this is a great thread! my eyes are blurry from reading all the pages in a row, and my side hurts from laughing so much.keep goin man!
What is MIND?
People are always referring to THE MIND as if it were one thing or one concept. But others insist that "a mind" is just a brain and everyone has a separate mind which arises from the brain. If a mind is "just a brain," then what do they mean when they talk about "THE MIND?"we make a tremendous distinction between matter and mind, we think that mind is entirely different than matter actually they are one nature.half of which is continually working on the other.matter is pressing on the mind in the form of various sensations.these sensations are nothing but force.the force from the outside evokes the force within.from the will to respond to or get away from the outer force, the inner force becomes what we call thought. both matter and mind are really nothing but forces.matter is changed into mind and mind into matter, thought force becomes nerve force, nerve force becomes muscle force. the difference between the subtlest mind and the grossest matter is only a matter of degree. I like to think of the mind as the interface between spirit and world,even though the two are actually one and the same it is a good annology when looking through the illusion of maya. |
a very interesting about this? the sub conscience mind is like an audio and video recorder it is on unless you are knocked out. everything that happens,even at the limits of your senses is recorded.even if you don't consciously remember or notice the old days it was called jungle sense.after being in the jungle for a long time, One would become subliminaly aware of all the sounds and smells of the environment, such as the calls of the birds and monkeys,who both make distinctive sounds when the tiger is near. your subconscience knows these calls and you,instictivly know where the tiger is.This happens in the modern world also.when your subconscience recognizes a pattern ofmovement,sound or behavior that leads it to believe something will happen,you instinctivly know. Otfen we ignore these heads up calls from our sc and do as we have been trained all our life, and use reasoning and facts only from our consciouse minds,but again and again we instinctivly know things,or recognize keeps happening instictivly because it is a natural tool that we all posses to a lesser or greater degree.I think overcoming the years of training it took to get us to ignore it is something we should all aspire to.
INTUITION: You're interest in understanding intuition is really fascinating to me. You are definitely a creative thinker. Hey! But you know what? In life there are sheep, Sheppard’s, Sheppard dogs, and creative thinkers. You're the latter and I'm latter also. I'd like to take you on a journey of thoughts in regard to your thoughts about intuition. There are many different kinds of intuition. One person may have the type of intuition in which they physiologically feel a change in their metabolism when some event or thing is about to happen. I the intuition about people and their character, honesty and integrity. I can do it some online but I have a 90 percent correct ability. I can speak with a person for one minute or less and 10 years later instantly recognize them if I see them again. And there is the intuition of what you're speaking of, the damm I should have done it intuition LOL. We are all animals in our origin just like all the other animals. We just call ourselves "The Human Animal". Cave drawings in France and other areas of the world should support what I am saying here. At that time humans had a real since of smell, like dogs have a keener and more acute sense of hearing, like cats have, and a thing called instinct. These and other senses were more developed and functional during that time period. Most of us now have either lost completely, these abilities and functionalities or they are so underutilized they lay dormant and exist only as an undeveloped potential sense. Most of us have no real acute sense of smell, for example. Cognitively speaking our brains are merely recorders and reflectors of what was recorded. However we have the ability to compile and fabricate previous thought information into something unique and that applies to some new problem or event. I don't believe we are born with any pre-packaged data about the world outside the womb before we enter our current environment. I think other than that knowledge necessary for homeostasis and physiological functioning, we are born blank. There are many things that can affect brain development during our development. If a woman, drinks, smokes, and what she has consumed, influences brain development. I feel this is why some individuals are better learners than others, and why some individuals process information better and faster than others. Other factors that influence our cognitive development are the people we interacted with during our development, our physical environment, our cultural influences and upbringing, our desires, needs, ECT. What do you think an individual raised in Florida would know about snow plowing? For example. All of this has some fractional influence on intuition. How the rest of it works in each individual is different and based on the compilation of neurotransmitter chemical messages and how quickly, and precisely they are fabricated specifically for the particular stimulus that elicited those fabrications or response. Intuition is a sense we posses. We either understand that we have this sense or don't realize we have this sense. If we do realize it most of us don't develop it, and if we do develop it, it is generally of one type weakly, and none of the other types I mentioned previously. Here might be a good example of a partially used human sense. If you press on your arm with your finger, you feel both the sense of touch, pressure and if you press hard enough, the sense of pain. Even slightly touching one hair we generally sense. In regard to pressure, if someone were to walk up behind you closely, given you didn’t hear them could you feel the pressure change they make? You can feel that change if you develop that specific sense and probably at some distance too. I think people with intuition are more focused on and acute to their environmental surroundings that individual that hasn’t developed it. I agree we all have it. I also believe the more we work with it the better developed and acute it will become. The blind have great intuition generally. |
Genetic/Cellular Memory
hello all.This made me think of a documentary I watched that addressed this subject.Rabbits that had been raised for many generations in captivity were exposed to different shaped pieces of backlit cardboard with no reaction untill one with the shape of a hawk.the hawk shape made them cower or try to get under something.This seems to clearly indicate information passing geneticly,since these animals never had the chance to learn of hawks by experience.
Do you get involved quickly with these women or do you wait and develop a frienship or get to know them better before being committed? |
pleased to virtually meet you,are you staying cool?
hi chosen I'm lenny. I just came back to the site after about a 5 month absence,glad to see you
hi there. black canyon city checking in here.