Community > Posts By > Rickyfrost

Rickyfrost's photo
Thu 03/05/09 12:35 AM
very good i loke it and fell it

Rickyfrost's photo
Thu 03/05/09 12:29 AM
arms wide open Dedicated to my son Brayden

Well I just heard the news today
It seems my life is gonna change
I closed my eyes, began to pray
Then tears of joy streamed down my face

With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
With arms wide open

Well I don't know if I'm ready
To be the man I have to be
I'll take a breath, Ill take her by my side
We stand in awe, we've created life

With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
WIth arms wide open
Now everything has changed
I'll show you love
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
With arms wide open
I'll show you everything
Oh yeah
With arms wide open, wide open

If I had just one wish
Only one demand
I hope he's not like me
I hope he understands
That he can take this life
And hold it by the hand
That he can greet the world
With arms wide open

With arms wide open
Under the sunlight
Welcome to this place
I'll show you everything
WIth arms wide open
Now everything has changed
I'll show you love
I'll show you everything
With arms wide open
With arms wide open
I'll show you everything
Oh yeah

With arms wide open, wide open

Rickyfrost's photo
Thu 03/05/09 12:19 AM
Through the corridor past the main hall
There are two doors opposite each other
I walk to the door on my left to examine it and notice
The paint has been chipping away
The handle itself appears as if
The pressure of my hands would cause it to collapse.
There is a strange eerieness as I look upon this door
Yet I am drawn to it as if being pulled towards this door by gravity
So I take a step closer
Compelled by an insatiable curiousity to discover
What's behind it.

I stretch out my hand towards the tarnished brass
When I pause for a moment...

I look behind my shoulder towards the other door
A strange sensation overcomes my mind
Something is telling me not to open this decaying door-
Where are these thoughts coming from?
I turn around to examine
And see the exact same door except
This one seems to be better kept
The paint is smooth and even
The handle looks sturdy and secure
I can see a white light peeking underneath the door itself
As if whatever was behind it was illuminating the entire room.
I look upon this door and feel safe.

My mind struggles
I feel that for whichever door I open
I am destined to continue through
No matter what I see inside,
I cannot go back...
My heart yearns to open the door to the lighted room
But I am so tempted to see what is contained in the other

I close my eyes and spin myself into a dizzying frenzy
I spin and spin
And with my outstretched hands
I blindly grasp towards a door handle and turn it...
I take cautious steps as
I keep my eyes shut so tight...

Which door did I choose?
I can't tell....

I open my eyes slowly
Letting myself adjust to the surroundings
Easing my equilibrium from it's vertigo
And I look around...

I am home.

Rickyfrost's photo
Thu 03/05/09 12:04 AM
knocking on heavens door

the guns and roses version

Rickyfrost's photo
Thu 03/05/09 12:02 AM
Recollections of the past promote my destructive thoughts.
These sinister schemes are guised by a veil of disinterest but
My betraying eyes would adore to openly expose how much I
Resent you,
Despise you,
How I am absolutely exasperated by you,and what I have become.

Your disregard makes me consider violent acts of retribution
And I embrace them completely
I am encouraged to perform each and every single action upon you
But yet, I wonder
Should my desires be satisfied or delayed?
The concept of committing myself to forget it all
As enviable and necessary it would be for myself to move on
It continues to elude my grasp.

You hate me
This much I know,
But no more than I hate you when I become
Repulsed by the syllables of your new name
Disgusted by the stench of the new memories you create that exclude me
Sickened by the residue of your unerasable presence in my life

And here you are with your
Amusing smiles and
Pleasurable laughter...
You have become a distinguished and celebrated woman...
Me a known artist in the music industry
And my success aggravates your existence.

Realize that if it weren't for me
You would not be able to smile at who you once were
And say you are better because of it
You would not be able to laugh at the mistakes you made
And say you have learned and risen above it

I was always here before you ever came along
But I know that I am now just a peripheral shadow of who you once chose to be with ....
And your light blinds me.
You would not be this independant woman you are today
If you didn't ever met me

I see you
Even though you don't always see me
At least, not the way you used to...
We did love each other for a time
and you gave me the most precious
gift in life... a son!
don't be selfish i am here to
and i need him as much as you..

But you won't ever forget me
Regardless of what you become or accomplish
Because I will always be here in your past
and the voice inside your head will never
rest until you share what is ours ,my son

Rickyfrost's photo
Wed 03/04/09 11:49 PM
lol just putting lines as i go !

