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Sun 02/01/09 01:56 PM
I agree with you. I have spoken out against the bailouts and stimulus from the beginning. We are heading into a depression and not far from it. Now with all this paper floating, the devalued dollar its not going to be pretty!!! If you look at the unemployment numbers we are not far of. Florida is at %10 but if you factor it the way they did in the Great Depression we would be at %16-%18!!!!!! So we will go into a depression with a worthless dollar and inflated prices on goods..JMO You are a great American) ![]() Lol.. it'd be nice to be wrong, but more important to be realistic. I know how to make it through, tho, and that's important. How to work the field, raise chickens, do my own plumbing and minor work on vehicles, lol..etc. I can pinch a pretty penny with the greatest of ease. |
I agree with you. I have spoken out against the bailouts and stimulus from the beginning. We are heading into a depression and not far from it. Now with all this paper floating, the devalued dollar its not going to be pretty!!! If you look at the unemployment numbers we are not far of. Florida is at %10 but if you factor it the way they did in the Great Depression we would be at %16-%18!!!!!! So we will go into a depression with a worthless dollar and inflated prices on goods..JMO You are a great American) ![]() |
Matchmaking Game - part 169
Asi asi, Skad, gracias! E tu? Si, es un buen dia aqui))) Estoy trabajando en el aire libra hoy. Es muy simpatico! |
Matchmaking Game - part 169
Ahh.. Buenos dias Direct) Es un buen dia alli? :D
Matchmaking Game - part 169
Hey Charles! :D
Republicans say NO !!
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Sun 02/01/09 01:37 PM
I have something to say about these Republicans, who say "NO". Where have they been when Bush was in power? How come they approve multi-billion stimulus? Bush even said "fucck the free markets". This showed me how financially conservative these suckers really are. Now that they are out of power, they play financial conservatives? That money actually went to Americans, not programs that could build up the size of the government--except in the case of defense. And Bush's expenditures during ALL 8 YEARS (approx. 79 Billion each year of his presidency = 632 Billion total) didn't add up to this ONE BILL in Obama's FIRST MONTH of running the White House. I could say that I am equally appalled that the Democrats who were sooo blown away at the spending by Bush can't do the math and keep their own party in check. Compared to Obama, Bush was a saint at spending. Again: Bush (8 yrs.) = 632 Billion in spending measures/but charts show over 8 yrs. total government spending increased by about $2 Trillion...probably a lot of it due merely to inflation each year. Obama (1 month) = 800 + Billion in one spending measure...that's almost $1 Trillion in one month alone |
Matchmaking Game - part 169
I once went to summer camp in Arkansas and they told us that there were people in the area who had never left the county. Do some people have no compulsion to explore? I've never been out of the country, but I don't think that counts. Lived in Bradenton, FL; Amherst, MA; and Fayetteville, AR other than here. Spent a summer in New Orleans once.. but I've never been west of TX. I don't know of anyone personally who hasn't at least traveled out of state, but you're probably right if there are people like that, no compulsion whatsoever) |
Matchmaking Game - part 169
South Carolina...anyone ever live there??? ![]() Been through South Carolina a few times. It's beautiful! Myrtle Beach is there...big tourist area. You'll have to start practicing "Ya'll" and "fixing to" and "fer" instead of "for"..they speak the same lingo as we do) |
Matchmaking Game - part 169
Do you live in Mayberry? Rofl.. I love it! Close) I thought I was a small town person living in Iowa. I went to school in Chicago for a few years and everybody would ask me if my family were corn farmers. I never knew before then that there were people who had never been on a farm. Haha.. There are people who have never left New York city! True story, I know one, lol. He just got his driver's license last fall.. 24 yrs. old! |
Matchmaking Game - part 169
Do you live in Mayberry? Rofl.. I love it! Close) |
Matchmaking Game - part 169
I love the climate down here. I'd much rather go from 25 to 65 throughout the winter months than from -25 to 40.. ;p With trees to shield the wind from you, small rolling hills.. Ice or snow maybe once every two years or so, and it only lasts for a day so you can build your snowman then watch him melt.
No earthquakes, no forest fires running thousands from their homes, just north of having to worry about the weather results of any hurricanes. Takes a minute to get to grandma's house, two for my mother, 10 for school and work, and maybe 20 to Wal-Mart, but that's on the entire other side of town. And when I do go, I get to see all the people I've grown up around, and hear kids yelling, "Hey Ms. Hix" down the aisles...(the kids I teach) My shopping trip may take 20 mins. more as I stand near the eggs and chat with an old friend from high school I haven't seen in years, waving to my Sunday school teacher who just picked up some milk. I had my windows open all day yesterday and wore a t-shirt until after dinner. I'm going to get out tomorrow and till up my ground for potatoes and turnip greens, maybe a little broccoli..the rest will be planted in March sometime. I have one neighbor, a dear old lady age 94. A wooded area behind and to the left of the house with a large creek and swinging vines..all sorts of turtles and frogs and snakes to explore. It's quiet and undisturbed here and I love it! |
Republicans say NO !!
