Community > Posts By > Skad

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:56 PM
Heya Deb)

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:55 PM

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:48 PM
Edited by Skad on Sat 01/31/09 07:49 PM

Good grief.. They had a lot of nice things to say about Hitler in the beginning, too. Took about 10 yrs. of the US watching from a distance as hundreds of thousands died before we finally stepped in, and I think we made a difference. How long should we have waited on Saddam (he needed a little longer, b/c of resources in that land compared to Germans, but I'm sure the anti-war movement would have freely given it)...We're supposed to learn from mistakes in history, not repeat them.

We were to busy supporting Saddam to notice what a bad guy he was. Exactly what did America do when he gassed the Kurds with the gas we sold him? We increased our aid to him. That is a fact. Then when we needed to make him into a bogey man we pulled it out of the pages of history as if it happened yesterday.

There's nothing plausible to that tho. Why would we have needed to make him into a boogey man? What did we gain from that, other than the satisfaction of at least helping those people get on with a normal life? Mistakes should be called out, no doubt, and you're right in that, but to say that Saddam shouldn't have been taken out of power when looking at the entire picture has no merit. And we had no other motive than to make the world a better place. If there is one, I would love to see it.
We supported and aided Saddam because of Iran plain and simple. We could not let Iran control the Persian Gulf and The Straights of Hormuz. They would have control of the worlds oil supply then. Iraq would have become a stepping stone into Saudi Arabia! WE WERE PROTECTING THE SAUDIAS!!!!!!

Funny when Saddam was serving his purpose we could have cared less about what he was doing..What did we accomplished by going back into Iraq. They had no military left. Hell we walked right into Baghdad! So tell me how we can leave!!! WE CREATED THE SAME THING WE WERE TOLD TO FEAR FOR 20 years. A unstable Iraq!! We cant pull out. Iraq could only fight Iran to a stand off when they were fully armed and had our support. Do you think they could now defend themselves without us? Could the control their own country without us? WE DIDNT WIN ANYTHING!!!!!!

PS...I was in the Persian Gulf for 6 years. 79-85..I saw first hand the support we gave Saddam and had a pretty good view of the Iran-Iraq war!!!

So, you're saying that he shouldn't have been getting the aid all those years. Can't say that I disagree with you)

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:43 PM

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:13 PM

It's a good thing John went to

Hey.. Good dental hygiene can never be a bad thing.. lol)

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:10 PM
Has been named the official stud for population in the New England states..

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:09 PM
Thx, lol. I really do know them) n...o...p...q...what

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:07 PM

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:06 PM

Haha.. Ok, play that way, lol. What are you up to?
playing games an texting him lol

rofl Fair enough)
and to get ya mind out of gutter were just good friends an nothing more lol

like this gutter?

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:02 PM

hi bigjohn lisa skad eric

hrt4lse welcome to the game hope you read rules on page one of the thread also to get your matches if your not around please add me cause i email them off too you and feral catlady makes them but stay have fun any questions feel free to email me. i'm a helper in the game.. Kerry

Heya Shadow) flowerforyou Where's your better half?
what better half? lol u know something i don't? lol

Haha.. Ok, play that way, lol. What are you up to?
playing games an texting him lol

rofl Fair enough)

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 07:00 PM

hi bigjohn lisa skad eric

hrt4lse welcome to the game hope you read rules on page one of the thread also to get your matches if your not around please add me cause i email them off too you and feral catlady makes them but stay have fun any questions feel free to email me. i'm a helper in the game.. Kerry

Heya Shadow) flowerforyou Where's your better half?
what better half? lol u know something i don't? lol

Haha.. Ok, play that way, lol. What are you up to?

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:57 PM
Is really contemplating paying for that room, but likes his car, too.

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:55 PM

hi bigjohn lisa skad eric

hrt4lse welcome to the game hope you read rules on page one of the thread also to get your matches if your not around please add me cause i email them off too you and feral catlady makes them but stay have fun any questions feel free to email me. i'm a helper in the game.. Kerry

Heya Shadow) flowerforyou Where's your better half?

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:54 PM

Heya Pete! drinker smooched

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:51 PM

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:46 PM
Edited by Skad on Sat 01/31/09 06:47 PM
dang it.. Is very lovely, but highly susceptible to bad men.. :D

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:45 PM

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:44 PM

I agree both Bush's decimated middle class america, Clinton didnt. we had a good economy.

We had an inflated tech stock economy.. ;p

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:43 PM
Edited by Skad on Sat 01/31/09 06:43 PM
Looked into the cost for a real room, but had to settle for chat forums. winking :angel:

Skad's photo
Sat 01/31/09 06:41 PM

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