Rickyfrost's photo
Wed 03/04/09 11:39 PM
“Help me,” whispers a young woman’s voice. In the dim light peering through drapes of an isolated open window, a shadowy figure stands vigilant and watches her from outside, quietly and almost expectantly. She is bound, both hands together above her head with duct tape at her wrists to the bed frame, and have become raw and sore from her previous attempts to free herself. Her body, bruised and naked, is barely covered by a thin white sheet that is stained with blood and sweat.

“Please…” she pleads. Her crisp blue eyes glisten in the darkness of the room as the sunlight steals a glance upon her face. The dry wind and heat blow gently into the room. She cannot see any features of this being that has been watching her for some time, and it has refused to speak a single syllable since it arrived when she first awoke today.

She looks around the small room, which is not much larger than a makeshift tool shed, as she had done so many times since she found herself captive three days ago. Desperately searching for something that would help her escape from her torturers that had left her in this position she discovers a simple rusted nail protruding from the wooden wall above her bed. Every attempt to reach it fails. There is no slack with this tape and her bruised wrists ache with every exertion.

Tears begin to well up as she looks again at the figure towards the window.

“Why won’t you help me?” she screams, but no response is made nor any movement seen by the presence. She becomes infuriated and screams at the top of her lungs as she had done so many times, “Help me! Somebody…Can anybody hear me?”

A sound of a car engine in the distance halts her cries. Could it be that her captors have returned?

There is a silence followed by the heavy sounds of two truck doors slamming coupled with sound of drunken laughter and howling. They have returned. The girl screams, “No!”

Fear grows inside. She knows what they will do to her. They have done so repeatedly since they abducted her and bound her, and each time has grown worse and more violent. She pleads to the figure at the window in panicked whispers. Still, there is no response from it.

From her view to the window, she sees the same vile men walk past the figure standing in front of the window as if there was no one there. Her momentary confusion at what she just saw is replaced by fear as her captors open the door and mockingly yell, “Honey, we’re home!”

They both beam their sick yellow smiles at her and stagger towards her to the bed.

She begins to whimper and recoils away from them as far as she can although her efforts are minimal with her restraints preventing any progress to do so. She glances at the window and sees the figure still there, in the same position, watching her. The two men see her desperation and they begin to feel familiar warmth grow within.

They jump on top of the helpless woman and begin to enter her with forceful hands. She screams at them to stop and pleads for them to leave her alone. One man instead beats her to silence her screams while the other continues to violate her. She is dizzy from the abuse and her gaze drifts towards the window again where she sees the same figure standing there…motionless and quiet, oblivious to what is happening to her. She becomes limp and unresponsive to their repetitive abuse, and simply stares blankly towards the figure at the window which remains in the same position idly watching the entire horrific scene. She only receives a few minutes of relief as they take turns to congratulate themselves and alternate feeding their sick hunger upon her until the sky begins to turn dark. Fatigued and beaten, ravaged and broken, she blacks out after enduring four straight hours of this torture.

They continue on for several hours afterward, not caring that she is unconscious. Yet still, the figure stands at the window, silently and continuously watching.

.. ..

The woman wakes up. It is morning and she finds the tiny room empty. It appears that her captors have left her alone, again. The pain she feels is immeasurable. She looks down upon her body and sees that one of her legs is bent abnormally, bruises and bite marks cover her entire body, and the vision on her left eye is completely obstructed by the swelling from repeated blows to her head. She looks weakly at the window and sees the figure still standing there.

She wants to scream but the deep inhale of breath to do so causes extreme agony in her ribs. She feels anger and confusion but is too weak to display any other emotion than helplessness. She cries, “Why can’t I just die? I can’t take this anymore,” and she closes her eyes, praying silently for death as the pain swells with every breath she takes.

The figure stands next to her bed now with an outstretched hand towards her face. It gently moves the brown strands of blood soaked hair away from her face. She opens her eyes and begins to cry as she realizes who this being was that had been standing at the window for so long, and has just now come to her side.

“Please!” she whispers between her tears. “Please, don’t. Please,” her eyes wide with fear.

Then there is absolute quiet…

She is dead.

The figure is gone.

The distant low hum of the familiar truck begins to rise. It is the two captors driving wildly in the dirt road laughing heartily and swerving towards the small makeshift shack in the middle of an abandoned farm. A clumsy wave of one of their hands switches on the radio. It is the local news:

“Authorities are still in search of a local woman that has been missing for four days. Police have been following leads and the town has been coordinating a search team in the nearby…excuse me, just in. It appears that the family has just released vital information regarding this woman. If anyone has any information on her whereabouts, please contact the police department right away. It has just been announced that she is a carrier of the AIDs virus and is in serious need of her medication.”

The passenger shuts off the radio and begins shaking his head.

