Community > Posts By > Robhoskins

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Thu 05/14/15 08:08 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Thu 05/14/15 08:17 AM
Never mind don't know what its like to have that said to me face to face !

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Thu 05/14/15 07:20 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Thu 05/14/15 07:33 AM
More like chemicals in brain go hay wire and feel so hurt that nothink feels worth while feels like the person that was going to be offspring's mother did not want child with , so child never born and heart never got to be born so heart got broken in two and she never cared and through her half of heart away ! I still keep the half of heat that I had as a tattoo on my body half a heart and tryed to make a hole heart half on each wist so I would not hurt a female human same way to remind my self what it feels like so I don't do it like what was done to me to another !

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Wed 05/13/15 10:52 PM
Edited by Robhoskins on Wed 05/13/15 11:25 PM
Loads on loads of site don't think I have been on one that aint got them on ! I think still if they give the bank details over to wrong person they might rob there bank account as it would be hard explaining to cops wont it a scammer being robbed ! Cose a proper hacker could probably be able to find transfer's and still from there main cash supply and clean them out that's if working for someone !
I don know why gangs don't hire hackers to get money from them would be easy money steeling from scammers the hackers could even put a program on to the account so ever transfer would get taken straight out would get scammers to stop know money would go from gangs but earn why you can right as they keep saying its about the money !
Well gangs are another sort of police dealing with what police can not or that's how it use to be ! There was a line if gangs crossed it police would step in and stop it and if police crossed line gangs would step in and stop it keeping a balance so citizens could get on with there life with out even knowing but it got corrupted!

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Wed 05/13/15 11:15 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Wed 05/13/15 11:19 AM

I Think that men's biggest mistake is that they're too aggressive with their tongues. What do men claim??? I've heard that women don't open their mouths wide enough. What do you think?

You can't generalize...I am loathe of hearing the Jaws theme when a woman comes at me with her mouth open so wide I get saliva in both ears simultaneously.

This is rivaled only by tight lipped women who give me the impression that I am being pecked by a chicken repeatedly stabbing her beak at my mouth. Ain't no bugs in there!

Also, I think a lot of people just go for broke when it comes to kissing.

Kissing, in this opine of mine, is supposed to start out simply enough and build from there. You know, kinda like foreplay before sex. Foreplay. You know, the stuff you do before....oh, never mind. :laughing:

Of course I am one of the world's great kissers. I perfected my skill through years of coaxing the jelly filling from donuts without injuring the pastry. If you don't believe me, try me out! (bigsmile It was worth a shot).

Bad kissing makes me not so interested. :wink: So practice!

I like that lol . If I found a female and was she was bad kisser if she's around long enough would teacher her but never stayed long enough ! Also think if partner don't like kiss should say so it can be changed to suit that's what I would want my partner to do ! Also would want my partner to practise lots with me on a daily basis :).

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Wed 05/13/15 09:59 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Wed 05/13/15 10:13 AM

Why bother with nuclear weapons waste of money as never fired !
Other things are way more of a deterrent such as destroying the nuclear bomb on ground before ever leaving silo much more dangerous as radiation can be dispersed with out the excess weight on missiles !

MAD,Mutual Assured Destruction!

What's point on M.A.D aint it about winning no person wins with nuclear weapons and ground no good to work for years !
I prefer am (asteroid missiles) to pm (preventative missiles) as am dont effect future generations with radiation !
Old saying got to get up early to beat me ! :)
Well got to go been nice talking :) .

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Wed 05/13/15 09:54 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Wed 05/13/15 09:56 AM

Why bother with nuclear weapons waste of money as never fired !
Other things are way more of a deterrent such as destroying the nuclear bomb on ground before ever leaving silo much more dangerous as radiation can be dispersed with out the excess weight on missiles !

well, be worried when they do "remove" the nukes, because when they do, they will have something "better" to replace them with....

Understand but do people not think already got things better to replace with ?
Smart missile's as would class as but not missiles that hit ground like asteroid's no explosives in them just a guidance system and propellant and use earth outer atmosphere to speed up before hitting ground at high velocity just hardened tip and maximum amount of fuel !

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Wed 05/13/15 09:42 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Wed 05/13/15 09:45 AM
Why bother with nuclear weapons waste of money as never fired !
Other things are way more of a deterrent such as destroying the nuclear bomb on ground before ever leaving silo much more dangerous as radiation can be dispersed with out the excess weight on missiles !

