Community > Posts By > Crys876

Crys876's photo
Fri 03/21/14 07:54 PM
Been there done that but my heart's been hardened now happy

Crys876's photo
Fri 03/21/14 07:49 PM

.. well I read a quote from an artist. singer-songwriter.. who tattooed his head. the reason being.. his dad wanted him to be normal.. so he thought if he tattooed his head. there would be no chance of him ever being normal.. are holding down a normal job.. which in turn forced him to to become the famous person he is today.... the harder you try to force someone to fit in.. the more they're going to fight you... try to help him pick out something.. that might be acceptable... stand behind your son instead of in front of him... if you get my meaning..

too often parents really try to lead their kids instead of support them. they cooperate better with support than authority (most times)

Crys876's photo
Fri 03/21/14 06:51 PM
Of course. But subtly

Crys876's photo
Fri 03/21/14 06:36 PM
i would. a disability doesnt make one a lesser person.

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:52 PM

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:37 PM

"follow those dreams
and kiss the ending goodbye"

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 08:13 PM
I like drinker

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 07:56 PM
funny because when i search i find people in the same area i am even tho im not looking for anyone here

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 07:41 PM
These schools have lost the true sense of the schooling system and are now bordering on stupidity. Do these people's brain even function?

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 07:22 PM

Love this one here

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 07:16 PM
Welcome. Mingle, you may find him in here somewhere

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 07:12 PM
good convos and great laughs.
Welcome and HI

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 07:08 PM

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 07:02 PM
no fav book
current book - sins of a mother by danille steel

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 06:59 PM

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 06:34 PM
she didnt end it because of the distance she did that for other personal reasons.
women want working, educated men and still make the stupidest choices when they find them. sigh

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 06:29 PM
she probably pining over you too. revenge is sweet, find a younger girl for real

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 06:23 PM

.. I know. it is right.
when I create that bubble around her and I.. and I know she's in it.. no one else just her and me.. we could be in a crowded restaurant on a public street.. I put my arms around her kiss her passionately.. if I can feel she's in that bubble then I know... the way her fingers lock into my fingers.. the way she leans into me.. she locks her arm into my .arm for support.
. she likes me supporting her.. she knows I like supporting her.. she appreciates me opening the door for her.. she lets me know... this is how I know..

is there air in that bubble... cause if not, that holding your arm for support is actually her passing outsad2

I'm sorry...I'm sorry... I'm sorry this is your sweet moment!!

laugh laugh laugh

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 06:11 PM
count my losses.

Crys876's photo
Thu 03/20/14 06:03 PM
i guess your right

i guess they are twins then, have to come together lol