“No, no- they aren’t talkin’ about…no,” and he hits his hands against his head in desperation. The driver looks at his companion and then looks up to the roof of his truck. He thinks to himself about his wife and kids at home. He thinks to himself about how he had just made love to his wife the night before. He thinks to himself about how just this morning, he had bandaged his daughter’s scraped knee and noticed his hands had dried blood from the girl they had bound in the shack.

The two men stop the car and the dust settles around them. They look at each other and their smug smiles no longer cover their faces. The look ahead towards the shack where they know now, the girl they have been raping and beating repeatedly for the past four days, is this same girl they described on the radio.

They begin to drive away from the shack as fast as they can, wildly thinking they can outrun the sins of what they had done and hopefully outrace the virus spreading itself throughout their bodies.

The driver intently looks ahead, only once quickly glancing at the rearview mirror to see the shack disappearing in the horizon, when he notices something in the mirror. He adjusts it with his free hand and is alarmed to see that in bed of his truck, there is a shadowy being sitting quietly as the dust fills the air around it. This being was the same that one the girl had seen so many times outside the window during the last days before her death and it was now sitting motionless and resolute in her captors’ truck. The driver rubs his eyes in disbelief and looks again at the rearview mirror hoping he was just seeing things in his mind, but there it was, still staring right back at him through the mirror…quietly and almost expectantly. He takes a regretful breath. He knows what it is.

It is Death.

Rickyfrost's photo
Wed 03/04/09 11:29 PM
Well what is it for me!

Thinking about it makes me smile
knowing thar my time is almost there
and knowing that i have followers of my
creations and watching them keeping track of
well i'll be next,the best part is not been there for me
is when i start to walk in the stage and i see them
moving to the dance floor and cheering me up
cause they know is my turn!

Always a good intro,followed by the sound of the
bass electronic sound blasting from the speakers
and people looking like they are in a trance,is not about
the money is about sharing and knowing your crowd
felling them and giving it to them!

spining is not consider work for me when it comes to electro,minimal,house and breaks
is about loving it and living it!

Rickyfrost's photo
Mon 12/29/08 11:25 PM
flowerforyou wow both are great and strong !
love them both !
You go girl!

Rickyfrost's photo
Mon 12/29/08 11:09 PM
oh no the money is good i am talking about me loosing the love i have for doing this
if it get to the point that i am doing this for the money i'll stop cause i know that at that moment my performance and dedication is not going to be the same!this is all about love for the music especialy break and electro

Rickyfrost's photo
Mon 12/29/08 10:54 PM
Is my mmmmm. i just can express what i feel everytime ! The only thing i know after all this years is that the day that this inside of me gets mixed up with (i just do it for the money ) idea
I'll stop doing this !

Rickyfrost's photo
Mon 12/29/08 10:45 PM
A wise woman puts a grain of sugar into everything she says to a man, and takes a grain
of salt with everything he says to her.

Helen Rowland (1875-1950) American journalist and humorist

Silence is the sleep that nourishes wisdom.

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) British statesman and philosopher

Without wisdom, knowledge is more stupid than ignorance.

To be wise and love exceeds man's might.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) British poet and playwright

A single conversation across the table with a wise man is worth a month's study of books.
Chinese Proverb

Rickyfrost's photo
Mon 12/29/08 10:36 PM
A wise woman puts a grain of sugar into everything she says to a man, and takes a grain of salt with everything he says to her.

Helen Rowland (1875-1950) American journalist and humorist

Rickyfrost's photo
Mon 12/29/08 10:25 PM
Love what you do & Do what you love!
Music is my release my world and my peace of mind the joy of creating something from nothing,are just sounds inside my mind those beats that sometimes wake me up with no regrets because this who i'm.
True this sounds i tell the world how i feel and who i am !

After creating something comes the hardest part;
the final test that will complete and answer my own question!As i spin my music at the events everyone that know my work expects more and this
are the judges of my performance the ones that i make sweat and jump all over the dance floor ,
and when the time comes to throw my new track they know,and can tell when is coming and chills run true my back and joy covers my smile.I know they will just love this one as much they love the other cause under my skin and bones this Music is My Blood!

