mingle and good luck too.... I am definitely new here. It hasn't really felt all that welcoming. Lots and lots of fake accounts / bots. Nothing like logging on to see a dozen fake accounts that "match"... all being 20-somethings from Florida and Cali with zero info on the profiles. |
Profile Opinions?
Just trying to be me. But wanted to see what other people think.
Thanks! |