That's only $67.608 Billion. Where's the other $733 billion? Didnt you want to show it all? Here ya go) • $825 billion total (as of 1/15/09) • $550 billion in new spending, described as thoughtful and carefully targeted priority investments with unprecedented accountability measures built in. • $275 billion in tax relief ($1,000 tax cut for families, $500 tax cut for individuals through SS payroll deductions) • $ 90 billion for infrastructure • $ 87 billion Medicaid aid to states • $ 79 billion school districts/public colleges to prevent cutbacks • $ 54 billion to encourage energy production from renewable sources • $ 41 billion for additional school funding ($14 billion for school modernizations and repairs, $13 billion for Title I, $13 billion for IDEA special education funding, $1 billion for education technology) • $ 24 billion for "health information technology to prevent medical mistakes, provide better care to patients and introduce cost-saving efficiencies" and "to provide for preventative care and to evaluate the most effective healthcare treatments." • $ 16 billion for science/technology ($10 billion for science facilities, research, and instrumentation; $6 billion to expand broadband to rural areas) • $ 15 billion to increase Pell grants by $500 • $ 6 billion for the ambiguous "higher education modernization." The cost of the bill to the each and every American family, if they can pay it in taxes, is 10K..but! we will get a $1000 tax cut, so it's really only 9K. I don't know about you guys, but I can't afford 9K right now, lol. THE LARGEST SPENDING BILL IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD! True story. |
Republicans say NO !!
They're backed into a corner financially, but the smart ones are still speaking out.
The most outspoken critic has been South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, who has warned for months of a steep spike in inflation and a severely weakened dollar if Obama's plan passed. His state is on track to receive $2.1 billion of the stimulus money; Sanford has not yet said whether he would accept it. "It's incumbent on me as one of the nation's governors to speak out against what I believe is ultimately incredibly harmful to the economy, to taxpayers and to the worth of the U.S. dollar," Sanford said in an interview. "This plan is a huge mistake and is going to prolong and deepen this recession." And he's right. Put flowers on the plan all you like, the ultimate result is going to be a further loss of jobs, businesses moving overseas while this 10 yr. plan sinks the economy even further. Green trucks that are sitting in the parking lot because businesses either had to shut their doors or move overseas while they were being built is not a wise way to spend money. I'm not against trying to use less oil, I actually favor it, but the amounts in this bill, plus all they want to spend on the other non-stimulus crap is appalling. Here is is again. * $600 Million To Buy New Cars For Government Workers\. These cars would be "green" friendly cars - however very few gas pumps have the right gas to run these cars. The Federal government already spends $3.5 billion a year. This could be lessened and done gradually given our current economic crises. money could be spent elsewhere or not at all until we get back on our feet. * $10M for bike and walking trails (non-stimulus) * $200M for plug-in car stations * $400 million for NASA scientists to conduct climate change research (non-stimulus) * $800 million to clean up Superfund (non-stimulus..a redistribution to make books look cleaner) * $600 million for grants for diesel emission reduction (non-stimulus) * $650 million for "alternative energy technologies, energy efficiency enhancements and deferred maintenance at Federal facilities" (10 yr. stimulus, could be reduced again, given current money problems) * $1.5 billion for construction of "Green Schools" (non-stimulus) * $2.7B in NIH grants which would be targeted to among other things embryonic stem cell experimentation. (non-stimulus) * $75 million for smoking cessation This contradicts the latest version of SCHIP that is funded largely by new taxes on cigarettes. (non-stimulus) * $4.19 billion open to ACORN. The Pelosi-Reid bill makes groups like ACORN eligible for a $4.19 billion pot of money for "neighborhood stabilization activities." (non-stimulus) * $54 billion will go to federal programs that the Office of Management and Budget or the Government Accountability Office have already criticized as "ineffective" or unable to pass basic financial audits. (a complete waste of money) * $462 Million for Equipment, Construction, and Renovation of Facilities at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (non-stimulus) * $150 Million for Repairs to Smithsonian Institution Facilities (non-stimulus) * $44 million to the Agricultural Research Service (non-stimulus) * $227 million for oversight of the pork barrel spending in the stimulus (for oversight alone!! to study the mating habits of the bear in Montana, wow) * $1 Billion for The Follow-Up To The 2010 Census (non-stimulus) How can anyone call this a stimulus package? There are only two things on the list that could create a substantial amt. of jobs, and they would take 10 yrs. to be fully effective in their plans.. |
I'm a Jesus freak !
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Matchmaking Game - part 169
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Sun 02/01/09 06:49 AM
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