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Wed 05/13/15 09:35 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Wed 05/13/15 09:48 AM
I like to gently bite bottom lip .don't like it when a girl shoves her tongue in my mouth hard got to be soft and caressing!

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Wed 05/13/15 09:33 AM

You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the ol Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Kim.

or fall asleep around the little guy...

Do you whys that ?
"Aint better learning !"

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Wed 05/13/15 09:24 AM

Kim Jong Un should execute his barber......

Lots have own style that they like !

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Wed 05/13/15 09:06 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Wed 05/13/15 09:31 AM

You don't tug on Superman's cape, you don't spit into the wind, you don't pull the mask off the ol Lone Ranger and you don't mess around with Kim.

Obviously people do if not scared of death , a good lead would listen but young and mistakes happen or never had a good enough idea missile interception should be priority on defence and a good sea defence using stealth missile technology as defence using stealth fighter style design with intermittent radar onto target so rail guns can not lock on to it and missiles to or find out the systems and when they lock on and get radar or tracking system to shut off with slight corrections on target in air after shut off to alour for evasive manovers on strategy of captain in test manovers on training exercise's as most country's have been tracking and watching captain's training through satellites for years !

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Wed 05/13/15 09:03 AM

Obviously loves noses more than lips !

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Wed 05/13/15 08:18 AM
Who said anythink about ghost's?:)
Congressman probably thinks it was an attack on him funny how people that are or was in power think they are important!

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Wed 05/13/15 08:11 AM

The National Transportation & Safety Board.
The White House Press Secretary

Philadelphia Pa- A Northeast Regional Amtrak Train 1888 * the busiest passenger line in the country, Washington DC to New York* derailed shortly after 9pm last night.
At the Frankford junction, in the Richmond section of the city.

238 passengers
5 crew
6 dead (2 women decapitated)
146 injured (mostly from flying objects & people)
25 still hospitalized
8 remain in critical condition

Former Republican Congressman was on board (& is now on Twitter w/ photos)

Philadelphia Mayor, Michael Nutter-
" We do not know what happened here. We do not know why it happened"

The impact tore 7 cars sending them flying from the tracks & left the engine mangled, 3 cars were left upright, 3 cars on there side & " a seventh car is leaning hard" . So far there is nothing to indicate an act of terrorism.

White House press Secretary, Josh Earnest said on CNN's 'New Day' (show), The Obama administration is 'hard at work' trying to figure out what caused the crash, and that their prayers & thoughts are with the families of everyone effected.

Maybe one of them was marked took last breath the rest was collateral damage !

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Wed 05/13/15 08:05 AM
Me personalty I was looking for a female partner for rest of life ! How about you ?

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Wed 05/13/15 02:12 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Wed 05/13/15 02:27 AM
Younger females never seemed to be interested for some reason since I was young ! Actually given up looking now only came on cose was lonely got past that now ! Maybe its cose I always wanted a family and maybe younger female could sense it or somethink I was not in rush to have one straight away but never said that till now !:(. Just waiting to take last breath now I am looking forward to it as ain't got to be part of stupid dating or stupid life as mine has been put it in the best way crap !

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Wed 05/13/15 02:12 AM
So is there any nice older females on site as it seems that must be my type I don't know ?

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Wed 05/13/15 02:02 AM
Edited by Robhoskins on Wed 05/13/15 02:10 AM
My first wife was 13 years older than me ! I met her when I was teaching a marshal arts class and was her splits partner for a lot of classes must of been nearly touching with feet together and nearly thighs together bending round each others sides that did it !

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Wed 05/13/15 01:59 AM

Don't share anymore after getting burnt ever stay or not is thoughts now ! I am married but ain't seen her for years don't even know how to send divorce papers to her and want a girl friend !

Talk to a lawyer you might be able to devorce her without seeing her.
I hope you find someone.

Can not afford a lawyer on minimum wage and have nearly no savings well savings probably only work out to my weeks salary !

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Wed 05/13/15 01:42 AM
Don't share anymore after getting burnt ever stay or not is thoughts now ! I am married but ain't seen her for years don't even know how to send divorce papers to her and want a girl friend !