Community > Posts By > rideAharley
1. It is not a sin. Prophets of god picked up women at the city gates when traveling. If it was such a sin, god would not have chosen them to be Prophet. It is also written in the bible that women must submit to their MAN, usually defined by American clergy as "Wife" but biblically the term Wife has multiple definitions.
2. Our Christian faith is based on puritism, given to us by the puritans. We were taught the pilgrims came to the "new world" for religious freedom. The actual truth was they were religious zealots who were put on a leaky ship and thrown out of England because they wanted to force their wacky religion on the regular church people of England, which already had religious freedom. These are the same people who burned women and drowned them because they believed they were witches... 3. Too many "Christians" want to judge others, when the bible clearly states... judge not, least thou be judged. So the same standards they force on others, might be the same standard they will be judged by. Many will think they are OK with that, till they really start to think about it. If you are OK with your faith and belief in god, and your intentions are honest and truthful, then it is ok for you to proceed. You don't have to love the woman... only respect her. You don't have to feel bad about having sex, because that is exactly what god intended... Any person or woman who believes otherwise is judgmental and should be treated as she treats others. Me... I can do without them. Don't judge me, unless you've walked my path and been through my journey. Am I perfect... no.. god never intended us to be perfect. We are all given tasks in life based on our fortitude. Sometimes we are given choices that are bad, and worse just so we can decide by ourselves how can we make ourselves better. I am a better person today than I was yesterday, and I hope to be a better person tomorrow then I am today. That is called growing in Christianity. I always tell a woman who is a prospect. The last perfect man hung on a cross over 2000 years ago. So expect imperfection and we will be perfect for each other. |
I want a woman to be a life partner... I now do all my own cleaning.. dishes... cooking.. clothing repair.. all of it!
A woman can help with those things when I am fixing the plumbing, installing an additional electrical plug for her, or fixing her car or motorcycle.. its a partnership... You take her with you when she would like to go to the hardware store.. she is welcome to join you when you meet the guys at the local pub to watch a football game... She will help you pack your saddle bags for the motorcycle trip you take together to ... where you like to go.. then where she likes to go.. If you don't share your life experiences with her, and have her share hers with you... then your missing what a true relationship is all about.. Love her, and respect her.. show her you care every day with her. Make sure you have her respect by earning it... never sell your integrity because it's like virginity.. once it's gone.. it's gone forever... If you treat her right... like a queen.. she will treat you like a king... That is all I want.. I want it all.. Yes.. I will provide her with a home... I will provide her with a car, and whatever she wants because a man builds a house, and a woman makes it a home... I am not intimidated by frilly curtains, pink pastel paint in the bathroom, or fuzzy slippers... I know my manhood can survive this and much more... I want a woman I can love, who I can trust, and who will love, respect and trust me.. is that too much to ask? |