Community > Posts By > FordWoman

FordWoman's photo
Tue 11/25/08 07:26 AM
im here to help

FordWoman's photo
Mon 11/24/08 10:51 AM

when you are asked if your boobs are real...

Does it matter if it's a man asking or a woman asking...

I don't have that problem. I am a memeber of the itty bitty tittie committee.

FordWoman's photo
Sat 11/22/08 04:32 AM

My tombstone will say....

"I had them bury me upsidedown in the grass....
so all the world could kiss my _ss"


FordWoman's photo
Sat 11/22/08 04:27 AM

ok i'll ask in this thread,what can you mix with mountain dew,as in what alcohol can you mix with it?

nevermind i was told vodka,anything else though?
Jim Beam.

Jim Beam? WTF?! You mix pepsi with Jim Beam, Coke with Jack Daniels (if you even need to, i don't), and everclear with sprite and mountain dew.

FordWoman's photo
Sat 11/22/08 04:22 AM
mix mountain dew (the soda) with everclear...its really good and you will never taste the alcohol. it will knock you on your butt!

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:08 AM
single *sigh*

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 10:00 AM

AMEN! Hallelujiah and YEEEEEEEEEEEE-HA! Allen hit it right on the head!

Walmart decimated the local craft and fabric stores, and then started downsizing their own craft department! I have no choice but to order online or shop in Olympia, something like 60 miles away. And I craft for a living.

I hate the place. Anyone with any doubt, watch the film "Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price"

its the same way with cds. if they don't sell it at walmart, you pretty much have to buy it online here. we dont't have anywhere else.

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:55 AM
She sounds like she likes drama... if i were I would leave her alone... you don't need that crap!

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:48 AM

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:41 AM
did you like that coffee

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:33 AM
i would rather have penn station

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:27 AM

that's not as bad as having 2 McDonald's on the same block.

RIGHT down the friggin' street from each other!

or two drugstores right next to eachother!?

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:26 AM

Wichita has 6 Walmarts that I know of with plans to make another....

That's like Subway sandwich shops here. I swear to God, there are at least 15 of them in this town. Everywhere you look, there's another damn Subway store. It's disgusting.

around here there is a subway in every walmart! They are EVERYWHERE!!!!

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:20 AM

whats up with that? it seems like a lot of bands are only selling at walMart now days?

It all has to do with marketing. WalMart gets a percentage, the band gets a percentage, tons of's a win-win for everybody.

yeah but not really cause walmart is pretty much taking over the world! in a city close to me there is two walmarts! its a small city!! wtf

How do you think they're able to afford taking over the world? bigsmile

yeah but it just makes me mad cause they kill the small hometown stores. Just like the song Alan Jackson sang a few years ago called the "little man"

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:15 AM

whats up with that? it seems like a lot of bands are only selling at walMart now days?

It all has to do with marketing. WalMart gets a percentage, the band gets a percentage, tons of's a win-win for everybody.

yeah but not really cause walmart is pretty much taking over the world! in a city close to me there is two walmarts! its a small city!! wtf

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:10 AM

Yeah, "Black Ice". Their first new studio album to come out in 8 years, sold exclusively at WalMart.

$11.88, or something like that.


They were THAT desperate that they went with Walmart?

whats up with that? it seems like a lot of bands are only selling at walMart now days?

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:08 AM
the new cd is great. i own it and love it

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:06 AM

Didn't AC/DC come out with a new album recently?

yes sweetie

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:05 AM

yeah we're showing him how it the way def leopard is starting a tour and ratt has and poison,whats up with the 80's glamour bands coming back,is it because of guitar hero?

its either cause of guitar hero or cause they are running out of money...have you heard the new ac/dc cd? its great
yep it is i remember partying to ac/dc back in black album and also for those about to rock,man those were the timesdrinker drinker drinker

I don't think they could ever come up with any song better than "Thunderstruck"

FordWoman's photo
Fri 11/21/08 09:01 AM

yeah we're showing him how it the way def leopard is starting a tour and ratt has and poison,whats up with the 80's glamour bands coming back,is it because of guitar hero?

its either cause of guitar hero or cause they are running out of money...have you heard the new ac/dc cd? its great

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