Rickyfrost's photo
Mon 12/29/08 09:58 PM
Tutto merita di trovare uno un momento
non è quello di destra provo e nella
speranza prevedo una risposta è male
ci qualcosa in me nessuno è perfetto
ma siamo qui vivere. Inizio attività che
pensa due volte al giorno vedere un
messaggio di qualcuno; qualcuno per me
le estati verranno gli inverni andranno
ancora aspettare qualcuno, qualcuno per
sapere forse per chiacchierare o persino
una risata qualcuno da godere di questa
cosa denominano la vita. Im che lo aspetta
quello che ha fatto per completare il
rotture di testa
quello lo regolerà per vita. Affinchè me riempiano
gioia e sappia in questa vita che è là per
noi e non
si trova mai be è fatto per a vicenda conosco
che siete fuori là. Conoscendolo sia reale è un desiderio che nella mia mente che cerca lavorare alla conclusione dei periodi. Li ha fatti come gli uguali che è morto per i
nostri lifes questo dei reassons che so che i' ritrovamento del ll alcuni dove a tempo, forse i' il ll trova l'amore della mia vita!

Rickyfrost's photo
Mon 12/29/08 09:13 PM
Edited by Rickyfrost on Mon 12/29/08 09:24 PM
Everyone deserve to find one
sometime is not the right one
i try and in hope expect a reply
is there something wrong in me
nobody is perfect but we are here to live.

Log in twice a day expecting to see
a message of someone;someone for me
summers will come winters will go
still waiting for someone,someone to know
maybe to chat or even a laugh someone to enjoy
this thing they call life.Im waiting for you
the one that he made to complete the puzzle
that will set me for life.For me to fill joy and
know in this life that He is there for us
and never he lie be made for each other i know you are out there.Knowing you are real is a wish in my mind searching for till the end of times.
He made us like equals He died for our lifes
this one of the reassons that i know that i'll find some where in time ,maybe i'll find the love of my life!

Rickyfrost's photo
Sun 11/16/08 10:11 PM
This is the way !

The way that my rage gets burnt of,
realesing this in this way is the best and safest way.Walking and greiving the lost of my best menthor , my father that was .
Last thing that his eyes in live saw was him breathing true me and that was tough,the day that my dreams all came true the same day that my greiving starts to contract in pocket check in the bank oh jesus he never had time to see that !
I made it!i keep saying to dad ,you see i always told about that ! his heart was in pieces after that morning massive heart attack .He never has a chance to see me climb up in a stage and be me!
He's gone and did not get the chance to see his grandson thats sad.That month never wanted to end
it was time to start my new work . My mind wasn't working i couldn't get true my rage was upgrading is true!Is time to get busy ,busy and groove ,lyrics exploding,music pounding people screaming,my debut in a movent of greive and happines all in one !turn out to be the way i still work ,sing about life ,sing about experiences,sing about the moment and how happy you are to be there sharing with everyonebe greatful,be right ,be human,be love and love back .one nation,one sound .That's the music and pasion the sounds of Drum and Bass that puts me in touch whit the ground!

Rickyfrost's photo
Sun 11/16/08 10:09 PM
This is the way !

The way that my rage gets burnt of,
realesing this in this way is the best and safest way.Walking and greiving the lost of my best menthor , my father that was .
Last thing that his eyes in live saw was him breathing true me and that was tough,the day that my dreams all came true the same day that my greiving starts to contract in pocket check in the bank oh jesus he never had time to see that !
I made it!i keep saying to dad ,you see i always told about that ! his heart was in pieces after that morning massive heart attack .He never has a chance to see me climb up in a stage and be me!
He's gone and did not get the chance to see his grandson thats sad.That month never wanted to end
it was time to start my new work . My mind wasn't working i couldn't get true my rage was upgrading is true!Is time to get busy ,busy and groove ,lyrics exploding,music pounding people screaming,my debut in a movent of greive and happines all in one !turn out to be the way i still work ,sing about life ,sing about experiences,sing about the moment and how happy you are to be there sharing with everyonebe greatful,be right ,be human,be love and love back .one nation,one sound .That's the music and pasion the sounds of Drum and Bass that puts me in touch whit the ground!

Rickyfrost's photo
Sun 11/16/08 09:19 PM
I just finish my relationship with the mother of my Beautyful son and i just miss him sooooo much!
is only 3 days since i saw him and is eatin me !

Rickyfrost's photo
Sun 11/16/08 09:09 PM
Why do i miss you this much
and been close to you hurts this much.
i Need To have you in my hands but seen you in here tears my heart.
I fighting to get to my goal ,trying to start something new ,getting my life back act back in track ,to gain back the beat of my heart
Since the day you where born ,i have had a me purpose in life ,something in life worth to fight
seen my son come to life !
Now my relationship is gone mommy and daddy no more she's gone mad and i hope that god will please guide here in this too.i know i lost all that love what felt for her is there no more .
But you are my heart and my soul ,you are my flesh and my blood .there in no stone in this world that i would not move or even break to have you back in my hands cause you are the one that i want!

Hard times come to any human and as mucha a mother loves and father hurt the most!